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This study examined the relationship between cognitive ability, personality, and academic achievement in post-secondary students, using latent variable models. Testing both simple and complex relationships, we found that cognitive ability and personality predicted reading achievement independently, but that they interact when predicting math achievement - at least in the Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience domains.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine release was measured simultaneously in the hippocampus and dorsal striatum of rats before and during training on a maze that could be learned using either a hippocampus-dependent spatial strategy or a dorsal striatum-dependent turning strategy. A probe trial administered after rats reached a criterion of 9/10 correct responses revealed that about half of the rats used a spatial strategy and half a turning strategy to solve the task. Acetylcholine release in the hippocampus, as well as the ratio of acetylcholine release in the hippocampus vs. the dorsal striatum, measured either before or during training, predicted these individual differences in strategy selection during learning. These findings suggest that differences in release of acetylcholine across brain areas may provide a neurobiological marker of individual differences in selection of the strategies rats use to solve a learning task.  相似文献   

This study is based on three distinct elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs) using chronometric techniques: (a) the S. Sternberg memory scan task, (b) a visual scan task which is perfectly analogous to the memory scan, except that the target digit is presented first and the subject must then scan a set of digits and indicate the presence or absence of the target digit in the set, and (c) the Hick paradigm, which involves responding to a visual stimulus (a light going “on”) when the stimulus is one among sets of either 1, 2, 4, or 8 equally probable alternatives. Certain parameters of all three tasks, such as intercept and slope of RT as a function of set size, from which different cognitive processes are inferred, are compared experimentally and correlationally. Subjects were 48 university students, tested and retested on the three tasks in a counterbalanced design on two separate days to obtain the retest reliabilities needed to correct all correlations for attenuation. Subjects were also given Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices as a measure of psychometric g. Parameters of the ECTs are significantly and, in some cases, quite substantially correlated with g. Virtually all of this correlation is due to the general factor of the various ECTs, rather than to specific processing components (independent of the general factor). The results also indicate that different ECT paradigms (e.g., visual search and memory search tasks) may yield markedly different values in terms of the group means of analogous parameters, indicating different processes, and yet not show independence of the parameters in terms of individual differences; that is, measurements of the different parameters in individuals are perfectly correlated (i.e., disattenuated correlations do not differ significantly from r = 1). This is found for the intercept parameter of visual and memory search. The reverse condition is also found for the other parameters (e.g., slope); that is, their mean values are nearly identical, suggesting the same processes, yet disattenuated correlations between individual differences are relatively low, or even negative, indicating different processes. Although the general factor clearly predominates, it does not completely overwhelm individual differences in various component processes that are distinct from the general factor.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with childhood cognitive achievement. In previous research we found that this association shows neural specificity; specifically we found that groups of low and middle SES children differed disproportionately in perisylvian/language and prefrontal/executive abilities relative to other neurocognitive abilities. Here we address several new questions: To what extent does this disparity between groups reflect a gradient of SES‐related individual differences in neurocognitive development, as opposed to a more categorical difference? What other neurocognitive systems differ across individuals as a function of SES? Does linguistic ability mediate SES differences in other systems? And how do specific prefrontal/executive subsystems vary with SES? One hundred and fifty healthy, socioeconomically diverse first‐graders were administered tasks tapping language, visuospatial skills, memory, working memory, cognitive control, and reward processing. SES explained over 30% of the variance in language, and a smaller but highly significant portion of the variance in most other systems. Statistically mediating factors and possible interventional approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how two important aspects of bilingualism, second language (L2) proficiency and language interpreting experience, contribute to cognitive control differences among young adult bilinguals. By requiring participants to complete the Flanker task (testing inhibition in cognitive control) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; testing mental set shifting in cognitive control), we compared four groups of Chinese–English bilinguals who varied in L2 proficiency and interpreting experience. The results showed that there was no significant group difference across all groups in the Flanker task. However, in the WCST, although there was no group difference between bilinguals differing in L2 proficiency, there was a significant difference between groups differing in interpreting experience, including groups differing in years of interpreting training. The results indicate that language interpreting experience, as part of bilinguals' language use ecology, significantly contributes to mental set shifting enhancement in cognitive control among young adult bilinguals. The findings motivate further research into the processing mechanism involved in language interpreting.  相似文献   

This study reports on gender and individual differences in adult crying. A total of 105 subjects filled out a questionnaire on adult crying (Vingerhoets, 1995) and two personality inventories, the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R) (Costa & McCrae, 1992) and the Five-factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) (Hendriks et al., 1995). The results showed that gender and personality substantially and independently contribute to the variance in weeping frequency. Women cry more often and perceive weeping more as a coping style. Neuroticism proved to be considerably correlated with weeping frequency and weeping as a coping style, even after partialling out the effects of gender and age. Extraversion was correlated with relief and positive feelings after crying. These results are discussed in the context of an ongoing international study on adult crying.  相似文献   

