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魏华  周仁来 《心理科学进展》2019,27(11):1853-1862
根据注意控制理论的观点, 焦虑会削弱个体的抑制控制功能。虽然这一假设得到了大量行为学和神经生理证据的支撑, 但在高焦虑个体是增加还是减少自上而下注意控制资源来完成抑制控制任务这一核心问题上却存在较大争议。多种因素的存在造成了这一局面。理论解释本身存在明显的不足; 实证研究中多种额外变量的存在导致已有研究结果的信效度较低。未来可以通过探索焦虑水平、注意控制水平和抑制控制之间的关系来解决这一争议。  相似文献   

基于注意控制理论,采用反向眼跳范式,邀请48名运动员参加2项实验,考察竞赛特质焦虑对抑制功能的干扰效应。实验1(25人)为单因素组间设计,探讨竞赛特质焦虑对加工效能和操作成绩的影响。结果发现,竞赛特质焦虑提高眼跳方向错误率,不影响眼跳潜伏期,部分支持竞赛特质焦虑降低加工效能的假设;竞赛特质焦虑不影响按键准确率,支持竞赛特质焦虑不影响操作成绩的假设。实验2(23人)为两因素混合设计,在压力情境下探讨竞赛特质焦虑对加工效能和操作成绩的影响。结果发现,无论是在压力还是非压力情境下,竞赛特质焦虑均提高眼跳方向错误率,延长眼跳潜伏期,但不影响按键准确率,支持压力下竞赛特质焦虑降低加工效能而对操作成绩影响效果不明显的假设。综合2项实验,竞赛特质焦虑干扰抑制功能表现为降低抑制功能的加工效能但对操作成绩的影响效果不明显。本研究提示,注意控制理论适用于解释竞技运动领域焦虑与操作表现的关系。  相似文献   

采用状态-特质焦虑量表、流调抑郁量表、注意控制量表和正负性信息注意量表,对481名在校大学生进行调查研究,考察了焦虑、抑郁对注意偏向的影响,并探讨了注意控制在其中的中介作用。研究发现:(1)正性注意偏向与注意控制呈正相关,与状态焦虑、特质焦虑和流调抑郁呈负相关;负性注意偏向与注意控制呈负相关,与状态焦虑、特质焦虑和流调抑郁呈正相关。(2)特质焦虑、注意集中、注意转移可显著预测正性注意偏向,状态焦虑、流调抑郁和注意集中则显著预测负性注意偏向。(3)注意转移和注意集中中介了状态焦虑、特质焦虑、流调抑郁和正、负性注意偏向间的关系。研究提示注意控制是一个重要的保护性因素,可缓解或消除焦虑和抑郁对注意偏向的负面影响。  相似文献   

刘静远  李虹 《心理学报》2019,51(7):747-758
探讨状态焦虑对时距知觉的影响以及注意偏向与认知评价在其中的中介和调节作用。招募大学生60人, 随机分为高、低状态焦虑组, 用情绪诱导程序诱导高、低状态焦虑; 用点探测范式测量注意偏向; 用时间再现任务测量时距知觉; 用视觉模拟心境量表测量认知评价。结果发现:(1)状态焦虑会导致对2000 ms时距的高估; (2)注意偏向在状态焦虑对2000 ms时距知觉的影响中具有部分中介作用; (3)状态焦虑通过注意偏向影响时距知觉的中介过程受到认知评价的调节作用:只有当认知评价得分较高时, 即个体认为焦虑对心理健康有害程度较高时, 状态焦虑通过注意偏向影响2000 ms时距知觉。研究结果揭示了焦虑个体时距知觉的内部过程, 丰富了焦虑通过注意偏向影响时距知觉的解释视角, 为通过认知评价和注意偏向的调整改善焦虑个体时距偏差现象提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

采用视觉搜索任务范式,以不同工作记忆容量的篮球运动员作为研究参与者,探讨了视觉工作记忆对自上而下注意控制的影响。结果表明,不同视觉工作记忆容量的篮球运动员的注意控制能力存在差异,高视觉工作记忆容量组的成绩略优于低视觉工作记忆容量的篮球运动员;视觉工作记忆中信息性质影响注意控制,其影响作用是通过记忆项目特征与目标项目特征相匹配的情况来实现,这个影响过程不受视觉工作记忆容量大小的调节。  相似文献   

