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基于具体情绪理论——评价倾向框架理论(ATF),采用两项研究考察负性情绪愤怒和悲伤对助人决策的影响,并探究人际责任归因在这一关系中的作用。两项研究均采用自传体情绪记忆任务诱发情绪,研究一中自变量情绪为组间变量,包括愤怒、悲伤和中性三个水平,因变量助人决策操作为为他人花费时间;研究二中自变量1为组间变量情绪,包括愤怒和悲伤,自变量2为组内变量人际责任归因,操作为模糊归因、不可控的情景归因、可控的自我归因三种情境,因变量助人决策操作为为他人花费金钱。结果发现:(1)与愤怒情绪相比,悲伤情绪下个体为他人花费的时间和捐助的金钱更多;(2)在模糊的人际责任归因条件下,悲伤个体会比愤怒个体捐助更多的钱。研究表明:同为负性情绪的愤怒和悲伤在助人决策上的作用不同,悲伤个体比愤怒个体做出更多的助人决策;人际责任性归因会影响附带情绪和助人决策的关系。研究结论有助于理解附带情绪对助人决策的影响,进一步丰富并延伸ATF理论的证据和领域,对发挥情境中人际责任归因在助人决策中的作用具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

为探究心理弹性与人际适应性的关系及情绪调节的中介作用,采用心理弹性量表、情绪调节问卷和人际适应性问卷,对826名在校大学生进行问卷调查.结果发现:(1)相比于城镇生源,农村生源大学生的人际适应性显著更低;(2)大一年级的人际适应性显著低于二、三年级,大四的人际适应性水平显著最高;(3)心理弹性、认知重评与人际适应性三者...  相似文献   

研究以计算机仿真交流平台为工具,采用模拟情景方法,探讨了人际互动中相似性对人际吸引的影响和人际吸引机制。采用2×2组间设计,共32名被试。结果显示:(1)主我分享是态度相似的重要组成部分;(2)在人际交流与互动中,主我分享是影响人际吸引的重要因素;(3)情绪是主我分享影响人际吸引的中介变量,起部分中介作用;(4)人际互动情境模拟是研究人际交往的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

通过静态-动态决策模型的创设,考察了不同构造情境下心境、即时性诱发情绪对风险决策行为的影响。实验结果表明:(1)静态决策模型和动态决策模型下风险决策行为有着显著不同,相对于静态决策,动态决策模型下被试的风险决策行为更显保守;(2)不同心境在静态-动态决策模型下对风险决策行为的影响不同;(3)诱发情绪在动态决策模型中能对风险决策行为产生影响,恐惧情绪促使被试在动态决策中趋于保守。  相似文献   

双加工理论认为熟悉性和回想是支持情景记忆的两种基本加工过程。一般认为熟悉性和回想都可以支持项目记忆,但只有回想能够支持联结记忆。然而,一体化假说提出,当刺激材料在学习阶段得到一体化编码,形成一个单一、整合的表征时,熟悉性也能够支持联结记忆。以往研究主要利用实验材料的固有特征,或使用定义法、交互表象法来实现对刺激材料的一体化编码,然后通过配对联结再认范式或来源记忆范式验证一体化假说。神经成像研究发现,位于内侧颞叶的嗅周皮层能够支持编码阶段一体化表征的形成和基于熟悉性对一体化表征的提取。未来研究应克服以往研究中存在的方法学缺陷、从功能神经网络的角度考察一体化加工的脑神经机制、并注重一体化编码策略在特殊人群中的应用价值。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察父母支持、大学生情绪智力对其人际适应性的影响。以223名大学生为被试,采用问卷调查法对其父母支持、情绪智力与人际适应性的数据进行收集分析。结果显示:(1)父母支持与大学生人际适应性相关显著,父母的肯定价值对于他们的人际互动性解释力最强;(2)大学生情绪智力能够正向预测其人际适应性,情绪感知与其人际认知性的相关性较高;(3)大学生情绪智力在父母支持与人际适应性之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

