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Comments on an article by Bennett‐Levy and colleagues. This commentary reviews a dissemination of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for Aboriginal Australians, with regard to the strengths of the dissemination effort and areas for future efforts. As an initial step in bringing CBT to a population that has been severely limited in access to evidence based practice, despite a notable need, this study was an important step forward. Feedback from the participatory action research group (n = 5 Aboriginal Australian counsellors) identified CBT elements and adaptations perceived to be particularly effective with Aboriginal Australian clients. Case conceptualization was identified as a potential avenue for further tailoring CBT to the individual needs of clients. Several factor including the success of the dissemination effort, reports that clients shared CBT techniques with their communities, and the skill‐building nature of CBT raised the possibility of future community‐based dissemination.  相似文献   

This paper provides a commentary and provides international context to the research conducted by J. Bennett‐Levy et al. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a highly structured psychological treatment that has unprecedented empirical validation relative to other approaches to therapy. Despite the wealth of evidence supporting its use, the case for CBT is far less compelling for ethnic minority groups. There is however a growing body of international literature supporting the notion of adaptation of CBT for these groups. The research by J. Bennett‐Levy et al. represents a positive step toward validating CBT for use with Australia's indigenous people that is likely to shape the future direction of research in this field. Suggestions are made regarding the next logical empirical steps in this important area of investigation.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate whether high and low intensity versions of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) might be an effective therapeutic approach for enhancing the mental health of Aboriginal Australians. Five university‐educated Aboriginal counsellors received in‐depth training in CBT. Over the following year, they used CBT strategies with their clients, and met 10 times as a participatory action research group. The group addressed three key questions: (a) Does CBT appear to be useful for Aboriginal Australians? (b) If so, what elements of CBT are perceived to be effective? (c) What adaptations might be made to CBT to enhance its effectiveness with Aboriginal Australians? The resulting qualitative data were transcribed and analysed. Counsellors perceived CBT to be very useful for their Aboriginal clients and for themselves. They reported that it enhanced their clients' well‐being, their own clinical skills, and their own well‐being, and it reduced burnout. The qualities of CBT that were perceived to be effective were its adaptability, pragmatic here‐and‐now approach, capacity for low‐intensity interventions, safe containing structure, promotion of self‐agency, and valuable techniques. It was suggested that the prime requirement for adaptations to CBT were that they would need to fit different social and cultural contexts.  相似文献   

强迫症已经被认为是儿童青少年常见的心理障碍之一。强迫症的认知行为模型在成人研究中得到了大量的实证支持,但这个模型在儿童青少年群体中研究相对较少。认知行为疗法被广泛认为是治疗儿童青少年强迫症的有效心理治疗方案,但对于认知行为治疗儿童青少年强迫症的实证研究还有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have been targets of social and emotional wellbeing programs for many years. However, the few health-care programs and services that are evaluated rarely provide insight into the participants' perspectives of program success or failure. This systematic review assessed 33 social and emotional wellbeing programs across Australia to better understand what Aboriginal community members think about the programs and how they could be improved. Results highlighted the interesting and valuable insights provided by Aboriginal participants, including what kinds of program activities and approaches are most suitable, what program characteristics are successful or desired, and their experiences of wellbeing change before and after program participation. They likewise voiced opinions about poorly received programs, culturally inappropriate services and negative experiences. This review highlighted how health and wellbeing programs must better engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients to ensure that services are culturally safe, holistic, integrate appropriate staffing, include culturally relevant activities and value patient/participant experiences. These findings have significant implications for the health and wellbeing sector; specifically, research, policy, program design and implementation, evaluation methods, and self-determination.  相似文献   

Metcalf and Dimidjian (this issue) have provided an important review of the current evidence base for mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and presented a helpful summary of the proposed mechanisms of change. It is necessary to engage in a continuous dialogue regarding the evidence base for change mechanisms, and the article by Metcalf and Dimidjian highlights an important barrier of concern to the field of treatment outcome research. The present commentary aims to expand the discussion regarding the definition, measurement, and evaluation of “mechanisms of change.” Using MBCT as an example, this commentary addresses the ambiguity surrounding the definition and operationalisation of these mechanisms in research on psychological therapies and how the method of measurement may impact the results obtained in clinical trials. It is argued that a potentially fruitful avenue of future research would involve investigation of techniques, important client‐therapeutic processes, and mechanisms in a single study in order to comprehensively evaluate how change occurs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of religious cognitive behavioural therapy (RCBT) on general health among Iranians. This study was a randomised, single-blinded clinical trial from April 2017 to October 2017. One hundred forty-four Yazd citizens were selected using a cluster sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental or control groups. The experimental groups received 10 sessions of RCBT, lasting 45 minutes once a week and the control group remained on the waiting list. The results showed that mean general health scores in the experimental groups were significantly lower than those in the control group on the post-test. RCBT had the most positive impact on somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction, depression, and mental health. Based on these findings RCBT can be considered a significant and effective practical therapy for improving both general and psychological health.  相似文献   

