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杨娟  侯燕  张庆林 《心理科学进展》2011,19(8):1174-1178
HPA轴(hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex axis)是人体的重要内分泌应激系统, 大脑通过控制HPA轴活动影响机体在应激情境中皮质醇(cortisol)的分泌, 同时皮质醇分泌对大脑也具有负反馈作用, 影响着大脑边缘系统的重塑; 海马、杏仁核、前额叶皮层和脑干都参与了应激反应中的皮质醇调节; 未来研究要进一步对应激源细化分类, 并且试图找到适合事件相关电位技术的社会心理性应激实验范式。  相似文献   

王妍  杨娟 《心理科学进展》2015,23(8):1453-1460
心理性应激是个体的内稳态受到社会心理威胁时候的状态。面对急性心理性应激源, 有机体的各大机能系统, 包括神经内分泌系统、免疫系统以及自主神经系统等, 会出现一系列生物功能的改变。已有研究表明人格特质(如自尊、特质焦虑和大五人格)会影响个体在心理性应激情境中的反应差异且影响方式尚不统一, 并且不同文化环境下人格特质影响心理性应激反应的方式是不一样的, 然而这种结果的差异有可能是生物标记物的不一致造成的, 也有可能是心理性应激任务的不一致造成的, 不能直接进行比较。未来研究应该在控制这些无关变量的基础上, 从跨文化的角度去考察人格特质对个体心理性应激反应差异的影响。  相似文献   

陈巍 《社会心理科学》2006,21(4):116-118
心理性作文是发轫于当代语境治疗的一种全新心理咨询辅助技术。本文就心理性作文在心理咨询过程中起到的两大作用:情绪疏导和认知调节;以及当前心理性作文理论与实践中需要注意的问题进行了介绍与分析。  相似文献   

古人云:“食色,性也。”性活动与饮食、睡眠一样,都是比较高等的动物之最基本的生存需要和生理本能。通过性活动的生殖功能,物种得以延续,而人类的种族同样也得到了繁衍,人类社会也才得以绵延和发展。但是,人类性活动的特征已经与其他动物有了非常本质的区别,因为它受到社会化过程的重大作用和影响,已不仅仅是一种简单的个体的生殖活动,而是在人类繁衍本能所驱动下的一种复杂的、带有强烈心理色彩的、具有多种社会效应和社会功能的人类的基本活动。也就是说,人类的性活动已不单纯是为了生殖和繁衍后代为目的动物性的本能活动,  相似文献   

人的心理是一个整体系统,心理结构的各方面之间相互制约,相互作用。近年来,不少学者根据心理活动的功能,把心理分为两大系统:智力和非智力心理因素,什么是非智力心理?对这一问题的研究,近期日益受到学术界的重视,虽然观点多有争议,但基本一致的是把非智力心理因素看作不直接参与认识活动,即不具有加工,处理信息的功能,而是个体内部的动力体系①,它影响人们认识和行为的方式及积极性,这个体系包括需要、动机、情感、兴趣、意志、性格等因素,它实现着对人的认识活动和行为的驱动、定向、引导、维持、调节、强化等功能。  相似文献   

本文首先分别介绍了神经美学关于审美判断活动和美感的脑区定位、时间进程及特性的研究结果。其次分析了审美判断活动和美感在概念、脑机制及特性上的联系与区别。最后提出,未来应关注审美判断活动的共性和特异性、美感奖赏性与生理需要或社会需要的关系、无意识美感的发生机制及对现有成果的应用。  相似文献   

心肺运动试验是一个重要的人体整体功能学检测方法.让患者运动,连续动态记录以呼吸、循环、代谢和神经体液等多系统的功能活动,由此实现人体整体生理功能状态评价、疾病诊断、病情评估、治疗效果评估和预后转归预测.从心肺运动试验的临床应用出发,需要建立生理学医学的整体整合理论用以指导该技术的正确运用和解读.  相似文献   

