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101 Hong Kong Chinese subjects were tested on six configurations of linear displays and rotary controls. A significant linear relationship was found between the average response times and the strength of direction-of-turn stereotype as measured by the proportion of response made by the majority of subjects.  相似文献   

There is growing concern about boys' lagging performance in school, not only in language arts, where the gap is particularly pronounced, but also in mathematics. Stereotypes associating one gender with language arts or with mathematics are likely to contribute to these gaps. Such stereotypes can translate into explicit beliefs such as the extent to which students are aware of societal stereotypes or the extent to which they personally believe stereotypes to be true, but also indirectly into performance following a stereotype threat manipulation. However, few studies have considered these multiple stereotype expressions in both mathematics and language arts to examine their importance in predicting boys' and girls' actual grades in school. To fill this gap, two complementary studies examined high school boys' and girls' awareness and endorsement of stereotypes about both language arts (n = 299) and mathematics (n = 243), as well as whether stereotype threat impaired boys' performance on a spelling test. Although the effect of stereotype threat was not significant overall, our results showed that students were aware of and endorsed strong stereotypes advantaging girls in language arts. In mathematics, students endorsed counter-traditional stereotypes slightly advantaging girls. Our results also showed that these multiple expressions of stereotypes related to students' grades. In doing so, our work provides insights regarding possible targets for interventions to reduce gender gaps disadvantaging boys in school.  相似文献   

冰毒使用的危害日益凸显,受到社会的普遍关注。行为、认知和脑功能的研究结果一致表明:长期的冰毒使用会导致使用者的抑制控制受损,包含一般抑制控制损伤以及药物相关线索条件下的损伤。这些损伤与前额脑区的异常密切相关,对冰毒使用者的行为和认知能力产生不良影响。目前,这些损伤只能部分恢复,因此,改善冰毒使用者抑制控制的干预策略成为热点。未来研究可以从不同药物成瘾者的差异性、多药物使用模式以及有区别的运动干预等方面对冰毒使用者的抑制控制损伤进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Stereotypes of locus of control were studied in male and female university students from eight countries (Canada, France, West Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, United States). The subjects took the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control (I-E) Scale in standard fashion (“own” scores) and then in the role of students similar to themselves in their own country (attributed own) and in selected other countries (attributed other). Using the difference between “own” scores and “attributed” scores as the operational measure of stereotype, the results indicate (1) that scores attributed to students in a given country bear little relationship to those students “own” scores, thereby suggesting the presence of stereotypes of locus of control; (2) students in most countries attribute greater externality to the average student in their own country compared to themselves; (3) countries vary in the degree to which they stereotype other countries with the U.S. students significantly attributing greater externality to other countries and Japanese students significantly attributing greater internality to other students; (4) countries vary in the degree to which they are stereotyped with German students perceived as most internal and Italian students as most external; (5) the U.S.S.R. and U.S.A. are perceived differently on content subscales of the I-E Scale although their overall attributed scores do not differ.  相似文献   

This study examines how people live with two gender stereotypes: (1) masculine/active and feminine/passive roles; and (2) masculine/emotional inexpressiveness and feminine/emotional expressiveness. Given the contrast between traditional gender stereotypes and the emergent feminist perspective, we expected that both men and women would experience pressures both to conform to and to deviate from the traditional stereotypes, although the pressures would be greater for women. A study of active/passive roles and specific emotions, with a sample of 141 men and women, revealed that both sexes felt such contradictory pressures, and that they actually were greater for women. Moreover, pressures were magnified in cross-sex interaction. Pretense was one way people consciously monitor feelings and manage interactions. A number of paradoxes emerged. The most dramatic is that both men and women experienced each other as demanding stereotypical behavior, yet both claimed self-motivation for change.The author thanks Lucile Duberman for her incisive suggestions, Nancy Leff for her valuable editorial assistance, and Anne Marie Fodera and Laura Mestress for their competent work as research assistants.  相似文献   

