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未成年人的思想道德教育,涉及亿万青少年的健康幸福、成人成才,关系着我们国家的命运前途,"既是一项长远的战略任务,又是一项紧迫的现实任务"(《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》,下称《意见》),具有十分重要的意义.近年来,学界对这一问题也极为关注.陈延斌教授的新著《播种品德收获命运:未成年公民道德养成的理论与实践》,可以说是近年来我国有关未成年人思想道德建设研究领域兼具理论创新和实践指导意义的一项重要成果.  相似文献   

在未成年人中弘扬和培育民族精神的两个理论问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2004年2月26日,中共中央国务院颁发了《关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》。这份十分重要的文件在论及未成年人思想道德建设的主要任务时,首先强调的就是弘扬和培育民族精神的问题,明确要求“从增强爱国情感做起,弘扬和培育以爱国主义为核心的伟大民族  相似文献   

2008年11月8日至9日,由中央文明办未成年人思想道德建设工作组和中国伦理学会主办、徐州市承办的首届中国未成年人思想道德建设论坛在江苏省徐州市召开.中央有关部门领导同志、来自全国各地的从事未成年人思想道德建设研究的专家学者和实际工作者汇聚一堂,围绕"做一个有道德的人:未成年人思想品德养成的理论与实践"这一主题进行了广泛深入的探讨,交流了当前深化未成年人思想道德建设的新思路、新举措,取得了广泛的共识.  相似文献   

邓小平关于未成年人思想道德建设的理论全面、系统而且深刻 ,包括了未成年人思想道德建设的重要意义、根本目标、主要内容和方法途径等 ,是新世纪进一步加强未成年人思想道德建设的重要指导思想。  相似文献   

20 0 4年 5月 2 9日下午 ,上海市伦理学会召开了“加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设”学术研讨会 ,上海市伦理学会会长吴振标、副会长朱贻庭主持了会议 ,来自华东师范大学、上海师范大学、复旦大学、同济大学、上海财经大学等单位的专家教授二十余人出席了这次研讨会。与会代表就如何加强未成年人思想道德建设进行了探讨 ,并提出了很多富有建设性的建议和观点 ,现综述如下。一、正确认识未成年人的特点 ,加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设 ,建立“未成年人伦理学”华东师范大学朱贻庭教授提出 ,为了加强和改进未成年人的思想道德教育 ,可以尝试…  相似文献   

习惯与道德之间有着天然联系。“从规范行为习惯做起 ,培养良好道德品质和文明行为”是未成年人思想道德建设的有效路径。习惯养成能有效规避未成年人思想道德建设中可能存在的道德风险 ,形成思想道德建设中的辐射效应。从“三思而行”到“不虑而行”是未成年人良好习惯养成必经的心智历程。  相似文献   

任何一个民族的思想道德建设包括未成年人的思想道德建设都离不开本民族的优良道德传统。对有着丰富传统美德资源的我国来说,如何在未成年人中进行中华民族传统美德的教育呢?这里我仅谈几点粗浅认识。 第一、要抓好中华传统美德的知识教育。 大约十多年前,有研究者对大陆和香港、台湾的青少年关于传统道德名言的掌握和认同情况进行了一个调查,发  相似文献   

未成年人的生活德性是一种在本质上合乎未成年人人格成长的生成性德性.游戏启蒙未成年人的生活习性、童话构筑未成年人的精神家团.因此,还游戏、童话于未成年人的生活世界,引导和培植未成年人有德性的游戏习性和童话感悟,将成为加强和提高未成年人思想道德建设的有效实践途径.  相似文献   

未成年思想道德建设,不是简单的道理说教可以承担起来的,应该采取未成年人易于接受、乐于接受的方式进行。《禾下乘凉梦——袁隆平传》就是在这个方面一个非常成功的尝试。这些年中央很关注未成年人思想道德建设,可惜这方面做得好、做得巧的图书不多。我很乐意推荐这本书,就像给未成年人推荐一份营养丰富而且口味很好的大餐。[第一段]  相似文献   

胡锦涛同志指出:“中国特色社会主义事业要靠今天的未成年人去继承,中华民族的美好未来要靠今天的未成年人去创造。未成年人的素质如何,决定着中华民族的未来发展和前途命运。教育培养未成年人,不仅要大力提高他们的科学文化素质和体能健康素质,更要大力提高他们的思想道德素质。”我国已基本“普九”,绝大多数未成年人都是在校学生。因此,  相似文献   

