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本研究基于评估倾向理论, 通过3项实验考察了特定负性情绪(愤怒)对延迟折扣的影响, 并探究确定感和控制感评估倾向在这一关系中的作用。实验1考察愤怒情绪对延迟折扣的影响, 结果发现, 愤怒组被试的延迟满足倾向显著强于恐惧组和控制组。实验2采用实验因果链设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 愤怒情绪可以有效增强个体的确定感和控制感(实验2a), 同时确定感和控制感能够增强个体的延迟满足倾向(实验2b)。实验3采用中介测量设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中起完全中介作用。本研究结果表明, 当个体进行跨期决策时, 体验到与确定感和控制感有关的偶然愤怒情绪会增强其延迟满足倾向。本研究对探究特定负性情绪对个体延迟折扣的影响具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

已有研究考察了建言行为的诸多影响因素, 然而探讨情绪影响建言的研究则是新崛起的一个方向。文章一方面从情绪影响认知信息加工最终影响建言决策的微观角度来分析情绪与建言的关系, 另一方面从组织行为研究的宏观层面探讨情绪与建言关系, 并以情绪事件理论、情绪循环理论和情绪反馈理论为基础, 结合情绪研究的相关文献, 对员工情绪产生的几大来源, 员工情绪对建言决策的影响, 建言者的情绪对被建言者(建言对象)的情绪影响, 员工建言被采纳与否等几个涉及情绪的过程进行分析和阐述, 并构造了建言行为情绪机制模型; 系统地揭示了整个建言行为链上伴随的情绪机制, 并对恐惧、希望、心理安全、后悔等情绪对建言的影响作了示例分析。文章最后进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

延迟折扣是指与当前或近期的获益(或损失)相比,人们总是倾向于赋予将来获益(或损失)更小的权重。为什么人们在跨期选择中会表现出冲动性行为?怎样才能让人"目光远大",而避免"鼠目寸光"呢?这些都是延迟折扣研究力求解决的问题。近几年,本课题组利用行为、ERP、多模态MRI等技术,从特质性和状态性研究角度出发,系统考察延迟折扣的影响因素、认知机制和神经基础。首先,从特质性角度,考察了跨期选择中价值评估和自我控制加工的神经分离、立即选项与延迟选项的神经表征与预测、调控方式对延迟折扣作用的神经机制;其次,从状态性角度,考察了框架效应、贫富线索等对延迟折扣的影响以及预期情绪对延迟折扣的调控机理。最后,根据特质性因素(控制能力、时间感知、识解水平等)和状态性因素(框架效应、贫富线索、预期情绪等)对延迟折扣的影响及调控机制,提出了延迟折扣可塑性的研究思路。本课题组的研究对于延迟折扣认知与神经机制的理论建构具有重要的科学价值,对于延迟折扣的可塑性及临床应用也有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

当今情绪研究视角中的阿诺德情绪理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阿诺德情绪理论的广度和深度及其对当今情绪研究的诸多问题所提供的智慧与启发,有待情绪研究者重新审视。在当今情绪研究领域,阿诺德情绪理论依然具有强大的生命力和影响力。该文综合相关文献和个人的理解,对阿诺德情绪理论中的一些我国读者未尽其详的论题及其对当今情绪研究的影响作概要述评  相似文献   

建议采纳过程中的情绪研究主要以向决策者提供与其情绪特征相适应的建议为思路,从情绪效价发展到对具体情绪的探索,从情绪影响认知加工策略拓展到对情绪认知评估特征的分析。文章结合对过往实证研究的分析,以情绪渗透理论、情绪社会信息理论、评估倾向框架为依据,对建议采纳中决策者的情绪来源、情绪影响建议采纳的过程机制进行分析与阐述,构建建议采纳的情绪机制模型,并以近年来的研究热点--愤怒情绪做示例分析。未来研究可进一步探讨情绪对建议采纳的直接作用、先前情绪与整合情绪的关系与作用,以及结合新兴情绪理论丰富建议采纳领域的研究。  相似文献   

情绪智力理论结构的实证研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
王晓钧 《心理科学》2000,23(1):24-27
本文对Salovey和Mayer提出的情绪智力理论结构进行了因子分析研究,证明了该结构基本变量个体反应的合理性,但对其因子分类提出了不同的理论分析和分类解释;对Goleman的情绪智力结构进行了比较研究;为编制“情绪智力量表”作了必要的理论准备。  相似文献   

儿童朴素情绪理论发展的近期研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘国雄  方富熹 《心理科学》2006,29(3):643-645
儿童的朴素情绪理论是其心理理论的一个重要部分,是当前具有国际前沿性的研究课题。该文阐述了朴素情绪理论的基本含义及其与心理理论之间的关系,综述了关于儿童朴素情绪理论发展的近期研究,揭示出儿童从基于愿望的情绪理解过渡到基于信念的情绪理解的发展趋势以及信念理解中的滞后效应,并探讨了影响儿童朴素情绪理论获得和发展的因素。  相似文献   

