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记忆的生存加工优势主要指生存情景下的记忆成绩好于其他情景下记忆成绩的一种优势效应。实验1采用生存加工研究范式,结合内隐记忆和外显记忆测试方法,考察了生存加工在内隐记忆和外显记忆中的表现。实验2结合不同的词语评估时间,进一步考察了不同加工水平对内隐记忆和外显记忆中生存加工的影响。结果发现,在内隐记忆中没有表现出生存加工优势,但是在外显记忆中出现了生存加工优势效应,并且外显记忆中的生存加工优势会受到加工水平的影响。  相似文献   

本研究通过比较内隐记忆与外显记忆受到认知疲劳影响的情况,以了解内隐记忆的自动化加工机制。实验采用被试内设计,使用词汇判断与词汇再认任务测量内隐记忆与外显记忆。实验结果发现,相对于控制组,疲劳组的被试在完成疲劳任务后内隐记忆成绩显著下降,而外显记忆没有受到影响。结果说明相对于外显记忆,内隐记忆更容易受到认知疲劳影响。内隐记忆虽然是无意识的认知加工,但是与其他自动化加工具有不同的特征。  相似文献   

庄锦英  刘永芳 《心理科学》2003,26(2):249-252
控制知觉材料的熟悉性和概念范例的典型性,以考察它们对内隐与外显记忆发展的影响。结果表明:(1)知觉内隐记忆的启动效应不存在年龄和熟悉性效应,而知觉外显记忆成绩则具有明显的年龄和熟悉性效应;(2)在概念内隐记忆任务上,典型范例的启动效应不存在年龄差异,非典型范例的启动效应则存在随年龄而增长的启动效应:无论是典型范例还是非典型范例的外显记忆成绩均随年龄增长而提高。  相似文献   

本研究通过比较内隐记忆与外显记忆受到认知疲劳影响的情况,以了解内隐记忆的自动化加工机制。实验采用被试内设计,使用词汇判断与词汇再认任务测量内隐记忆与外显记忆。实验结果发现,相对于控制组,疲劳组的被试在完成疲劳任务后内隐记忆成绩显著下降,而外显记忆没有受到影响。结果说明相对于外显记忆,内隐记忆更容易受到认知疲劳影响。内隐记忆虽然是无意识的认知加工,但是与其他自动化加工具有不同的特征。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的 探讨精神分裂症患者记忆损害状况。方法 采用修正的加工分离记忆实验程序,分别测试精神分裂症患者和正常对照组的记忆能力。结果 (1)精神分裂症患者外显记忆功能存在广泛的缺陷,而内隐记忆功能缺陷只在概念驱动下的测验中出现。(2)以阳性症状为主的精神分裂症患者的外显记忆成绩均高于以阴性症状为主的精神分裂症患者。(3)阴性症状严重程度与外显记忆成绩呈显著负相关。结论 精神分裂症患者的内隐记忆功能相对完整,而外显记忆障碍在以阴性症状为主的精神分裂症患者尤为突出。  相似文献   

通过混合实验设计探讨表象对成语记忆的影响.实验结果表明,据成语形成图厕形式的表象能提高图画命名中外显记忆的成绩,显著提高内隐记忆的成绩,尤其是低透明度成语的内隐记忆成绩;但在成语补全中,对两种记忆均没有显著影响.可见.表象同时具有概念加工和知觉加工的性质,表象作用对所形成的表象的形式与测试任务的一致性程度敏感.  相似文献   

儿童记忆发展研究的历史与现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘永芳 《心理科学》2000,23(1):92-95
1儿童记忆发展研究的历史回顾——外显记忆的发展. 从方法学的角度看,历史上关于儿童外显记忆发展的研究主要是在两个方向上展开的:一个方向是严格的实验研究,其主要目的是探索不同年龄儿童记忆成绩产生差异的原因;另一个研究方向是生态学的研究,它主要关心儿童在自然的情景中所表现出来的记忆能力。1.1关于外显记忆发展的实验研究 儿童的记忆能力随着年龄的增长在数量和质量上都产生了巨大的改进,这是有关儿童外显记忆发展的实验研究所发现的一个基本事实。然而,如何解释这种现象,心理学家们之间还存在着不小的分歧,主要有以…  相似文献   

