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A long-term temporal component of working memory of rats trained on the radial maze has been shown to be susceptible to disruption by the protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin. It is not clear whether protein synthesis played a role in working memory because accurate performance on the radial maze required the storage of a large amount of information, or because the information was to be held in store for relatively long periods of time. This experiment tested these hypotheses by assessing the effect of anisomycin on choice accuracy in a comparatively simple spatial delayed alternation task. Results indicate that under the present training conditions, protein involvement in working memory is related more to the length of the retention interval than to the amount of information retained.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that phenytoin impairs learning in rats in several different behavioral paradigms (Churchill et al., 1998, 2003; Banks et al., 1999). The present study has examined this drug’s effects on performance in a delayed match-to-place water maze paradigm developed by Steele and Morris (1999). We find that phenytoin retards performance, but only when the inter-trial interval (ITI) is short (i.e., 15-sec). With longer ITIs (i.e., 20-min, 2-hr), the performance of the phenytoin-treated rats was quite comparable to the controls. We suggest that this pattern of results stems from a disruption of spatial working memory, perhaps due to the effects of the drug on hippocampal function (cf., Churchill et al., 1998, 2003). This disruption is, however, not so profound that consolidation is prevented.  相似文献   

An unanswered question in employee development is how reflection can be used for improving performance in organizations. Drawing from research and theory on dual-process models, we develop and test a reflection strategy to stimulate deeper learning after feedback. Results of two studies (N = 640 and N = 488) showed that reflection combined with feedback enhanced performance improvement on a web-based work simulation better than feedback alone. Reflection without feedback did not lead to performance improvement. Further analyses indicated that the proposed reflection strategy was less effective for individuals low in learning goal orientation, low in need for cognition, and low in personal importance as they engaged less in reflection. Together, these findings provide a theoretical basis for the future study of reflection in organizations and suggest a practical and cost-effective strategy for facilitating employee development after feedback in organizations.  相似文献   

The present experiment tested male Sprague-Dawley rats for spontaneous alternation performance in a food-rewarded Y-shaped maze. Microdialysis samples, later assessed for acetylcholine concentration, were collected from the hippocampus and striatum of each rat prior to and during testing; testing sessions lasted 20 min. Early in testing, rats alternated at a rate of 72%. Alternation scores increased throughout the 20-min testing session and reached 93% during the last 5 min. The behavioral findings suggest that, during testing, rats changed the basis for their performance from a spatial working memory strategy to a persistent turning strategy. ACh release in both hippocampus and striatum increased at the onset of testing. Increases in ACh release in the striatum began at 18% above baseline during the first 5 min of testing and steadily increased reaching 58% above baseline during the final 5 min. The progressive rise of striatum ACh release during testing occurred at about the time rats adopted a persistent turning strategy. In contrast, ACh release in the hippocampus increased by 50% with the onset of testing and remained at this level until declining slightly during the last 5 min of testing. The relative changes in ACh release in the striatum and hippocampus resulted in a close negative relationship between the ratio of ACh release in the hippocampus/striatum and alternation scores.  相似文献   

Spontaneous private speech samples were obtained from 65 kindergarten children (mean age 70.3 months) from one suburban (n = 36) and one city (n = 29) school as they worked alone on a delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task with three levels of difficulty (2, 10, and 30 sec delays). As expected increases in DMS delay intervals produced decreased performance and increases in private speech. The expected increased positive relationship between task relevant private speech and performance for longer delays was found in city children but not suburban children. Since mean IQ scores were significantly different for the two groups this variable was further examined in post hoc analyses and discussed along with socio-economic status as possible explanations for the observed school-sample differences. A within-subject comparison for all children showed the percentage of speaking trials correct at 30-sec delay to be significantly greater than the percentage of nonspeaking trials correct. The effect of one experimenter modeled trial on a subsequent 10 trials at 30-sec delay was to increase speech and performance and to show a stronger relationship between speech and performance than for premodeling trials. These exploratory findings with a relatively simple two color matching task suggest further explorations of spontaneous private speech as a way of studying internalization of self regulatory cognitive strategies.  相似文献   

The effects of 12 different delay intervals were studied in a musical task involving performance on an electronic organ. Disruption was found to occur to a degree comparable to similar studies involving verbal and rhythmic tasks under DAF. Maximal disruption was found with a delay of 0.27 sec, a value rather greater than that typically found to be most disruptive in speech. Three of the 12 Ss showed speeded performance under part of the range of DAF intervals, as compared with performance under immediate feedback; however, their performance also reached a peak of slowing at a delay of about 0.27 sec. No significant differences were found between male and female Ss’ performance. These findings were discussed without the context of control processes operating in music performance, and compared with the possibly analogous mechanisms of speech.  相似文献   

Recent work on event perception suggests that perceptual processing increases when events change. An important question is how such changes influence the way other information is processed, particularly during dual-task performance. In this study, participants monitored a long series of distractor items for an occasional target as they simultaneously encoded unrelated background scenes. The appearance of an occasional target could have two opposite effects on the secondary task: It could draw attention away from the second task, or, as a change in the ongoing event, it could improve secondary task performance. Results were consistent with the second possibility. Memory for scenes presented simultaneously with the targets was better than memory for scenes that preceded or followed the targets. This effect was observed when the primary detection task involved visual feature oddball detection, auditory oddball detection, and visual color-shape conjunction detection. It was eliminated when the detection task was omitted, and when it required an arbitrary response mapping. The appearance of occasional, task-relevant events appears to trigger a temporal orienting response that facilitates processing of concurrently attended information (Attentional Boost Effect).  相似文献   