外语效应指相比于母语背景,个体在外语背景下风险决策偏差会降低。针对影响外语效应的因素研究大多聚焦于外部因素和与个体外语水平相关的因素,少有研究探讨认知风格的作用。本研究通过524名成人被试,探索认知需求和认知闭合需求对外语效应的影响。结果表明:(1)风险决策中存在外语效应,相比于母语背景,外语背景下框架效应被削弱,且个体更偏向风险寻求。(2)对于认知需求和认知闭合需求都高或都低的个体,语言类型会影响风险决策,在母语环境下倾向于风险规避,在外语环境下倾向于风险寻求;而对于认知需求和认知闭合需求高低不一致的个体,语言类型对其风险决策倾向的影响不显著。本研究为认知风格如何综合影响风险决策提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

对468名贫困家庭儿童(平均年龄=13.76±2.88岁)进行问卷调查,探究累积家庭风险与贫困儿童情绪问题的关系以及学校联结的中介效应与自尊的调节效应。结果发现:(1)累积家庭风险能正向预测贫困儿童情绪问题;(2)学校联结在累积家庭风险和情绪问题之间起中介作用,即累积家庭风险可影响贫困儿童的学校联结,进而导致儿童情绪问题;(3)自尊在中介的前半路径“累积家庭风险→学校联结”路径上起调节作用。具体而言,自尊可以缓冲低累积家庭风险对学校联结的影响,但随着累积家庭风险水平的增高,自尊的缓冲作用也在逐渐减弱和丧失,符合“杯水车薪”调节模式。研究结果提示,累积家庭风险和学校联结均是贫困儿童情绪问题的重要预测因素。与此同时,对贫困儿童高自尊的保护作用可能不宜过分乐观。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生社会排斥对社交焦虑的影响以及负面评价恐惧和人际信任在二者之间的作用机制,研究采用大学生社会排斥问卷(SEQU)、社交焦虑量表(SASSCS)、负面评价恐惧量表(BFNES)及人际信任量表(ITS)对450名大学生进行测试。结果表明:(1)大学生社会排斥不仅对个体的社交焦虑水平产生影响,还会通过负面评价恐惧的中介作用对社交焦虑产生影响;(2)人际信任能够调节大学生社会排斥对社交焦虑的直接作用,具体而言,与高人际信任的大学生相比较,较低人际信任的大学生的社会排斥对社交焦虑的预测作用更加显著。  相似文献   

采用问卷法,对585名青少年进行调查研究,考察父母婚姻冲突与青少年攻击行为的关系,同时探讨情绪安全感的中介作用以及该中介作用的发生是否受到学校联结的调节。结果表明:(1)情绪安全感在父母婚姻冲突与青少年攻击行为之间起部分中介作用;(2)学校联结调节父母婚姻冲突通过情绪安全感影响青少年攻击行为的中介作用,具体而言,在高学校联结水平下,父母婚姻冲突对攻击行为的预测作用较弱,情绪安全感对攻击行为的预测作用较强;反之亦然。这一发现有助于理解父母婚姻冲突和青少年攻击行为之间的关系,为增强青少年情绪安全感和减少攻击行为的发生提供了重要的理论与实践借鉴。  相似文献   

考察个体对不同社会阶层的公平偏见及内隐态度,对社会治理和发展具有重要意义。采用内隐联想测验(IAT)对上述问题进行了探讨,结果发现,相对于低社会阶层,个体更易将公平性词汇与高社会阶层相联结(实验1);也更易将积极性词汇与高社会阶层相联结(实验2)。上述结果表明,个体存在社会阶层偏好,对高社会阶层持有一种更加公平的、积极的内隐认知。  相似文献   

