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风险知觉是指人对潜伏于环境中的危险的主观评定方式或评定值,以“不确定性”为本质特征。在对心理学领域中关于风险知觉研究的三个历史阶段进行回顾的基础上,介绍了不同时期风险知觉的研究内容和研究方法,指出已往研究在风险值评定和危险源识别等方面存在的问题,从理论、测量、扩展三方面对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

普通话韵律词重音知觉   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
实验一研究了韵律词重音的多个声学相关物,及其对韵律词重音知觉贡献的大小,结果表明,按照贡献大小的次序,影响普通话韵律词重音感知的声学参数是:时长、音高、频谱倾斜和平均能量。实验二研究非声学参数因素对普通话韵律词重音知觉的影响,实验结果表明,听者关于普通话韵律词重音方面的语言学知识对韵律词重音的知觉有显著影响。  相似文献   

Three experiments identified factors that did and did not enhance the formation of two‐node four‐member equivalence classes when training and testing were conducted with trials presented in a trace stimulus pairing two‐response (SP2R) format. All trials contained two separately presented stimuli. Half of the trials, called within‐class trials, contained stimuli from the same class while the other half, called cross class trials, contained stimuli from different classes. On within class trials, making a YES response was correct and making a NO response was wrong. On cross class trials, making a NO response was correct and making a YES response was wrong. In Experiment 1, similar intermediate percentages of participants (about 50%) formed classes, regardless of whether the responses were labeled YES and NO or SAME and DIFF. Response labeling thus did not influence class formation. Regardless of response labels, failures of class formation were primarily due to failure of class‐indicative responding produced by within‐class transitivity probes. In Experiment 2, only 50% of participants formed classes without prior training, as in Experiment 1, but 100% of participants formed equivalence classes after the establishment of a generalized transitivity repertoire by use of a programmed transitivity induction protocol. Experiment 3 examined two components of the programmed transitivity induction protocol and found that the exclusion of AC trials had no effect on the percentage of participants who formed equivalence classes, while presenting the stimulus sets in randomized order interfered with equivalence class formation. A further analysis found that a number of stimulus control topographies differentiated between individuals who did and did not form equivalence classes. In general, then, these experiments demonstrate that equivalence classes can be formed reliably when training and testing are conducted in an SP2R format, supporting the view that equivalence class formation can account for the development of conceptual categories in natural settings.  相似文献   

工作情景中管理人员的风险认知研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢晓非  徐联仓 《心理学报》2000,32(1):115-120
我国持续进行的经济体制改革,从形式到内容都不可能不对企业有深刻的影响。不管是主动还是被迫的,危机感和竞争意识都在强烈地冲击着人们,对于管理人员尤其如此。因此,作者选择从“风险认知”的角度,探讨处于改革浪潮前列的企业管理人员,在其工作情景下对一些敏感问题的认识。研究发现,不同所有制形式对管理人员的风险认知有一定的影响。“企业效益”仍然是困扰企业管理人员的最大问题。“企业效益”被知觉为最高风险因素。并且,企业经营策略(冒险或保守)与企业效力有很高的相关。  相似文献   

本文用Garner快速分类法研究了发音人规范化和语境补偿过程与声调知觉的关系。得到的主要结果是:(1)发音人变化对声调识别产生了显著的Gar-ner干扰;声调变化对男女声判别产生了同样的十扰。(2)语境变化对声调识别也产生了显著的Garner干扰。按照Garner方法的假设,这说明发音人规范化和语境变异补偿与声调识别之问是相互联系和相互影响的。(3)虽然发音人和语境同时变化引起的声调识别反应时延长约等于它们单独变化时反应时延长量之和,但正确率下降远大于单独变化时下降量之和。说明发音人和语境变异对声调识别的干扰不是独立的,它们之间存在相互作用。这种作用增加了声调识别的难度。  相似文献   

Three severely retarded young adults between the ages of 19 and 21 years participated in a prevocational training program, and worked regularly on six different tasks during the scheduled six-hour day. The study attempted to assess each subject's preferences for the six tasks: collating, stuffing, sorting, pulley assembly, flour-sifter assembly, and circuit-board stuffing. In Phase I, the procedure consisted of randomly pairing each task with all other tasks in a two-choice situation that required the subjects to select one task from each pair combination to work for a seven-minute period. The selection procedure consisted of presenting two representative task objects on a tray and requesting the subject to pick up one object and place it on the work table. The object selected represented the task worked for that period. The 15 possible pair combinations were presented randomly every two days for a period of 34 days to determine the preferences. During the validation phase (Phase II), each subject's least- and most-preferred tasks were paired separately with moderately-preferred tasks. As expected, these manipulations confirmed the baseline data, as choices for the moderately-preferred tasks decreased when consistently paired with the preferred tasks and increased when consistently paired with the least-preferred tasks.  相似文献   

