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面孔、语音情绪信息的整合加工是社会交往的重要技能, 近年来逐渐引起心理学、神经科学研究的关注。当前研究较为系统地考察了双通道情绪信息整合加工的行为表现和影响因素, 也很好地回答了“何时整合”与“在哪里整合”两个认知神经科学关注的问题, 但对“面孔、语音情绪信息能否整合为一致情绪客体?双通道情绪信息在大脑中如何整合为一?”两个关键问题都还缺乏系统研究。因此, 本项目拟系统操纵面孔、语音刺激的情绪凸显度和任务要求, 引入动态面孔-语音刺激以增加外部效度, 综合运用行为和电生理技术, 从多角度挖掘数据, 特别是引入神经振荡(时频、相干)分析, 系统考察动态性面孔和语音情绪信息是否能整合成一致情绪客体, 并在神经振荡层面探明双通道情绪信息整合的机制。  相似文献   

杜蕾 《心理科学进展》2013,21(2):243-251
快速而准确地检测威胁性信息是进化过程中形成的一种重要能力,是有效应对危险的前提条件,对有机体的生存具有重要价值.威胁性信息的检测由不同的神经通路合作完成.在视觉通道中,皮层通路的精确检测和皮层下通路的快速检测在杏仁核得到整合.杏仁核能接受多感觉通道的信息输入,并接受额叶的调节,是威胁性信息加工中连通自上而下加工和自下而上加工的枢纽.将来的研究需要进一步关注杏仁核的功能以及不同的神经通路如何合作完成威胁性信息的检测.  相似文献   

在现实生活中, 有效的情绪识别往往依赖于不同通道间的信息整合(如, 面孔、声音)。本文梳理相关研究认为, 面孔表情和声音情绪信息在早期知觉阶段即产生交互作用, 且初级感知觉皮层负责两者信息的编码; 而在晚期决策阶段, 杏仁核、颞叶等高级脑区完成对情绪信息内容的认知评估整合; 此外, 神经振荡活动在多个频段上的功能耦合促进了跨通道情绪信息整合。未来研究需要进一步探究两者整合是否与情绪冲突有关, 以及不一致的情绪信息在整合中是否有优势, 探明不同频段的神经振荡如何促进面孔表情和声音情绪信息整合, 以便更深入地了解面孔表情和声音情绪信息整合的神经动力学基础。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍的注意缺陷研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,发展性阅读障碍的注意缺陷研究逐渐受到重视.行为实验发现,阅读障碍者有多种注意缺陷现象,主要表现为“视野不对称性”和“注意转换延迟”.脑电研究表明,阅读障碍的注意缺陷与大脑后顶叶皮层功能异常有关.大细胞通路假设认为,阅读障碍的视知觉缺陷来源于视觉大细胞受损,大细胞通路所加工的信息主要投射到靠近颞枕顶联合区的V5MT区,这个脑区为后顶叶皮层提供大量投射.因此,阅读障碍的注意缺陷与大细胞通路受损存在一定关系.  相似文献   

多感觉整合是对不同感官信息进行选择、联系、统一乃至解释的加工过程, 它需要神经系统不同功能区域的共同投入与相互协调, 以实现多种感觉信息的时间捆绑以及全局性的预测编码。而γ神经振荡因具有反映神经皮层兴奋/抑制的平衡状况, 实现多感官信息的时间同步, 以及通过跨频耦合实现全局性预测编码的特点, 在多感觉整合的加工过程中发挥着重要作用。相比正常个体, 自闭症患者神经系统中的GABA中间神经元存在结构与功能异常, 导致γ神经振荡紊乱, 由此破坏了正常的时间同步以及预测编码加工, 并最终引发多感觉整合失调。基于上述因果关联, 未来研究可结合无创可逆性干预技术, 以γ节律神经振荡为生物反馈指标, 形成科学系统化的临床干预治疗方案。  相似文献   

