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There is increasing evidence for cultural variations in behaviour among non-human species, but human societies additionally display elaborate cumulative cultural evolution, with successive generations building on earlier achievements. Evidence for cumulative culture in non-human species remains minimal and controversial. Relevant experiments are also lacking. Here we present a first experiment designed to examine chimpanzees' capacity for cumulative social learning. Eleven young chimpanzees were presented with a foraging device, which afforded both a relatively simple and a more complex tool-use technique for extracting honey. The more complex 'probing' technique incorporated the core actions of the simpler 'dipping' one and was also much more productive. In a baseline, exploration condition only two subjects discovered the dipping technique and a solitary instance of probing occurred. Demonstrations of dipping by a familiar human were followed by acquisition of this technique by the five subjects aged three years or above, whilst younger subjects showed a significant increase only in the elements of the dipping technique. By contrast, subsequent demonstrations of the probing task were not followed by acquisition of this more productive technique. Subjects stuck to their habitual dipping method despite an escalating series of demonstrations eventually exceeding 200. Supplementary tests showed this technique is within the capability of chimpanzees of this age. We therefore tentatively conclude that young chimpanzees exhibit a tendency to become 'stuck' on a technique they initially learn, inhibiting cumulative social learning and possibly constraining the species' capacity for cumulative cultural evolution.  相似文献   

The influence of complexes on implicit learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A century ago, Jung looked into the unconscious through complexes by using word association tests. Jung wrote, 'modern psychology with its investigation of complexes has opened up a psychic taboo area riddled with hopes and fears', and complexes remain an unexplored taboo area of research. In the present study, we have investigated the influence of complexes on unconscious cognitive processing, in particular on implicit learning. We have found that complexes shown to disturb conscious cognitive processing in fact enhanced the attention of the subjects and their performance on an implicit learning task. These results suggest that complexes are not just abstractions, but have various actual influences on both conscious and unconscious processing.  相似文献   

Unconscious semantic priming extends to novel unseen stimuli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Naccache L  Dehaene S 《Cognition》2001,80(3):215-229
Many subliminal priming experiments are thought to demonstrate unconscious access to semantics. However, most of them can be reinterpreted in a non-semantic framework that supposes only that subjects learn to map non-semantic visual features of the subliminal stimuli onto motor responses. In order to clarify this issue, we engaged subjects in a number comparison task in which the target number was preceded by another invisible masked number. We show that unconscious semantic priming occurs even for prime stimuli that are never presented as target stimuli, and for which no stimulus–response learning could conceivably occur. We also report analyses of the impact of the numerical relation between prime and target, and of the impact of learning on priming, all of which confirm that unconscious utilization of semantic information is indeed possible.  相似文献   

神经网络模型对内隐学习的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭秀艳  朱磊 《心理科学》2006,29(2):480-484
近几年来,研究者们借助人工神经网络模型的方法对内隐学习研究中突出的争论性问题进行了新的探索。针对内隐学习的无意识问题,模拟研究发现确实存在一种无意识的内隐学习,然而这种无意识加工的发生与否要取决于规则的难易程度;针对内隐学习的抽象性问题,人工神经网络模型所主张的分布式概率表征能较好地加以解释。可见,神经网络模型的原理和模拟研究可能为真正地解决内隐学习的无意识性和抽象性等目前争论较多的领域提供一个全新的视角和研究方向。  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrate the influence of an unconscious form of information storage on behavior. In the learning phase, subjects see pictures in which other pictures or figures are embedded. The experimental procedure makes sure that these embedded figures cannot be seen (or consciously identified) by the subjects. Nevertheless, the results of a perceptual identification task in the test phase prove that information of these unidentified figures has been stored by the subjects: In a clarification task, subjects were shown the cut out, previously embedded figures and other pictures which they had to name as quickly as possible. The experimental group, which had seen the pictures with the embedded figures in the learning phase, was much quicker in responding to the naming task than the control group, which had not seen these pictures before. These results are discussed in terms of a distinction between sensori-perceptual and conceptual information storage in humans. Conceptual information is characterized as meaningful, symbolic, and accessible to conscious reasoning and remembering, while sensori-perceptual information is seen as nonsymbolic, modality-bound, and restricted to unconscious reactivations in data-driven process repetitions.  相似文献   