学习和记忆是个体赖以生存和发展的前提,如何取得好的学习和记忆效果是心理学和神经科学关注的重点。近年来,许多研究揭示奖赏可以促进记忆效果,奖赏对记忆的影响逐渐成为心理学和神经科学的热点研究课题。大脑的中脑多巴胺奖赏系统与海马记忆系统在结构和功能上均有关联。奖赏通过编码和巩固阶段以不同机制对记忆效果产生作用:在记忆编码阶段,奖赏会激活奖赏系统、注意控制系统,将更多认知资源分配给奖赏相关信息,从而促进奖赏信息的记忆效果;在记忆巩固阶段,奖赏会促进多巴胺释放,作用于海马对奖赏相关信息的加工,从而促进奖赏信息的记忆效果。未来研究可以关注奖赏对行为影响的复杂模式和内在奖赏对学习记忆的影响等方面。  相似文献   

增龄性记忆改变规律及影响因素的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑虹  程灶火 《心理科学》2002,25(4):402-405
本研究用多维记忆量表对280名50~91岁的老年人做了测查,同时收集了一般资料,以探讨增龄性记忆改变的规律和年龄、教育和职业等因素对增龄性记忆改变的影响。结果表明:随年龄增长,各记忆组合分和分测验成绩均呈下降趋势,外显记忆成绩在70岁后呈快速下降,内隐记忆和日常生活记忆在75岁后才有明显下降;记忆总分、外显记忆和日常生活记忆均受年龄和教育的影响,内隐记忆不受教育的影响。结果提示老年人记忆随年龄增长呈渐渐下降,不同记忆功能开始下降的年龄和下降速率不同,教育对增龄性记忆改变有保护作用。  相似文献   

张弘弛  成旋  毛伟宾 《心理学报》2023,(7):1049-1062
先前研究表明,事件边界会增强边界处来源记忆、削弱跨边界的时间顺序记忆,但对于两者之间是否存在一种权衡关系,以及内在的、具有社会性意义的变化作为事件边界是如何影响记忆的,尚鲜有研究。本研究以奖赏预测误差(reward prediction errors, RPE)作为事件边界,通过两个行为实验和一个ERP实验,探讨RPE事件边界对时间顺序记忆和来源记忆的影响。结果发现,RPE事件边界增强了边界处信息的来源记忆,高RPE事件边界引发了记忆权衡效应;相对于事件内/非边界条件,跨事件/边界条件记忆的正确提取诱发出更大的N400波幅,时间顺序记忆的激活主要集中在头皮中前部,来源记忆的激活主要集中在头皮中后部。本研究表明,事件边界的切分强度是影响记忆权衡效应的重要因素, N400成分可能是反映事件边界对情景记忆的整合与切分的重要指标。  相似文献   

以往研究多认同内隐记忆不会受到干扰的影响,但主要集中于编码时的干扰不会影响随后的内隐记忆提取成绩,而对于提取时的干扰是否也不会影响内隐记忆成绩仍存在疑义。该文在实验1采用学习-测验范式,通过在提取阶段设置同时干扰任务进一步考察提取干扰与内隐记忆的关系,结果表明提取干扰下并未发现明显的启动效应,即提取干扰破坏了内隐记忆。为进一步探讨内隐记忆的提取干扰效应是否源于记忆与干扰刺激同时呈现所引起的知觉表征竞争,实验2改变了记忆与干扰刺激的呈现顺序,结果表明不论干扰刺激在记忆项目之前或之后呈现,启动效应均受到影响。相比之下,提取干扰对再认成绩的影响并不明显(实验3)。上述结果表明,内隐记忆的提取干扰效应是源于一般认知资源的竞争,在提取过程中任何能够产生认知资源竞争的变量设置都可能会削减内隐测验中的启动效应。  相似文献   

Three experiments examined explicit and implicit memory for information that is congruent with the physical attractiveness stereotype (i.e. attractive-positive and unattractive-negative) and information that is incongruent with the physical attractiveness stereotype (i.e. attractive-negative and unattractive-positive). Measures of explicit recognition sensitivity and implicit discriminability revealed a memorial advantage for congruent compared to incongruent information, as evident from hit and false alarm rates and reaction times, respectively. Measures of explicit memory showed a recognition bias toward congruent compared to incongruent information, where participants tended to call congruent information old, independently of whether the information had been shown previously or not. This recognition bias was unrelated to reports of subjective confidence in retrieval. The present findings shed light on the cognitive mechanisms that might mediate discriminatory behavior towards physically attractive and physically unattractive individuals.  相似文献   