邓昕才  何山  吕萍  周星  叶一娇  孟洪林  孔雨柔 《心理学报》2021,53(10):1146-1160
以往研究证实了职场排斥会对员工组织内诸多方面产生危害, 然而关于职场排斥向组织外部特别是家庭领域的溢出效应还知之甚少。本研究基于资源保存理论构建了一个有调节的中介效应模型, 探讨职场排斥对员工家庭贬损和家庭满意度的溢出效应和具体机制, 研究结果表明:(1)职场排斥对员工家庭贬损有显著正向作用, 对家庭满意度有显著负向作用; (2)工作压力中介了职场排斥与家庭贬损和家庭满意度的关系; (3)员工归属需求调节了职场排斥对工作压力的影响, 同时调节了工作压力在职场排斥与家庭贬损、家庭满意度之间的中介效应; (4)员工工作家庭区隔偏好调节了工作压力对家庭贬损和家庭满意度的作用, 并且调节了职场排斥通过工作压力对家庭贬损和家庭满意度的中介效应。  相似文献   

Individuals who show anger are rated as higher in dominance and lower in affiliation, whereas those who express sadness are rated lower in dominance and higher in affiliation. Little is known about situations where people show both expressions in sequence as happens when a first emotional reaction is followed by a second, different one. This question was examined in two studies. Overall, we found that the last emotion shown had a strong impact on perceived behavioural intentions. However, the information about the previously shown emotion was also integrated. The specific mode of integration was dependent on the salience of the change and naive theories about the type of person who changes their emotion in the face of changing events.  相似文献   

The need for closure predicts an evaluative bias against people whose opinions or behaviors deviate from those of other members of their social groups. In the present study, we investigated whether the relationship between the need for closure and deviant bias generalized to nonsocial stimuli, and we examined the process underlying this relationship. Sixty-one undergraduate students completed measures of the need for closure, the need for structure, intolerance for ambiguity, and the ability to be decisive and achieve cognitive structure. They then rated their liking for letters of the Latin alphabet ("A" & "B") whose locations were consistent and inconsistent with relevant categories ("A circle" and "B circle"). Participants liked category-inconsistent letters less than category-consistent letters. Measures related to the need for structure and closed-mindedness correlated positively with this deviant bias, whereas measures related to the ability to be decisive and achieve cognitive structure did not. These results imply that the relationship between the need for closure and deviant bias is a relatively basic and pervasive effect that is not unique to social deviance and is driven by the need for structure and closed-mindedness. Implications for social and nonsocial stimuli are discussed.  相似文献   

Institutional betrayal (IB), an institutional failure to either prevent or to respond supportively to a traumatic event, tends to cause trauma survivors further psychological distress. The medical system may exhibit significant levels of IB given the frequency of medical interactions and vulnerability of patients. The current study aimed to assess the reliability and validity of a new measure of IB in the medical system in a sample of 352 Canadian adults with chronic medical conditions. An exploratory factor analysis found 3 stable and reliable factors of IB: negative healthcare experiences, cognitive-affective reactions, and systemic responses to these experiences. Subsequent analyses found evidence supporting the validity of the IB questionnaire. As expected, IB predicted poorer mental health even after controlling for demographics, and traumatic experiences. Future studies should confirm that these factors hold in different populations, and should employ different experimental designs to better understand the causal factors of IB.  相似文献   