尽管“限制解除”作为一种顿悟问题解决的关键途径早在上世纪90年代就被德国心理学者Knoblich及其同事提出, 但学界对于“限制解除”所包含的信息加工程序、阶段以及相应的脑认知过程却并未有进一步的探讨和细化。本文从“限制解除”的理论角度出发, 以答案提示催化的“诱发式”字谜解决顿悟为例, 首次提出了一个关于“诱发式”限制解除过程的信息加工阶段初步构想。该构想认为:顿悟问题解决中的“诱发式”限制解除过程包含3个不同的信息加工阶段。第一阶段是以早期注意参与为特征的冲突信息的预警或预处理过程; 第二阶段是以新旧思路交替为特征的关键限制解除过程, 鉴于这个过程以基本问题表征空间的拓展为特征, 因此我们推测右脑的活动很有可能在这个过程中占据主导地位; 第三阶段是以自上而下的控制加工为特征的重新整合过程。脑电研究数据部分地支持了本研究的假设, 发现了上述第一阶段在脑电变化上体现为顿悟性限制解除所伴随的N100/P200复合体; 第二阶段体现为P300在300~400 ms的时间窗内的地形图分布及差异波; 而第三阶段则体现为N400在400~800 ms内的变化。脑电结果还证实:在第二阶段也就是限制解除的关键阶段, 右脑的活动明显强于左脑, 提示基本问题空间的拓展可能更多地依赖于右脑, 而在第三阶段也就是信息的重新整合阶段则表现出相反的半球偏侧化倾向。上述发现有可能为进一步认识和理解顿悟中“限制解除”的脑认知机理提供了新的见解。  相似文献   

声音诱发闪光错觉效应是典型的视听整合错觉现象, 是指当视觉闪光刺激与间隔100 ms内的听觉声音刺激不等数量呈现时, 被试知觉视觉闪光的数量与听觉声音的数量相等。声音诱发闪光错觉的影响因素既包括自下而上和自上而下的被试内差异因素, 也包括视听刺激依赖程度、视听整合的发展和视听刺激知觉敏感性等被试间差异因素。该效应的产生在时程上主要体现在早期加工阶段, 在脑区上主要涉及多处皮层及皮层下相关脑区。未来研究应进一步考察注意、奖赏和视听整合方式等认知加工对声音诱发闪光错觉的影响, 同时也应该关注声音诱发闪光错觉对记忆和学习的影响以及结合计算模型和神经科学的手段进一步探讨其认知神经机制。  相似文献   

视觉表象是在记忆基础上产生的类似知觉的信息表征, 也是人们在日常生活中不可或缺的心理活动之一。本综述介绍了该领域中比较有影响力的表象计算理论模型, 并进一步归纳了视觉表象生成系统的成分及其对应的神经基础。分析结果强调了初级视觉皮层作为“视觉缓冲器”是生成表象的主要机能结构, 以“视觉缓冲器”为基础的表象生成系统的机能受多重因素影响。本综述有助于对视觉表象生成系统形成全面的认识, 促进视觉表象实质的进一步研究。  相似文献   

情绪信息对人类的生存非常重要, 研究者一直在探讨情绪产生的本质问题:情绪的产生是“自动”的吗?已有的大量实验证据表明, 情绪可以被快速识别, 甚至在非注意条件下或者无意识条件下, 情绪信息也可以被大脑(尤其是杏仁核)识别。大量实验结果分析了情绪自动化加工的表现, 并探讨了情绪自动化加工的大脑机制:皮层下通路。视觉信息在视网膜接受后, 经上丘脑与枕核传递至杏仁核, 这条通路被称为皮层下通路, 负责情绪信息的快速化加工。但是新的研究对已有的实验范式与技术手段进行了质疑, 反驳情绪的自动化加工, 并质疑皮层下通路存在的可能性。为了进一步理清情绪加工的本质与大脑机制, 今后的研究应当采用更为严格地控制意识、注意资源的实验范式, 以及采用更精确、更高时间与空间分辨率的技术手段。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了观察者与观察目标存在相对运动时视觉系统对目标数量特征的适应后效的皮层映射特征, 并与对比度适应后效的映射规律进行比较。包括两项实验。其中, 实验一要求被试在适应目标后转换注视点, 考察眼跳后相同和不同视网膜区域以及相同和不同空间区域的适应后效, 发现数量适应后效具有部分空间-皮层映射特性, 而对比度适应后效则表现出完全的视网膜-皮层映射特征。实验二采用固定的注视点, 考察目标运动后目标原位置和新位置区域的适应后效, 发现数量适应后效不完全依赖于视网膜-皮层映射, 它可以“追随”客体运动重新映射到新的位置, 表现出基于客体映射的特征, 而对比度适应后效则完全依赖于视网膜-皮层映射, 不能“追随”客体移动在目标新位置重新形成映射。两项实验结果提示, 相对于对比度等低级表面特征而言, 数量特征对目标的描述涉及更高的加工水平, 它可以与观察目标的相对运动信息进行整合, 且这种整合在眼跳和非眼跳的观察条件下都可发生。  相似文献   

