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Three experiments are reported that address the issue of awareness in evaluative learning in two different sensory modalities: visual and haptic. Attempts were made to manipulate the degree of awareness through a reduction technique (by use of a distractor task in Experiments 1 and 2 and by subliminally presenting affective stimuli in Experiment 3) and an induction technique (by unveiling the evaluative learning effect and requiring participants to try to discount the influence of the affective stimuli). The results indicate overall that evaluative learning was successful in the awareness-reduction groups but not in the awareness-induction groups. Moreover, an effect in the opposite direction to that normally observed in evaluative learning emerged in participants aware of the stimulus contingencies. In addition, individual differences in psychological reactance were found to be implicated in the strength and direction of the effect. It is argued that these results pose serious problems for the contention that awareness is necessary for evaluative learning.  相似文献   

刘爱萍  李琦  罗劲 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1779-1786
评价性条件反射(Evaluative Conditioning, EC)指通过将一个中性刺激和一个情绪性刺激重复配对, 使中性刺激获得情绪性刺激的情感性评价。条件联结觉察(Contingency Awareness)指被试觉察到中性刺激和情绪性刺激的配对规律。当前, 条件联结觉察在EC中的作用尚存争议。一些研究证明, 条件联结觉察独立于EC, 甚至阻碍了EC; 另一些研究则表明, 条件联结觉察促进EC的发生; 还有些研究发现条件联结觉察在EC中的作用受其他变量的调节。因此, 在将来的研究中, 需发展出更准确的觉察测量、检验其他变量的调节作用、加强多感觉通道的EC研究、探索EC的加工机制。  相似文献   

赵显  李晔  刘力  曾红玲  郑健 《心理学报》2012,44(5):614-624
以真实商标图案为条件刺激, 情绪图片为无条件刺激, 探索无条件刺激呈现时长、效价强度与关联意识对评价性条件反射效应的影响。实验通过结合四图再认测验与基于项目分析, 对关联意识的作用进行了详细探讨。结果表明, 评价性条件反射效应只发生在无条件刺激长呈现水平与无条件刺激强效价水平; 评价性条件反射效应的产生需要基于被试的关联意识。关联意识在呈现时长(效价强度)与评价性条件反射效应间的中介作用不显著。结果不支持评价性条件反射的内隐错误归因机制及联想-命题评价模型的相关论断, 部分支持命题性解释模型。  相似文献   

Evidence-based practice (EBP) models have been developed, in part, to enhance the likelihood that the outcome of health care treatment, including psychotherapy, leads to positive improvement. However, two additional outcomes can occur: no change and poor outcome (e.g., harm, worsening of symptoms). What does the clinician do when psychotherapy is not working? When faced with various treatment decisions, such as this, the EBP model posits that therapists should apply their clinical expertise in considering the “best available research” within the context of various patient characteristics. In part because of various limitations of this approach, I suggest that another important set of principles are important to consider in tandem when faced with this clinical dilemma—that is, ethical concerns. Borrowing from the American Psychological Association’s (2017a) Ethics Code, I discuss how the following issues exist when clinicians wrestle with this question: avoidance of harm, competence, conflicts of interest, and informed consent. I conclude this paper with a list of suggestions that can potentially foster the application of ethical principles when making treatment decisions.  相似文献   

This research extends creativity theory by re‐conceptualizing creativity as a two‐dimensional construct (radical and incremental) and examining the differential effects of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic rewards, and supportive supervision on perceptions of creativity. We hypothesize and find two distinct types of creativity that are associated with different motivational factors. We further consider how combinations of motivational factors are linked to the different types of creativity. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Invariance of surveys across different groups means that the respondents interpret the items in the same way, as reflected in similar factor loadings, for example. Invariance can be assessed using various statistical procedures, such as Multi-Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis. However, these analyses require access to raw data. Here, we introduce a meta-analytic method that requires only the factor correlation matrices of samples as input. It compares the structures of intercorrelations of factors by correlating these values across two samples, yielding a value of overall similarity for how the factors intercorrelate in different samples. This method was tested in three different ways. We conclude that the method yields useful results and can assess invariance when raw data are not available.  相似文献   

