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Alzheimer病人记忆损害特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王力  程灶火  李欢欢 《心理科学》2004,27(4):896-900
目的了解AD病人记忆损害的特征。方法采用多维记忆评估量表中的12个分测验对30例临床诊断可能的Alzheimer病患者及与病人组相匹配的30例正常受试进行记忆功能的测定。结果AD组几乎在所有的分测验和指数分上均差于对照组。AD轻度组仅在自由组词、残图命名、空间广度、常识记忆等4个分测验及记忆广度、内隐记忆等2个指数分上与对照组之间无明显差异。中重度组则在所有分测验和指数分均差于对照组。经以教育年限为协变量校正后,轻度与中重度组在自由组词、残图命名、经历定向、常识记忆、自由回忆、内隐记忆、日常记忆等分测验和指数分上存在明显差异。12个分测验成绩的比较发现,负荷外显记忆的各个分测验的成绩均较差,负荷内隐记忆的两个分测验的成绩较好。结论轻度AD病人存在着广泛的外显记忆障碍,中重度AD病人除了存在外显记忆障碍外还表现出内隐记忆和日常生括记忆的障碍。这一结果提示人类大脑中存在着多个记忆系统,不同系统受损所导致的记忆障碍不同。  相似文献   




脑损伤可导致范畴特异性语义损伤, 即某一范畴的语义记忆选择性损伤或损伤更严重。阿尔兹海默病患者中的范畴特异性语义损伤可能来自不同范畴之间在熟悉度、词频、获得年龄、视觉复杂度、语义距离、加工要求以及所涉及的主要语义特征等方面的差别。然而, 有无生命范畴本身是否也是一个来源, 尚不清楚。进一步的研究不仅需要整合范畴途径和特征途径, 并区分语义记忆的存储和通达, 而且需要考查疾病严重程度如何影响语义记忆损伤模式。  相似文献   

The need for low cost, noninvasive procedures for aiding in the diagnosis and understanding of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) has led to theories and procedures examining the role of olfactory disorders because of the finding that the brains of AD patients invariably exhibit neuropathology hi the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. This loss correlates with the increase in the number of plaques and tangles and with the severity of dementia. Considered together, these findings suggest that brain structures closely related to the olfactory system demonstrate significant histopathology in AD. A comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to olfaction in persons with AD revealed that the olfactory identification ability of patients with memory disorders is impaired relative to controls. Consistency is lacking, however, when olfactory detection thresholds are investigated. Also, there is inconsistency in regards to severity of illness and olfactory function. In addition to differentiating AD patients from normals, the olfactory paradigm has shown some limited usefulness in differentiating AD patients from some other demented patients.  相似文献   

Anxiety symptoms are fairly common among patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Such symptoms are likely to make patient care more problematic and, therefore, increase the risk of nursing home placement. Anxiety symptoms were evaluated on the basis of physician examinations, in conjunction with caregiver interviews, in 372 community-dwelling AD patients. Patients received annual follow-up for 1–12 years (M = 4.4). Patients who exhibited anxiety symptoms at baseline assessment were significantly more likely to enter nursing homes, regardless of initial cognitive status or other risks for institutionalization. There was a 15% increase in risk for each point on a 0–5 scale. This study supports the hypothesis that anxiety symptoms increase the risk of nursing home placement in patients with AD. Consequently, there is a need for better understanding of the causes of anxiety in AD and for the development of effective methods of assessment and treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether common geriatric conditions, family function, and nutritional problems have independent associations with functional dependence beyond the effect of cognitive impairment in patients with Alzheimer's disease. It was found that some common geriatric conditions affecting patients with Alzheimer's disease appear to have multiple and differential relationships with specific instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) dependency. These results have implications for medical care. Preventing one condition may not be sufficient to prevent further IADL dependences because the conditions are independently related to individual outcome variables. Thus, multiple conditions may need to be managed concurrently if further functional dependence is to be expected.  相似文献   

祝春兰  刘伟  马亮  张利 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1875-1881
轻度阿尔茨海默症往往伴随着不同程度的前瞻记忆衰退。已有研究以轻度阿尔茨海默症与前瞻记忆衰退的关联程度为主线, 对比了这一关联与“其他认知缺陷疾病-前瞻记忆衰退”、“轻度阿尔茨海默症-回溯记忆衰退”以及“轻度阿尔茨海默症-遗传表达”这三种关联的类似程度。此外, 也有研究涉及到了如何促进轻度阿尔茨海默症患者的前瞻记忆。将来的研究应引入病情程度、前瞻记忆任务类型等变量, 深入探讨轻度阿尔茨海默症与前瞻记忆衰退的关联, 并使用ERP、fMRI等神经生理技术确定轻度阿尔茨海默症患者前瞻记忆衰退的机制。  相似文献   