Personal therapy is considered to be an essential component of most psychotherapeutic training programmes. However, it remains peripheral to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) training courses. We present a subsection of results from a qualitative study that examines how CBT therapists use personal therapy in their clinical practice. Seven CBT therapists who have undergone personal therapy were interviewed. Participants were asked about how they used personal therapy in their clinical practice and their accounts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to identify common themes. This article presents the results of the first master theme, “Personal therapy creates conflict”, which explores a paradox that arises between personal therapy and CBT clinical practice; participants suggest that personal therapy equips them with therapeutic tools that paradoxically hinder their capacity to practice a standardised protocol‐led CBT. Results show that participants found personal therapy created considerable internal conflict, where their use of technical evidence‐based treatment protocols as practitioners was experienced in tension with the relationally oriented therapy they had received as clients. We discuss results in the context of Gabriel Marcel's philosophical insights on the dehumanising effects of technology on human relationships. We conclude with a brief consideration of the current political climate that increasingly privileges short‐term technical solutions to psychological distress.  相似文献   

Resistance and ambivalence about change are increasingly recognized as important determinants of treatment outcomes. Moreover, resistance and ambivalence are thought to be theoretically related in that clients who are more ambivalent about change are more likely to demonstrate resistance to the process and tasks of treatment. In the context of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for generalized anxiety disorder, the present study simultaneously examined early resistance and ambivalence using two observer-based coding systems in order to determine their inter-relationship and, importantly, to investigate their relative contributions to outcome. Resistance was also coded during mid-treatment in order to investigate possible mediation pathways. Early ambivalence (clients’ arguments against change or counter-change talk) was found to be no longer related to outcomes when early resistance was taken into account, suggesting that disharmony in the therapeutic relationship is more important to outcomes than ambivalence per se. Moreover, mid-treatment resistance partially mediated the relationship between early resistance and post-treatment worry severity. That is, higher early opposition to therapist direction is related to poorer outcomes, in part because it is associated with greater resistance during the working phase of CBT. The findings underscore the critical need for therapists to be sensitive to identifying resistance early and throughout treatment.  相似文献   



Compassion is central to the aim of improving patient care and staff well-being within healthcare systems. To inform service development, explorations of experiences and meanings of compassion are needed. This study explored cognitive behavioural therapists ' understandings of compassion within their work environment.


A qualitative study was conducted using semistructured interviews and interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA).


Data were obtained from five practicing cognitive behavioural therapists.


Two superordinate themes were developed, each with two subordinate themes. CBT therapists reported entering the profession with intrinsic motivation to care for others. They further developed an interest in compassion with exposure to clients and ongoing professional development in compassion-focused therapy (CFT). Compassionate work environments helped to facilitate compassionate practice; however, for many, workplaces were perceived to lack compassion. Challenges were encountered when negative workplace interactions left therapists feeling fatigued, distressed and demoralised. There was a desire for recognition and to be seen as more than a “work machine,” the experience of which was a threat to retaining therapists within the profession.


Current recruitment and training processes are producing staff with skills and motivation to deliver compassionate care. However, lack of compassion within workplaces can be a barrier to actioning these skills and motivations. Research needs to focus on how to effectively implement and run systems that are compassionate for both staff and clients. To provide compassionate care, staff need work environments that show compassion to them. These findings provide some insights into and practical suggestions regarding how this can be achieved.  相似文献   

Truancy is a problem that normally leads to treatment interventions within different organizations. Within these organizations different perspectives on the causes and consequences of the above problem can be found. The purpose of this literature study is to map out and describe the current state of research within the fields of school refusal, truancy, and school phobia. The investigation was carried out in the form of a systematic review of the relevant research literature. Research shows that approximately 90% of all young people who refuse to go to school have some form of psychiatric diagnosis.  相似文献   

