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道与神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"道",在道教的教义教理中居于核心位置,亦为道教的最高信仰.然而道教同时是一种神教,是信仰种种神灵的宗教.那么在道教中,道与神究竟是什么关系呢?本文就这个问题作了一些初步的探讨.认为道家的"道"给人们提供了终极关怀,这是道教崇奉老子为教主的内在根据;指出道教中视道本身为神或者神灵变化的本体,还以分气说阐明道一分多的神道观,并贯穿于修炼思想之中.文分三部份:一、先秦文献中"道"的用例和含义,以及道家的"道"在宗教信仰层面对道教的作用;二、道教信仰层面的"道"及其与神灵观念的关系;三、"道"的普世意义及其现代作用.  相似文献   

今人对"道"的理解,多受《易传》"形而上者谓之道"以及《道德经》"先天地生,独立而不改"等的影响,强调其超越的、形而上的含义。若从字源考察则发现,在先秦等早期文献中,"道"的本字之一作"导"(導),本义为"导人行"。由"导人行"引申出"直"、"正"两义。"直"为物理上导人行,"正"为人事上导人行。此外,"道"还有"理"、"通"等义。"理"指文理、梳理,"通"指通达、通顺。总体上看,在早期文献中,"道"的所谓超越的、形而上的含义并不明显;即使后世作为一个重要思想范畴的"道",其主要含义也是引导人们更好或正确地在这个世界上行走/生活。因此,"道"本质上是一个此岸取向的概念。  相似文献   

韩思艺 《天风》2022,(5):31-33
基督教的中国化有三重含义:当代性、历史性与内在且超越性.其当代含义是,在保持基督教的核心教义不变的前提下,与社会主义社会相适应,积极服务于社会.其历史含义是,不同历史时期基督教在中国的本土化、处境化发展.其内在且超越性的基础是"道成肉身":超越的上帝在时空中显现,在历史中生活,将迥然相异的两种不同性质的"存在"结合于一身,使基督教信仰可以突破几千年犹太民族文化传统的束缚,将罗马帝国对于耶稣基督及其犹太民族的暴力统治转化为基督教普世化的契机,并在之后不同的历史和文化中,不断地实现其本土化和现代化."道成肉身"的基督教在与文化的冲突融合中,产生了基督教的核心教义"三位一体".  相似文献   

中国绘画中的"山水"一词,经历了含义的变化与演绎,于是也就有了对于"自然观"与"审美语境"的重新读解-"中国画一旦失去了道技一体,以道御艺的艺术特征,笔墨就失去了精神支持,退化成了一般性的技术手段,这对包涵民族精神与时代精神的中国画而言是致命的.  相似文献   

介绍了东西方文化中"道"的观念。总结了"道"包含的一些思想哲理,如"道"包含的仁爱的含义,"道"的善的动机,"道"的规律性,"道"与"术"的比较。据此,对当今医学及医学教育诸问题进行反思,指出医学不是一门单纯的技术和科学,医学工作者要有相应的职业道德标准,"整合医学模式"是符合当今国际医学发展的医学模式,医学教育中存在"教育技术化"倾向,分析了医学教学中"重术轻道"思想。从"道"的整体观看整合医学的哲学依据,能够站在一个更高和更广阔的视域看待医学问题,为医学改革提供有益参考。  相似文献   

吉哈德(Jihad)是阿拉伯语音译,原意为"尽力"、"奋斗",伊斯兰教中引申为"为安拉之道而奋斗".吉哈德是一个多维概念,其含义在保持一定稳定性的同时,伴随着伊斯兰教的发展而逐渐丰富.在历史的不同时期,穆斯林对吉哈德的诠释各有侧重,呈现出鲜明的时代色彩.  相似文献   

<正>"诚者,天之道也"一、中华文明对"诚信"的言说1.中华文明对"诚信"的解读《说文解字》中说:"信者,诚也。"在汉语中,习惯将信和诚连用,因为两字含义相同。诚信,就是守诺、无欺之意。2.中华文明对"诚信"的重视儒家思想可谓中华传统文化的主流,其所提倡的伦理观念是仁义礼智信,即"五常",这是儒家学说的精髓,也成为中国古典社会的道德规范。孔子曰:"人  相似文献   

正《大秦景教流行中国碑》中有一段话:"惟道非圣不弘,圣非道不大。道圣符契,天下文明。"要理解这句话,必须首先确定"道"与"圣"之确切含义。《景教碑》中,此句话的前文乃是"真常之道,妙而难名,功用昭彰,强称景教"。根据文义,"道"显然指景教。那么,"圣"指什么呢?有西方学者将该字翻译为"先知"(prophets)。若照此理解,上文的意思即:景教和先知相处和谐。这话显然不通。  相似文献   

