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Performance was measured by seven sensorimotor and perceptual tests given to 30 students in six successive trials, spread over five hours, before and after the intake of either 15 mg dexamphetamine, zoo mg Pentobarbitone, or a placebo. Subjective performance, level of aspiration, wakefulness, and mood were measured by a scaling method. A close agreement was found between the amount of objective and subjective improvement following dexamphetamine, whereas the objective impairment induced by Pentobarbitone was not reflected in the subjective measures. These results were examined in relation to the other indices of activation.  相似文献   

The retention of memorized weights was repeatedly tested by the reproduction method, the subject's state of adaptation for weight being systematically changed between the tests. The reproduction scores were found to vary as approximately linear functions of the adaptation level. This relationship was unaffected by changes in the degree of learning of the memorized weight and in several other variables. The 'anchoring' and retention of weight, and different indicators of adaptation level, are discussed.  相似文献   

Hysteresis, i.e. the difference between subjective midpoints of sensory distances when stimuli are presented in ascending and descending order, was studied for subjective velocity by using a modified method of sensory bisection. The hysteresis effect found differed both with regard to its size and the position of the subjective midpoints from an earlier experiment in which the same authors employed an estimation procedure.  相似文献   

王沛  王新波 《心理学报》2003,35(1):112-119
初步考察了社会判断过程中样例激活效应存在的条件、作用、强度和指向。被试为西北师范大学教育科学学院心理系2年级学生160人。实验结果表明:(1)样例激活效应在强启动和弱启动条件下都存在,而且表现为同化效应。(2)在强启动条件下,样例激活效应表现强烈。进一步讲,正、反样例对高、低效价的靶子都有同化效应,但正面样例对低效价靶子的效应更强;而反面样例对高效价靶子的效应更强。(3)在弱启动条件下,样例效价和靶子效价共同影响着社会判断及其决策过程,样例激活效应明显弱化,具体表现为:①样例激活仅对低效价靶子的判断影响显著,对高效价靶子影响不显著;②从具体样例对高、低效价靶子效应强度的比较看,正面样例对低效价靶子作用更强,反面样例只表现出略微差异。另外,“关联效应”会冲淡样例激活效应  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to compare the performance of the traditional (Fisher, 1954) and mean (Hunter & Schmidt, 1990) estimators of the sampling variance of correlations in meta-analysis. The mean estimator differs from the traditional estimator in that it uses the mean observed correlation, averaged across studies, in the sampling variance formula. The simulations investigated the homogeneous (i.e., no true correlation variance across studies) and heterogeneous case (i.e., true correlation variance across studies). Results reveal that, compared to the traditional estimator, the mean estimator provides less negatively biased estimates of sampling variance in the homogeneous and heterogeneous cases and more positively biased estimates in the heterogenous case. Thus, results support the use of the mean estimator unless strong, theory-based hypotheses regarding moderating effects exist.  相似文献   

(1) A method to obtain a scale of subjective time unbiased by the time-order error is suggested. (2) The method gives as by-product some preliminary results on the memory process which gives rise to the time-order error. (3) The method is applied in an experimental study. Two methods, the adjustment method and the reproduction method were used to construct a subjective time scale within the range 1–7 seconds. The former method gave an almost linear R-S curve while the latter resulted in a positively accelerated curve. (4) The time-order error seems to be a very rapid process. The memory curve reaches very near its asymptotic value within a few tenths of a second.  相似文献   

无语境条件下汉语词类歧义词的意义激活   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
武宁宁  舒华 《心理学报》2001,34(4):18-24
以单字词为实验材料,采用启动命名任务,在孤立词条件下考察了汉语词类歧义词不同意义激活的时间进程特点。实验发现,歧义词的两种意义都能被激活,但主要意义激活得较早,次要意义激活速度较慢;当两种意义都激活之后,次要意义的激活水平降低,而主要意义仍维持在一定激活水平。结果表明,汉语词类歧义词的多重激活过程会受到意义相对频率的影响。  相似文献   

言语产生中双词素词的语音编码   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周晓林  庄捷  于淼 《心理学报》2002,34(3):22-27
采用同音判断和音节监控方法 ,考察言语产生中双词素词语音激活的特点。选用以偏正结构的双词素词为名称的图片和与双词素词中首尾两个词素同音的两组探测字作为实验材料 ,探测字在图片呈现后 5 0毫秒 (实验一 ) ,或图片呈现前 130 0毫秒 (实验二 )出现 ,要求被试判断出现的字是否与图片名称中任何一个词素同音。实验结果与绝大部分言语产生理论的预期相反 ,对图片名称第一词素的反应慢于第二词素。考虑到首尾两个词素对整词意义贡献的差别 ,作者把实验结果解释为词素意义对语音激活的作用 :第二词素的语义重要性决定了对应音节激活的快速性 ,双词素词中词素音位激活的速度和时间性受词义和词素意义激活程度的影响 ,而不完全取决于词素发音的序列性。实验不支持音位编码从左到右、序列进行的观点  相似文献   