Can we learn without awareness? Although this issue has been extensively explored through studies of implicit learning, there is currently no agreement about the extent to which knowledge can be acquired and projected onto performance in an unconscious way. The controversy, like that surrounding implicit memory, seems to be at least in part attributable to unquestioned acceptance of the unrealistic assumption that tasks are process-pure--that is, that a given task exclusively involves either implicit or explicit knowledge. Methods such as the process dissociation procedure (PDP, Jacoby, 1991) have been developed to overcome the conceptual limitations of the process purity assumption but have seldom been used in the context of implicit learning research. In this paper, we show how the PDP can be applied to a free generation task so as to disentangle explicit and implicit sequence learning. Our results indicate that subjects who are denied preparation to the next stimulus nevertheless exhibit knowledge of the sequence through their reaction time performance despite remaining unable (1) to project this knowledge in a recognition task and (2) to refrain from expressing their knowledge when specifically instructed to do so. These findings provide strong evidence that sequence learning can be unconscious.  相似文献   

Many evaluations of cognitive models rely on data that have been averaged or aggregated across all experimental subjects, and so fail to consider the possibility of important individual differences between subjects. Other evaluations are done at the single-subject level, and so fail to benefit from the reduction of noise that data averaging or aggregation potentially provides. To overcome these weaknesses, we have developed a general approach to modeling individual differences using families of cognitive models in which different groups of subjects are identified as having different psychological behavior. Separate models with separate parameterizations are applied to each group of subjects, and Bayesian model selection is used to determine the appropriate number of groups. We evaluate this individual differences approach in a simulation study and show that it is superior in terms of the key modeling goals of prediction and understanding. We also provide two practical demonstrations of the approach, one using the ALCOVE model of category learning with data from four previously analyzed category learning experiments, the other using multidimensional scaling representational models with previously analyzed similarity data for colors. In both demonstrations, meaningful individual differences are found and the psychological models are able to account for this variation through interpretable differences in parameterization. The results highlight the potential of extending cognitive models to consider individual differences.  相似文献   

视知觉无意识加工中的形状优势效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
柯学  白学军  隋南 《心理科学》2004,27(2):321-324
研究了视知觉无意识加工中是否存在形状优势效应。被试为天津师范大学本科生60名。仪器为pentium lll高分辨率计算机.程序用E-prime心理实验软件系统编制而成。在实验1中,用信号检测论技术发现.当启动图形呈现时间为20ms时.被试是不能觉知到该图形的。在实验2和3中.被试的任务分别是判断图形的形状和颜色,用MANOVA分析启动图形对靶图形的启动效应时发现.启动图形的颜色线索不会影响靶图形的形状判断,但启动图形的形状线索却能抑制或促进靶图形的颜色判断。实验证据提示.在判断物体整体特征时,无意识知觉具有形状优势效应。  相似文献   

Unconscious stimuli activate task sets, mental programs that orchestrate performance of complex tasks, but the role of attention in such effects has not been addressed. In previous studies, unconscious prime stimuli appeared at attended locations and were explicitly specified in the task instructions; spatial attention to the prime and/or a specific conscious attentional set may thus be required for such unconscious activation to arise. In the present experiments, a learning phase established associations between unconscious prime stimuli and performance of two tasks. These associations influenced task performance in a subsequent test phase, even though the primes were not specified in current task instructions. This is the first demonstration that unconscious stimuli can prime task sets independently of a current attentional set that specifies stimulus-task mappings. Such priming was not influenced by spatial attention cues, in contrast to clear attention influences in comparison trials that mimicked conditions employed by previous studies.  相似文献   

本研究基于对无意识目标启动的研究,采用阈上、阈下启动方式探讨无意识目标启动对自我损耗的补偿作用。实验1发现,阈上无意识目标启动能够有效提高自我控制,促进自控表现。实验2发现,阈下无意识目标启动对自我损耗存在补偿效应。上述结果提示,通过无意识启动方式激活自我控制目标,可以克服自我损耗的不良效应,且无需意识参与。  相似文献   

