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Family Centered Brief Intensive Treatment (FC BIT), a hospital diversion treatment program for individuals with acute suicidal ideation, was developed to treat suicidal clients and their families. Individuals who met criteria for hospitalization were treated as outpatients using FC BIT (n = 19) or an intensive outpatient treatment without the family component (IOP; n = 24). Clients receiving FC BIT identified family members or supportive others to participate in therapy. FC BIT clients had significantly greater improvement at the end of treatment compared to IOP clients on measures of depression, hopelessness, and suicidality. Further research is needed to test the efficacy of FC BIT.  相似文献   

A pilot study of a brief group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention (12 two-hour sessions) was conducted with clients of public mental health services meeting four or more criteria for borderline personality disorder (BPD). Participants were randomly assigned to receive the ACT group intervention in addition to their current treatment (ACT + TAU; N = 21) or to continue with treatment as usual alone (TAU; N = 20). There was significantly more improvement from baseline for the ACT + TAU condition than the TAU condition on the primary outcome variable—self-rated BPD symptoms. The ACT + TAU gain was both clinically and statistically significant. The ACT + TAU condition also had significantly more positive change on anxiety and hopelessness, and on the following ACT consistent process variables: psychological flexibility, emotion regulation skills, mindfulness, and fear of emotions. For all but anxiety, the improvements for the ACT + TAU condition were significant, while the TAU condition had no significant changes on any measure. Follow-up was possible for only a small number of participants. The improvements gained by the ACT + TAU participants were maintained except for fear of emotions. Anxiety continued to improve, becoming significantly different from baseline at follow-up. Examination of mediators found that psychological flexibility, emotion regulation skills and mindfulness, but not less fear of emotions, mediated BPD symptoms. Psychological flexibility and emotion regulation skills also mediated hopelessness. There is a need for a larger trial, for comparison with other established treatments for BPD, and for conducting a trial of a longer intervention. Nonetheless, this pilot study suggests that a brief group-based ACT intervention may be a valuable addition to TAU for people with BPD symptoms in the public sector.  相似文献   

Therapeutic Assessment (TA) with children is a hybrid of psychological assessment and short-term intervention. It uses the ongoing process and results of psychological assessment to enhance parents' understanding of their child and to facilitate change. Clinical reports and single case studies suggest that TA with children is an acceptable and effective brief intervention. However, no aggregate data have been published to support this claim. This pilot study investigated the acceptability and preoutcome–postoutcome of TA with 14 clinically referred children with emotional and behavior problems and their parents. Results indicated high treatment acceptability as well as significantly decreased child symptomatology and enhanced family functioning as reported by children and mothers. In addition, mothers demonstrated a significant increase in positive emotion and a significant decrease in negative emotion pertaining to their children's challenges and future. The findings, although limited due to the design and small sample size, support assertions from published single case studies that TA is possibly an efficacious child and family intervention for children with emotional and behavioral problems and should be studied in a larger, comparison design.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether callous–unemotional (CU) traits moderated the effects of intensive behavior therapy in elementary school-age children with varying levels of conduct problems (CP). Both treatment response (magnitude of change between pre- and posttreatment) and treatment outcomes (likelihood of normalization from treatment) were examined. Participants were 67 children (n = 49 boys, Mage = 9.6 years) with varying levels of CP and CU who participated in an intensive 8-week summer treatment program (STP) in which behavior therapy was delivered to children in recreational and classroom settings and to parents via weekly parent training sessions. Effects of treatment were measured using parent and teacher ratings of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), callous behavior, and impairment. Results showed that CU moderated treatment effects for CD and callous behavior but not ODD or impairment. The moderating effects showed some evidence that participants with high CP and high CU before treatment had better treatment responses (larger change between pre- and posttreatment) but worse treatment outcomes (lower likelihood of normalization after treatment). These results suggest that intensive treatment, such as the STP, may be necessary but not sufficient for children with CP and CU traits.  相似文献   