林仲賢 《心理学报》1961,6(4):43-50
飞行員操纵飞机下滑着陆时,正确判断飞机离地高度是一項重要活动。飞行員必须在安全高度上拉平飞机以保証飞机安全着陆。飞行員应在什么高度上作开始拉平动作,制約于他对高度的判断。不同的机种由于性能上的不同,拉平高度也有所差异。一般而  相似文献   

Using a Piagétan perspective, this study investigated the ways in which elementary school children perceive changes in the size of a televised image (in this case, a candy bar). The findings suggest that younger children perceive changes in image size from a medium shot to a close-up as changes in the object itself. Children's responses to changes in the televised image parallel their responses to traditional conservation tasks, but conservation of televised images occurs at a later age. In addition, children appear to use different cognitive skills to interpret how a zoom or a cut transforms the size of a televised image. When a zoom is used, children more readily perceive the object as “growing larger.”  相似文献   

采用图—词一致性判断任务,考察了动作图片语义加工中语音与字形的自动激活及其时间进程。实验1和实验2表明,在动作图片的语义加工中,图片表征的动词的语音和字形信息都自动地激活。实验3和实验4发现,在SOA为100ms时,音同字产生了语音促进效应,形似字却无字形促进效应。当SOA为200ms时,音同字产生了语音干扰效应,形似字产生了字形干扰效应。这表明,在动作图片的语义加工中,图片表征的动词的语音激活出现得比字形激活早。  相似文献   

句子语境中汉语词类歧义词的意义激活   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
武宁宁  舒华 《心理学报》2002,34(5):12-19
以单字词为实验材料 ,采用跨通道启动真假字判断任务 ,在句子语境中考察汉语词类歧义词不同意义激活的特点。被试为 134名北京师范大学本科学生。实验时向被试听觉呈现含有歧义词的句子 ,且句子语境分别支持歧义词的主要或次要意义 ,以不同的ISI分别呈现与歧义词两种意义有关的视觉目标词。结果发现 ,当探测目标词在最短的ISI出现时 ,与语境支持的意义有关的目标词反应时较短 ,表明语境在歧义词加工早期促进合适意义的激活 ,同时限制不合适意义的激活。实验数据支持相互作用理论  相似文献   

主观幸福感研究综述   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
文章介绍了主观幸福感的涵义、内容和特点,总结了主观幸福感的研究理论,分析了影响主观幸福感的多种因素,并探讨了今后研究的方向和新的课题,旨在为今后的研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Subjective measures of company performance are widely used in research and typically are interpreted as equivalent to objective measures. Yet, the assumption of equivalence is open to challenge. We compared the use of both types of measure in 3 separate samples. Findings were consistent in showing that: (a) subjective and objective measures of company performance were positively associated (convergent validity); (b) those relationships were stronger than those between measures of differing aspects of performance using the same method (discriminant validity); and (c) the relationships of subjective and objective company performance measures with a range of independent variables were equivalent (construct validity).  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to test the following prediction: If a pattern is learned in terms of 'schema with correction', and the subject's conception of the figural schema is changed during the retention interval, the 'memory' of the pattern will change correspondingly. Following the repeated presentation of a pattern S , and the memorization of a related pattern A , patterns deviating from S more and more in a predetermined direction were interpolated. This led to a highly significant systematic error of the predicted kind in the subject's performance when he subsequently was given a recognition test for A.  相似文献   

亚词汇水平加工的本质:形旁的语音激活   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
该研究利用启动命名技术,探讨了汉字加工时是否存在着形旁的语音激活。把含有独立成字的形旁的合体字(如“躲”)作为启动字,与形旁同音的字(如“深”)作为目标字。结果发现,当合体字是低频字时,目标字的命名速度显著加快。高频合体字则没有此效应。集合Zhou和Marslen-Wilson关于声旁语义激活的研究,该文得出结论说,汉字亚同汇水平的加工与词汇水平的加工表现一样,两者之间并无本质性的差别。  相似文献   

《大学生主观幸福感量表》的编制   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据国内外关于主观幸福感的文献和已有的研究经验,编制了大学生主观幸福感问卷。以往大多数研究认为,主观幸福感由生活满意度和情绪体验两个基本成分构成,本研究认为主观幸福感还应包括社会性行为和人际关系等成分。对376名大学生进行初测,通过探索性因素分析,表明大学生主观幸福感由自我满意、家庭满意、消极情绪、积极情绪、精力、生活满意、社会性行为和人际关系8个维度构成,共41个项目。对511名大学生施测41个项目的主观幸福感问卷,进行验证性因素分析,结果表明,上述结构是合理的。  相似文献   

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