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谈谈个人对智力落后儿童早期干预的看法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文作者根据从事智力落后儿童的早期干预教学研究的实践经验对当今在我国开展早期干预的必要性以及早期干预的目的、设置的理由、内容、方式、对象、教师的条件、效果的评价以及开展的步骤等9个问题,提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

智力落后儿童人格特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
智力落后儿童由于大脑功能发育障碍,在个性的成熟和发展方面受到一定限制,表现出与正常儿童不同的个性特征。在不同智残程度的儿童中也存在着个性差异。智力与个性发展有密切关系,脑功能受损越严重,对个性发展的影响也就越明显。  相似文献   

智力落后儿童的心理特征及其教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智力落后是一种常见疾患,我国各地发病率不同,有的地区偏高有的地区较低,估计全国患者数量相当可观。患者成为父母、亲属的沉重包袱,严重者长期由家庭、政府或集体单位供养生活,影响家庭、国家或集体经济及亲属工作、学习。个别轻度患儿进入学校,给学校、教师带来麻烦,本人成为小伙伴戏弄、欺侮的对象,学习成绩低劣。有的则游荡街头,甚至受坏人唆使而发生犯罪行为。所以,智力落后患者问题,不限于医学方面和训练、教育  相似文献   

智力落后儿童的适应行为研究概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
适应行为(adaptive behavior)的研究起源于有关智力落后定义及诊断标准的探讨。由于对以智商分数作为判断智力落后的唯一标准不满,于是有人开始从多条途径、多个方面来鉴别和诊断智力落后,其中适应行为的评估被认为是一条最重要的途径或方面。  相似文献   

本研究通过对智力落后儿童和正常儿童听觉注意稳定性的比较研究,探索智力落后儿童听觉注意稳定性的特点及影响因素。结果表明:4岁智龄组智力落后儿童听觉注意稳定性较弱,低于或等于同智龄组正常儿童水平。智力落后儿童慢速和快速情境下的注意稳定性高于中速。信噪比也影响注意的稳定性,信噪比越低,注意稳定性越差。频率因素对智力落后儿童的影响不显著。  相似文献   

思维和语言智力落后儿童的抽象、概括能力相当不发达,这给他们的思维和语言会带来什么影响呢? 轻度的痴呆儿童抽象和概括能力是有一定的发展的,在某种程度上也能用概念思维。但是,同正常儿童相比,他们已形成的概念,常常表现出不稳定和不完整。例如“树”这一词,意味着一系列的词(包括柽、松、杉等词);“动物”一词,也意味着一系列的词(包括牛、狗、狼等词)。对形成运动反应的受试儿童来说,“树”意味着右手按橡皮球,“动物”意味着左手按橡皮球。那种穿插呈现的词,既不属于“树”,也不属于“动物”的词,而成了非言语的信号。智力落后儿童形成了对“树”和“动物”比较正确的运动反应。他们的局限性是只按  相似文献   

我们在上海市虹口区育能院,对59名智力落后儿童(年龄自7岁至19岁)进行了认知特征的测查,为他们编班、升班和智力训练、教育方法设计,提供一些初步的心理学根据,以便更好地贯彻“因材施教”的原则,提高教育的实效。一、认知特点的初步分析1、对实际操作的和有一定经验的对象容易感知和辨认。患儿均能辨认阿拉伯数字,对其中微小的  相似文献   

智力落后儿童词汇语义记忆组织的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘春玲  谭和平 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1104-1107
本研究采用类别概念例举法.对49名轻度智力落后儿童和49名智龄匹配的正常儿童以及22名实龄匹配的中度智力落后儿童进行了实验研究,旨在比较这三类儿童的心理词典中词的语义储存的区别。研究表明,轻度智力落后儿童与正常儿童的心理词典中词的语义储存有类似的组织结构.但在储存信息的数量上存在明显差异。轻度智力落后儿童的心理词典中储存同的组织较为松散,而且混杂了一些错误的信息;中度智力落后儿童储存有污的组织则更加松散,错误信息也更多,总之,正常儿童的心理词典中词的语义边界清晰,而智力落后儿童的语义边界模糊。  相似文献   