国外研究者认为高自尊个体的内控性高,因此其在心理性应激情境中的反应不那么强烈,而国内研究者从集体文化(中国)考虑,则认为高自尊个体的社会认可需求较高,因此在心理性应激情境中的反应更强烈.本研究采用特里尔社会应激测试作为应激情境,采集41名中国大学生被试在这一情境下的客观参数(心率)作为心理性应激反应的指标,通过问卷测量被试的自尊水平、内控性水平和社会认可需求水平,考察自尊影响心理性应激反应的机制.结果发现被试的自尊水平与应激情境下的心率呈正相关,并且社会认可需求在自尊与心理性应激的关系中起着显著的中介作用.本文从文化差异角度提出自尊预测心理性应激反应的模型可能需要在不同文化背景下来分别探讨.  相似文献   

死亡往往给人们带来心理的恐惧,与死亡相伴随的就是丧葬。传统的丧葬礼俗是社会文化的一个重要组成部分,具备特殊的社会功能。文章通过对中国传统丧葬礼俗心理层面的考察,揭示其如何从注意的转移、利用情绪的感染性和情境性、精神依托以及满足人们归属感的需要这四个方面来帮助人们克服死亡所带来的恐惧,以实现其自身的社会功能。  相似文献   

古人云:“食色,性也。”性活动与饮食、睡眠一样,都是比较高等的动物之最基本的生存需要和生理本能。通过性活动的生殖功能,物种得以延续,而人类的种族同样也得到了繁衍,人类社会也才得以绵延和发展。但是,人类性活动的特征已经与其它动物有了非常本质的区别,因为它受到社会化过程的重大作用和影响,已不仅仅是一种简单的个体的生殖活动,而是在人类繁衍本能所驱动下的一种复杂的、带有强烈心理色彩的、具有多种社会效应和社会功能的人类的基本活动。也就是说,人类的性活动已不单纯是为了生殖和繁衍后代为目的动物性的本能活动,其中已经掺杂了大量的社会因素和心理因素,譬如社会所公认的各种伦理道德规范和行为准则、风俗习惯,以及法律、法规,等等。  相似文献   

Pornography use, preference for “porn‐like” sex, masturbation, and sexual and relationship satisfaction were assessed among two samples of men (NStudy 1 = 326, NStudy 2 = 335). Frequent pornography use was associated with sexual dissatisfaction, greater preference for porn‐like sex, and more frequent masturbation in both studies. Pornography use was associated with relationship dissatisfaction in Study 2 only. The data did not support the notion that pornography negatively impacts sexual or relationship satisfaction via preference for porn‐like sex. In fact, it may bolster sexual satisfaction by promoting sexual variety. The data were consistent with a model in which pornography negatively, indirectly affects sexual and relationship satisfaction via masturbation frequency. Pornography use may have multiple opposing influences on sexual satisfaction.  相似文献   

从临床视角看待性观念的转变所产生的性现象的特点,从哲学角度探讨其与性医学发展的辩证关系。认为在分析性现象的历史状况时,要用客观的和科学的观点去辩证看待,性观念转变所表现的性现象作为一个大的系统的整体,其三个子系统相互联系,相互作用,在性医学的分科和诊治研究中,一定程度上起到了很重要的推动作用。新的性观念在不断出现,未来性现象的发展将给性医学的发展带来更加崭新的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

The study investigated the nature and prevalence of self-reported childhood sexual abuse (CSA) among a sample of Zimbabwean girls and college students. A total of 1059 high school girls and college students with a mean age (M = 18.31, SD = 3.66) participated in study. Overall, a CSA prevalence rate of 41.26% was found. The highest CSA prevalence rate was found among respondents who resided on commercial farms and mines (53%). Respondents who lived with their biological parents during childhood were significantly less likely to be sexually abused than were respondents who lived with non-parents such as uncles and brothers-in-law. Only 7.22% of the perpetrators were strangers. This study shows that sexual abuse of children in Zimbabwe is rampant, multifaceted, and linked to cultural factors that must be addressed as part of efforts to confront this scourge.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of a choice reaction time task, during which slides of sexually explicit and neutral stimuli were used as an interference task, to differentiate between groups of individuals on the basis of their sexual preference. Twenty subjects, in each of the four groups (heterosexual males, heterosexual females, homosexual males, and homosexual females), participated in this study. Sexual orientation was determined by self-report. Subjects were given a choice reaction time with interference task, followed by a recall incidental learning task. A significant higher-order interaction was found among gender, orientation, and stimulus type for all four groups. This interaction indicated a longer reaction time to slides depicting preferred sexual partners than to nonpreferred sexual partners or neutral scenes. These results indicate that sexual arousal does interfere with cognitive processing. A main effect for gender was found for the incidental learning task, with males having the fewest errors.  相似文献   