The current study is a pilot project conducted at Baltimore VA Medical Center investigating the use of emotionally focused couples therapy (EFT) for couples in which one partner is a veteran who has been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fifteen couples enrolled in the study and seven of these couples completed treatment (26 to 36 weekly sessions of EFT). Both partners were assessed on measures of relationship satisfaction, psychological distress, depression, and quality of life, and veterans were assessed on measures of PTSD symptoms at baseline and 2 weeks after the intervention. Paired t-tests were used to compare scores before and after EFT. In terms of results, the veterans' partners reported significant improvements in relationship and life satisfaction and in decreased depression and a decrease in psychological distress. Veterans demonstrated a significant decrease in self-reported symptoms of PTSD. These results provide preliminary evidence for the usefulness of EFT to help foster improved relationship satisfaction, and psychological well-being for veterans with PTSD and their partners who completed treatment.  相似文献   

Scene-Based Psychodramatic Family Therapy (SB-PFT) is an innovative treatment used with troubled adolescents and their parents to improve family relationships and reduce adolescents’ problematic behavior. It integrates the principles of family therapy, psychodrama, and multiple-family group methodology. This research is a pilot study to obtain empirical evidence on the SB-PFT therapeutic process by gauging the perception of change of troubled adolescents and their parents, and assess the perceived helpfulness of its methodology and techniques. Ten multiple-family intervention groups were drawn up, with 110 participants (63 adolescents and 47 parents), and we adopted a qualitative methodology with focus groups, using an inductive analysis of 290 active constructions of participant narratives. Concerning perception of change, the adolescents reported mainly gaining in social support, prosocial attitudes, keys to problem solving, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. The parents perceived improvement in social support, keys for educational practices, emotional well-being, and expression of emotions due to the treatment. Regarding the perceived helpfulness of methodology and techniques, both adolescents and parents highlighted the usefulness of the group methodology for gaining social support, relativizing the problem, and expressing emotions. Additionally, participants referred to role-playing and mirror techniques as the most useful techniques. In conclusion, this first study on SB-PFT presents and describes its treatment for troubled adolescents and their parents. The participants’ positive perception of their personal and relational change after treatment should serve to promote further studies with quantitative methodology in order to verify the effectiveness of SB-PFT treatment.  相似文献   

This paper describes the initial development of a treatment for bulimia nervosa using a functional contextual treatment approach. Seven women (6 with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa and 1 with a diagnosis of eating disorder not otherwise specified) completed 12 sessions of functional contextual treatment. Participants were assessed with the Eating Disorders Examination at baseline and following treatment. The intervention produced significant reductions in binge eating, purgative behavior, dietary restraint, and eating concerns. A functional contextual treatment holds promise for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. However, the treatment needs to be refined further and will need to be tested in controlled clinical trials with long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) has been shown to have broad applicability to different diagnostic groups, and there are theoretical reasons to consider its use with clients with chronic mental health problems. We report an innovative treatment development evaluation of ACT for a heterogeneous group of ”treatment-resistant clients” (N = 10) who had attended a mean of 3.5 previous psychological interventions. All clients had Axis I presentations and half met diagnostic criteria for Axis II disorders. Functioning, assessed at pre- and postintervention, and at 6- and 12-month follow-up, showed improvements over time on all primary outcome measures, driven largely by significant changes occurring between baseline and 6-month follow-up. Improvements were associated with ACT processes of change. The data thus suggest that a broad range of clients who had not benefited from standard care may benefit from ACT.  相似文献   

Assessment, as an intervention, is a hallmark of infant mental health that has not been evaluated for treatment effectiveness. A comprehensive assessment framework was standardized as a short-term intervention model and evaluated for treatment effects based on dynamic systems theory of change. The transdisciplinary interaction-based assessment model embeds nondidactic developmental guidance interpretations in the context of eliciting child functional capacities while engaging the caregiver in direct co-observation and reflection to challenge inflexibility in parents’ representations. The findings of this pilot project, with a community sample of Spanish- and English-speaking families, suggest this assessment as intervention model has the potential to promote an active process of change in parents’ representations toward a “disorderly,” or unstable state, possibly both in perceptions of self as caregiver and in representations of the child. Clinically, this disorderly state would be seen as an opportunity that could perpetuate the change process, recognizing disorderliness of representation as an opening, as emerging permeability of representations. Results indicate that this caregiver-clinician collaborative process is associated with caregiver reports of decreased distress, increased empathy for child’s difficulties, and changes in caregiver representations. A subset of families, caregivers who hold immutable views of their children, are less responsive to the developmental guidance approach and may require different or more long-term treatment.  相似文献   

