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Rats were trained on concurrent schedules under which responses on one lever postponed shock (avoidance) and responses on the other lever produced brief (2-min) periods of signaled timeout from avoidance. For 6 rats, timeout from avoidance was programmed on a variable-interval 45-s schedule that generally resulted in rates that were lower than those on the avoidance lever. For another 6 rats, timeout was arranged on a variable-ratio 15 schedule that produced higher baseline rates. Cocaine (3 to 40 mg/kg) produced large, dose-dependent increases in behavior maintained by timeout in both groups of rats. Avoidance responding was also generally increased by cocaine, but the increases were of lesser magnitude. Increases in response rates were seen across a broad range of doses on behavior maintained by either interval or ratio schedules, an outcome that was unexpected on the basis of most studies of cocaine on food-maintained behavior. These results were similar to those of previous studies of the effects of amphetamine on behavior maintained by timeout from avoidance and suggest that stimulant drugs affect behavior maintained under a shock-postponement schedule differently than they affect behavior maintained by timeout from avoidance.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on concurrent schedules in which pressing one lever postponed shock and pressing the other lever produced periods of signaled timeout from avoidance on variable-ratio schedules. These procedures generated high rates of timeout-reinforced responding and provided a baseline for studying the effects of drugs on behavior maintained by different types of negative reinforcement (shock postponement vs. timeout). Morphine (2.5 to 10.0 mg/kg) reduced behavior maintained by timeout at doses that increased or had no effect on avoidance responding. In contrast, d-amphetamine (0.125 to 2.0 mg/kg) produced large increases in timeout responding at doses that had minimal effect on avoidance in rats trained on variable-interval and variable-ratio schedules. Thus, the event-dependent effects of morphine, observed in previous studies in which timeout responding was maintained at low rates by interval schedules, were replicated with high timeout rates maintained by variable-ratio schedules. The effects of d-amphetamine could also be described as "event dependent" because timeout responding was stimulated more than avoidance regardless of the maintenance schedule or baseline rate.  相似文献   

The resistance to extinction of lever pressing maintained by timeout from avoidance was examined. Rats were trained under a concurrent schedule in which responses on one lever postponed shock on a free-operant avoidance (Sidman) schedule (response-shock interval = 30 s) and responses on another lever produced 2 min of signaled timeout from avoidance on a variable-ratio 15 schedule. Following extended training (106 to 363 2-hr sessions), two experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1 two different methods of extinction were compared. In one session, all shocks were omitted, and there was some weakening of avoidance but little change in timeout responding. In another session, responding on the timeout lever was ineffective, and under these conditions timeout responding showed rapid extinction. The within-session patterns produced by extinction manipulations were different than the effects of drugs such as morphine, which also reduces timeout responding. In Experiment 2 shock was omitted for many consecutive sessions. Response rates on the avoidance lever declined relatively rapidly, with noticeable reductions within 5 to 10 sessions. Extinction of the timeout lever response was much slower than extinction of avoidance in all 4 rats, and 2 rats continued responding at baseline levels for more than 20 extinction sessions. These results show that lever pressing maintained by negative reinforcement can be highly resistant to extinction. The persistence of responding on the timeout lever after avoidance extinction is not readily explained by current theories.  相似文献   

The relationship between positive and negative reinforcement and the symmetry of Thorndike's law of effect are unresolved issues in operant psychology. Here we show that, for a given pattern of responding on variable interval (VI) schedules with the same programmed rate of food rewards (positive reinforcement VI) or electric shocks (negative reinforcement VI), there is a fundamental mathematical equivalence between reward gain and shock reduction. We also provide the first normative account of how animals should respond on a negative VI schedule, showing that it is better to space responses evenly than to respond with a variable interresponse time (IRT). Published data from rats, however, indicate that these animals respond irregularly, often with a burst of activity immediately following a shock. While this is irrational in the experimental setting, it may represent an appropriate response to the heterogeneity of stimuli commonly encountered in natural environments. We discuss the broader implications of our analysis for understanding how animals evaluate appetitive and aversive stimuli.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on concurrent schedules in which pressing one lever postponed shock and pressing the other occasionally (variable-interval schedule) produced a 2-min timeout during which the shock-postponement schedule was suspended and its correlated stimuli were removed. These procedures provided a baseline for studying the effects of drugs on behavior maintained by different sources of negative reinforcement (shock avoidance and timeout from avoidance). Experiment 1 studied a benzodiazepine agonist, chlordiazepoxide, and antagonist, CGS 8216. Chlordiazepoxide (2.5-30 mg/kg) had little effect on avoidance responding except at higher doses, when it reduced responding. By comparison, responding on the timeout lever was increased in 5 of 6 rats. These effects were reversed by CGS 8216 (2.5-5 mg/kg) in the 2 rats tested, but CGS 8216 had no effect by itself. Experiment 2 studied an opiate agonist, morphine, and antagonist, naltrexone, with 3 rats. Morphine's (2.5-20 mg/kg) effects were opposite those of chlordiazepoxide: At doses that either increased or had no effect on avoidance responding, morphine depressed timeout responding. Naltrexone (5 mg/kg) reversed these actions but had no effect by itself.  相似文献   

