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In partial-report experiments, an array of stimuli is displayed briefly, followed by a probe indicating the items to be reported. When exposure duration of the array is increased, 2 contrasting outcomes have been found: Some experiments find that performance improves (direct-duration effect); others find that it deteriorates (inverse-duration effect). The objective here was to identify the reasons for the discrepant results. This was done by investigating the roles played by 5 factors that differed between the 2 sets of contrasting studies. An inverse-duration effect was obtained in each of 6 experiments; its magnitude was affected by retinal eccentricity and by the number of items denoted by the probe. The effect was independent of array configuration and of number of items in the array. The direct-duration effect was shown to arise from a confounding of exposure duration and brightness.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the visuo-attentional skills of children with an ophthalmic disorder. Twenty-four patients and 60 healthy controls between the ages 4 and 7 years, all right-handed with normal or corrected-to-normal close visual acuity, were divided into four age groups. Patients' diagnoses included refractive disorders (e.g., myopia, hypermetropia), strabismus, amblyopia, cataract, and nystagmus. All participants performed nine paper-and-pencil visuospatial tasks aiming to assess selective attention (cancellation tasks), spatial working memory (symbol orientation task), fine visual analysis (embedded figures test), and simple perceptual analysis (shape-matching task). In healthy children, the results showed that performance on all visuo-attentional tasks improved with age. While perception, orientation of attention, and visual working memory develop by the time children begin school (age 5), more sophisticated abilities such as attention disengagement and motor control continue to develop during late childhood. Moreover, a spatial bias in attention orienting appeared with reading acquisition (6–7 years). In ophthalmic children, at 4 years of age defects were observed in all assessed functions, but at 7 years an attentional deficit was virtually the only one remaining. Overall, the results demonstrate that children with an ophthalmologic disorder may experience difficulties with visuospatial tasks despite corrected-to-normal visual acuity.  相似文献   

The ability of human observers to discriminate duration was assessed in two types of tasks: (1) pulse tasks, in which the observer compared the duration of two brief increments in an ongoing sinusoid, and (2) gap tasks, in which the observer compared the duration of two brief interruptions in an ongoing sinusoid. Performance in these tasks was assessed in three different contexts: noise alone, noise plus continuous sinusoids, and noise plus continuous sinusoids chosen to induce a pitch segregation effect. Performance in the pulse task was independent of the changes in context; however, performance in the gap task changed as a function of context condition. There was a large decrement in the observers’ ability to discriminate duration when the stimulus ensemble induced the pitch segregation effect. The results are discussed in terms of the relationship between duration discrimination and stimulus variations which do not carry duration information.  相似文献   

When a series of reproductions of an interval is made in the absence of a standard the judgements progressively lengthen. The similarity between stimulus conditions in this type of time estimation experiment and the conditions which produce a decrement in human vigilance is discussed. It is argued that failure to detect cues for the passage of time reduces the amount of time perceived to elapse. Reproduced judgements must consequently be increased in length to match remembered standards. The hypothesis is then made that the kind of variation in background stimulation which facilitates vigilance should increase the frequency of detection of cues for duration and reduce reproduced judgements. This hypothesis is tested with 80 subjects and a reversal of the serial reproduction effect is found on trials with changed background conditions.  相似文献   

Four pigeons in the line-positive group were trained with a vertical line on a green background that signalled intermittent reinforcement while a plain green field signalled extinction. Four pigeons in the line-negative group were trained with the opposite discrimination. Response to a control key terminated any trial and initiated the next trial. The birds also used the control key during generalization tests to control the durations of trials in which various line orientations were presented. These durations were summed to provide generalization gradients of stimulus duration that were positive or negative in accordance with the trained discriminations. In Experiment 2, birds from the line-positive group were tested with a procedure in which the control key was not available on some trials. This provided an independent assessment of response rates to the test stimuli. These rates were used to predict the stimulus durations obtained when the control key was available. The findings supported a general model for the prediction of response distributions among concurrent stimuli from rates observed with single stimuli.  相似文献   

To date, research has not explicitly examined how duration competes with other stimulus dimensions for control over responding. The present study investigated some familiar selective mechanisms of stimulus control over key pecking in pigeons, with duration and line tilt as discriminative stimuli in successive discrimination procedures. Specifically, pigeon's key pecking was reinforced with food or extinguished following compound stimuli comprising one of two line orientation stimuli presented for one of two different durations. Traditional experimental designs explored stimulus additivity, overshadowing, blocking, and learned irrelevance. Although stimulus additivity was observed, control by duration was masked by line tilt in extinction testing that followed facilitated acquisition with redundant, relevant cues. In addition, although prior training with duration relevant partially blocked subsequent acquisition of control by line tilt when both stimulus dimensions were relevant, there was a tendency for control by duration to decrease with continued compound training. It was suggested that the greater time required to distinguish duration on a trial—compared to more commonly studied stimulus dimensions, which can be distinguished almost immediately—puts duration at a competitive disadvantage in situations where other relevant dimensions are also available.  相似文献   