Alliance is defined as the client-therapist bond and their ability to collaborate on therapeutic activities. Treatment for adolescents with ADHD is rarely studied in terms of alliance. In this study, two cognitive-behavioral treatments (CBT; one structured treatment aimed at planning skills and one less-structured solution-focused treatment, both delivered in the style of Motivational Interviewing) were compared with regard to alliance and alliance-outcome association. The influence of therapist competence on this alliance-outcome association was also evaluated. The alliance between 69 adolescents diagnosed with ADHD and their therapists was measured early in treatment, using the Therapy Process Observational Coding System for Child Psychotherapy–Alliance scale. Observer-rated therapist competence was measured using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity scale (version 3.1.1.). Outcome variables were the adolescents’ reduction in planning problems and ADHD symptoms. The alliance, and, more specifically, collaboration on therapeutic activities, was significantly higher for the more structured CBT (p = .04; moderate effect size). Alliance was not related to outcome in the more structured CBT, while the alliance was positively related to the reduction in planning problems in the less structured CBT. Finally, alliance was a significant mediator between therapist competence and treatment outcome for the less-structured CBT. The clarity and structure of CBT may help facilitate alliance formation for adolescents with ADHD who often have difficulty implementing structure themselves. Therapists may need to invest more in alliance formation in less structured CBT as the alliance affects outcome. Moreover, enhancing therapist competence in less structured CBT may help improve outcomes in less structured CBT, as therapist competence may impact outcome through alliance.  相似文献   

Depression prevalence is between 15% and 20% in coronary heart disease patients, such as those with angina, or after a myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The presence of depression places a coronary heart disease patient at twofold higher risk for further major cardiac events and death, as well as poor quality of life and early exit from the labour force. As a consequence, several learned societies, including the National Heart Foundation of Australia, have published guidelines that recommend questionnaire screening to improve identification and management strategies for depression in coronary heart disease patients. Psychologists in hospitals, community settings, and private practice can have a key role in the realisation of the National Heart Foundation of Australia's aims. We review the recent guidelines and outline implications for psychologists to identify and manage depression in coronary heart disease patients. The evidence reviewed suggests that cognitive‐behavioural therapy and problem‐solving therapy are frontline non‐pharmacological interventions for depression in CHD patients.  相似文献   

创造力的心理学研究进展与研究取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王映学  寇冬泉  张大均 《心理科学》2007,30(2):489-491,481
人类对创造力的认识进程,离不开哲学、生理学、脑科学和心理学等学科所作的研究贡献.但在对创造力的众多学科研究中,没有比心理学所作的研究贡献更大的了。本文着力从生理心理学、心理测量学、认知心理学和社会心理学等心理学分支学科的角度,分别阐述了创造力的心理学研究进展。本文认为.对创造力的心理学研究要有更理性的研究取向.那就是.应进一步加强和促进创造力的纵向研究和应用研究,应大力提倡创造力的多学科、多视野协同研究。  相似文献   

Homework assignments are an integral part of cognitive behavioral therapy, providing patients with opportunities to practice skills between sessions. Generally, greater homework compliance is associated with better treatment outcomes. However, fewer studies have examined the effect of homework quality on treatment outcomes. This study examined homework compliance and quality as predictors of outcome and attrition across five CBT protocols. A sample of 179 individuals with principal diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder were randomized to receive a transdiagnostic CBT protocol (the Unified Protocol) or a single-diagnosis CBT protocol corresponding to their principal diagnosis. The Unified Protocol had a lower homework burden than the majority of the single-diagnosis protocols, which varied in degree of assigned homework. Despite this, there were no differences in average homework compliance or quality across principal diagnosis, treatment condition, or their interaction. Homework quality was significantly related to all symptom outcomes (self-reported and clinician-rated anxiety and depressive symptoms, clinician-rated clinical severity). Homework compliance was significantly related to clinician-rated anxiety symptom outcomes. Additionally, greater homework quality and compliance were both significantly associated with increased odds of completing treatment, suggesting homework variables can be useful and easily obtainable predictors of treatment retention.  相似文献   

Sudden gains—substantial stable symptom improvements between consecutive therapy sessions—are a common phenomenon. As condensed points of change, examination of sudden gains can provide insight into mechanisms of therapeutic change. This study investigated the association between sudden gains and cognitive change, therapeutic alliance, and/or client engagement in transdiagnostic group cognitive-behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders. Of 58 treatment initiators, 21% (= 12) exhibited a sudden gain. Consistent with previous research, sudden gainers demonstrated significantly greater pre- to post-treatment symptom improvement than non-sudden gainers. Observational coding of therapy sessions found that sudden gains were associated with elevated levels of cognitive change and client engagement in the pre-gain session, and elevated levels of cognitive change and therapeutic alliance in the post-gain session. However, these results varied by use of within- and between-subject control comparisons, highlighting the value using a dual control methodology. In context of previous research, the results on cognitive change replicate previous findings in depressive populations, and clarify mixed findings in anxiety populations. The results on therapeutic alliance replicate previous findings for the first time in an anxiety sample, although the between-subject control comparisons revealed complexity previously undetected. This study was also the first to investigate and thus establish the relation between client engagement and sudden gains.  相似文献   

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