物质成瘾者的跨期决策缺陷已被大量使用金钱延迟折扣任务的研究所证实。然而近年来, 来自金钱延迟折扣任务变式(成瘾物质延迟折扣任务、性延迟折扣任务和跨类别延迟折扣任务)的发现表明, 在物质成瘾领域的延迟折扣研究中单一使用金钱延迟折扣任务存在一定的局限性。首先, 物质成瘾者对金钱的延迟折扣水平可能并不能完全代表其对成瘾物质、性和其它自然奖赏的延迟折扣水平; 其次, 仅使用单一延迟折扣任务可能存在对物质成瘾者跨期决策过程的过度简化; 最后, 金钱延迟折扣任务较其变式对物质成瘾者的一些临床特征不够敏感。未来研究应进一步丰富、拓展物质成瘾领域的跨类别延迟折扣研究, 并对可能影响跨期决策的时间因素进行深入探索。  相似文献   

情绪与决策的关系   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
该文对情绪与决策关系的研究进行了较为全面的阐述:早期的决策理论完全排斥情绪的影响作用,研究者们热衷于建立理性决策的数学模型;自Kahneman和Tversky提出前景理论后,产生了以预期情绪为主的后悔和失望理论,以及主观预期愉悦理论;20世纪90年代后,随着神经科学和社会心理学家们对情绪与认知关系研究的深入,一些学者意识到决策过程中不仅存在作为效用的预期情绪,还存在“即时”情绪,它们可以在没有认知评估参与的情况下产生,可以反过来影响认知评估,可以直接影响决策行为。  相似文献   

李晓明  谢佳 《心理学报》2012,44(12):1641-1650
本研究旨在探讨偶然情绪对延迟选择的影响及影响机制。本研究包括两个实验, 在被试进行决策前, 分别采用图片和短片诱发其与当前决策任务无关的偶然情绪, 然后要求被试完成选择任务, 并从决策结果和决策过程两个角度考察偶然情绪对延迟选择的影响及影响机制。结果发现, 当可选项中不存在1个优势选项时, 与正性情绪相比, 个体在负性情绪下会更倾向于延迟选择, 而个体对决策信息的加工深度在偶然情绪对延迟选择的影响中具有中介作用。这可能是因为相比于正性情绪, 个体在负性情绪下会采用更深入的加工策略, 增加了决策难度, 进而提高了个体的延迟选择倾向。  相似文献   

Autobiographical memories are characterised by a range of emotions and emotional reactions. Recent research has demonstrated that differences in emotional valence (positive vs. negative emotion) and arousal (the degree of emotional intensity) differentially influence the retrieved memory narrative. Although the mnemonic effects of valence and arousal have both been heavily studied, it is currently unclear whether the effects of emotional arousal are equivalent for positive and negative autobiographical events. In the current study, multilevel models were used to examine differential effects of emotional valence and arousal on the richness of autobiographical memory retrieval both between and within subjects. Thirty-four young adults were asked to retrieve personal autobiographical memories associated with popular musical cues and to rate the valence, arousal and richness of these events. The multilevel analyses identified independent influences of valence and intensity upon retrieval characteristics at the within- and between-subject levels. In addition, the within-subject interactions between valence and arousal highlighted differential effects of arousal for positive and negative memories. These findings have important implications for future studies of emotion and memory, highlighting the importance of considering both valence and arousal when examining the role emotion plays in the richness of memory representation.  相似文献   

实验1和实验2分别以“(不)+积极/消极情绪词”和“(不)+愤怒/悲伤情绪词”形式的情绪词语或否定短语作为实验材料,分别采取词-图匹配范式和趋近-回避范式,以否定加工的早期(250ms)和中后期(1000ms)两种探测时间,探讨否定对情绪词效价与动机维度加工是否符合否定的两步模拟假设。结果发现,否定情绪效价部分符合否定的两步模拟假设,早期以被否定的情绪状态模拟为主,即不高兴会首先激活高兴;中后期,否定消极词和积极词都被理解为积极;否定情绪动机维度并不符合否定的两步模拟假设,否定对愤怒与悲伤的趋近-回避的影响出现在否定加工中后期,否定改变愤怒的动机方向,由趋近变为回避,却没有改变悲伤的动机方向,悲伤仍表现为回避。本研究证明否定对情绪词的效价和动机维度部分符合两步模拟假设,否定情绪词有其特定的加工过程,各维度加工有所不同。  相似文献   

杏仁核是情绪信息加工的关键脑区。近年来心理学和神经科学领域发现了杏仁核情绪加工的效价特异性现象,并且整体存在左侧杏仁核对正性情绪、右侧杏仁核对负性情绪以及双侧杏仁核负性偏好的特异性趋势,且受到材料突出特征、个体差异、任务条件的调节。未来可进一步探索注意对杏仁核情绪效价特异性的调节作用,探究动态情绪刺激加工时杏仁核的活动特点,考察心理障碍患者加工负性情绪时的杏仁核激活模式,并确定杏仁核的效价特异性在思维、计划、决策等高级认知过程中的表现。  相似文献   