To better understand constraints on EMG activity, burst duration was restricted for the rectus femoris (RF) muscle as subjects walked on a motor-driven treadmill. Once in each step cycle (touchdown to touchdown of the left foot) a computer-activated light discriminated a short burst (if green) and silence (if red). All four subjects rapidly met the criterion of 90% success in 50 cycles for a burst 100–300 msec long within a performance duration, PDUR, of 700 msec. In contrast, two of the four failed to reduce the burst to conform to a 100–200 msec requirement. Several variables were ruled out as bearing on these between-subject performance differences: (1) complete failure to produce a short burst within the PDUR, since many were successful; (2) a differential effect upon subjects of two “reinforcer” types (a high tone after success and a low tone after failure, or else audible EMG biofeedback before the high or low tone); (3) appreciable differences in cycle duration or swing/stance ratios; (4) the presence or absence of concomitant activity in other leg muscles whose EMG was recorded. The frequent failure to accurately terminate the burst was suggested to be due to a greater susceptibility, whether reflexive or conditioned, to simulation arising in the contracting RF muscle itself.  相似文献   

Previous research has inferred relational processing from infants' increased attention to stimuli containing different elements following habituation to a series of stimuli containing identical elements. This finding was replicated, but infants were also found to prefer the different-element stimuli without prior habituation. Infants' performance on this task may be attributed to stimulus salience rather than relational processing.  相似文献   

Thirtyeight males and 30 females viewed each of 30 black and white photographs for as long as they wished. Half the photographs were judged by the Es to be unfamiliar to college students. The remaining photographs were judged to be familiar. After the looking task all Ss cotnpleted the Dogmatism Scale. It was predicted that the open-minded Ss would spend more time looking at the novel stimuli than the closed-minded Ss, and, that all Ss would spend more time looking at novel stimuli than familiar stimuli. The results failed to confirm the hypothesis that open-minded Ss would look longer at the novel stimuli than closed-minded Ss. However, it was found that Ss spent more time looking at novel stimuli than familiar stimuli regardless of the degree to which their belief systems were opened or closed. The adwwtage of manipulating stimulus familiarity by E-selection of the stimuli was discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments further explored the Avant, Lyman, and Antes finding that, during prerecognition processing, differences in subjects' familiarity with letters, words, and nonwords generate differences in the apparent duration of tachistoscopic flashes. The results replicate and extend the earlier findings, showing apparent duration differences with a variety of verbal stimuli over a range of tachistoscopic exposure intervals. The results also suggest that exposures of stimuli on early trials of an experiment reduce differences in preexperimental stimulus familiarity such that unfamiliar stimuli come to be processed more nearly like familiar stimuli. Familiarity acquired on early trials appears to accumulate at prerecognition levels of processing and to reduce apparent duration differences among stimuli on later trials.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that the amount and direction of differences in tachistoscopic recognition accuracy for the right and the left visual hemifield should depend on the degree to which a partial report task requires exhaustive processing of the test stimulus. Position curves for single-item report were examined using four different tasks. In the Arrow task, Ss had to report a letter which was designated by a bar marker. In the Number task, the position of the critical letter was indicated by the digits 1–8. In the Letter task, the cue stimulus was a letter, and Ss were required to report its position in the test stimulus. In the Alphabetic task, a report on the alphabetically first letter of the test stimulus was required. The tasks were designated to encourage either selective processing (Arrow and Number tasks) or exhaustive processing (Letter and Alphabetic tasks). Right-hemifield superiority was predicted for selective processing, and left-hemifield superiority for exhaustive processing. The predictions were confirmed for the Arrow and Alphabetic tasks. A complete account of the position curves in the Number and Letter tasks required a consideration of the effects of the semantic nature of the cue stimulus and/or the spatial arrangement of cue stimulus and test stimulus. It was concluded that the processing operations underlying partial report are more complex than had been assumed previously.  相似文献   

