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In the present article, the author discusses the emergence of new centres and chairs in Islamic theology in the Northern European context. Being mainly explorative, the article seeks to formulate a theoretical framework for analysing what happens to Islamic theology when it becomes integrated into a Northern European, secular university setting. Do we see a shift in emphasis from religion-specific traditionalism to de-culturalized universalism and interfaith dialogue? Key notions in the author’s analysis are formatting, university theology and the three publics (David Tracy) of theology. Empirical examples of how Islamic theology is currently being done (or formatted) in a European university setting are taken from two German centres for Islamic theology. With reference to publications originating from these centres, the author discusses different, but overlapping discourses in emerging Islamic university theologies – one centred on general subjects such as ethics, hermeneutics and humanism, another oriented towards “innovation in tradition”.  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶,伊斯兰教复兴思潮迭起,穆斯林比以往更加明确,伊斯兰教依然是他们解决精神、政治、经济问题的行之有效的途径。20世纪中后期,伊斯兰复兴的浪潮在经济思想领域产生了两方面影响:其一,带动了伊斯兰经济思想的研究。其二,促成了伊斯兰金融体系的建立。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教道德范例是《古兰经》、圣训体现的宗教伦理道德准则。本文认为,伊斯兰教的道德观就是要人坦诚相见,宽怀大度,保持良好的做人声誉,这样才能达到人间的和谐相处,有利于人类自身的发展。  相似文献   

A religious approach is one of the matters emphasized in counseling today. Many researchers find that there is a need to apply the religious element in counseling because religion is important in a client’s life. The purpose of this research is to identify aspects of the Islamic approach applied in counseling clients by counselors at Pusat Kaunseling Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (PKMAINS). In addition, this research also analyses the Islamic approach applied in counseling at PKMAINS with reference to al-Quran and al-Sunnah. This is a qualitative research in the form of case study at PKMAINS. The main method used in this research is interview. The research instrument used is interview protocol. The respondents in this study include 9 counselors who serve in one of the counseling centers in Malaysia. This study also uses questionnaire as an additional instrument, distributed to 36 clients who receive counseling service at the center. The findings of the study show that the Islamic approach applied in counseling at PKMAINS may be categorized into three main aspects: aqidah (faith), ibadah (worship/ultimate devotion and love for God) and akhlaq (moral conduct). Findings also show that the counseling in these aspects is in line with Islamic teachings as contained in al-Quran and al-Sunnah.  相似文献   

Barbara Metcalf suggested some years ago that a well-known contemporary Islamic movement of pietist inclinations, the Tabligh-i Jama’at, acted in effect to produce a gentler, more feminised male Muslim identity among its adherents. Some other contemporary Islamic movements have similar tendencies. Ritual practices among the Hijaz Community, a mostly Pakistani organisation in the British Midlands, for example, are explicitly aimed to produce a gentler, less aggressive orientation among their followers. Can we see these new movements as part of the evolution of new forms of masculinity among Muslim men, both in Muslim-majority and diasporic populations? I explore this question through field research carried out as part of an ESRC-funded research project on young Muslims in the UK and Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The following paper begins with an outline of the motives for dacwah as presented by the ducat themselves, followed by a discussion of the significance of mission in Pakistan. The International Islamic University and its da'wah wing is documented in detail, with a focus on its ideological foundations and its objectives. The main part of the paper is devoted to how the Dacwah Academy tries to conduct its programmes among different target groups, especially students, and how it acts at the international level using workshops and various media.  相似文献   

Islamic banking is based on moral foundations that make it distinct from conventional banking. Some argue that because of its foundation in Islam, Islamic banking may represent a more morally appealing alternative. Yet, evidence shows that this is not the case. Indeed, the current practice of Islamic banking has not been able to achieve its goals which are based on Islam's moral values: to enhance justice, equitability, and social well‐being. This essay examines the extent to which Islamic banking is ethical and concludes that the practice of the industry does not seem to be de facto ethical from the Islamic perspective of ethical values. It only consists in trading the same instruments of conventional banks without genuinely enforcing Islam's ethical vision. The practice of Islamic banking misrepresents Islam and does not contribute to solving social problems. The interaction between maqasid al‐shari?a (objectives of Islamic law) and qiyās (deductive analogy) provides a supplementary tool for interpreting the failure of the prior in terms of the practical misuse of the latter by Islamic banks. This essay provides an interpretive approach to the current debate about why Islamic banking has failed and suggests ways to move cautiously in the future.  相似文献   

A uniquely Islamic theoretical framework for an Islamic psychology has yet to be established. To do so requires that we understand how human beings are conceptualized within the cosmology that characterizes the Islamic tradition. This paper presents a model of the soul from within an Islamic paradigm, generated through a grounded theory analysis of interviews with 18 key informants with relevant academic or religious expertise. The model elaborates aspects of a mechanism for the development of the soul that constitutes a potential foundation for an Islamic theory of human psychology and has particular relevance for Islamic approaches to psychotherapy.  相似文献   

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