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We evaluated 6- and 7-month-olds' preference and memory for expressive recordings of sung lullabies. In Experiment 1, both age groups preferred lower-pitched to higher-pitched renditions of unfamiliar lullabies. In Experiment 2, infants were tested after 2 weeks of daily exposure to a lullaby at one pitch level. Seven-month-olds listened significantly longer to the lullaby at a novel pitch level than at the original pitch level. Six-month-olds showed no preference but their low-pitch preference was eliminated. We conclude that infants' memory for musical performances is enhanced by the ecological validity of the materials. Moreover, infants' pitch preferences are influenced by their previous exposure and by the nature of the music.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that infants can remember words from stories over 2 week delays (Jusczyk, P. W., & Hohne, E. A. (1997). Infants' memory for spoken words. Science, 277, 1984-1986). Because music, like language, presents infants with a massively complex auditory learning task, it is possible that infant memory for musical stimuli is equally powerful. Seven-month-old infants heard two Mozart sonata movements daily for 2 weeks. Following a 2 week retention interval, the infants were tested on passages of the familiarized music, and passages taken from similar but novel music. Results from two experiments suggest that the infants retained the familiarized music in long-term memory, and that their listening preferences were affected by the extent to which familiar passages were removed from the musical contexts within which they were originally learned.  相似文献   

We examined liking for happy- and sad-sounding music as a function of exposure, which varied both in quantity (number of exposures) and in quality (focused or incidental listening). Liking ratings were higher for happy than for sad music after focused listening, but similar after incidental listening. In the incidental condition, liking ratings increased linearly as a function of exposure. In the focused condition, liking ratings were an inverted U-shaped function of exposure, with initial increases in liking (after 2 exposures) followed by decreases (after 8 or 32 exposures). The results documented that: (1) sad music is liked as much as happy music in some instances; (2) frequency of exposure causes both familiarity (positive) and over-familiarity (negative) effects; and (3) effects of exposure on liking differ for focused and incidental listening.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed comparing similarity (technical-structural) and preference personal-affective) judgments of jazz improvizations (Experiment 1) and of classical, pop-rock, and jazz music (Experiment 2). A multidimensional scaling paradigm (INDSCAL) was used for pairwise comparisons of the 12 musical pieces in each experiment. Each 2 minute piece was subdivided into 10 second segments in order to reduce fatigue or boredom and provide better sampling across comparison trials. In general, similarity dimensions reflected greater agreement among the subjects that did preference dimensions and were hierarchically ordered. The dominant dimensions for both similarity and preference judgments of jazz improvizations were: Tempo, Dominant Instrument (Horns-guitar), and Articulation. The dominant dimensions for similarity judgments involving all three genres were: Classical-Contemporary, Jazz-Rock, and Tempo. The dominant dimensions for preference judments were: Rock-Classical, Jazz-Classical, and Tempo. In general, the preference judgments of musically sophisticated subjects were less constrained by salient dimensions.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of musical experience and family handedness background on the categorization of musical intervals (two-note chords). Right-handed subjects, who were divided into four groups on the basis of musical training and presence (or absence) of left-handed family members, categorized musical intervals which were monaurally presented to left or right ear. The results, based on consistency and discreteness of categorization, showed: (1) Musicians' performance is superior to nonmusicians'; (2) musicians and nonmusicians differ significantly on their ear of preference; (3) family handedness background significantly affects ear of preference among musicians but not among nonmusicians.  相似文献   

Replicating findings of J. Kuhl and M. Kazén (1999), reduction or removal of Stroop interference was achieved after short exposure to primes eliciting positive affect. This effect was need specific: Stroop interference removal (volitional facilitation) was found with positive primes related to achievement needs but not with positive primes related to affiliation or power needs. Five studies are reported. College students and unemployed university graduates participated in 2 studies each and branch managers of a large insurance company in 1 study. Whereas Stroop interference reduction or removal was found in all groups after positive-achievement primes, the 2 groups of unemployed persons additionally showed a significant increase of Stroop interference (volitional inhibition) after exposure to primes related to negative achievement episodes. Results are discussed in the context of Kuhl's personality systems interactions theory.  相似文献   