本文通过对唐代具有代表性的道典<元气论>的分析,参照<道教义枢>的相关论述,揭示了道教在吸收消化佛教思想过程中的变化及特点.认为佛教的中国化是道教消化解构佛教与佛教老庄化整体互动的结果.佛道教之间的相互吸收借鉴,促进了中国哲学的发展.  相似文献   

就文献而言,虽然没有一处显明提及《庄子》,但李荣《道德真经注》在超过1/3的章节使用了《庄子》中的语汇和意象,而且涵盖了今本《庄子》33篇的大部分篇章。就义理而言,一方面,李荣借助《庄子》,对《道德经》的"无为"提出了新解。另一方面,李荣也对庄学的"独化"和"全真"做了新解。他阐发了"独化"的政治含义,并且通过区分"独化"和"自然",将"道"之创生和万物对"道"的依赖给予了更明确的强调。李荣扩大了"全真"的内涵,"全真"与"志道"、"体道"、"合道"等一样,都是表述一种安适的状态。他的"全真",庶几与庄学的"逍遥"含义相近。据此可以断定,李荣有独立注解《庄子》的理论能力。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to respond in non-differential reinforcement pre-discrimination training, with a multiple variable-interval 1-min variable-interval 1-min schedule. Each bird then received discrimination training with a multiple variable-interval 1-min variable-time 1-min schedule. Thus, discrimination training was between response-dependent (variable-interval) and response-independent (variable-time) schedules with the rate of reinforcement equated. In Experiment I, only three sessions of non-differential reinforcement preceded discrimination training and for half the birds, a 0° line was correlated with the response-dependent schedule; for the remaining birds the 0° line was correlated with the response-independent schedule. Post-discrimination gradients of excitatory stimulus control were obtained from the former group, while the latter group showed little evidence of post-discrimination stimulus control by the 0° line. Differential responding to the variable-time schedule was not accompanied by behavioral contrast to the variable-interval schedule. In Experiment II, 20 sessions of non-differential reinforcement preceded discrimination training and the 0° line was correlated with variable-time reinforcement for each bird. Differential responding to the 0° line was accompanied by negative induction to the variable-interval schedule and by inhibitory stimulus control about the 0° line during a post-discrimination generalization test.  相似文献   

Conclusion It is not easy to be a rural minister today. Rural churches are small. Their resources are limited, and a church can afford only one minister, who must direct the whole program of the church.Because of the multiple demands upon one who goes to the country it is even dangerous to become a rural minister. In a rural pastorate a man is free to make his own choices, to determine his own discipline in life and study. He confronts two major dangers: He may become so absorbed in such a variety of work that he will fail to do anything well. Because no one is pressing him to fit into patterns already established he may become lazy and undisciplined, following lines of least resistance. Cutting new patterns, doing pioneer work, always carries such dangers. But if one is strong within himself, the kind of freedom he has in a rural community is a source of real strength.If rural America is to be strong, if its people are to possess character and integrity, and if community consciousness is to be preserved in small places, tens of thousands of little churches must have ministers who understand the resources, problems, and needs of rural people. They must be able to show the people how to develop great churches in small communities.The spiritual destiny of our nation in the tomorrows will be affected by what takes place in our rural churches during these decades of revolutionary change.  相似文献   

This article represents an empirical study of adolescent's self-relation in a family where the mother has re-married. In many studies self-awareness and its functional aspect--self-relation--are selected as new stages in adolescence. The family is considered to be the most important factor in a child's and adolescent's personality development. Literature reviews on the specifics of a child's development in a family with a second marriage present some of the problems facing the parents and children in it. In the present article, problems of relations between children and parents are discussed. A principal finding of this report is that adolescents from families with a stepfather have a less flexible self-relation than adolescents from families with the biological father; to have a positive self-relation they need defence mechanisms. At the same time, analysis of adolescents' drawings shows that adolescents from families with a stepfather exclude themselves from the family system. In addition, the article discusses gender differences in self-relation in two types of families.  相似文献   

The role of a psychologist as a forensic specialist in a psychiatric hospital that specializes in patients who are a part of the criminal justice system is discussed. This article describes the dual role of a psychologist in a forensic hospital and pertinent issues that confront a psychologist in such an institution. Emphasis is given to the responsibility that psychologists have, both to the patients in their care and to the society that has entrusted those patients to their care.  相似文献   


When thin-foil specimens of InSb are heated in the vacuum of an electron microscope, a depletion of Sb takes place because of the preferential evaporation of Sb. This results in the formation of a novel non-stoichiometric (In-rich) solid phase having a cubic structure with a lattice parameter of 5·9 Å, which is about 10% smaller than that of InSb. It has been shown that the twin-orientation relationship exists between the matrix and the non-stoichiometric phase.  相似文献   

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