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采用信息加工视角, 在划分不同信息来源的基础上分析编码、存储(巩固)、再激活/再巩固和提取的一系列加工过程如何导致错误记忆形成, 由此总结出错误记忆产生的三个可能原因:(1)因缺乏针对目标事物特异性细节的记忆表征而侧重于编码和提取目标和非目标事物共享的抽象记忆表征, 使被试更倾向于依赖抽象表征对缺失的目标细节进行重构, 引发错误记忆; (2)目标事物启动了对应图式, 导致与图式相关的非目标事物记忆表征得到增强, 引发错误记忆; (3)误导信息干扰了再度激活状态下目标事物的记忆表征, 妨碍其进行准确的记忆再巩固, 从而引发错误记忆。未来研究可进一步探讨目标事物特异性细节的表征区域、不同类型的图式表征促进非目标事物记忆表征的具体机制以及提取阶段的图式复现对错误记忆形成的影响等问题。  相似文献   

动词论元结构复杂性表现在论元数量、论元范畴选择模式、题元角色指派模式和映射方式四个方面。大部分实证研究表明, 更多的论元数量、选择性论元范畴、选择性题元角色指派以及非典型映射, 使动词论元结构加工的认知神经机制更复杂。多论元加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回和外侧裂周后部; 选择性论元范畴加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回、额叶中后部、颞上回和颞叶中后部; 选择性题元角色指派加工功能脑区主要涉及外侧裂周后部、左侧额叶中后部和额下回; 非典型映射加工功能脑区主要涉及左侧额下回、颞上回、颞中回和颞叶后部。左侧额下回可能涉及初始句法加工、动词次范畴确定、句法移位和非宾格动词语义加工, 左侧额叶中后部可能涉及初始句法加工和动词次范畴确定, 左侧颞上回和颞叶中后部可能涉及表层句法加工和表层论元句法-语义整合, 外侧裂周后部可能涉及论元语义表征。动词论元结构加工过程和动词词汇特征表明, 复杂性某些方面存在交互作用。动词论元结构复杂性与加工难易的对应关系、复杂性加工难度层级和交互作用的认知神经机制以及汉语动词论元结构复杂性加工认知神经机制等议题, 有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Kragh ( Scandinavian Journal of Psychology , 1998, 39, 123–124) criticises a recent empirical study of the Defence Mechanism Test (DMT) conducted by the present authors (Zuber & Ekehammar, 1997) concerning methodological and other shortcomings. The present paper reviews and responds to Kragh's critical points. As to the most serious criticism, the methodological, the main conclusion is that Kragh's own published empirical studies of the DMT, and also those of other researchers, can be criticised along similar lines. Furthermore, and surprisingly, in contrast to our study, Kragh's main DMT studies do not employ the DMT picture(s) at all.  相似文献   

周骏  徐淑媛  董圣鸿 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):265-269,288
评价除了了解学习者的学习情况外,同时还应该提供学习者学习状况的诊断信息,以利于教学与学习。评价应该以认知心理学对学习过程的研究,作为编制测验的实质理论依据,进行认知诊断评估。本文针对认知诊断的心理学基础:知识的习得、知识诱发、知识表征、知识结构等进行梳理,以便测验开发者对认知诊断评估有更清晰的认识。  相似文献   

The original and enhanced cognitive model of eating disorders proposes that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) "works" through modifying dietary restraint and dysfunctional attitudes towards shape and weight. However, evidence supporting the validity of this model is limited. This meta-analysis examined whether CBT can effectively modify these proposed maintaining mechanisms. Randomized controlled trials that compared CBT to control conditions or non-CBT interventions, and reported dietary restraint and shape and weight concern outcomes were searched. Twenty-nine trials were included. CBT was superior to control conditions in reducing shape (g=0.53) and weight (g=0.63) concerns, and dietary restraint (g=0.36). These effects occurred across all diagnoses and treatment formats. Improvements in shape and weight concerns and restraint were also greater in CBT than non-CBT interventions (g's=0.25, 0.24, 0.31, respectively) at post-treatment and follow-up. The magnitude of improvement in binge/purge symptoms was related to the magnitude of improvement in these maintaining mechanisms. Findings demonstrate that CBT has a specific effect in targeting the eating disorder maintaining mechanisms, and offers support to the underlying cognitive model. If changes in these variables during treatment are shown to be causal mechanisms, then these findings show that CBT, relative to non-CBT interventions, is better able to modify these mechanisms.  相似文献   