Perhaps the most fundamental principle of decision theory is that more money is preferred to less: the principle of desired wealth. Based on this and other principles such as reference dependence and loss aversion, researchers have derived and demonstrated mental accounting (MA) rules for multiple outcome situations. Experiment 1 tested the invariance of the desired wealth principle and two mental accounting rules (mixed gain, e.g. $100 gain and a $50 loss; mixed loss, e.g. $100 loss and a $50 gain) across types of decision maker and frame. The desired wealth principle and the MA rule for mixed gains were found to vary depending upon (1) the thoughtfulness of the decision maker (need for cognition, NC), and (2) the frame used to describe gains and losses (e.g. a gain of $x versus a gain of y%). The MA rule for mixed losses, however, was found to be immune to framing effects, even among people who are generally less thoughtful. The differential processing of gains and losses across frames (dollar versus percentage) and individuals (less versus more thoughtful) was tested further in Experiment 2 where evaluations of mixed losses were made at the level of the gestalt as well as the constituent (the gain and the loss being evaluated separately). Framing effects were evidenced only among subjects lower in NC and only when the constituent gain was evaluated. Evaluations of the overall mixed loss and the constituent loss were comparable across situation and individual, suggesting that losses motivate greater processing among people otherwise inclined toward cognitive miserliness. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模糊规避是指在相同奖赏的情况下,决策者会力图规避从主观上判断具有模糊概率的事件而偏好具有相同精确概率的事件。本研究探讨了概率大小、损益结果和认知闭合需要对模糊规避的影响。研究发现,在小概率受益的情况下,个体倾向于模糊寻求;在中概率受益的情况下,个体倾向于模糊规避;在高概率受益的情况下,个体倾向于模糊规避;在小概率损失的情况下,个体倾向于模糊规避;在中概率损失的情况下,个体倾向于模糊规避;在高概率损失的情况下,个体倾向于模糊寻求。但是,研究并未发现认知闭合需要对模糊规避有预测作用。  相似文献   

The present research examines the interplay between individual differences in need for structure, social beliefs, and gender. It is well documented that need for structure, that is, a preference for structure and simplicity in one's thinking, predicts authoritarianism and ethnocentrism. Further, women tend to score lower in authoritarianism and ethnocentrism than men. Although there seem to be no gender differences in need for structure, the present research hypothesizes that the association between need for structure and social beliefs is stronger for men than for women. This hypothesis comes from the observation that, all else being equal, men tend to think more about the domain of beliefs such as authoritarianism and ethnocentrism, which should strengthen the relationship between men's cognitive needs and their social beliefs. The hypothesis is also motivated by the finding that, more than men, women often give priority to caring and compassion when forming beliefs about outgroups. This should weaken the link between women's cognitive needs and their social beliefs. Three studies conducted in the USA (n = 398) and one study conducted in Germany (n = 112) examined whether gender moderated the influence of need for structure on authoritarianism and racism. Using a variety of measures, need for structure predicted authoritarianism and racism for men, but not for women. The discussion focuses on the implications of the present findings for the relationship between cognitive orientations and social beliefs. It is argued that research on cognitive orientation and social beliefs needs to take gender into account to improve its accuracy of prediction.  相似文献   

结构需求是个体对简单结构、清晰有条理的事物与环境的偏爱和需要,其本质是一种动机,个体通常会以结构严密、有条理或简化复杂信息的认知加工方式将其表现出来。结构需求存在着个体差异性。高结构需求水平的个体能够简化复杂的信息和环境,以清晰和简单的表征与描述去理解、建构他们的世界,从而减少认知资源的支出和消耗,提高认知操作的效率,维持认知与行为倾向的内在稳定。研究者梳理了结构需求的概念内涵、理论基础,介绍了两种主要的结构需求测量工具(PNS-12量表,PNS-11量表),以及结构需求的相关研究,分别从结构需求的前因变量、结果变量的角度对其相关研究进行了阐述。未来研究应深入探究结构需求的概念与结构,拓展其研究方法,研发更加有效的测评工具,深入探讨其影响机制,开展结构需求的中国化研究。  相似文献   

Several personality constructs have been theorised to underlie right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA). In samples from New Zealand and Germany (Ns = 218, 259), we tested whether these constructs can account for specific variance in RWA. In both samples, social conformity and personal need for structure were independent predictors of RWA. In Sample 2, where also openness to experience was measured, social conformity and personal need for structure fully mediated the impact of the higher‐order factor of openness on RWA. Our results contribute to the integration of current approaches to the personality basis of authoritarianism and suggest that two distinct personality processes contribute to RWA: An interpersonal process related to social conformity and an intrapersonal process related to rigid cognitive style. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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