用总体家庭功能量表、青少年人格五因素问卷、道德认同问卷和道德推脱问卷对1013名青少年进行调查。结果表明:(1)家庭功能对青少年道德推脱具有显著的负向预测作用;(2)在家庭功能对青少年道德推脱的负向预测关系中,责任心起部分中介作用;(3)家庭功能通过责任心对道德推脱的间接影响随着道德认同水平的增加而减弱。  相似文献   

Extending prior research on the characteristics potentially associated with adolescents’ tendencies to be a moral rebel, the present study found that adolescents themselves, their peers, and their teachers agreed on adolescents’ tendencies to (a) possess a moral identity, (b) possess moral courage characteristics, and (c) be a moral rebel. Although moral identity (when considered independently and in combination with the moral courage characteristics) did not consistently predict the tendency to be a moral rebel, all indices of the adolescents’ moral courage characteristics positively predicted the tendency to be a moral rebel.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relation of moral orientation and moral judgment to prosocial and antisocial behaviour from a first‐person perspective. The major findings support the following four hypotheses. (la) The moral orientation of girls is higher than that of boys, and (1b) boys are more delinquent than girls; (2) the moral orientation of prosocial adolescents is higher than that of delinquent adolescents; (3) the moral judgment of prosocial adolescents is higher than that of delinquent adolescents; and (4) the moral development of prosocial adolescents is higher than that of delinquent adolescents. Few researchers have attempted to investigate how moral orientation and moral judgment relate to prosocial and antisocial behaviour in a single study. The present study fills this research gap. Moreover, the study of moral judgment from a first‐person perspective appears to be a meaningful and useful approach. Future studies should be conducted to investigate whether moral judgment from a first‐person perspective is more predictive of moral behaviour than moral judgment from a third‐person perspective. It would also be meaningful to conduct a cross‐cultural study to investigate the relation of moral orientation and moral judgment to prosocial and antisocial behaviour in different cultures. The use of a self‐report method in a study of prosocial and antisocial behaviour has certain limitations; for example, respondents may not give honest responses. However, this method has been found to be useful and acceptable, especially for researching the correlations among a large number of variables.  相似文献   

Most studies that have found associations between delinquency and moral judgment generally compare incarcerated juveniles with adolescents in normal schooling. However, this comparison is subject to two criticisms. First, a large number of adolescents in school who are not charged with any crime in the legal system are still involved in unlawful behaviour. Second, adolescents involved with delinquency often have difficulties at school. The aim of the present study was to measure this association by matching a sample of adolescents involved with delinquency (n=18, M age=15.8, SD=1.1) to adolescents not involved in delinquency (n=42, M age=15.8, SD=0.8) according to their school grade and Conduct Disorder Intensity as measured by a self-report index using DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. Participants who met four or more criteria were assigned to the High Conduct Disorder group (n=28), and the rest were assigned to the Low Conduct Disorder group (n=32). Their level of moral judgment was evaluated with the French version of the Sociomoral Reflection Measure-Short Form by Gibbs, Basinger, and Fuller, inspired by Kohlberg's model of moral development. Findings demonstrate that in both samples, adolescents in the High Conduct Disorder group presented moral judgment that was significantly less mature than that of adolescents in the Low Conduct Disorder group. However, the majority of participants in the Low Conduct Disorder group also scored low on the Sociomoral Reflection Measure-Short Form, suggesting more immature moral judgment. The bias introduced by the mode of recruitment in most comparisons of adolescents involved with delinquency to adolescents with no delinquency problems is discussed, and an argument is made for the importance of analysing moral judgment development within a framework of general cognitive development.  相似文献   

Role-taking ability and level of moral development were measured in three groups of boys and girls including 16 moderately retarded adolescents (mean chronological age 15; mean mental age 9), 16 nonretarded adolescents matched for chronological age, and 16 nonretarded children matched for mental age. The mentally retarded adolescents scored significantly lower on role-taking ability and moral development than the adolescents matched for chronological age. They did not differ from children of their same mental age in role-taking ability; and they tended to score lower in moral development. The results supplied qualified support for Kohlberg's theory of moral development.  相似文献   