Emotion processing and decision-making are integral aspects of daily life. However, our understanding of the interaction between these constructs is limited. In this review, we summarize theoretical approaches that link emotion and decision-making, and focus on research with anxious or depressed individuals to show how emotions can interfere with decision-making. We integrate the emotional framework based on valence and arousal with a Bayesian approach to decision-making in terms of probability and value processing. We discuss how studies of individuals with emotional dysfunctions provide evidence that alterations of decision-making can be viewed in terms of altered probability and value computation. We argue that the probabilistic representation of belief states in the context of partially observable Markov decision processes provides a useful approach to examine alterations in probability and value representation in individuals with anxiety and depression, and outline the broader implications of this approach.  相似文献   

Research on the lateralisation of brain functions for emotion has yielded different results as a function of whether it is the experience, expression, or perceptual processing of emotion that is examined. Further, for the perception of emotion there appear to be differences between the processing of verbal and nonverbal stimuli. The present research examined the hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence. Participants performed a lexical decision task for words varying in affective valence (but equated in terms of arousal) that were presented briefly to the right or left visual field. Participants were significantly faster at recognising positive words presented to the right visual field/left hemisphere. This pattern did not occur for negative words (and was reversed for high arousal negative words). These results suggest that the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence tends to parallel hemispheric asymmetry in the experience of emotion.  相似文献   

Research on the lateralisation of brain functions for emotion has yielded different results as a function of whether it is the experience, expression, or perceptual processing of emotion that is examined. Further, for the perception of emotion there appear to be differences between the processing of verbal and nonverbal stimuli. The present research examined the hemispheric asymmetry in the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence. Participants performed a lexical decision task for words varying in affective valence (but equated in terms of arousal) that were presented briefly to the right or left visual field. Participants were significantly faster at recognising positive words presented to the right visual field/left hemisphere. This pattern did not occur for negative words (and was reversed for high arousal negative words). These results suggest that the processing of verbal stimuli varying in emotional valence tends to parallel hemispheric asymmetry in the experience of emotion.  相似文献   

An immense body of research demonstrates that emotional facial expressions can be processed unconsciously. However, it has been assumed that such processing takes place solely on a global valence-based level, allowing individuals to disentangle positive from negative emotions but not the specific emotion. In three studies, we investigated the specificity of emotion processing under conditions of limited awareness using a modified variant of an affective priming task. Faces with happy, angry, sad, fearful, and neutral expressions were presented as masked primes for 33 ms (Study 1) or 14 ms (Studies 2 and 3) followed by emotional target faces (Studies 1 and 2) or emotional adjectives (Study 3). Participants' task was to categorise the target emotion. In all three studies, discrimination of targets was significantly affected by the emotional primes beyond a simple positive versus negative distinction. Results indicate that specific aspects of emotions might be automatically disentangled in addition to valence, even under conditions of subjective unawareness.  相似文献   

An immense body of research demonstrates that emotional facial expressions can be processed unconsciously. However, it has been assumed that such processing takes place solely on a global valence-based level, allowing individuals to disentangle positive from negative emotions but not the specific emotion. In three studies, we investigated the specificity of emotion processing under conditions of limited awareness using a modified variant of an affective priming task. Faces with happy, angry, sad, fearful, and neutral expressions were presented as masked primes for 33 ms (Study 1) or 14 ms (Studies 2 and 3) followed by emotional target faces (Studies 1 and 2) or emotional adjectives (Study 3). Participants’ task was to categorise the target emotion. In all three studies, discrimination of targets was significantly affected by the emotional primes beyond a simple positive versus negative distinction. Results indicate that specific aspects of emotions might be automatically disentangled in addition to valence, even under conditions of subjective unawareness.  相似文献   

C Silva  M Montant  A Ponz  JC Ziegler 《Cognition》2012,125(2):333-338
Emotion effects in reading have typically been investigated by manipulating words' emotional valence and arousal in lexical decision. The standard finding is that valence and arousal can have both facilitatory and inhibitory effects, which is hard to reconcile with current theories of emotion processing in reading. Here, we contrasted these theories with the contextual-learning hypothesis, according to which, sensitivity to a specific emotion - disgust in the present study - rather than valence or arousal affects lexical decision performance. Participants were divided into two groups (high versus low disgust sensitivity). Results showed that participants with high disgust sensitivity showed an inhibitory effect, whereas participants with low-disgust sensitivity showed a facilitatory effect. Individual differences in lexical decision performance were predicted by disgust sensitivity but not valence, arousal, or general emotion sensitivity. These findings highlight the need to focus on individual differences both in studies and theories of emotion processing in reading.  相似文献   

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