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Aligning pictorial descriptions: an approach to object recognition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
S Ullman 《Cognition》1989,32(3):193-254

Two experiments examined possible negative transfer in nonexperts from the use of pictorial examples in a laboratory design problem-solving situation. In Experiment 1, 89 participants were instructed to "think aloud" and were assigned to 1 of 3 conditions: (a) control (standard instructions), (b) fixation (inclusion of a problematic example, describing its problematic elements), or (c) defixation (inclusion of a problematic example, with instructions to avoid using problematic elements). Negative transfer due to examples was measured both quantitatively and qualitatively through verbal protocols. Verbal protocols (N = 176) were analyzed for participants' reasons for reference to the examples. In Experiment 2, fixation to examples was evaluated in nonverbalizing participants (N = 60). Results of both experiments suggest that (a) although participants consulted the problem instructions, they tended to follow the examples even when they included inappropriate elements and (b) the fixation effects can be diminished with the use of defixating instructions.  相似文献   

One hundred and seventy-two perceptually untrained Grade 3 Shona school children, urban and rural, were presented with, and tested orally on, six pictures containing structured depth cues. Eighty per cent of the children achieved consistent (6/6) pictorial depth interpretation (p.d.i.) in response to the oral instruments, whereas only 69% mean p.d.i. had been attained by Grade 2 & 4 children in response to the non-verbal instruments of Jahoda and McGurk (1974). Of the 24% of the children who achieved consistent pictorial space comprehension (p.s.c.) all but two (less than 5%) were also capable of p.d.i. To establish that p.s.c. is preceded by p.d.i., and does not occur simultaneously with it, 86 children, trained perceptually for pictorial depth, were similarly tested. Of the 26% gain in consistent p.s.c., almost half occurred amongst children necessarily already capable of p.d.i. Further, it was noted that the inhibition of p.d.i., like that of p.s.c. (Leach, 1975, 1977), resulting from excessively abstract line drawings, was reduced by the use of more realistic materials such as photographs.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that burnout may cross over from one person to another. In Study 1, teachers were randomly exposed to a bogus newspaper article in which a colleague expressed himself negatively about his work (burnout condition), or about a topic unrelated to work (control condition). The results showed that participants' burnout (exhaustion and depersonalization) was higher in the burnout condition compared to the control condition. In Study 2, soldiers were randomly exposed to a videotape of a burned-out or an engaged colleague who was either similar in profession and status (soldier), or who had a considerably higher status (squadron leader). The results were partly consistent with those of Study 1, and confirmed the crossover of burnout (cynicism and reduced professional efficacy). In line with predictions, a significant interaction effect for cynicism revealed that the crossover of burnout is moderated by similarity with the stimulus person.  相似文献   

Rossion B  Pourtois G 《Perception》2004,33(2):217-236
Theories of object recognition differ to the extent that they consider object representations as being mediated only by the shape of the object, or shape and surface details, if surface details are part of the representation. In particular, it has been suggested that color information may be helpful at recognizing objects only in very special cases, but not during basic-level object recognition in good viewing conditions. In this study, we collected normative data (naming agreement, familiarity, complexity, and imagery judgments) for Snodgrass and Vanderwart's object database of 260 black-and-white line drawings, and then compared the data to exactly the same shapes but with added gray-level texture and surface details (set 2), and color (set 3). Naming latencies were also recorded. Whereas the addition of texture and shading without color only slightly improved naming agreement scores for the objects, the addition of color information unambiguously improved naming accuracy and speeded correct response times. As shown in previous studies, the advantage provided by color was larger for objects with a diagnostic color, and structurally similar shapes, such as fruits and vegetables, but was also observed for man-made objects with and without a single diagnostic color. These observations show that basic-level 'everyday' object recognition in normal conditions is facilitated by the presence of color information, and support a 'shape + surface' model of object recognition, for which color is an integral part of the object representation. In addition, the new stimuli (sets 2 and 3) and the corresponding normative data provide valuable materials for a wide range of experimental and clinical studies of object recognition.  相似文献   