赵鑫  张鹏  陈玲 《心理科学进展》2014,22(8):1246-1257
社交焦虑障碍是最普遍且难于治疗的精神障碍之一。大量研究发现, 注意偏向训练可以有效缓解社交焦虑。研究者从自我报告、结构化评估、生理记录等方面考察发现, 接受了注意偏向训练的社交焦虑个体其注意偏向、生理唤醒和脑神经活动发生变化并且社交焦虑症状有所缓解。注意偏向训练对社交焦虑的干预机制可能是因为训练提升了个体对威胁性刺激的注意解除能力。今后的研究可以进一步明确注意偏向训练干预社交焦虑的效果与机制, 拓宽评估注意偏向训练效果的手段, 并探索其对社交焦虑干预的长期效果和对其它心理疾病的作用。  相似文献   

心理理论的发展对个体社会化具有重要意义。研究通过元分析的方法,表明执行功能能够有效预测个体心理理论的发展水平(r=0.37,p0.001),且具有跨文化和跨人群的稳定性;同时,在个体的毕生发展中,执行功能均与心理理论存在显著相关,证明了执行功能的表达说;但在不同的发展阶段(Q1=411.75,p10.001,df1=90;Q2=219.49,p20.001,df2=50),心理理论的发展会受到执行功能不同成分的影响:0~3岁时抑制控制起关键作用;3~12岁时,心理理论受到抑制控制和灵活转换的共同影响;青春期阶段,灵活转换的作用明显;而到了成年期,抑制控制与灵活转换均会对心理理论产生积极影响。  相似文献   

以往研究认为认知控制在闯入记忆的发展中起一定作用。研究以83名大学生本科生为被试,采用创伤电影范式和问卷调查结合的方式,旨在考察创伤个体注意控制、焦虑及情绪对闯入记忆的影响。结果显示,注意控制、焦虑和情绪与闯入记忆相关;注意控制和观看创伤电影前的消极情绪对闯入记忆有一定的预测作用;注意控制与焦虑、情绪相关;高低注意控制组分别在焦虑、情绪上差异显著。注意控制、焦虑、创伤前负性情绪与闯入记忆相关;注意控制、创伤前负性情绪显著影响闯入记忆。 关键词:闯入记忆;注意控制;焦虑;情绪;创伤  相似文献   

基于儿童学习投入的社会文化情境发展模型和动机与投入之轮理论,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,探讨了粗暴养育与学习投入的关系以及状态焦虑与性别的作用。对852名初中生进行问卷调查,结果发现:(1)粗暴养育与状态焦虑呈显著正相关,与学习投入呈显著负相关,状态焦虑与学习投入呈显著负相关;(2)状态焦虑在粗暴养育与学习投入之间起完全中介作用;性别调节了“粗暴养育→状态焦虑→学习投入”的前半段路径,相对于男性,粗暴养育与状态焦虑的正向联系在女性中更强。  相似文献   

张力为 《心理科学》2013,36(3):515-523
摘要 运动员大赛最佳竞技表现的核心是良好的自我控制。本文介绍了解释自我控制与竞技表现关系的6个理论的核心要点和实证研究,包括自动执行假说(Baumeister, 1984)、加工效能理论(Eysenck & Calvo, 1992)、注意控制理论(Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007)、自我控制的力量模型((Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998; Baumeister, Vohs , & Tice, 2007)、心理控制的逆过程理论(Wegner, 1994)和流畅状态理论(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990);还介绍了通过心理训练以提高运动员自我控制能力的4个理论,包括心理建设综合模式(刘淑慧,1998,2001)、逆境应对训练模式(姒刚彦,2006,2007)、心理技能训练模型(Vealey, 2007)和中国运动员心理建设系统(张凯,张力为,2011)。本文讨论了这两类10个理论的异同及在运动员自我控制研究中的意义;最后指出,对不同的自我控制理论同时进行检验和比较的研究或许具有潜在价值。 关键词 自我控制,心理训练,运动员,比赛  相似文献   

Recent research has indicated that anxious adult and child patients and high trait-anxious adults selectively shift attention toward threatening stimuli. The present study extends this research and investigates the content-specificity of the effects in clinically anxious and mixed anxious–depressed children and adolescents. Twenty four generally anxious patients, aged 9 to 18, 19 mixed anxious–depressed patients, and 24 normal controls were comparable with respect to age, sex, verbal IQ, and vocabulary level. The participants carried out an attentional deployment task in which probe detection latency data were used to determine the distribution of visual attention for threat-related and depression-related material. The results showed that clinically anxious children, relative to controls, selectively allocated processing resources toward threat stimuli. However, mixed anxious–depressed children, relative to controls, did not show any attentional bias towards either threat- or depression-related stimuli. Preliminary data on age and gender differences are also presented. The results of this study are discussed in the light of previous research.  相似文献   