The effect of instructions on basic cognitive tasks was investigated. In the first study, 60 college students completed both a choice reaction time and a modified match-to-sample task. Students were given either written, non-verbal, or no instructions. Mean level of performance changed across type of instruction for each task. The correlations between the task parameters and a measure of general intelligence also appeared to change across instructional conditions. A second study was conducted with 464 Air Force and National Guard recruits who completed choice reaction time, match-to-sample, tachistoscopic threshold, and probed recall tasks. Approximately half of these subjects received standard written instructions while the others received no instructions. Mean group differences were substantial but decreased with practice. Patterns of individual differences between the instruction and no-instruction conditions varied more with increased task complexity, with greater change occurring in more complex tasks such as probed recall. In sum, instructions have a significant impact on mean performance on basic cognitive tasks and a lesser effect on individual differences.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that individual differences in generalized control perception for 43 undergraduate adults may be reflected in Spontaneous Eye Blink Rates during conversation in an interview. Control perception was assessed by means of Rotter's internal-external Locus of Control questionnaires, while Spontaneous Eye Blink Rates were computed from filmed videos of interviews consisting of a series of questions which could presumably have triggered different mental states. Pearson correlations and linear regression analyses indicated that the individual differences in Spontaneous Eye Blink Rates did not differ significantly across different questions, but that Spontaneous Eye Blink Rates measured over the entire interview correlated positively and significantly with an internal Locus of Control (r = .26). This could be interpreted as modest but corroborative evidence that a personality trait reflecting control perception may have a biological component. The possible roles of dopamine neurotransmission and frontal cortex involvement in higher cognition and Locus of Control are discussed.  相似文献   

Individual differences in cognitive processing speed and response execution were examined in relation to extraversion. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded concurrently with reaction time and movement time (MT) measures as participants (N = 67) performed simple reaction time and stimulus-response compatibility tasks. Slower processing speed for extraverts, as indicated by longer latency of a late positive ERP wave, P3, was only evident in conditions in which stimulus information was in conflict with response selection demands. As previously reported, the salient effect in all conditions of both tasks was faster MT for extraverts, an effect that is indicative of differences in fundamental motor processes. On the simple reaction time task, amplitudes of the N1 component, an early negative ERP wave, were smaller for extraverts than for introverts in response to auditory tones, an effect that affirms the enhanced sensory reactivity of introverts to punctate physical stimuli.  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) training has recently become a topic of intense interest and controversy. Although several recent studies have reported near- and far-transfer effects as a result of training WM-related skills, others have failed to show far transfer, suggesting that generalization effects are elusive. Also, many of the earlier intervention attempts have been criticized on methodological grounds. The present study resolves some of the methodological limitations of previous studies and also considers individual differences as potential explanations for the differing transfer effects across studies. We recruited intrinsically motivated participants and assessed their need for cognition (NFC; Cacioppo & Petty Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 42:116–131, 1982) and their implicit theories of intelligence (Dweck, 1999) prior to training. We assessed the efficacy of two WM interventions by comparing participants’ improvements on a battery of fluid intelligence tests against those of an active control group. We observed that transfer to a composite measure of fluid reasoning resulted from both WM interventions. In addition, we uncovered factors that contributed to training success, including motivation, need for cognition, preexisting ability, and implicit theories about intelligence.  相似文献   

To interact functionally with our environment, our perception must locate events in time, including discerning whether sensory events are simultaneous. The Temporal Binding Window (TBW; the time window within which two stimuli tend to be integrated into one event) has been shown to relate to individual differences in perception, including schizotypy, but the relationship with subjective estimates of duration is unclear. We compare individual TBWs with individual differences in the filled duration illusion, exploiting differences in perception between empty and filled durations (the latter typically being perceived as longer). Schizotypy has been related to both these measures and is included to explore a potential link between these tasks and enduring perceptual differences. Results suggest that individuals with a narrower TBW make longer estimates for empty durations and demonstrate less variability in both conditions. Exploratory analysis of schizotypy data suggests a relationship with the TBW but is inconclusive regarding time perception.  相似文献   