Effects of vasopressin were measured in a nonspatial working memory task: food-reinforced, delayed matching to sample. Subcutaneous injections of 0.2 microgram of lysine vasopressin (LVP) or saline were alternately administered to Sprague-Dawley rats after the presentation of the sample and compared to the effect of the same treatments given to a yoked control group of rats. Different durations of sample presentation (5 and 30 min) and various retention intervals (10 min, 3 h, 24 h) were selected. The results showed that LVP never facilitated retention performance: there was no improvement under conditions of weak memory (short presentation of the sample and long retention interval); moreover LVP abolished the facilitation normally obtained when either the length of the sample presentation was longer or the duration of the retention interval was shorter. The performance after the injection of the peptide was differentially impaired, according to brightness of the sample which had been presented: after the presentation of the white box, LVP injections lead to more errors and after that of the black one the treatment induced an increase in latencies of response. All these data may suggest that the physiological consequences of hormonal modifications triggered by the LVP injection are processed along with the stimuli of the learning episode and interfere with the learned positive value of the sample.  相似文献   

Clozapine is an atypical antipsychotic drug that has been shown to improve spatial memory in some animal models; however its efficacy in reversing spatial memory impairment in rats with hippocampal lesions is unknown. To address this issue, we tested the effects of clozapine on delayed spatial alternation deficits in rats with hippocampal damage in three separate experiments. In each experiment, adult male rats received sham surgery or direct stereotaxic infusions of the excitotoxin, NMDA, into the hippocampus. In the first study, seven days after surgery, the sham control animals received daily saline injections while the lesioned animals were split into two groups that received daily saline or clozapine (2.0 mg/kg, sc) injections. During the fifth week of injections, all animals were tested in a food-motivated delayed spatial alternation task. Saline-treated rats with excitotoxic hippocampal damage displayed significant deficits in delayed spatial alternation. Daily clozapine injections completely reversed this deficit. In a second experiment, it was found that clozapine treatment limited to the testing days only did not improve alternation performance in lesioned rats. Finally, in a third experiment, chronic clozapine treatment did not improve alternation performance in lesioned rats that were pre-trained in the alternation task prior to surgery. These results suggest that chronic, but not acute, clozapine treatment enables rats with hippocampal damage to develop new spatial learning, but can not rescue old spatial learning established prior to damage. These results may have implications for the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by hippocampal dysfunction in disorders such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and others.  相似文献   

Still and MacMillan (1977) suggested the negative of the Phi coefficient (- φ) as a measure of free-trial spontaneous alternation. This new index is compared with the Adjusted Alternation Ratio (AAR), previously developed by Manning (1973b). It is concluded that there are many situations in which the AAR is a more useful measure. Other issues in assessing spontaneous alternation noted by Still and MacMillan are discussed.  相似文献   

Entorhinal cortex lesions induce significant reorganization of several homotypic and heterotypic inputs to the hippocampus. This investigation determined whether surviving heterotypic inputs after bilateral entorhinal lesions would support the acquisition of a learned alternation task. Rats with entorhinal lesions or sham operations were trained to acquire a spatial alternation task. Although the sham-operated rats acquired the task within about 3 weeks postsurgery, rats with bilateral entorhinal lesions failed to learn the task after 12 consecutive weeks of training despite heterotypic sprouting of the cholinergic septodentate pathway and the expansion of the commissural/associational fiber plexus within the dentate gyrus. Thus, heterotypic sprouting failed to ameliorate significantly the effects of bilateral entorhinal lesions. Rather, entorhinal lesions produced a persistent impairment of spatial memory, characterized by a mixture of random error production and perseverative responding.  相似文献   

Forty-four preschoolers completed 2 conditions of a Stroop-like procedure (e.g., saying "boat" for car and "car" for boat) that differed in whether a 3-s delay was imposed before responding. The test card was visible during the delay period for half of the children and occluded for the other children. Preschoolers' interference control was significantly improved in the delay condition. There was no difference between the two delay variants (test card visible or occluded). Children were more prone to interference as testing progressed regardless of whether the delay was present. These results suggest that delays effectively reduce interference by reducing the potency of the competing response during test trials, although memory demands may moderate the effectiveness of delays.  相似文献   

In a delayed treble alternation task the number of errors made by human subjects was found to increase when an irrelevant task was presented in the delay interval. The number of errors increased with the number of items presented in the delay interval, but neither the difficulty of the irrelevant task nor its similarity to the alternation task was found to affect the number of errors.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to investigate the effects of continuous, partial, and noncontingent schedules of reward, as well as the withdrawal of rewards, on the performance of hyperactive and normal control children on a delayed reaction time task. Although noncontingent reward resulted in faster reaction times for control subjects, performance of hyperactives deteriorated under noncontingent reward and improved when it was withdrawn. Also, reaction times of controls during extinction remained superior to baseline, whereas performance of hyperactives returned to baseline level. It was suggested that these and other findings reviewed point to an unusual sensitivity to rewards in hyperactive children.  相似文献   

The current experiment investigated ontogenetic forgetting on a novel object-recognition task similar to that of Besheer and Bevins. 18-day-old pups (n = 49) and adult (n = 29) rats were tested at two retention intervals (1 min. or 120 min.). By employing exclusion criteria which demanded minimum amounts of object exploration at training and test, the performance of 18-day-old pups but not that of adults was significantly impaired at 120 min. relative to 1 min. Analysis indicated that the ontogeny of the learning and memory measured in novel object recognition follows a developmental trend similar to that of other forms of learning, with older animals remembering more and thus performing better than younger animals. Unfortunately, given the extreme variability inherent to the task and large N necessary to achieve significance, the use of this task in studies of learning, memory, and development is discouraged.  相似文献   

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