A plethora of studies on selective information processing in anxiety have been carried out over the past two decades. One of the most robust findings is that anxiety is associated with selective attention (SA) for threatening information. The rationale of research into SA is that it is assumed to play a vital role in the maintenance, and even in the etiology of anxiety disorders. It is the aim of this paper to explicate on the validity of this assumption. There is ample evidence that anxiety enhances SA. Although there is a lack of studies on the effect of SA on anxiety, there is now some evidence that SA increases the level of anxiety. This leads us to conclude that SA is not a by-product of anxiety only. Hence, the suggestion that SA plays a role in the maintenance of anxiety disorders seems to be justified. Studies on SA in children suggest that if SA plays any role at all in the development of anxiety disorders, it is not the SA in itself that is a vulnerability factor, but the continuation of this SA. Individuals who develop an anxiety disorder could have difficulty learning to inhibit this SA. Considering the finding that SA increases the level of anxiety, the authors suggest that anxiety in childhood causes failure to inhibit SA, which in turn enhances the vulnerability to anxiety disorder in adulthood.  相似文献   

The authors examined the interaction between the development of postural control and the development of the executive function of attention in 13 children and 6 adults in dual-task conditions. Participants performed an attentionally demanding cognitive task and a postural task simultaneously. The authors equalized the attentional load of the cognitive task across age groups. Comparative changes in the center of pressure in dual- and single-task conditions indicated that dual tasks interfered with postural performance in the wide stance (WS) and the modified Romberg stance (RS). Children at 4-6 years of age (but not children at ages 7-12 years of age or adults) experienced postural control interference in both stance positions, but interference was greater in the RS (p = .018). For all participants, cognitive task performance in RS was unchanged from that in WS. The knowledge gained from the results of this study will contribute to the design and implementation of academic and preacademic programming for young children. Their performance of an intentionally demanding cognitive task would be enhanced by the provision of appropriately sized desks and chairs or their use of an alternate, less demanding position.  相似文献   

The current study examined cognitive factors that may be relevant to understanding anxiety and worry about bodily sensations among an HIV/AIDS population. Specifically, this investigation tested the main and interactive effects of anxiety sensitivity and mindful attention on anxious arousal, bodily vigilance, interoceptive fear, and HIV symptom distress among 164 adults with HIV/AIDS. Results indicated that anxiety sensitivity was positively related to anxious arousal, bodily vigilance, and interoceptive fear, but not HIV symptom distress. Mindful attention was negatively related to anxious arousal, interoceptive fear, and HIV symptom distress, but not bodily vigilance. These main effects for anxiety sensitivity and mindful attention were evident after controlling for disease stage, years with HIV, and demographic variables. There were no interactive effects between anxiety sensitivity and mindful attention. Results are discussed in terms of the clinical implications for identifying and treating anxiety and worry about bodily sensations among adults with HIV/AIDS. Limitations of this study include the use of cross-sectional data and self-report assessments.  相似文献   

选取34名初中数学优差生为被试,采用任务转换实验考察其注意转换中的线索效应和准备效应.结果表明:一般转换代价出现了线索效应和准备效应,特定转换代价仅出现了线索效应,优生比差生更善于利用线索和准备间距提高任务转换成绩.  相似文献   

Attentional control (AC) that is composed of shifting and focusing dimensions had been suggested as a transdiagnostic risk factor, associated with development and maintenance of various psychological disorders. In comparison, Looming Cognitive Style (LCS) had been documented as a trait-based, disorders-specific characteristic that is linked to high levels of subjectively felt anxiety. The present study investigated whether individual differences in LCS moderated the association of shifting and focusing with anxiety. Participants were 402 individuals between ages 18 and 68 recruited through advertisements posted on various forums, e-mail groups, and social media websites. They filled out questionnaires assessing AC, LCS, anxiety, and depression online. Results of the moderation analyses indicated that at high levels of LCS, low attentional shifting ability was associated with more intense anxiety. A similar relationship with LCS was not observed for focusing. In conclusion, for individuals who have high LCS and low shifting ability, content of and distress coming from looming images is experienced in a more intense manner due to difficulty in shifting to another (perhaps less anxiety provoking) content more flexibly. The findings are providing support for the interactive–synergistic perspective, indicating that deficits in shifting capacity may potentiate negative impact of looming cognitions.  相似文献   

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