This paper explores differences and similarities in sexual attitudes among university students 18 years or older of different sexual orientation in Havana, Tromsø, and Cape Town. In the period 2004–5, a questionnaire survey on sexuality, happiness and life satisfaction, was undertaken among 318 students from the University of Havana, 144 students from the University of Tromsø, and 182 students from the University of the Western Cape. The respondents in Cape Town generally expressed more restrictive attitudes toward sexuality than respondents in the other two samples. The dimensionality of attitudes was studied, and three interpretable dimensions were identified: Sexual novelty seeking; Individualization and equality; and Fidelity. Attitudes toward sexual novelty seeking were most efficient in separating straight men and women, and queer men and women in the three samples. The samples were also different in their acceptance of infidelity. More research is needed to further explore cultural differences in sexual attitudes.  相似文献   


This research applied attachment theory to the study of sexual attitudes and behaviors in a sample of late adolescents. Four hundred and seventy heterosexual undergraduate students completed questionnaires assessing attachment (discomfort with closeness; anxiety over relationships). relationship history, communication about sex. sexual self-efficacy and locus of control, and attitudes to condoms. Eight weeks later, participants reported on sexual behaviors occurring during the eight-week interval. and perceived risk of these activities. Both discomfort with closeness and anxiety over relationships were associated with external locus of control for sexual outcomes, and with use of drugs before sexual contact. Anxiety over relationships was linked to unsafe sex and to negative attitudes to condoms, but discomfort with closeness was associated with a more cautious approach to sexual risk-taking. Some results were qualified by gender differences. and by differences between the full sample and those who were sexually active. The findings arc discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with communication and affect regulation.


This study indicates that attachment dimensions are reliably related to many aspects of sexual attitudes and behaviors among late adolescents. Insecure attachment was linked to increased drug use before sexual contact. Anxiety over relationships was also linked to less safe sexual practice, but discomfort with closeness was associated with a tendency for males to be cautious about sexual risk-taking. The results support the utility of the attachment perspective on adolescent sexuality, but also highlight the complex relations between attachment dimensions and sexual outcomes. Future research would benefit from more detailed investigations of the attitudes, emotions, and cognitions which may mediate the link between attachment style and sexual behavior. For example, those who are highly anxious about their relationships may engage in more risky sexual practices because they fear that non-compliance with partners' wishes will jeopardize their relationship; the tendency to engage in drug use before sexual cpntact may reflect their attempts to boost self-confidence or to manage negative mood states. Research into these issues has the potential to explain how attachment insecurity is played out in patterns of sexual activity.  相似文献   

The nature of sexual reinforcement.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Sexual reinforcers are not part of a regulatory system involved in the maintenance of critical metabolic processes, they differ for males and females, they differ as a function of species and mating system, and they show ontogenetic and seasonal changes related to endocrine conditions. Exposure to a member of the opposite sex without copulation can be sufficient for sexual reinforcement. However, copulatory access is a stronger reinforcer, and copulatory opportunity can serve to enhance the reinforcing efficacy of stimulus features of a sexual partner. Conversely, under certain conditions, noncopulatory exposure serves to decrease reinforcer efficacy. Many common learning phenomena such as acquisition, extinction, discrimination learning, second-order conditioning, and latent inhibition have been demonstrated in sexual conditioning. These observations extend the generality of findings obtained with more conventional reinforcers, but the mechanisms of these effects and their gender and species specificity remain to be explored.  相似文献   

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