We wished to determine caregiver attitudes about telling patients they have Alzheimer's disease (AD). At a clinic visit, the patient, caregiver, and other family members were informed of the diagnosis of AD in a frank discussion. Caregivers accompanying patients to the Memory Disorders Clinic (MDC) were interviewed in a postvisit telephone survey 3–12 months after the truth disclosure visit. Of the 37 caregivers of a consecutive series of AD clinic patients we contacted, 35 agreed to the interview. Of those caregivers interviewed, 68.6% agreed that it had been a good idea to tell the patient the diagnosis, although 11.4% disagreed. 74.3% thought that the truth disclosure had not been too upsetting; 20% disagreed. Caregivers with more education were more likely to agree that patients should be informed. Neither the relationship of the caregiver to the patient, the patient's age, sex, education level, nor degree of dementia were predictive of the caregiver's attitude about informing the patient. Most Caregivers agreed with disclosing the diagnosis. Only a small group of patients were judged very upset after hearing the diagnosis. Even for those patients, caregivers generally felt that an honest discussion of the diagnosis had been helpful.  相似文献   

林小莺 《心理科学》2006,29(2):457-459,464
台湾地区有超过91.5%的阿尔兹海默症照顾者为家庭成员。他们平均对轻度、中度和重度此症患者的全部照顾时间为2166、4299和5871小时。根据一项以“中国人健康问卷”所做的调查,照顾者身体健康状况平均值为2.73(标准差0.85);心理健康状况平均值为2.74(标准差0.8);社会健康状况平均值为2.98(标准差0.78);在压力的排序上以情绪上的压力和困扰为最高(3.02)。这些数据显示照顾者的身心健康已受到严重的负面影响。因此,照顾者应该首先照顾好自身,才能给予被照顾者亲属更好的必要照顾。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test a model of stress, appraisal, and adaptation in 114 family caregivers of patients diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer's type (white non-Hispanic, N = 64; Hispanic-American, N = 50). Results of structural equation analysis show that appraised caregiver burden played a central role in determining the psychological well-being of family caregivers. The findings indicate that this mediating variable, negative caregiver appraisal, was predicted by increased functional limitations and behavioral disturbances in the patient, poorer perceived physical health, and lower levels of perceived emotional support. Contrary to a priori hypotheses, functional limitations in the patient also exhibited a direct association with caregiver depression. Further, patient cognitive impairment and caregiver ethnicity were not related to caregiver appraisal. Overall, these results support the role of appraised burden in mediating the relationships between caregiving factors and the adaptational outcome of depression. The implications of these findings, limitations of the study, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of a 12-week intervention on a patient-focused skills training group and a caregiver-focused skills training group were compared with those on a control group that received comparable attention, but no training. Intervention effects were monitored at the completion of the treatment phase and at 3- and 6-months postintervention. Treatment implementation was documented in a comprehensive fashion to ensure replicability. Both training groups acquired skills that enabled them to improve targeted behaviors (patient problem behaviors and caregiver mood, respectively). Weaker effects were found for more distal outcomes, such as depression, perceived stress, caregiver strain, and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

采用BODE评分系统评价慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的戒烟效果.248例吸烟的稳定期COPD患者进行随机分组,一组除常规治疗外给予戒烟干预(即戒烟组),一组给予常规治疗(即对照组).所有患者在入组时和观察结束时均给予肺功能检测、六分钟步行试验(6MWT)、呼吸困难评分(mMRC)、测量身高和体重,观察各指标的变化情况.至1年观察结束时,戒烟组和对照组在BMI(26.70±3.74 vs.25.17±3.63)、FEV1%pred (50.29±12.54 vs.46.68±15.37)、mMRC(1.64±0.90 vs.2.53±1.07)、6MWD(306.84±27.71 vs.257.84士30.34)方面分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);戒烟组患者研究结束时除FEV1% pred之外,其余观察指标BMI(26.70±3.74 vs.23.11±3.51)、mMRC (1.64士0.90 vs.2.18士0.91)、6MWD(306.84±27.71 vs.281.15±32.40)与基线值比较均有所改善(P<0.05);对照组患者研究结束时除BMI之外,其余观察指标FEV1% pred(46.68±15.37 vs.51.91±17.22)、mMRC(2.53士1.07 vs.2.01±0.97)、6MWD(257.84±309.34 vs.285.14±30.98)与基线值相比均有所下降(P<0.05).COPD患者戒烟后其BODE评分系统中包括体重指数、肺功能指标、呼吸困难程度和运动能力在内的各个因素均得到一定程度的改善,生活质量显著提高.  相似文献   

慢性肾病、慢性肾功能衰竭全方位审视   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
慢性肾病(CKD)、慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)是全身性疾病在肾脏的表现、特别与血管性免疫性和代谢性疾病相关。肾脏又是一个排泄器官,中西药的过度应用,尤其是具有毒性药物如雷公藤类、抗生素类累积性损伤肾脏。所以,根本性控制在于预防和少用药物。近年来因为应用了肾替代疗法、包括肾移植带来一些社会、经济、生活质量、移植肾来源等问题。本文以全新的理念提出质疑且对其共性治疗重新评估替代疗法,并重视个案分析对某些肾病的病名提出它的概念的非合理性,对其共性治疗的误导应予以反思。最后,建议逐步改变单纯生物医学模式的替代疗法,重视整体全方位地发挥自身潜在调节力量缓解或治愈或延长寿命,这样可以大大地减少CKD、CRF、ESRD的发病率。  相似文献   