A framework for local cortical oscillation patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oscillations are a pervasive feature of neuronal activity in the cerebral cortex. Here, we propose a framework for understanding local cortical oscillation patterns in cognition: two classes of network interactions underlying two classes of cognitive functions produce different local oscillation patterns. Local excitatory-inhibitory interactions shape neuronal representations of sensory, motor and cognitive variables, and produce local gamma-band oscillations. By contrast, the linkage of such representations by integrative functions such as decision-making is mediated by long-range cortical interactions, which yield more diverse local oscillation patterns often involving the beta range. This framework reconciles different cortical oscillation patterns observed in recent studies and helps to understand the link between cortical oscillations and the fMRI signal. Our framework highlights the notion that cortical oscillations index the specific circuit-level mechanisms of cognition.  相似文献   

Temporal binding via 40-Hz synchronization of neuronal discharges in sensory cortices has been hypothesized to be a necessary condition for the rapid selection of perceptually relevant information for further processing in working memory. Binocular rivalry experiments have shown that late stage visual processing associated with the recognition of a stimulus object is highly correlated with discharge rates in inferotemporal cortex. The hippocampus is the primary recipient of inferotemporal outputs and is known to be the substrate for the consolidation of working memories to long-term, episodic memories. The prefrontal cortex, on the other hand, is widely thought to mediate working memory processes, per se. This article reviews accumulated evidence for the role of a subcortical matrix in linking frontal and hippocampal systems to select and "stream" conscious episodes across time (hundreds of milliseconds to several seconds). "Streaming" is hypothesized to be mediated by the selective gating of reentrant flows of information between these cortical systems and the subcortical matrix. The physiological mechanism proposed for this temporally extended form of binding is synchronous oscillations in the slower EEG spectrum (< 8 Hz).  相似文献   

人类在社会互动中通过他人的行为对他人特质、意图及特定情境下的社会规范进行学习, 是优化决策、维护积极社会互动的重要条件。近年来, 越来越多的研究通过结合计算模型与神经影像技术对社会学习的认知计算机制及其神经基础进行了深入考察。已有研究发现, 人类的社会学习过程能够较好地被强化学习模型与贝叶斯模型刻画, 主要涉及的认知计算过程包括主观期望、预期误差和不确定性的表征以及信息整合的过程。大脑对这些计算过程的执行主要涉及奖惩加工相关脑区(如腹侧纹状体与腹内侧前额叶)、社会认知加工相关脑区(如背内侧前额叶和颞顶联合区)及认知控制相关脑区(如背外侧前额叶)。需要指出的是, 计算过程与大脑区域之间并不是一一映射的关系, 提示未来研究可借助多变量分析与脑网络分析等技术从系统神经科学的角度来考察大尺度脑网络如何执行不同计算过程。此外, 将来研究应注重生态效度, 利用超扫描技术考察真实互动下的社会学习过程, 并更多地关注内隐社会学习的计算与神经机制。  相似文献   

Two different models (convergent and parallel) potentially describe how recognition memory, the ability to detect the re-occurrence of a stimulus, is organized across different senses. To contrast these two models, rats with or without perirhinal cortex lesions were compared across various conditions that controlled available information from specific sensory modalities. Intact rats not only showed visual, tactile, and olfactory recognition, but also overcame changes in the types of sensory information available between object sampling and subsequent object recognition, e.g., between sampling in the light and recognition in the dark, or vice versa. Perirhinal lesions severely impaired object recognition whenever visual cues were available, but spared olfactory recognition and tactile-based object recognition when tested in the dark. The perirhinal lesions also blocked the ability to recognize an object sampled in the light and then tested for recognition in the dark, or vice versa. The findings reveal parallel recognition systems for different senses reliant on distinct brain areas, e.g., perirhinal cortex for vision, but also show that: (1) recognition memory for multisensory stimuli involves competition between sensory systems and (2) perirhinal cortex lesions produce a bias to rely on vision, despite the presence of intact recognition memory systems serving other senses.  相似文献   

The binding problem is considered in terms of how a brain-inspired cognitive system can recognize multiple sensory features from an object which may be among many objects, process those features individually and then bind the multiple features to the object they belong to. The Causal Cognitive Architecture 3 (CCA3) is a brain-inspired cognitive architecture using a multi-dimensional navigation map as its basic store of information, and capable of pre-causal as well as fully causal behavior. Objects within an input sensory scene are segmented, and sensory features (e.g., visual, auditory, etc.) of each segmented object are spatially mapped onto a variety of navigation maps. It is shown that to provide efficient, flexible, causal solutions to real-world problems, it is not sufficient to bind space (i.e., objects spatially) but it is necessary to also bind time (i.e., change and rate of change of objects within a sensory scene). The CCA3 binds both space and time onto a navigation map as physical features, and is better able to function in real-world environments. As the CCA3 is brain-inspired, the Causal Cognitive Architecture can help to better hypothesize and understand biological mammalian brain function, including solutions to the binding problem. The CCA3 architecture allows it to work in different knowledge domains, possess continual lifelong learning, and demonstrate reasonable explainability.  相似文献   