In bar-probe partial report experiments, subjects are presented with a brief array of letters, followed by a cue that singles out a target letter. Using this procedure, V. M. Townsend (1973) reported a counterintuitive effect: As the duration of a cue was increased, target performance decreased dramatically. The aim of the present study was to isolate the locus of the cue-duration effect. To this end, several characteristics of the bar-probe display were manipulated in a single experiment: the interstimulus interval between the array and the cue, array density, the number of letters, and the number of symbols adjacent to the target. These factors were manipulated on a priori grounds so as to affect the different sources of information used in the bar-probe task--namely, durable storage, abstract identity information, and feature level information. The data were accurately fit by a simple quantitative, multinomial model that assumes that the different sources of information used in the bar-probe task make independent contributions to performance. The critical assumption of the model is that cue duration interferes with only one source of information--namely, feature level information.  相似文献   

Humans were trained on two independent temporal discriminations, with correct choice dependent on the initial stimulus duration. In Experiment 1, the durations were 1.0 and 4.0 sec, with one set of choice stimuli, and 2.0 and 8.0 sec, with a different set of choice stimuli. The 2.0- and 4.0-sec values were selected to be the geometric mean of the two values in the other discrimination. In Experiment 2, the durations were 2.0 and 5.0 sec for one discrimination and 3.5 and 6.5 sec for the other. The 3.5- and 5.0-sec values were selected to be the arithmetic mean of the two values in the other discrimination. In both experiments, participants showed evidence for relational coding of the duration pairs. That is, the test durations were selected to be at the presumed bisection point (i.e., they should have produced indifferent choice), but instead the shorter test duration from the longer duration pair produced a “short” bias (in both experiments), whereas the longer duration from the shorter duration pair produced a “long” bias (in the second experiment). Results were similar to those from Zentall, Weaver, and Clement (2004) with pigeons.  相似文献   

Stimulus effects on concurrent performance in transition   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Six experimentally naive pigeons were exposed to concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules in a three-key procedure in which food reinforcement followed pecks on the side keys and pecks on the center key served as changeover responses. In Phase 1, 3 birds were exposed to 20 combinations of five variable-interval values, with each variable-interval value consistently associated with a different color on the side keys. Another 3 pigeons were exposed to the same 20 conditions, but with a more standard procedure that used a nondifferential discriminative stimulus on the two side keys throughout all conditions. In Phase 2, the differential and nondifferential stimulus conditions were reversed for each pigeon. Each condition lasted for one 5-hr session and one subsequent 1-hr session. In the last 14 conditions of each phase, the presence of differential discriminative stimuli decreased the time necessary for differential responding to develop and increased the sensitivity of behavior to reinforcement distribution in the 1st hr of training; during the last hours of training in each condition, however, the effects of the differential discriminative stimuli could not be distinguished from the effects of reinforcement distribution per se. These results show the importance of studying transitions in behavior as well as final performance. They may also be relevant to discrepancies in the results of previous experiments that have used nonhuman and human subjects.  相似文献   

Pisella et al. (2000) have shown that fast aiming movements are automatically modified on-line in response to a change in target position. Specifically, when a movement is less than 300 ms in duration the reach is completed to a target’s new location even when one never intended to respond to the target jump. In contrast, when movements are slower, the reach is completed according to instructions. At present, it is unclear if it is possible for one’s intentions to guide the initial stages of these slow movements. To determine if the intentional control mechanism can guide the initial stages of a slow aiming movement, participants aimed to targets that could jump at movement onset, with a slow and very slow movement time goal. In particular, participants were to point towards (“pro-point”) or away from (“anti-point”) the target jump, with a movement time goal of 500 or 1200 ms. Results showed that in the anti-point condition, movement trajectories first deviated in the same direction as the target jump, followed by a response in the intended (opposite) direction. This suggests that while movement outcome is controlled by the intentional system, even in these slow aiming movements the automatic system is engaged at movement onset.  相似文献   

The psychometric function of single-letter identification is typically described as a function of stimulus intensity. However, the effect of stimulus exposure duration on letter identification remains poorly described. This is surprising because the effect of exposure duration has played a central role in modeling performance in whole and partial report (Shibuya & Bundesen, 1988). Therefore, we experimentally investigated visual letter identification as a function of exposure duration. We compared the exponential, the gamma, and the Weibull psychometric functions, all with a temporal offset included, as well as the ex-Gaussian, the log-logistic, and finally the squared-logistic, which is a psychometric function that to our knowledge has not been described before. The log-logistic and the squared-logistic psychometric function fit well to experimental data. Also, we conducted an experiment to test the ability of the psychometric functions to fit single-letter identification data, at different stimulus contrast levels; also here the same psychometric functions prevailed. Finally, after insertion into Bundesen's Theory of Visual Attention (Bundesen, 1990), the same psychometric functions enable closer fits to data from a previous whole and partial report experiment.  相似文献   

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