应用斑点追踪技术(STE)定量评价慢性肺源性心脏病患者右心室功能的改变。在我院明确诊断为慢性肺源性心脏病患者39例作为病例组,健康体检人员30例作为对照组。应用STE测量右心室收缩期峰值应变率(SRs)、舒张早期峰值应变率(SRe)、舒张晚期峰值应变率(SRa),计算舒张早期峰值应变率与舒张晚期峰值应变率的比值(SRe/SRa);测量三尖瓣环游离壁舒张早期运动速度峰值(Ea)、舒张晚期运动速度峰值(Aa)并计算其比值(Ea/Aa);计算右心室面积变化率(RVFAC)。病例组RVFAC、Ea/Aa、SRs、SRe、SRa、SRe/SRa均低于对照组(P〈0.05)。SRs与RVFAC呈显著正相关(r=0.725,P〈0.001)。SRs、RVFAC与PASP呈显著负相关(r1=-0.695,r2=-0.664,P〈0.001)。SRe/SRa与Ea/Aa呈显著正相关(r=0.701,P〈0.001)。慢性肺源性心脏病患者右心室收缩和舒张功能减低。STE可以定量评价慢性肺源性心脏病患者右心室功能的改变。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了各种慢性呼吸疾病的特点、重要性、病因和发病机理,重点阐述认真搞好三级预防是有效防控慢性呼吸疾病的基础,而目前我国慢性呼吸疾病医疗服务模式是因症就诊,这种医疗服务模式不利于慢性呼吸疾病的管理和控制,必须尽快改变。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病发病机制及治疗手段多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease,AD)是一种重要的神经退行性疾病,其发病机制复杂,目前无任何一种学说可单独解释AD的病因,因而导致AD的治疗手段多样性,但无任何一种手段可完全有效治疗AD。探讨了AD的多种发病机制和治疗手段,通过其研究的复杂性说明认识事物过程的复杂性和曲折性。  相似文献   

Deficit in olfaction and remote nonolfactory memory in Alzheimer's disease (AD) motivated the present study of remote memory for odors and faces, operationally defined as rated familiarity, in patients with AD and controls. Uncommon engineering symbols were rated for familiarity to ensure task comprehension. Results showed that patients with AD rate odors, but not faces, as significantly less familiar than do controls, which is indicative of deficit in remote odor memory. Follow-up testing 1 year later again showed this result. Poor odor-detection sensitivity in patients, with AD, but lack of significant correspondence between sensitivity and familiarity, suggests an existing but limited effect of sensitivity on familiarity. The findings provide further evidence that olfaction may be a useful modality for early identification of AD.  相似文献   

We used the spaced retrieval method to improve recall of everyday objects in older adults with probable Alzheimer's Disease. Three training sessions were administered on alternate days over a week. On each training trial, participants selected a designated object from an array of items at increasingly longer retention intervals. Implicit and explicit memory for the target item was assessed after each session. Results indicated that spaced-retrieval training enhanced retention of the target item within and across sessions for all participants. Implications of these findings for current views on memory interventions for cognitively impaired older adults are discussed. affiliated with the Menorah Park Center for the Aging  相似文献   

Lyme disease is currently the most common vector-borne illness in the United States. The disease is multisystemic, and chronic disease, in particular, may be associated with neuropsychological deficits. However, to date, only a few empirical studies exist, which examine the neuropsychological sequelae associated with chronic Lyme disease. A review of the literature shows that the deficits observed in adults with chronic Lyme disease are generally consistent with the deficits that can be seen in processes with primarily frontal systems involvement. These observations are generally consistent with neuroradiologic findings. The clinical presentation in chronic Lyme disease and the nature of the neuropsychological deficits are discussed, as are several central issues in understanding neuropsychological functioning in chronic Lyme disease, such as the impact of chronic illness, response to treatment, and the relationship between neuropsychological performance and depression, fatigue, and neurological indicators of disease.  相似文献   

This article assesses the self-construct of Alzheimer's patients residing in a care facility, using qualitative research methods to determine whether a sense of personhood was retained despite the deteriorative consequences of the disease. Through systematic observations of patient actions and interviews with family members and staff, the study assessed the patients' experience of self. The self was conceptualized in social constructionist terms emphasizing how patients configure meaning in seemingly trivial everyday aspects of residential care. The research developed ways of understanding the patients' humanity, confirming that a self-process was sustained despite the effects of the disease. The article explores implications of a contemporary approach to treatment of patients as transformed, yet distinctive, human beings with valid relational and cultural lives.  相似文献   

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