Traditional explanations of multistable visual phenomena (e.g. ambiguous figures, perceptual rivalry) suggest that the basis for spontaneous reversals in perception lies in antagonistic connectivity within the visual system. In this review, we suggest an alternative, albeit speculative, explanation for visual multistability – that spontaneous alternations reflect responses to active, programmed events initiated by brain areas that integrate sensory and non-sensory information to coordinate a diversity of behaviors. Much evidence suggests that perceptual reversals are themselves more closely related to the expression of a behavior than to passive sensory responses: (1) they are initiated spontaneously, often voluntarily, and are influenced by subjective variables such as attention and mood; (2) the alternation process is greatly facilitated with practice and compromised by lesions in non-visual cortical areas; (3) the alternation process has temporal dynamics similar to those of spontaneously initiated behaviors; (4) functional imaging reveals that brain areas associated with a variety of cognitive behaviors are specifically activated when vision becomes unstable. In this scheme, reorganizations of activity throughout the visual cortex, concurrent with perceptual reversals, are initiated by higher, largely non-sensory brain centers. Such direct intervention in the processing of the sensory input by brain structures associated with planning and motor programming might serve an important role in perceptual organization, particularly in aspects related to selective attention.  相似文献   

张璇  周晓林 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1847-1854
审美对象特有的刺激属性会唤起观赏者特定的情绪或情感反应。个体在欣赏自然、艺术品和其他人类作品时会产生审美愉悦体验。审美愉悦-兴趣模型(PIA)认为, 审美愉悦体验包含审美过程中自动化加工阶段的审美愉悦和控制加工阶段的审美兴趣。近年来, 神经美学研究表明, 负责愉悦和奖赏的眶额叶皮层在审美过程中广泛激活, 是自动化加工阶段初级审美愉悦奖赏的神经基础, 而审美过程中纹状体亚回路中不同的连接和功能作用与两个阶段中审美愉悦的产生都有关联; 上述结果支持了审美愉悦-兴趣模型。但审美高峰体验时默认模式网络(DMN)相关脑区的激活和负责控制与理性思维的外侧前额叶皮层等脑区的失活, 提示在PIA模型强调的自动化加工阶段审美愉悦和控制加工阶段审美兴趣之上, 还有整合升华阶段的审美沉浸愉悦, PIA模型需得到进一步的扩展。未来研究应进一步检验审美愉悦认知加工模型及神经机制, 探索审美对创造力的影响机制和神经基础, 探讨不同审美经验愉悦机制的异同。  相似文献   

We investigated the adaptation of balancing behavior during a continuous, predictable perturbation of stance consisting of 3-min backward and forward horizontal sinusoidal oscillations of the support base. Two visual conditions (eyes-open, EO; eyes-closed, EC) and two oscillation frequencies (LF, 0.2 Hz; HF, 0.6 Hz) were used. Center of Mass (CoM) and Center of Pressure (CoP) oscillations and EMG of Soleus (Sol) and Tibialis Anterior (TA) were recorded. The time course of each variable was estimated through an exponential model. An adaptation index allowed comparison of the degree of adaptation of different variables. Muscle activity pattern was initially prominent under the more challenging conditions (HF, EC and EO; LF, EC) and diminished progressively to reach a steady state. At HF, the behavior of CoM and CoP was almost invariant. The time-constant of EMG adaptation was shorter for TA than for Sol. With EC, the adaptation index showed a larger decay in the TA than Sol activity at the end of the balancing trial, pointing to a different role of the two muscles in the adaptation process. At LF, CoM and CoP oscillations increased during the balancing trial to match the platform translations. This occurred regardless of the different EMG patterns under EO and EC. Contrary to CoM and CoP, the adaptation of the muscle activities had a similar time-course at both HF and LF, in spite of the two frequencies implying a different number of oscillation cycles. During adaptation, under critical balancing conditions (HF), postural muscle activity is tuned to that sufficient for keeping CoM within narrow limits. On the contrary, at LF, when vision permits, a similar decreasing pattern of muscle activity parallels a progressive increase in CoM oscillation amplitude, and the adaptive balancing behavior shifts from the initially reactive behavior to one of passive riding the platform. Adaptive balance control would rely on on-line computation of risk of falling and sensory inflow, while minimizing balance challenge and muscle effort. The results from this study contribute to the understanding of plasticity of the balance control mechanisms under posture-challenging conditions.  相似文献   

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