Dividing visual attention between spatially distinct sources of information could either be beneficial (if there is too much information for a single visualization) or detrimental (if interrelated information has to be mentally re‐integrated) for learning. We present a new display technology allowing for the presentation of two distinct animations by avoiding split foci of visual attention: learners are able to switch between animations by moving their head. We examined how 84 naïve learners integrated information in three presentation modes: the ‘vexing‐image’ mode displaying two animations, participants being able to switch between them without shifting the visual focus, a classical ‘split‐screen’ and an ‘overlaid’ condition. Results showed that reduced complexity led to higher performance. Further, we showed that participants with high mental rotation abilities were best in the ‘split‐screen’ mode, whereas participants with low mental rotation abilities benefited most from the ‘vexing‐image’. Theoretical and instructional consequences of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Graphic designers and an experimental psychologist worked together to improve the design of two map symbols which are frequently confused: the symbols for cuttings and embankments on topographic maps. The problem was analysed in terms of the function of the symbols and their likely cognitive representations. Tests were developed to evaluate alternative designs, including an intervisibility task which requirred users to visualize the landform from the symbols viewed in the context of a map. Tests were given to schoolchildren and to experienced map users in order to compare the standard symbols with five alternative designs. Children's performance was strongly affected by the symbols they used, but experienced users were much less affected. After some refinement of the symbols a further experiment demonstrated the superiority of a number of alternative designs over the existing symbols on a range of test: scores were almost double on the intervisibility task. The paper makes recommendations to cartographers and argues for greater consideration of the inexperienced map user in the design process.  相似文献   

Various authors have suggested that learning associations between objects and pictures is a necessary condition for the perception of pictures. If so, then animals, never exposed to situations in which those associations might be learned, should not show transfer between objects and pictures. In this investigation, pigeons trained to discriminate between two solid objects were retrained with reinforcement reversal on either the objects themselves or photographs, line drawings, or silhouettes of the objects. Significant negative transfer indicated object-photograph and object-silhouette equivalence, but no transfer was found to line drawings. Positive transfer to photographs was also demonstrated. Transfer did not appear to be a function of object-picture confusability.  相似文献   

Administered a hypnotic induction and 5 standard hypnotic suggestions twice via audiotape to a group of high-hypnotizable subjects and a group of low-hypnotizable simulators. During the first administration, subjects were led to believe that they were alone. However, their behavior was surreptitiously recorded on videotape and observed on a video monitor. The second administration occurred in the presence of an experimenter who had not been informed of group assignment. When unaware that they were being observed, simulators were significantly less responsive to suggestions than they were when openly observed. In contrast, the behavior of nonsimulating subjects was not affected by the presence of an experimenter. These data indicate that the responses of highly hypnotizable subjects to standard hypnotic suggestions cannot be accounted for in terms of simple compliance with experimental demand.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to explore the emergence of sensitivity to the pictorial depth cues of texture gradient and linear perspective. In experiment 1, an initial longitudinal study explored the emergence of sensitivity to pictorial depth information between 5 and 7 months of age. In experiment 2, a cross-sectional study with 5–7-month-olds assessed revised methods designed to study development of pictorial depth sensitivity in individual infants. Experiment 3 applied these methods to a second sample of infants studied longitudinally. The results showed that: (a) a reliable method for assessing sensitivity in individual infants has been constructed; (b) there is variability in the age at which infants begin to use linear perspective and texture gradient for perceiving depth (22–28 weeks of age); and (c) sensitivity emerges across 2–8 weeks.  相似文献   

CEDATS (cognitive experimental design and testing system) is a set of programs that allows students and instructors to easily create unique experiments even though they may have no experience with computers or knowledge of any programming language. Designs including up to six independent variables may be created, and from 24 to 31 stimulus presentation parameters may be manipulated or controlled. Responses and response times are recorded and printed and/or stored on disk.  相似文献   

As scientists, it is imperative that we understand not only the power of our research tools to yield results, but also their ability to obtain similar results over time. This study is an investigation into how common decisions made during the design and analysis of a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study can influence the reliability of the statistical results. To that end, we gathered back-to-back test–retest fMRI data during an experiment involving multiple cognitive tasks (episodic recognition and two-back working memory) and multiple fMRI experimental designs (block, event-related genetic sequence, and event-related m-sequence). Using these data, we were able to investigate the relative influences of task, design, statistical contrast (task vs. rest, target vs. nontarget), and statistical thresholding (unthresholded, thresholded) on fMRI reliability, as measured by the intraclass correlation (ICC) coefficient. We also utilized data from a second study to investigate test–retest reliability after an extended, six-month interval. We found that all of the factors above were statistically significant, but that they had varying levels of influence on the observed ICC values. We also found that these factors could interact, increasing or decreasing the relative reliability of certain Task × Design combinations. The results suggest that fMRI reliability is a complex construct whose value may be increased or decreased by specific combinations of factors.  相似文献   

Nat Hansen 《Synthese》2013,190(10):1771-1792
This paper considers ways that experimental design can affect judgments about informally presented context shifting experiments. Reasons are given to think that judgments about informal context shifting experiments are affected by an exclusive reliance on binary truth value judgments and by experimenter bias. Exclusive reliance on binary truth value judgments may produce experimental artifacts by obscuring important differences of degree between the phenomena being investigated. Experimenter bias is an effect generated when, for example, experimenters disclose (even unconsciously) their own beliefs about the outcome of an experiment. Eliminating experimenter bias from context shifting experiments makes it far less obvious what the “intuitive” responses to those experiments are. After it is shown how those different kinds of bias can affect judgments about informal context shifting experiments, those experiments are revised to control for those forms of bias. The upshot of these investigations is that participants in the contextualist debate who employ informal experiments should pay just as much attention to the design of their experiments as those who employ more formal experimental techniques if they want to avoid obscuring the phenomena they aim to uncover.  相似文献   