How can we grasp the temporal structure of events? A few studies have indicated that representations of temporal structure are acquired when there is an intention to learn, but not when learning is incidental. Response-to-stimulus intervals, uncorrelated temporal structures, unpredictable ordinal information, and lack of metrical organization have been pointed out as key obstacles to incidental temporal learning, but the literature includes piecemeal demonstrations of learning under all these circumstances. We suggest that the unacknowledged effects of ordinal load may help reconcile these conflicting findings, ordinal load referring to the cost of identifying the sequence of events (e.g., tones, locations) where a temporal pattern is embedded. In a first experiment, we manipulated ordinal load into simple and complex levels. Participants learned ordinal-simple sequences, despite their uncorrelated temporal structure and lack of metrical organization. They did not learn ordinal-complex sequences, even though there were no response-to-stimulus intervals nor unpredictable ordinal information. In a second experiment, we probed learning of ordinal-complex sequences with strong metrical organization, and again there was no learning. We conclude that ordinal load is a key obstacle to incidental temporal learning. Further analyses showed that the effect of ordinal load is to mask the expression of temporal knowledge, rather than to prevent learning.  相似文献   

People may exhibit two kinds of modifications when demonstrating action for others: modifications to facilitate bottom-up, or sensory-based processing; and modifications to facilitate top-down, or knowledge-based processing. The current study examined actors' production of such modifications in action demonstrations for audiences that differed in their capacity for intentional reasoning. Actors' demonstrations of complex actions for a non-anthropomorphic computer system and for people (adult and toddler) were compared. Evidence was found for greater highlighting of top-down modifications in the demonstrations for the human audiences versus the computer audience. Conversely, participants highlighted simple perceptual modifications for the computer audience, producing more punctuated and wider ranging motions. This study suggests that people consider differences in their audiences when demonstrating action.  相似文献   

张润来  刘电芝 《心理学报》2014,46(11):1649-1660
内隐学习研究致力于探讨学习活动的意识加工程度, 当前相关的研究逻辑从传统的意识二分观转向渐进意识假设。本研究通过对人工语法范式进行改造, 并借鉴加工分离程序的有关思想, 在学习阶段引入双重测量任务, 并根据双重任务成绩计算分离出相应学习时段的意识与无意识成分的贡献分数, 从而考察在内隐学习过程中两种加工成分的动态变化特征。研究结果支持渐进意识假设, 在学习进程中, 无意识成分和意识成分都呈现出渐进发展的趋势; 而随学习的深入, 两种成分呈现出不同的变化模式, 中后期意识加工快速增长, 无意识加工则保持平缓发展, 渐进意识系统整体呈现向外显学习推进的发展态势。  相似文献   

Two experiments addressed the mechanism responsible for the false prototype effect, the phenomenon in which a prototype gradient can be obtained in the absence of learning. Previous demonstrations of this effect have occurred solely in a single-category paradigm in which transfer patterns are assigned or not to the learning category. We tested the hypothesis that any extraneous variable potentially responsible for this effect, such as compactness varying with pattern distortion (Zaki & Nosofsky, 2004), may be functional in the single-category paradigm but not when multiple categories are available at the time of transfer. In the present study, subjects received a bogus or a real category learning phase, followed by a transfer test that required assignment into 1 or 3 prototype categories. The results showed that a minimal prototype gradient was obtained in the bogus conditions, with performance approaching chance levels when classification into 3 categories was required. In contrast, a substantial prototype gradient effect was found following learning. We conclude that the prototype gradient typically obtained following multiple-category learning is primarily driven by real learning and that the false prototype effect is itself an artifact of the single-category paradigm.  相似文献   

Among other things, K. J. Rust and T. S. Kendler (1987, Developmental Review, 7, 326–362) tested and disconfirmed the Tighes' independent subproblem learning hypothesis experimentally. The Tighes defended themselves by claiming that independent subproblem learning (ISPL) is a label, not a hypothesis and that our tests were invalid. In this reply we showed that ISPL is either an erroneous hypothesis or a misnomer because our tests were valid demonstrations that for young children the so-called “subproblems” are dependent rather than independent.  相似文献   