The luck egalitarian view famously maintains that inequalities in individuals’ circumstances are unfair or unjust, whereas inequalities traceable to individuals’ own responsible choices are fair or just. On this basis, the distinction between so-called brute luck and option luck has been seen as central to luck egalitarianism. Luck egalitarianism is interpreted, by advocates and opponents alike, as a view that condemns inequalities in brute luck but permits inequalities in option luck. It is also thought to be expressed in terms of the view that no individual ought to be worse off other than because of a fault or choice of his or her own. I argue that these two characterizations of luck egalitarianism are not equivalent and that, properly understood, luck egalitarianism is compatible with widespread, potentially radical, inequalities in brute luck.  相似文献   

Field and Davey (1997) claimed that evaluative conditioning (EC), rather than being a genuine type of Pavlovian associative learning, represents nothing but an experimental artifact. They come to this conclusion by first identifying the prototypical experimental procedure of EC research, by next pointing to the potential methodological shortcomings of this prototypical procedure in order to infer associative learning, and by finally demonstrating that when the appropriate controls are added to this prototypical procedure, it becomes clear that apparent EC results represent nothing but an experimental artifact. In this paper, we first demonstrate that what Field and Davey identify as the “prototypical procedure” is, as a matter of fact, the exception rather than the rule in EC research, such that the potential scope of their criticism is rather limited. Next, we show how the results of their own experiment are actually due to an artifact that is not present in any EC study. Finally, we discuss how Field and Davey's criticism of EC research has its roots in a misconception of the appropriate within or between subject controls for Pavlovian associative learning.  相似文献   

A 3 R's of Forgiveness model is presented in which forgiveness is seen as a complex therapeutic process involving both situational and personal variables. Forgivers are seen to utilize the cognitive processes of dialectical reasoning and reframing, modulated by the emotional experiences of empathy, guilt, and shame. Personality style and self-esteem significantly influence the process as well. Distinctions are maintained among various kinds of forgiveness. Divine forgiveness, seen as a partial component of a spiritual encounter with one's God, may be a valid experience for people of faith, but is not something that psychologists are equipped to experimentally analyze. Interpersonal and intrapsychic varieties of forgiveness are more accessible to therapists and deserve empirical investigation. Important differences are highlighted between conjunctive forgiveness (where the third R in the forgiveness sequence is reconciliation) and disjunctive forgiveness )where the third R is release). Pastors are reminded that, depending on the circumstances, forgiveness can be either good or bad.  相似文献   

A core characteristic of world politics is the presence of communal conflict over ideas of national identity, inextricably bound to ideas of cultural identity. Increasingly, foreign policy decision-makers realize the importance of considering cultural factors in their calculations of how peoples will define the "self" that seeks "determination." Although a collective's culture changes over time (through interaction with others and in response to external events), scholars and policy analysts sometimes treat identities as static, monolithic, and derived from cultures that rarely change. This leads policymakers to underestimate the extent to which culture influences and can be influenced by foreign policy. This paper integrates work in political science and psychology into a content analysis–based method for examining three major ways in which culture impinges on communal conflict. The utility of the approach is demonstrated with a case study of the Northern Ireland conflict from 1984 to 1986, which shows how the rhetoric of the competing nationalist/Catholic leaders (John Hume and Gerry Adams) was the site of debate over group culture, how differences in the rhetoric reflected different cultures of the conflict, and how the conflict has been affected by the foreign policy decisions of other actors.  相似文献   

In two studies, we tested the hypothesis that the effect of feeling powerful on willingness to sacrifice for the preservation of shared resources depends on whether such willingness is expressed publically or privately. Participants were randomly assigned to either a power priming condition or a control condition and then completed measures assessing their attitudes, future intentions, and willingness to sacrifice for environmental conservation. Consistent with our hypothesis, the psychological experience of power decreased people's environmental attitudes and willingness to sacrifice for the environment, but only when these responses were made privately. These findings suggest that a sense of power, when experienced in private, influences the way individuals feel about and intend to engage in pro-environmental sacrifice. The findings also suggest that this effect may be eliminated when judgments are made transparently, in public view.  相似文献   

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