The dispersions of estimates of sensitivity obtained from the yes-no, two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC), matching-to-sample, and same-different tasks were examined to determine which task would be more appropriate to use in a given experimental context. Consideration was given to the effects of corrections for extreme sampled proportions. These corrections result in biased estimators, and hence the mean-square deviation of the sampled values about the population mean [MSD $(\hat d')$ ], rather than that about the mean of the estimates [VAR16 $(\hat d')$ ]> indicates more completely the extent of the error in the estimator. For barely discriminable events (d′ ? 0.5), the yes-no and 2AFC tasks had the lowest values of MSD $(\hat d')$ . However, for very discriminable events (d′ > 3), the same-different and matching-to-sample tasks had lower values of MSD $(\hat d')$ .  相似文献   

This paper reviews habituation-dishabituation and preferential-looking studies on the emergence of sensitivity to pictorial depth cues in infancy. This research can be subdivided into two groups. While one group of studies has established responsiveness to pictorial depth cues at 3-5 months of age, the other has found that the ability to extract pictorial 3D information emerges at about 6 months. In the former, young infants were tested for their ability to distinguish between displays that differ in spatial information provided by pictorial depth cues. The results of these studies might demonstrate that 3-5-month-old infants perceive spatial layout from pictorial cues. It is possible, however, that the infants in these studies responded primarily to low-level, two-dimensional stimulus differences. In contrast, the second group of studies controlled for the potential influence of lower-level stimulus features on the infants' experimental performance and more unambiguously demonstrated sensitivity to pictorial depth information in infants 6 months of age and older. In sum, the divergent findings of studies in this area may be resolved by assuming substantial developmental progress in infant sensitivity to pictorial depth cues during the first months of life.  相似文献   

The findings of numerous preferential-reaching studies suggest that infants first respond to pictorial depth cues between 5 and 7 months of age. However, three recent preferential-reaching studies have found evidence of responsiveness to pictorial depth cues in 5-month-olds. We investigated these apparently contradictory results by conducting meta-analyses of the data from 5-month-olds who participated in preferential-reaching studies. The data from 16 samples, comprising 475 infants 5–5.5 months of age, were integrated. The results showed that the infants responded more consistently to depth relationships specified by pictorial cues under monocular than under binocular viewing conditions (p < .001), indicating that 5-month-old infants respond to pictorial depth cues. This effect remained significant (p < .001) when the individual experiments that had found significant results were omitted from the analysis. Although the majority of experiments were unable to find evidence of pictorial depth perception individually, this ability was clearly revealed when their results were combined.  相似文献   

Reinhardt-Rutland AH 《Perception》1999,28(11):1361-1371
The perceived slant of a surface relative to the frontal plane can be reduced when the surface is viewed through a frame between the observer and the surface. Aspects of this framing effect were investigated in three experiments in which observers judged the orientations-in-depth of rectangular and trapezoidal surfaces which were matched for pictorial depth. In experiments 1 and 2, viewing was stationary-monocular. In experiment 1, a frontal rectangular frame was present or absent during viewing. The perceived slants of the surfaces were reduced in the presence of the frame; the reduction for the trapezoidal surface was greater, suggesting that conflict in stimulus information contributes to the phenomenon. In experiment 2, the rectangular frame was either frontal or slanted; in a third condition, a frame was trapezoidal and frontal. The conditions all elicited similar results, suggesting that the framing effect is not explained by pictorial perception of the display, or by assimilation of the surface orientation to the frame orientation. In experiment 3, viewing was moving-monocular to introduce motion parallax; the framing effect was reduced, being appreciable only for a trapezoidal surface. The results are related to other phenomena in which depth perception of points in space tends towards a frontal plane; this frontal-plane tendency is attributed to heavy experimental demands, mainly concerning impoverished, conflicting, and distracting information.  相似文献   


Semiquantitative analysis of the surface relief caused by martensite formation in Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloys has been performed by atomic force microscopy. It is found, for the thermally induced martensite transformation, that all three possible variants of martensite with the same {111} habit plane appear while, for the stress-induced martensite transformation, only one martensite variant is likely to form. For the former case, martensite plates with various variants are formed on the same habit plane in such a way that the shape strains of those plates are self-accommodated macroscopically, but each martensite plate itself is a single variant and not a multivariant plate as has been reported in the literature. For the latter case, it is especially emphasized that all the martensite plates formed in the well 'trained' sample have the same variant, which is one of the most important conditions for exhibiting a good shape memory effect.  相似文献   

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