摘 要 采用修改版的多伦多赌博任务考察决策情境对海洛因戒断者风险决策的影响。研究结果主要发现,海洛因戒断者在损失情境下的风险寻求决策比率与吸毒年限显著正相关,这种相关提示了风险决策背景下海洛因成瘾者持续使用毒品与其较低的损失敏感性之间的复杂交互作用。其次,海洛因戒断者在做出风险决策后收到消极反馈时的风险规避倾向可以负向预测其风险寻求决策比率,这可能进一步反映了海洛因戒断者风险感知的钝化或其对消极反馈信息的整合加工存在异常。  相似文献   

Despite the evidence revealing benefits of chronic cardiovascular exercise on executive functions, little research has been conducted on long-term memory. We aimed to investigate the effect of physical exercise on implicit and explicit memory when attention was modulated at encoding in two groups of active and sedentary participants. With this purpose, attention was manipulated in a similar way in the implicit and explicit memory tasks by presenting picture outlines of two familiar objects, one in blue and the other in green, and participants were asked to pay attention only to one of them. Implicit memory was assessed through conceptual priming and explicit memory through a free recall task followed by recognition. The results did not reveal significant differences between groups in conceptual priming or free recall. However, in recognition, while both groups had similar discrimination for attended stimuli, active participants showed lower discrimination between unattended and new stimuli. These results suggested that exercise may have effects on specific cognitive processes, that is, that active participants may suppress non-relevant information better than sedentary participants, making the discrimination between unattended and new items more difficult.  相似文献   

A major methodological limitation arising in the experimental study of implicit memory is that tasks that are characterized as implicit memory tests can be seriously contaminated by the use of covert explicit memory strategies. Given the evidence indicating that brief presentation of words (below the awareness threshold of subjects) can produce semantic priming, we wondered whether rapid visual presentation of primed words might provide an avenue to produce word priming without explicit memory contamination. Normal subjects were tested for word priming on a speeded category membership decision task. Explicit or implicit encoding procedures were used in four different experiments. Results demonstrated that brief presentation of words can indeed offer a means of producing word priming in absence of explicit recognition or recall of the primed words presented during the study phase. They also showed that such priming is equivalent in degree to the priming measured when using either a conventional implicit memory design or an explicit encoding procedure prior to the study of the primes.  相似文献   

Abstract: In a false memory experiment, lists of semantic associates (e.g., newspaper, letter, book, etc.) were presented to three groups of participants to induce false memories for critical nonpresented (CN) words (e.g., read) in an incidental learning task. The control group simply estimated the frequency rate in everyday Japanese discourse of each word on a list. The imagery instruction group received an additional instruction to imagine a thematically related converging word from the target words on a list. Participants in the imagery plus writing group received the same instructions as those in the imagery instruction group, but were also required to write down the word they imagined for each list. The results from the implicit and explicit memory tests given after the incidental learning episode showed that the level of priming for CN words was equivalent to that for actually presented target words for all three groups on the implicit test, whereas explicit memory results showed that participants explicitly recognized more target words than CN words. The implications for implicit associative response and fuzzy‐trace theories of false memory, as well as implicit priming, are discussed.  相似文献   

异丙酚不同麻醉深度对学习和记忆的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王云  岳云  孙永海  朱滢 《心理科学》2003,26(3):491-493
本研究使用加工分离程序探讨了异丙酚不同麻醉深度对学习和记亿的影响。结果发现在无手术刺激存在的情况下,使用异丙酚靶控静脉全身麻醉至OAA/S评分2分(相当于意识消失)时仅使外显记亿消失,提示意识消失时仍存在内隐记亿;麻醉至OAA/S评分1分时可使内隐记亿消失。为避免患者术后对手术中事件有不良回亿,应在解除手术刺激的前提下,麻醉至OAA/S评分1分。  相似文献   


Freud viewed the unconscious as being roughly equivalent to dynamically repressed wishes, needs, and motivations. Findings from developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience over the past 40 years have dramatically changed our views of unconscious processes and the human mind. It is now clear that Freud's dynamic unconscious is only a minor segment of information that is processed at subsymbolic, implicit, and automatic levels. Only a fraction of this information is further processed at explicit conscious levels. Moreover, the vast majority of the information that remains nonconscious is adaptive and has major consequences for development. We examine some clinical implications of these views.  相似文献   

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