The historic importance of Freud's analysis of the Schreber case is acknowledged, even though the theory it expounds is largely disavowed. The theory ascribes the cause of paranoid delusion to homosexual impulses unresolved in infancy or early childhood. This paper summarizes Freud's monograph on Schreber and contrasts his theory with the views of various revisionists. The writers focus on the Freudian concept of projection, which is intended to explain how much meaning can become reversed under the impetus of stress, and the reversal lead to delusional thinking. Based on their work in family therapy, where they observed one form of pathogenic relating termed learning to be possessed, the writers concluded that this form was also based on a type of projection which could culminate in delusional ideation. A relationship between learning to be possessed and H. S. Sullivan's theory of paranoid transformation is described. A learning factor is present in several of the psychological theories advanced to explain delusion, and the factor is akin to if not identical with Freud's concept of projection.Gerald Zuk, PhD, is in private practice at 25316 Pacy Street, Santa Clarita, California 91321-3343. Carmen Zuk, MD, is a child psychiatrist-partner affiliated with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group at its psychiatric clinic in Van Nuys, California. Both may be reached by telephone at (805) 252-7702.  相似文献   

摘 要 尽管社会认知的内容丰富多样,但其核心在于人们对“自我”、“他人”及两者关系的理解。文化作为一种独特的社会现象,对社会认知有着广泛影响,这一点集中体现在文化对“自我” 与“他人” 信息加工及其大脑机制的影响上。文化神经科学的研究表明:文化显著影响自我相关记忆、自我表征、自我觉知等自我认知过程。这可能主要来源于不同文化人群自我建构方式的不同。上述差异的神经机制主要体现为不同文化人群自我相关加工时,其内侧前额叶功能性变化的不同。与此相对应的是,文化同样显著影响人们对他人,尤其是对他人情绪的认知。这一点集中表现为表情认知的文化优势效应及共情过程的文化差异。在神经机制上这一差异主要体现为杏仁核功能的文化可塑性。文化神经科学的未来研究,可继续探讨主流文化、区域文化、宗教文化等各种形式的文化差异:1)对自我认知与情绪认知相互作用的影响与神经基础;2)对共情(empathy)、社会比较(social comparison)、心理理论(theory of mind)与协同行为(joint action)等多种社会认知过程的影响及其神经机制。 关键词 自我建构 文化神经科学 情绪认知 自我表征 共情  相似文献   

智能时代已然来临。智能技术的发展正加速推动组织的智能化进程。越来越多的企业在生产和管理中采用智能技术以提高竞争力。在此背景下,人机协同工作日益普遍,人机协同决策成为新型组织决策方式。然而,当前智能组织中的人机协同决策还面临信任度低、可控性低、透明度低、协同度低等一系列问题,它们阻碍了决策质量、效率和体验的提升。本项目认为,人机兼容性,特别是人机内部兼容性,如认知兼容性、情感兼容性、价值兼容性等,或是影响人机协同决策绩效的根本原因。因此,本项目基于人机内部兼容性理论视角,综合采用决策心理学、认知科学、组织行为学等多学科理论与方法,通过一系列现场研究和模拟实验,力图揭示人机协同决策中存在的问题及其成因,探究人机协同决策中内部兼容性的影响因素和作用机制,进而提出若干人机协同决策优化方法。项目研究成果将有助于促进人机协同决策理论与人机兼容性理论的发展,提升人机协同决策绩效,推进组织决策的智能化进程。  相似文献   

面相是辨识和推断他人品格以及行为习性的重要因素,但其内在机理有待深化。基于一般认知视角和进化认知视角,从面相的局部特征和整体特征出发,阐述面相识人的过程及其影响效果。从一般认知视角来看,面相会通过不同的认知加工系统对识别个体特质产生影响,识别到的个体特质在判断(能力、收入、社会层级)以及决策(信任、招聘与晋升)过程中扮演重要角色。从进化认知视角来看,面相会通过不同的进化选择机制对识别个体健康、基因状况发挥作用,进而对判断(婚姻满意度、幸福感、生活满意度)和择偶决策产生重要影响。此外,面相的影响程度取决于个体所处的情境以及个体特质等因素。未来研究应该考察不同面相之间的交互作用,探索面相识人效果的边界条件,利用大数据分析提升面相研究的外部效度,关注后天修饰的面相的影响效果,开展本土情境下的面相识人研究,从而丰富面相的研究内容,构建更加系统的面相研究理论体系。  相似文献   