Background: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a promising treatment option for fibromyalgia (FM). Studies have shown that many cognitive behavioral protocols can be transferred to the Internet with sustained efficacy. However, no study has investigated the effect on an Internet-delivered ACT-based protocol for FM. This study evaluated the efficacy, acceptability, and the health economic effects of an Internet-delivered acceptance and values-based exposure treatment for FM. Methods: This open pilot trial included 41 self-referred women with a FM diagnosis. The 10-week Internet-delivered treatment included acceptance, mindfulness, work with life-values, and systematic exposure to FM symptoms and FM-related situations. Participants also had regular contact with an assigned online therapist. Assessments were made at pretreatment, post-treatment, and 6-month follow-up. Results: The treatment was completed by 70% of the participants. Attrition rates were low, with 98% completing the post-treatment assessment and 90% completing the 6-month follow-up assessment. Multiple imputations were used to replace missing values. Pre- to post-treatment within-group effect sizes were in the moderate to large range (Cohen's d = 0.62–1.56) on measures of FM symptoms and impact, disability, quality of life, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and psychological flexibility. All improvements were maintained at follow-up. Economical analyses revealed significant societal cost reductions that offset the treatment costs within 2 months of treatment completion. Conclusions: An Internet-delivered psychological treatment based on acceptance and exposure principles seems to be an efficacious, acceptable, and cost-effective treatment for FM. Randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to pilot a cognitive behavioral treatment protocol for adolescents with co-occurring conduct problems and depression. A non-concurrent multiple baseline design was used to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. A sample of five adolescents, aged 11 to 14 years, participated; all five families completed the protocol. Results indicated that symptoms of oppositionality were significantly reduced. Moreover, maternal ratings suggested significant improvements in emotion regulation in their children and cohesion in the family. However, symptoms of depression showed little improvement. Results of this study have implications for improving treatment outcomes for youth with these comorbid conditions and may lead to increased conceptual understanding of these comorbid problems.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(5):1145-1157
Risk factors that are strongly associated with suicide and are amenable to intervention are in need of discovery. This three-study investigation demonstrates that an intervention designed to improve interoception—one potential suicide risk factor—may reduce suicide-related outcomes. Study 1 included 136 undergraduate participants and found that relative to a control condition, participating in a progressive muscle relaxation exercise was associated with reduced implicit identification with suicide through greater body trust, which is one domain of interoception that is consistently linked to suicide-related outcomes. Study 2 included 97 MTurk participants and found that relative to a control condition, participating in a body functionality writing exercise was associated with greater awareness of the body as a whole. Study 3 was a pilot study of a four-session online intervention designed to increase interoception. Study 3 included a sample of 22 clinical participants who completed pre- and postintervention assessments. Participants rated the intervention as highly acceptable and moderately effective. Moreover, the intervention was associated with improvements in interoception and reductions in suicidal ideation, general psychological symptoms, and disordered-eating symptoms. Overall, these findings indicate that our online interoceptive awareness training is acceptable and may be associated with improvements in clinical outcomes. Randomized controlled trials are needed to explore whether the intervention’s purported mechanism—improved interoception—leads to changes in clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