利用二维铁钦纳错觉图片对单手及双手抓握情境下的知觉与行为分离现象进行实验验证,并探讨注意引导等因素对分离现象的影响。实验包括知觉任务和行为任务两项内容,前者主要测量被试的主观错觉量,后者则探讨分离现象是否存在及其影响因素。在行为任务中,记录被试在中心(目标)圆尺寸“实际相同”和“知觉相同”等不同情境下的行为,以拇指和食指抓握图片中心圆的最大抓握孔径为行为指标。结果发现:单手抓握时,左、右手的行为虽然在一定程度上受到了错觉的影响,但均显示出分离现象;双手抓握时,右手受错觉影响的程度减少,分离现象增强,而左手的结果则比较混淆。因此,分离现象是存在的,但它的出现可能受到注意引导、注意分配倾向或双手协调能力等因素的影响。  相似文献   

刺激属性对内隐社会知觉的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
周爱保  陈晓云 《心理科学》1998,21(3):234-237
本文通过选择不同词性(消极词、积极词和中性词)的双字词64个,主要对“刺激属性”变量进行了实验操作;采用“意识过滤”技术和速示辨认测验对内隐社会知觉的特点进行了考察;结果发现,实验材料的笔划数和被试的性别对内隐社会知觉没有影响,刺激的特性和刺激的启动作用对内除社会知觉有显著的影响;同时还证明速示辨认测验不受意识的“污染”,将速示辨认作为内臆测验的方法是比较“纯净的”。  相似文献   

变形汉字的结构方式和笔画数效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾捷英等提出并采用了汉字通透性概念解释汉字识别中的字形属性效应,例如笔画数效应、笔画类型效应和结构方式效应。在有关研究中采用的主要实验方法是在速示、重复速示、非速示、时间或空间微观发生等条件下要求被试命名汉字。该研究将采用新的实验方法,即在呈现变形汉字1200ms后要求被试报告识别内容。结构方式和笔画数两种字形属性为研究对象。实验结果表明存在着常规的结构方式效应和笔画数效应,尤为重要的是观察到了逆转的结构方式效应。客观计算出的汉字通透性可以合理地解释这些效应。该研究和先前研究部分证明了关于汉字字形知觉的一个重要假设:汉字通透性是形成各种字形属性效应的基本或主导原因。字形属性对汉字识别的影响可以归结为通透性的影响,这称之为通透性中介假设。  相似文献   

短时距知觉中的面积效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
初步探讨了短时距(1─5s)下时距刺激的面积大小和立体框架大小对时距知觉的影响及其成因。结果表明:刺激的面积大小对短时距知觉的影响极其显著;存在两种不同反应类型的被试─-大小依存者与非大小依存者,在不同反应类型的被试中刺激的立体框架大小对短时距知觉的影响不同,刺激的立体框架大小对大小依存者的短时距知觉的影响极其显著,但对非大小依存者的影响不显著。  相似文献   

研究双眼性的深度运动知觉,结果表明,双眼视网膜象的速度差信息,在深度运动的速度检测中起重要作用;而速度比信息则有助于判断深度运动的方向,人眼感知的深度运动的速度大小正比于双眼网膜象的速度差,感知的运动方向则取决于速度比。提出人类视觉系统具有从二维网膜信息获得三维运动知党的双限性机制,据此解释了双眼视觉的速度检测特性以及所具有的0.2°的方向分辨率,理论模型与实验结果及日常视知觉符合良好。  相似文献   

李晓轩  王甦 《心理学报》1999,32(3):241-248
返回控制中的知觉优先是指相对于非线索化位置,线索化位置的刺激被优先知觉到的现象。研究采用时序判断方法对不同注意定向下返回抑制的知觉优先现象进行了两个实验。实验1采用连续线索化的安排,发现当注意从线索化位置移开后知觉优先仍然存在;实验2采用同时呈现双线索的安排发现知觉优先也存在。  相似文献   

Variations in mothers' role perceptions were studied as a function of (a) the amount of time mothers spend with their children, and (b) the cultural ideology of childrearing that assigns to the mother either sole or shared responsibility for socialization. Four groups of Israeli mothers of toddlers were studied. Among nuclear family mothers 21 had children in nursery school, and 22 had children in fulltime daycare. Among kibbutz mothers 23 lived on Familial kibbutzim where children slept at home, and 22 lived on Communal kibbutzim where children slept apart from their parents. Questionnaires assessed mothers' perceptions of mother and caregiver influence and their use of disciplinary and nurturant techniques. Whereas amount of time did not contribute to variations in role perceptions, childrearing ideology (sole vs shared socialization responsibility) showed strong effects. In accord with nuclear family ideology, daycare mothers perceived mothers as more influential and as using more of all socializing techniques than caregivers. In accord with their ideology of shared responsibilities, kibbutz mothers perceived caregivers to be as influential as mothers. Further, as specified by kibbutz ideology, kibbutz mothers reported that they used nurturance more and disciplinary techniques less than caregivers. The importance of cultural ideology on parents' role perceptions is discussed.  相似文献   