物质成瘾是一种涉及生理、心理和环境等多因素的复杂现象, 但是当前基于生物还原论的解释对物质成瘾现象整体性的理解和康复研究造成了阻碍。网络理论聚焦于心理障碍变量之间相互作用形成的反馈环路, 从整体视角为研究物质成瘾提供了新的理论框架。将网络理论应用于物质成瘾的研究中将有利于:(1)理解症状之间的相互关系和影响; (2)理解症状网络的整体性和系统性动态变化过程; 以及(3)将多层次和多水平因素整合到统一的理论框架中。从网络理论视角来理解物质成瘾, 也将对未来的干预和治疗提供了理论支持。目前, 网络理论仍处于言语模型阶段, 未来需要进一步提出更具体、可验证的统计模型, 以完善对于物质成瘾机制的了解, 更加有效地推进物质成瘾的治疗与恢复。  相似文献   

张喆  游旭群 《心理科学》2013,36(1):67-71
数字空间表征是人类对数字进行表征的重要方式。数形联觉(number-form synesthesia)是一种数字可以有意识地引起空间知觉的独特现象,与此类似的是非联觉者中广泛存在的无意识的心理数字线(mental number line)现象。两者在行为和脑机制上存在着很多重叠,也存在着值得思考的差异。数形联觉的研究能够提供实质性的行为和脑机制数据,用以解决数字空间表征研究中出现的问题,加强对于数字空间表征的理解;也为更加全面深入地开展进一步研究提供了新的启示,成为数字空间表征研究中值得推崇的新取向。  相似文献   

Mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy (MBCT) was originally developed to prevent depressive relapse and recurrence and has also been widely extended to new patient populations and target problems over the last 14 years. We provide a comprehensive review of this literature, examining the strength of the evidence base for specific populations and target problems and identifying questions for future research to address. Specifically, we review studies addressing the use of MBCT for depressive disorders (prevention of depressive relapse and treatment of residual and current depressive symptoms), the use of MBCT in the treatment or management of other mental disorders (bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, mixed anxiety and depression symptoms, disordered eating, personality disorders, and psychosis), and the use of MBCT in behavioural medicine contexts. Additionally, we discuss the extension of MBCT during specific developmental periods, like childhood, pregnancy and post‐partum, and adult caregiving, and, finally, we address the use of MBCT among clinical health‐care providers. In the second section, we review hypothesised mechanisms of change in MBCT and reflect on implications for theories of how MBCT works in the application to various patient populations and target problems. We also consider research addressing active ingredients and what is known about the “dosage” of meditation practice. We conclude with a summary of recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

The learning experiences questionnaire (LEQ; Schaub & Tokar, 2005) was used to examine learning experiences as they relate to SCCT (Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994) across the Holland (1997) RIASEC typology. In particular, differences in men’s and women’s career related learning experiences were examined. A sample of 319 undergraduates at a public Midwestern university completed an online survey. Gender differences were observed in reported levels of some learning experiences; similar to prior findings for self-efficacy and interests, women reported more learning experiences in the Social domain, and men reported more experiences in the Realistic and Investigative domains. Results also supported that more reported learning experiences in a given domain relate to higher self-efficacy and outcome expectations in that domain.  相似文献   

The role of activation (arousal and subjective significance) was investigated for word processing in an explicit emotional judgement task using a 3?×?3 manipulation. We expected to find dissociative effects for both factors. The behavioural results showed that the fraction of words perceived as emotional increases with increasing arousal or subjective significance. The electrophysiological (EEG) results showed that both factors influence ERP amplitudes. General effects of subjective significance were found for early (60–120?ms and 120–250?ms, low subjective significant stimuli evoked higher amplitude than other conditions) and late (350–490?ms, high subjective significant stimuli evoked higher amplitude than other conditions) time ranges. Localised arousal effects were found in 250–350?ms and 350–490?ms time ranges at posterior (amplitude for high arousing stimuli was less positive than for other conditions) and left frontal ROIs (diverse pattern). Localised subjective significance effects were found for the 350–490?ms time range at the posterior ROIs (amplitude for high subjective significant stimuli was more positive than for other conditions). The results of this study suggest that the effects of arousal reported in earlier studies might account for a more complex form of activation that was recently postulated, namely subjective significance.  相似文献   