Studied the effects of decentration as a self-control process to reduce the aggression subsequent to exposure to filmed violence. 48 Belgian French-speaking military recruits were run in four groups of subjects. Two saw either aggressive or neutral slides without special instructions. The other two groups saw only aggressive slides but one underwent the decentration training while the fourth one performed a subsidiary task instead. The famous ‘weapons effect’ is replicated for those subjects who did not receive the special instructions (<.025 one-tailed test) and decentration significantly reduces aggression (<.05 one-tailed test). The absence of a change in the meaning of the slides is interpreted in terms of reappraisal of the stimuli. Besides practical questions, theoretical implications are raised concerning the social context of viewing filmed violence.  相似文献   

Subjects heard four piano compositions that were constructed to represent differing degrees of complexity, as defined by their chordal and rhythmic properties and corroborated by subjects’ complexity ratings. In line with the predictions of an optimal complexity model of musical preference, judged liking for the compositions was a unimodal function of their complexity. After each composition was rated for liking, one of the four compositions was presented and rated an additional 16 times. Also congruent with an optimal complexity model was the finding that the affective consequences of repeated exposure varied depending upon whether the repeatedly exposed composition was more or less complex than the subject’s preferred complexity level. The latter finding suggests that repeated exposure effects are a function of both situational and individual factors.  相似文献   

Although most research in the perceptual interference literature has used visual stimuli, recent experiments have replicated this effect using musical stimuli. Two experiments investigated whether musical and visual demonstrations of the effect are produced by a common mechanism by examining whether the provision of incorrect cues would impair melodic object identification in the perceptual interference paradigm. Whereas incorrect cues typically do not affect visual object identification, they reduced melody identification both when the subjects generated the cues and when the experimenter provided them. A novel model (feature modulation search) is presented to account for perceptual interference in musical stimuli. The model has potential applications for the larger perceptual interference literature and for related phenomena in which target-related information impairs cognition.  相似文献   

Infants' recognition memory for a series of visual stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tendency of infants to distribute attention selectively to novel and familiar visual stimuli was employed to study infants' recognition memory for a series of visual targets. Infants 5 months of age demonstrated an unequal distribution of visual fixation to novel and familiar stimuli, with more attention to the novel, on both immediate and delayed stimulus-recognition tests for each of three novelty problems administered during a single testing session. The degree of differential fixation to novel targets exhibited no reliable decline from immediate to delayed testing and was not significantly altered by the serial order which the problem occupied during immediate recognition testing.  相似文献   

Olfactory stimuli as context cues in human memory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Olfactory stimuli were used as context cues in a recognition memory paradigm. Male college students were exposed to 50 slides of the faces of college females while in the presence of a pleasant or an unpleasant odor. During the acquisition phase, ratings of physical attractiveness of the slides were collected. After a 48-hr delay, a recognition test was given using the original 50 slides and 50 new slides. The recognition test was conducted with either the original odor or the alternative odor present. A no-odor control group did not receive olfactory cues. The attractiveness ratings indicated that the odor variations had no effect on these social judgments. Analyses of d' scores, hits, and false alarms for the recognition performance indicated support for the predicted interaction in which presence of the same odor at both sessions led to better overall performance.  相似文献   

Human participants received exposure to similar visual stimuli (AW and BW) that shared a common feature (W). Experiment 1 demonstrated that subsequent discrimination between AW and BW was more accurate when the two stimuli were preexposed on an intermixed schedule (AW, BW, AW, BW…) than when they were preexposed on a blocked schedule (AW, AW…BW, BW…): the intermixed-blocked effect. Furthermore, memory for the unique features of the stimuli (A and B) was better when the stimuli were preexposed on an intermixed schedule than when they were preexposed on a blocked schedule. Conversely, memory for the common features of the stimuli (W) was better when the stimuli were preexposed on a blocked schedule than when they were preexposed on an intermixed schedule. Experiment 2 again demonstrated the intermixed-blocked effect, but participants were preexposed to the stimuli in such a way that the temporal spacing between exposures to the unique features was equated between schedules. Memory for the unique and common features was similar to that found in Experiment 1. These findings support the proposal that perceptual learning depends on a mechanism that enhances memory for the unique features and reduces memory for common features.  相似文献   

The two experiments reported are concerned with short-term memory for digit lists simultaneously presented both auditorily and visually. Results showed (1) that interpolated written and verbal recall differentially affect retention depending on whether the to-be-recalled list was presented auditorily or visually. (2) That input modality appears to be far more important for recall than was directing subjects' attention to a list during input, when that list might or might not have been subsequently required for recall. The results suggest that short-term storage is modality specific. In this case, Broadbent's P and S mechanisms do not adequately describe what happens during simultaneous visual and auditory presentation. Nor would Sperling's suggestion of a final auditory store appear to be supported.  相似文献   

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