智力落后儿童适应行为发展特点的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张福娟 《心理科学》2002,25(2):170-172
本研究用儿童适应行为评定量表对4~12岁中、轻度智力落后儿童适应行为发展特点进行探讨,结果发现:他们的适应行为与智力有显著性相关;智力落后儿童适应行为发展落后,其中认知技能发展严重滞后是一个重要原因,但他们的适应行为仍有着相当的发展潜力。  相似文献   

智力差异的低常端——智力落后是一个世界范围的、重要的卫生一健康一社会问题。有关材料指出,各国(如美国、日本、澳大利亚、苏联等)人口中均有一定比率的智力落后者,数量颇为可观。据我国近期对有关地区的调研,智力落后的患病率亦达3‰~30‰,全国人数则至少当以数百万计。这一问题业已引起各方面日益广泛的重视和深入的研究。本文拟以心理学研究的有关材科就这一问题的若干方面作一简述。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨智力落后儿童在实验情景下用手抓物的方式、及其与大脑侧偏化的关系。结果表明:(1)智力落后儿童混用手情况多。被试在取物时,使用左手或右手次数的比率平均约为1:2,相当于1—2岁正常儿童用左、右手取物的比率;(2)性别与年龄对落后儿童用手方式无明显影响;(3)病情等级对用手方式有明显影响:轻度智力落后儿童使用左、右手的比率大于中、重度智力落后儿童的同样比率;(4)智力落后儿童抓物的线索在四个实验中不完全相同:实验Ⅰ至Ⅲ的线索为位置(近手),实验Ⅳ为对实验用具的喜爱;(5)在混用手与大脑侧偏化(或优势脑未分化)不完善之间,可能有直接关系。此问题尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

该研究探讨了弱智儿童视觉-动作控制能力。弱智儿童被试30人,平均年龄13.5岁,平均智商53.9。实验结果与正常人的结果作了比较。结果显示,弱智儿童的视觉-动作控制能力只相当五六岁正常儿童的水平,远落后于正常中青年及老年的水平。这表明,智力缺陷与发展水平对人的视觉-动作控制能力有明显影响。  相似文献   

弱智儿童心理旋转的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究探讨了一组9~12岁弱智儿童的“心理旋转”能力,该组儿童平均年龄10.1岁,平均智商(IQ)53.8(中度智力残疾)。研究结果与正常儿童(均龄8岁)作了比较。结果显示,弱智儿童的心理旋转能力明显较之正常儿童为差,智力缺陷对视觉图形空间定向能力(心理旋转)有着明显的影响。但无论弱智儿童或是正常儿童的结果均未发现性别差异。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a self-instructional package that would aid highly distractible retarded children in increasing their attending behavior in a training and two generalization (a one-to-one and a classroom) situations. Three untrained subjects were monitored for general comparison and social validation purposes. One of these control subjects was distractible and the other two (criterion comparison) were evaluated as not having attentional problems. A multiple baseline design was employed in which training was sequentially introduced across subjects. During training, the experimental subjects were taught through self-instruction to focus their attention and to cope with two tasks, math and printing. After learning the self-instructions the subjects were systematically and sequentially exposed to photo-slides of distracting situations, to audio-distractors composed of noisy lunchroom verbal peer interactions, and to in vivo distractors provided by kindergarten children playing with wooden blocks in the training setting. The entire training procedure was handled in a game-like context to maintain subject interest and to facilitate generalization. The results suggested that the training package produced direct and generalized changes in self-instructional behavior. In addition, a decrease in off-task behavior occurred during math, printing, and also during a phonics program in the one-to-one and classroom situations. However, reliable changes in academic task performance were not observed. Finally, no systematic changes on any of the dependent measures occurred for the three untrained subjects.  相似文献   