It has long been known that premature birth and/or low birthweight can lead to general difficulties in cognitive and emotional functioning throughout childhood. However, the influence of these factors on more specific processes has seldom been addressed, despite their potential to account for wide individual differences in performance that often appear innate. Here, we examined the influence of gestation and birthweight on adults’ face perception and face memory skills. Performance on both sub-processes was predicted by birthweight and birthweight-for-gestation, but not gestation alone. Evidence was also found for the domain-specificity of these effects: No perinatal measure correlated with performance on object perception or memory tasks, but they were related to the size of the face inversion effect on the perceptual test. This evidence indicates a novel, very early influence on individual differences in face recognition ability, which persists into adulthood, influences face-processing strategy itself, and may be domain-specific.  相似文献   

This study explored whether specific personality traits and individual differences could predict changes in postural control when presented with a height-induced postural threat. Eighty-two healthy young adults completed questionnaires to assess trait anxiety, trait movement reinvestment (conscious motor processing, movement self-consciousness), physical risk-taking, and previous experience with height-related activities. Tests of static (quiet standing) and anticipatory (rise to toes) postural control were completed under low and high postural threat conditions. Personality traits and individual differences significantly predicted height-induced changes in static, but not anticipatory postural control. Individuals less prone to taking physical risks were more likely to lean further away from the platform edge and sway at higher frequencies and smaller amplitudes. Individuals more prone to conscious motor processing were more likely to lean further away from the platform edge and sway at larger amplitudes. Individuals more self-conscious about their movement appearance were more likely to sway at smaller amplitudes. Evidence is also provided that relationships between physical risk-taking and changes in static postural control are mediated through changes in fear of falling and physiological arousal. Results from this study may have indirect implications for balance assessment and treatment; however, further work exploring these factors in patient populations is necessary.  相似文献   

This article begins with a guiding schema of relations among cognitive science, clinical science, and assessment technology. Emphasis is placed on stochastic modeling of cognitive processes. Basic models are adjusted so as to parsimoniously accommodate performance deviations occurring with psychopathology. Modified portions of models indicate functions affected by disorder, whereas portions remaining intact indicate spared functions. Findings from clinical cognitive science are applied to the individual case using Bayesian procedures. Methods are instantiated with respect to cognitive psychopathology of paranoid schizophrenia. The authors address observations and issues arising from this application, including integration of these methods with current assessment practices.  相似文献   

An emerging body of work has demonstrated that resting-state non-oscillatory, or aperiodic, 1/f neural activity is a functional and behaviorally relevant marker of cognitive function capacity. In the motor domain, previous work has only applied 1/f analyses to investigations of motor coordination and performance measures. The value of aperiodic resting-state neural dynamics as a marker of individual visuomotor performance capacity remains unknown. Accordingly, the aim of this work was to investigate if individual 1/f intercept and slope parameters of aperiodic resting-state neural activity predict reaction time and perceptual sensitivity in an immersive virtual reality marksmanship task. The marksmanship task required speeded selection of target stimuli and avoidance of selecting non-target stimuli. Motor and perceptual demands were incrementally increased across task blocks and participants performed the task across three training sessions spanning one week. When motor demands were high, steeper individual 1/f slope predicted shorter reaction time. This relationship did not change with practice. Increased 1/f intercept and a steeper 1/f slope were associated with higher perceptual sensitivity, measured as d’. However, this association was only observed under the highest levels of perceptual demand and only in the initial exposure to these conditions. Individuals with a lower 1/f intercept and a shallower 1/f slope demonstrated the greatest gains in perceptual sensitivity from task practice. These findings demonstrate that individual differences in motor and perceptual performance can be accounted for with resting-state aperiodic neural dynamics. The 1/f aperiodic parameters are most informative in predicting visuomotor performance under complex and demanding task conditions. In addition to predicting capacity for high visuomotor performance with a novel task, 1/f aperiodic parameters might also be useful in predicting which individuals might derive the most improvements from practice.  相似文献   

本文从可能性和可行性两方面介绍和论述了眼动技术在个体认知能力差异研究中的应用。在可能性方面,个体眼动特征具有的良好的重测信度和内部一致性信度;在可行性方面,已有研究利用注视和眼跳相关指标、眼动轨迹和瞳孔直径这三类指标对该问题进行探索,结果均发现这些眼动特征与认知能力之间存在着密切关系。今后研究应继续深入探索两者关系的内在认知和神经机制,并尝试结合人工智能算法开发高信效度的眼动认知测验。  相似文献   

Visual exploration is driven by two main factors - the stimuli in our environment, and our own individual interests and intentions. Research investigating these two aspects of attentional guidance has focused almost exclusively on factors common across individuals. The present study took a different tack, and examined the role played by individual differences in personality. Our findings reveal that trait curiosity is a robust and reliable predictor of an individual's eye movement behavior in scene-viewing. These findings demonstrate that who a person is relates to how they move their eyes.  相似文献   

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