The capacity for formulating moral judgments shown by 20 emotionally disturbed, cognitively delayed adolescents was related to their social behaviors as observed in a classroom situation. Adolescents reported by their teachers to be shy and submissive were less capable of reasoning about moral issues than were adolescents who were seen as more assertive and socially engaged. The level of moral judgment was not a function of intelligence or ability to understand concrete operations. The implication that social engagement is a critical determinant of moral judgment for these adolescents is discussed.  相似文献   


Bullying is associated with harmful consequences for those who are involved, in particular for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and sexually questioning (LGBQ) adolescents, who are teased for their sexual orientation. Not only LGBQ youth may experience homophobic bullying, but also students who are perceived as not conforming to traditional masculine/feminine gender role expectations. Wrong beliefs, prejudices, and moral disengagement may account for the perpetration of homophobic bullying. The present work aims at investigating whether (boys and girls) heterosexual and LGBQ adolescents were differently involved in homophobic and non-homophobic bullying and victimization and whether biological sex and sexual orientation moderated the relationships between prejudice and moral disengagement and involvement in homophobic bullying and victimization. Participants were 197 adolescents (70 boys, 127 girls), aged 15–18 years (M = 16.32); 46 of them defined themselves as LGBQ people. They responded to questionnaires about bullying and victimization, prejudice against homosexuality, and moral disengagement in situations involving sexual orientation. Results of the univariate analyses pointed to a higher homophobic and non-homophobic victimization among LGBQ adolescents than among their heterosexual counterparts. In the regressions, homophobic bullying was associated with being male and heterosexual, and with moral disengagement, whereas homophobic victimization was related to a low level of prejudice, in particular for LGBQ youths. The findings underscore the importance of examining prejudice and moral disengagement when studying homophobic bullying and victimization and point to the need for developing intervention programs.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effects of moral reasoning level and sex role orientation on social influence in group decision making. We predicted that these two individual difference constructs would have an interactive effect such that people who are compatible or nonconflicted on the two dimensions would have more influence on a group task with moral implications than would people who are conflicted. All subjects individually completed a distributive decision task that required ranking terminally ill patients for access to a life-saving kidney machine. They then met in small groups and reached a group decision on the same task. The subjects' moral reasoning level and sex role orientation--assessed via the Rest Defining Issues Test (Rest, 1979) and the Bem Sex Role Inventory (Bem, 1974), respectively--were used to predict influence on the group decision. Influence was measured in three ways: similarity between individual and group ranks, self-rated influence, and selection of the most influential group member. The results of all three influence measures provided support for the interactive hypothesis. In the discussion we consider the implications of the data for individual difference models of moral reasoning, the need for further understanding of goal competition and personality conflict, and the importance of considering the impact of moral factors on group decision-making proceses.  相似文献   


Based on the integration of the group socialization theory and the individual–context interaction model, we examined whether moral disengagement mediated the association between deviant peer affiliation and bullying perpetration and whether this mediation model was moderated by moral identity. A total of 438 adolescents participated in the current study. They completed measures regarding deviant peer affiliation, bullying perpetration, moral disengagement, and moral identity. Deviant peer affiliation positively predicted adolescents’ bullying perpetration at six months later and this relationship was partially mediated by moral disengagement. Moral identity did not moderate the direct relationship between deviant peer affiliation and adolescents’ bullying perpetration. Moral identity moderated the relationship between moral disengagement and adolescents’ bullying perpetration and in turn moderated the indirect relationship between deviant peer affiliation and bullying perpetration. Specifically, the relationship between moral disengagement and bullying perpetration and the indirect relationship between deviant peer affiliation and bullying perpetration via moral disengagement both became nonsignificant for adolescents with high moral identity.  相似文献   

青少年网络道德与其网络偏差行为的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马晓辉  雷雳 《心理学报》2010,42(10):988-997
青少年已经成为中国互联网的最大用户群体,他们在使用互联网中表现出的偏差行为与道德的关系值得关注。该研究使用问卷法探讨了496名青少年的网络道德特点与网络偏差行为表现以及二者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)青少年的网络道德表现较积极,网络道德认知、情感和意向之间存在显著正相关;(2)青少年的网络偏差行为不算严重,但男生的网络过激行为和网络色情行为显著多于女生,且网络过激行为随着年级升高而减少:其中网络攻击性、易怒、敌意和冲突水平都随着年级的增长而呈下降趋势;(4)青少年的网络道德认知和意向对网络偏差行为有反向预测作用,网络道德情感不能预测其网络偏差行为表现。网络道德越积极,表现出来的网络偏差行为越少。  相似文献   

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