韩凯  林仲贤 《心理学报》1983,16(3):88-94
本实验探讨了3—6岁学前儿童的视、触大小知觉的发展规律及视、触不同感觉道在大小知觉中的相互作用。结果表明:无论哪一个年龄组的儿童均以“视—视”条件的大小知觉结果最优,其次是“触—触”条件的结果,而“视—触”及“触—视”的结果均较差。本文结果否定了认为交叉感觉道(“视—触”、“触—视”)对大小知觉的辨别与单一感觉道(“视—视”,“触—触”)没有差异的看法。实验结果还表明了,学前儿童的视、触大小知觉有其发展变化的特点。单一感觉道(视—视”,“触—触”)的大小知觉的准确性随着年龄的增长而提高;交叉(不同)感觉道(“视—触”,“触—视”)的大小知觉的准确性在5岁阶段为高峰期,6岁后便开始有所下降。  相似文献   

Except for a few studies, most research investigating correspondence training procedures has been more analogue in nature. The purpose of the present set of studies was to examine whether a “say-do” correspondence training technique could be used with children in special education classes to improve classroom behavior. The specific behaviors targeted for change included: out-of-seat behavior (Experiment 1), sitting posture (Experiment 2), and on-task behavior (Experiment 3). The say-do procedure used in Experiment 1 resembled that of previous studies, whereas that in Experiment 2 was more elaborate in the specificity of verbal statements required from the children and the feedback given them. The training procedure in Experiment 3 used a format similar to the say-do approach, but stressed visual rather than verbal cuing because it was used with nonverbal children. All three studies used single-subject designs and examined maintenance and/or generalization questions. Experiments 2 and 3 also evaluated whether concomitant changes in performance on academic tasks occurred. The results of the three studies provide strong evidence that correspondence training can be effectively used with educationally handicapped children. Moreover, the successful modification of the “say-do” to a “show-do” procedure in Experiment 3 points out the flexibility of the correspondence training approach.  相似文献   

Three moderately mentally retarded females ranging from 8 to 10 years of age were treated for long-standing fears. These children had refused to talk with or be in the same general vicinity of adults other than their parents, a few close family members, and to a lesser degree, their teacher. To establish an accurate criterion for successful performance on dependent measures, participants were matched on age, sex, and level of mental retardation with children having “normal” amounts of fear. Dependent measures included approaching and talking to strange adults as well as child ratings of overall fear. Participant modeling was given by the mother who provided a sufficient amount of physical and verbal prompts to ensure that an acceptable greeting of adults specified by the mother were made. These prompts were gradually faded out as treatment progressed. Treatment, which was given in a multiple baseline format across subjects, proved effective and gains in the reduction of fears were maintained at the six month follow-up.  相似文献   

Staff performance in a residential child-treatment facility was measured by counting the number of jobs completed and number of new procedures implemented within one week of their assignment. Public notices were posted listing each staff member's duties and new procedures to be implemented during the week. The notices produced an immediate increase in performance levels, which quickly tapered off. Staff members were then given tokens worth $1.00 each for performing jobs and implementing procedures within one week of assignment. The tokens regained and sustained high levels of performance when used in conjunction with the public notices. The use of public notices alone and tokens alone maintained better performance than baseline levels, but neither was as effective in starting and maintaining high-performance levels as was the combined use of the two.  相似文献   

以自尊情感模型为理论起点,采用行为事件取样法,对58名1.5-4岁婴幼儿的掌控感和归属感事件进行系统观察。结果表明:早期掌控感源于以动作为基础的掌控行为,包括掌控自我、掌控外物和掌控他人。而归属感一方面源于儿童以不同的行为方式寻求归属,即主动归属感;另一方面源于不同情境下成人的行为使儿童获得了归属,即被动归属感。掌控感和归属感事件均随年龄增长而逐渐减少,反映了个体自尊的早期形态。  相似文献   

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