杨海波  刘电芝 《心理学报》2016,48(3):230-237
内隐序列学习到底能习得何种知识呢?已有研究从任务分离范式发展到加工分离程序试图来捕获习得的知识。本研究根据信号检测论原理把三元素再认测验的成绩离析成击中率和虚报率, 再试图运用加工分离程序的思想来分离习得的意识知识和无意识知识, 为示区别将这种测验命名为片段再认任务, 并以序列生成任务为效标, 通过两个实验来检验片段再认任务的效度和敏感性。实验1以反应–刺激间隔(RSI)为自变量来检验片段再认任务和序列生成任务在测量习得知识上的效度, 结果显示前者的效度高于后者; 实验2进行测验的敏感性分析, 以参与度为自变量, 结果表明前者更为灵敏所以测量效度高。总之, 与序列生成任务相比, 片段再认任务是一种高效而灵敏的测量工具。  相似文献   

According to a higher order reasoning account, inferential reasoning processes underpin the widely observed cue competition effect of blocking in causal learning. The inference required for blocking has been described as modus tollens (if p then q, not q therefore not p). Young children are known to have difficulties with this type of inference, but research with adults suggests that this inference is easier if participants think counterfactually. In this study, 100 children (51 five-year-olds and 49 six- to seven-year-olds) were assigned to two types of pretraining groups. The counterfactual group observed demonstrations of cues paired with outcomes and answered questions about what the outcome would have been if the causal status of cues had been different, whereas the factual group answered factual questions about the same demonstrations. Children then completed a causal learning task. Counterfactual pretraining enhanced levels of blocking as well as modus tollens reasoning but only for the younger children. These findings provide new evidence for an important role for inferential reasoning in causal learning.  相似文献   

采用突破连续闪烁抑制范式(b-CFS), 考察了经过情绪学习的刺激在无意识中是否存在加工优势。实验1使用不同朝向的光栅刺激, 结果发现情绪学习条件比对照条件的刺激在CFS中突破抑制时间更短。实验2考察了更复杂的朝向和颜色整合的光栅刺激, 发现情绪优势效应具有特异性, 仅局限于情绪学习的整合刺激。研究表明经过情绪学习后的刺激在无意识加工中存在优势。  相似文献   

Previous laboratory studies on social learning suggest that some animals can learn more readily if they first observe a conspecific demonstrator perform the task unsuccessfully and so fail to obtain a food reward than if they observe a successful demonstrator that obtains the food. This effect may indicate a difference in how easily animals are able to associate different outcomes with the conspecific or could simply be the result of having food present in only some of the demonstrations. To investigate we tested a scatter-hoarding mammal, the eastern grey squirrel, on its ability to learn to choose between two pots of food after watching a conspecific remove a nut from one of them on every trial. Squirrels that were rewarded for choosing the opposite pot to the conspecific chose correctly more frequently than squirrels rewarded for choosing the same pot (a feature-negative effect). Another group of squirrels was tested on their ability to choose between the two pots when the rewarded option was indicated by a piece of card. This time, squirrels showed no significant difference in their ability to learn to choose the same or the opposite pot. The results add to anecdotal reports that grey squirrels can learn by observing a conspecific and suggest that even when all subjects are provided with demonstrations with the same content, not all learning occurs equally. Prior experience or expectations of the association between a cue (a conspecific) and food influences what can be learned through observation whilst previously unfamiliar cues (the card) can be associated more readily with any outcome.  相似文献   

Evidence for unconscious learning has typically been based on dissociations between direct and indirect tests of learning. Because of some inherent problems with dissociation logic, we applied the logic of opposition to 2 artificial grammar learning experiments. In Experiment 1, participants were exposed to 2 different sets of letter strings, generated from 2 different grammars, and later rated test strings for grammaticality with either in-concert (rate grammatical strings consistent with either structure) or opposition (rate grammatical only strings from 1 of the structures) instructions. Manipulating response deadline affected controlled, but not automatic influences. In Experiment 2, after similar training, a source-monitoring test was administered from which the in-concert and opposition conditions were derived. The test indicated that varying the retention interval affected controlled, but not automatic, influences. The results are discussed in terms of awareness, knowledge representation, and metacognitive processing.  相似文献   

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