The purpose of the authors in this study is to explore the possible relationships among sensory processing styles, possible sensory processing disorders, personality traits, and body mass index. There is research on the relationship between obesity as defined by body mass index and temperament, and sensory processing and temperament; however, no information could be found on the relationship between body mass index and sensory processing styles, or the role that temperament and personality styles may play in these relationships. The 50 female participants were recruited from the University of New England community. The sample included women between the ages of 19 and 59 years, and of various weights. None of the participants had a history of thyroid problems, diabetes, or any physical disabilities that would limit daily physical activity. None had been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder. All participants filled out two self-reports and a demographic questionnaire. The Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile (Brown &; Dunn, 2002 Brown , C. E. , &; Dunn , W. ( 2002 ). Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile . San Antonio , TX : The Psychological Corporation . [Google Scholar]) determines a person's sensory processing style and possible sensory processing disorder, and the Basic Personality Inventory (Jackson, 1996 Jackson , D. N. ( 1996 ). Basic Personality Inventory Manual , (2nd ed.) . Port Huron , MI : Sigma Assessment  [Google Scholar]) focuses on everyday behaviors to describe temperament and “adult behavioral syndromes” (p. 5). Through this study the authors show only tentative relationships between body mass index and sensory processing styles and personality traits. The data could be interpreted to support both discriminant and convergent validity between the Adult/Adolescent Sensory Profile and the Basic Personality Inventory. There were, however, significant correlations between aspects of sensory processing and aspects of personality that appeared to strengthen the idea that differences in sensory processing result in predictable types of behavior, indicating that sensory processing disorders are a separate diagnostic category.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(5):913-926
A pilot parallel randomized controlled trial compared a self-acceptance, non-weight-loss intervention, Accept Yourself! (AY), to a weight loss program, Weight Watchers (WW), in order to provide preliminary safety, feasibility, and efficacy data in preparation for a definitive RCT of AY as an intervention to enhance the mental and physical health of larger-bodied women with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Adult women with MDD and a Body Mass Index ≥30 were eligible. Nineteen women were randomized by random number table into AY (n = 9) or WW (n = 10). Intake, pretreatment, posttreatment, 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month follow-up assessments occurred at a rural academic medical center. Primary outcomes included depression severity and cardiovascular fitness. Chi-square and t-tests assessed attrition and participant preferences for treatment; other analyses used intention-to-treat, linear mixed-effects models for repeated measures, including all participants’ available data. Both groups improved in self-reported, F(5, 43.81) = 7.45, p < .001, partial η2 = .38, and blinded-clinician-rated depression, F(6, 62.03) = 10.41, p < .001, partial η2 = .5. AY was superior to WW in self-reported depression, F(5, 43.81) = 2.72, p = .03, partial η2 = .11. Neither group improved in fitness. Eating disorder symptoms and weight gain worsened in WW. AY appeared safe, feasible, and offered initial evidence of efficacy for depression; it should be investigated in a definitive RCT, with modifications to increase potency. WW may not be suitable as a comparator intervention for AY because of risk to participants.  相似文献   

The treatment of adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN) has improved significantly with the increased emphasis on family-based intervention. Yet despite advances, a substantial number of adolescents do not respond optimally to existing treatment models and thus there is a need for treatment alternatives that address barriers to recovery. We developed and piloted an acceptance-based separated family treatment (ASFT) with 6 adolescents with AN or subthreshold AN (eating disorder not otherwise specified, with the primary symptoms of restriction and severe weight loss). Treatment acceptability was adequate. Overall, parents rated the treatment as credible and expected improvement in their child's condition. Five of the 6 adolescents treated with ASFT restored weight to their ideal body mass index as indicated by age, height, and sex and determined by individual growth charts. Many demonstrated improved psychological health and adaptive functioning. There was evidence of broad effects, with parents reporting decreased anxiety and caregiver burden. ASFT holds promise as a treatment option for AN. The efficacy of this therapeutic approach should be tested in larger trials and compared to current family-based interventions to determine unique effects.  相似文献   


Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) for couples was compared to pharmacotherapy in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Eighteen distressed couples in which the female partner met diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder were randomly assigned to 16 weekly sessions of emotion-focused therapy or pharmacotherapy with desipramine, trimipramine, or trazadone. Twelve couples completed the study. Both interventions were equally effective in symptom reduction. There was some evidence that females receiving EFT made greater improvement after the conclusion of treatment than those receiving pharmacotherapy. The results suggest EFT might be useful in the treatment of comorbid major depressive disorder and relational distress.  相似文献   

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