Variable-interval schedules of timeout from avoidance   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Rats were trained on concurrent schedules in which pressing one lever postponed shock and pressing the other occasionally produced a 2-min timeout during which the shock-postponement schedule was suspended and its correlated stimuli were removed. Throughout, the shock-postponement schedule maintained proficient levels of avoidance. Nevertheless, in Experiment 1 responding on the timeout lever was established rapidly, was maintained at stable levels on variable-interval schedules, was extinguished by withholding timeout, was reestablished when timeout was reintroduced, and was brought under discriminative control with a multiple variable-interval extinction schedule of timeout. These results are in contrast with Verhave's (1962) conclusion that timeout is an ineffective reinforcer when presented to rats on intermittent schedules. In Experiment 2 the consequence of responding on the timeout lever was altered so that the shock-postponement schedule remained in effect even though the stimulus conditions associated with timeout were produced for 2 min. Responding extinguished, indicating that suspension of the shock-postponement schedule, not stimulus change, was the source of reinforcement. By establishing the reinforcing efficacy of timeout with standard variable-interval schedules, these experiments illustrate a procedure for studying negative reinforcement in the same way as positive reinforcement.  相似文献   

Five rats were trained on a concurrent schedule in which responses on one lever produced a food pellet on a random-interval 30-s schedule during 10 s of food availability associated with distinctive exteroceptive stimuli. Responses on another lever postponed for 20 s the presentation of a 50-s timeout, during which all stimuli were extinguished and the schedule contingencies on the food lever were suspended. The response rates maintained by the random-interval schedule exceeded those maintained by the avoidance contingency, but both provided a stable baseline to assess the behavioral effects of different drugs. Low doses of cocaine hydrochloride (1 and 3 mg/kg) did not affect food-reinforced responding or avoidance response rates. Intermediate doses (5.6, 10, and 13 mg/kg) produced a dose-dependent decrease in food-maintained and avoidance response rates, and both types of responding were virtually eliminated after administration of the highest doses (17 and 30 mg/kg) of cocaine. Low doses of chlordiazepoxide (1 and 3 mg/kg) increased food-maintained and avoidance response rates, and both rates decreased systematically after 10 and 30 mg/kg of this drug. The effects of cocaine and chlordiazepoxide on response rates maintained by avoidance of timeout from food presentation were unlike those reported when subjects responded to avoid shock presentation. The results of this experiment thus provide evidence to suggest that the effects of drug administration on avoidance behavior may be a function of the nature of the consequent event to be avoided.  相似文献   

Rats' presses on one lever canceled shocks programmed after variable cycles, while presses on a second lever occasionally produced a 2-min timout during which the shock-delection schedule was suspended and its correlated stimuli removed. These concurrent schedules of avoidance and timeout were embedded in a multiple schedule whose components differed, within and across conditions, in terms of the programmed shock rate associated with the shock-deletion schedule. Analyses based on the generalized matching law suggest that the reduction in the response requirement correlated with termination of the avoidance schedule was a more important factor in the reinforcing effectiveness of timeout than was shock-frequency reduction, at least in 2 of 3 rats. After training in each condition, responding on the timeout lever was extinguished by withholding timeouts in both components over seven sessions. Resistance to extinction varied directly with the rates of both shock-frequency reduction and avoidance-response reduction experienced during training. Although reduction in response effort appeared to dominate shock-frequency reduction in the maintenance of responding, neither factor had a clear advantage in predicting the course of extinction.  相似文献   

Four rats were exposed to chained schedules with variable-cycle avoidance in both links. Responding in the initial link cancelled shocks scheduled once per minute and, according to a conjoint fixed-ratio schedule, produced a terminal link where scheduled shock rates varied from 0 to 8 shocks per minute in different conditions of the experiment. Response rates in the terminal link increased as a function of the scheduled shock rate. Response rates in the initial link, on the other hand, decreased as a function of the shock rate actually received (rather than scheduled) in the terminal link. While consistent with other studies of aversive control, these results differ from those obtained in chained schedules of positive reinforcement in that increases in reinforcement within the terminal link of the chain did not systematically increase the reinforcing value of that link.  相似文献   

Prior clinical research suggests that superimposition and subsequent removal of a schedule of continuous reinforcement (CRF) may be a viable rate-decreasing procedure in that an extinction-like condition is arranged. The arrangement of similar conditions in the laboratory, however, resulted in the quick recovery of baseline rates. Lever-pressing patterns of eight male rats maintained by different schedules of variable-ratio and variable-interval food reinforcement were examined in an A-B-A experimental design of CRF food superimposition and removal. Responding was substantially reduced during the superimposition of CRF. Upon removal of the superimposed schedule, responding quickly approached presuperimposition baseline rates.  相似文献   

Drug versus placebo effects were contrasted with those of contingency management in the treatment of a hyperactive child. Several criterion behaviors were monitored in two different settings to gauge the breadth and generalizability of drug and behavior-management effects. Medication and contingency management effects were both found to be situation specific. No interaction effects were found. Accuracy of task performance, amount of eye contact with the experimenters, frequency of repetitive hand movements, and distractible behavior were apparently unaffected by medication (Ritalin versus placebo) within the clinic. A multiple-baseline design incorporating contingency reversals revealed the reinforcement contingencies to be the crucial variable controlling behavior within the clinic. Medication effects were shown to be significant within the home setting where reinforcement contingencies were not changed. While aggressive behavior decreased as a function of Ritalin, repetitive hand movements increased.  相似文献   

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