人眼深度运动知觉的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类的深度运动知觉,是通过检测二维平面内的相对运动而形成的。本文在心理物理学实验基础上,揭示该机制的数学与生理学实现形式。视觉系统中存在对视平面内的相对运动敏感的神经元,构成深度运动的检测机制,产生单眼深度运动知觉与双眼深度运动知觉。在心理学上,视觉利用物体视角变化及大小知觉的恒常性判断深度运动。文中还初步讨论了人类的深度运动知觉与蜜蜂,家蝇等昆虫的深度运动知觉的区别。  相似文献   

This essay provides an interpretation of Jonathan Edwards's moral thought that calls attention to the motif of perception in his conception of true virtue. The aim is to illumine the extent to which Edwards's virtue ethics can be included in and contribute to prevailing approaches to virtue in contemporary theological ethics. To advance this proposal, this essay attends to the question of moral agency that Edwards's reflections on charity, the new spiritual sense, and religious affections raise. This procedure offers an acute sense of the significance of perception for Edwards's virtue ethics, which in turn allows for a constructive Edwardsean entry into current theological discussions on the narrative character of virtue.  相似文献   

运用问卷法和访谈法对中小学教师对欺负的界定及对三种欺负类型严重性认知的特点进行了研究。结果发现,中小学教师普遍认可欺负的伤害性及力量非均衡性特征,对未受激惹性特征存在争议,对部分欺负情境的重复性特征认同率较低。教师一致认为直接身体欺负最严重,直接言语欺负次之,间接欺负最不严重。某一行为情境是否被判定为欺负行为与教师们对该情境严重性的认知有显著相关。  相似文献   

汉字早期字形加工中的部件数效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
周新林  曾捷英 《心理学报》2003,35(4):514-519
探讨部件数效应是否在汉字早期字形加工中存在。要求被试识别重复速示方式下的具有不同部件数的汉字字形。大学生为被试。在实验1中,发现4部件字比在通透性、笔画数、字频和像素数上匹配的2部件字更容易识别字形;在实验2中,2部件字的通透性比4部件字更好,此时没有识别成绩上的差异。上面的结果表明在字形加工中存在着部件数效应,它指部件越多越容易识别汉字字形。在讨论部分提出了一个字形加工的部分线索模型,它指被试可以根据汉字的部分线索(例如部件)识别整个汉字。  相似文献   

Jianhui Li  Zheng Fu 《Zygon》2015,50(2):534-547
From 1979 to 1999, a heated dispute over the science or pseudoscience of extraordinary power or extrasensory perception (ESP) took place in China. During these two decades, many so‐called “grandmasters” of ESP and Qigong emerged, and millions of people across the country studied with them; this was known as “Qigong Fever” or “ESP Fever.” The supporters of ESP argued that ESP existed, people could cultivate ESP through specific Qigong training, and ESP was a science; whereas the opponents of ESP denied all of these. Both sides of the dispute had many supporters. With the onset of Qigong Fever in China, some Qigong and ESP masters developed their Qigong organizations into Chinese‐style religions. Qigong Fever ended when the religions were banned by the Chinese government. The rise of Qigong Fever demonstrated that basic questions about the boundaries between science and pseudoscience were not easy to answer. Different theoretical and practical consequences resulted from different answers to these questions.  相似文献   

在本研究中,中美两国8—14岁的耳聋儿童先临摹雷—奥复杂图形(ROCF),然后凭记忆再绘出来。x~2检验和H 检验表明,被试的年龄是影响测验结果的最重要的变量。通过对中、美两国儿童得分的比较分析,一般说来,在较小的年龄阶段,美国儿童显示出较复杂的信息处理能力,而中国儿童绘图往往更精确。这些差异可能是由教育和早期语言训练造成的。  相似文献   

何贵兵  张平 《心理学报》2004,36(1):37-43
以往社会决策图式理论没有考虑决策群体中成员的地位、成员的价值取向和专长知识分布等决策者影响力因素对群体决策整合过程的影响。本文在考虑上述诸因素影响的前提下构建了决策者影响力函数,通过投资决策模拟实验,综合使用决策影响力函数和个体偏好分布来预测群体决策的结果。研究表明综合运用决策者影响力函数和修改后的社会决策图式理论比传统的理论能更准确和有效的预测群体决策。  相似文献   

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