抑制是一种领域一般(domain-general)的认知过程,它使儿童和成人能够抗拒习惯、自动化、诱惑、分心物或干扰从而适应存在冲突的情境(Diamond,2013)。抑制控制模型认为儿童或成人在问题解决中的失败并非是缺少相关知识与概念,而是抑制控制失败造成的。研究者采用负启动研究范式和脑成像技术在类皮杰任务、数学和科学问题解决中证实了认知抑制的作用。未来研究应把认知抑制与元认知的研究结合起来,探究认知抑制的发展轨迹及二者在问题解决中的相对重要性。同时,针对认知抑制训练的干预研究也值得重视。  相似文献   

记叙文阅读中时间心理表征的建构:动态观还是静态观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨读者在文本阅读中如何通过一系列展开事件的描述建构心理表征。实验一探讨在中间事件持续时间长/短条件下对首尾呼应句阅读时间和对探测词反应时间的影响;结果表明,读者对第一事件信息的获得受中间事件的持续时间长短的影响。实验二探讨当信息储存在长时工作记忆中时能否得出与实验一相一致的结果。结果发现,读者对第一事件信息的获得不受中间事件的持续时间长短的影响。实验三考察当用明确的时间副词来表明持续时间的长短时,连续性的事件是否还存在着时间距离效应。实验结果与实验二的相一致。整个研究结果表明,时间心理表征的建构是动态观还是静态观,主要取决于是否存在时间距离效应。  相似文献   

Elman (2009) proposed that the traditional role of the mental lexicon in language processing can largely be replaced by a theoretical model of schematic event knowledge founded on dynamic context-dependent variables. We evaluate Elman's approach and propose an alternative view, based on dual coding theory and evidence that modality-specific cognitive representations contribute strongly to word meaning and language performance across diverse contexts which also have effects predictable from dual coding theory.  相似文献   

This study explores the experience of leadership of member‐led community‐based mental health mutual support groups. Recent research has documented factors that affect these groups, including leader well‐being, but little is known about the experience of leadership at the individual level. We aimed to understand more about the experience of leadership and how leading members conceptualise their roles. Individual semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 14 leaders of a community mental health mutual support group in England and thematically analysed. Three themes were identified through which leading members conceptualised their roles and group dynamics: (a) “It's a family”; (b) professional values; and (c) working as a team. These knowledge frameworks appeared to influence leaders' well‐being and conceptualisations of their role. The potential impact of this on group stability is discussed. Recommendations are made that group and individual‐level processes be considered together in future research in mental health mutual support contexts due to their interconnected nature.  相似文献   

李超平  孟雪  胥彦  蓝媛美 《心理学报》2023,55(2):257-271
为厘清家庭支持型主管行为对员工的独特影响,并比较不同的作用机制,本研究对包含204个独立样本、340个效应值及91145名员工的164篇文献进行了元分析,结果发现:(1)与一般主管支持行为相比,家庭支持型主管行为对员工的任务绩效、创新行为和生活满意度有更强的积极影响。(2)工作对家庭冲突(资源视角)、领导-成员交换(交换视角)和情感承诺(情感视角)均能解释家庭支持型主管行为对员工的作用机制,并互为补充。具体而言,三者均能中介家庭支持型主管行为对任务绩效的影响;领导-成员交换和情感承诺在家庭支持型主管行为与创新行为间起中介作用;工作对家庭冲突和领导-成员交换则在家庭支持型主管行为影响生活满意度中发挥中介效应。研究结果为家庭支持型主管行为的影响效果提供了可靠结论,也有助于深入理解其作用机制。  相似文献   

When performing under severe time constraints, sports performers use kinematic and contextual information to facilitate anticipation. We examined the relative importance of these two information sources and their impact on cognitive load and anticipation performance. Cognitive load theory predicts that adding more information sources to a task will increase cognitive load in less‐skilled but not skilled performers. Skilled and less‐skilled cricket batters anticipated deliveries from bowlers on a life‐size screen under 4 conditions that manipulated access to contextual information and included a secondary task. The presence of context enhanced anticipation accuracy for both skilled and less‐skilled groups, without affecting cognitive load. Skilled performers used sequencing and game‐related contextual information in addition to kinematic information to facilitate anticipation, whereas both groups reported using information pertaining to opponent positioning. Findings highlight the importance of context in anticipation and suggest that the addition of context may not necessarily negatively impact cognitive load.  相似文献   

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