The performances of 4- and 5-year-olds and rhesus monkeys were compared using a computerized task for quantity assessment. Participants first learned two quantity anchor values and then responded to intermediate values by classifying them as similar to either the large anchor or the small anchor. Of primary interest was an assessment of where the point of subjective equality (PSE) occurred for each species across four different sets of anchors to determine whether the PSE occurred at the arithmetic mean or the geometric mean. Both species produced PSEs that were closer to the geometric mean for three of four anchor sets. This indicates that monkeys and children access either a logarithmic scale for quantity representation or a linear scale that is subject to scalar variability, both of which are consistent with Weber's law and representation of quantity that takes the form of analog magnitudes.  相似文献   

Anxiety associated with an intergroup interaction is often thought to interfere with the cognitive control of automatic racial stereotypes. However, this link remains elusive, as self-reported anxiety is not typically associated with assessments of control. The present research tested a neuroendocrine model for how intergroup anxiety may affect controlled processing. White participants met with a Black or White interviewer to discuss their racial attitudes and to complete a measure of stereotype inhibition. Baseline and post-interaction assessments of self-reported anxiety and salivary cortisol were obtained. Although self-reported anxiety was heightened for participants in the Black interviewer condition, it was not associated with control on the stereotyping task. Rather, greater cortisol reactivity to the interracial interaction predicted reduced controlled processing. This pattern was not observed in the White interviewer condition. Implications for theories of intergroup anxiety, self-regulation, and resource depletion are discussed.  相似文献   

Seven locus of control scales—two designed for adults and five for children—were administered to about 200 adolescents. A content analysis revealed very little overlap between the scales which had practically no effect on the correlations between them. Correlations between the five children’s locus of control scale scores were highly significant, and nearly all greater than .50, but the two adult scales showed very little significant correlations either with each other, or any of the children’s scales. A number of demographic variables were correlated with total scale scores of which age was the most significant. The results are discussed in terms of the multidimensional nature of the concept, psychometric evaluation of locus of control beliefs in different age groups and the specificity of the concept in general.  相似文献   

Sociologists sometimes speculate that sexual offenses are related to the process of sex-role stereotyping of the female while simultaneously over-reacting in the form of “macho” behavior. In order to determine the validity of this proposed relationship, a series of paper and pencil attitude tests were administered to three populations of men. This sample included sex offenders, other offenders, and nonoffenders. A total of 119 subjects participated. The sample was selected from Lima State Hospital (Ohio), Lebanon Correctional Institution (Ohio), and nonincarcerated males working in the private sector of Dayton, Ohio. The testing instruments included the Attitude Toward Women Scale, Bem Sex-Role Inventory, the Macho Scale, and the Open Subordination of Women Scale. A multivariate analysis of variance did not establish statistical significance for either the factors of location, offense committed, or the victim orientation.  相似文献   

In light of recent attempts by feminists to upgrade the status of women by stressing the positive aspects of femininity, a comparison of sex-role stereotyping by women who endorse women's liberation with those who do not was made. Feminists showed a more positive perception of women; both groups stressed positive feminine traits in describing an ideal woman, but feminists would like to see more dominance in women. Two negative stereotypes, not previously documented, emerged from this analysis: the depiction of men as cooler, more boastful, awkward, and insensitive by the feminists and women's liberationists as more boastful, excitable, and unattractive by the nonfeminists.  相似文献   

A sentence-priming technique was used to examine whether older women (N = 39) share a more positive view of aging than younger women (N = 35). Situationally specified statements about older and younger persons were presented, followed either by a semantically related word, an unrelated word of the same valence, or a nonword. The accessibility of target words was measured by reaction times in a lexical decision task. Whereas a semantic priming effect for negatively connoted materials emerged for both groups, a priming effect for positively connoted materials was found for older women only. Furthermore, an affective priming effect was found for the older group, i.e., older women tended to respond relatively faster (slower) to semantically unrelated positive (negative) words following a sentence about an older person. The results are discussed within a coping-theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Previous work has determined the conditions under which generalized versions of Thurstone's theory of comparative judgment are formally equivalent (i.e., empirically indistinguishable) for choice experiments. This note solves the analogous problem for ranking experiments: It is shown that if two “Generalized Thurstone Models” are equivalent for choice experiments with n alternatives they are also equivalent for ranking experiments with n alternatives, despite the fact that ranking generates many more preference probabilities. This result in turn allows one to determine which Generalized Thurstone Models are “reversible,” i.e., satisfy the requirement that regardless of whether the subject ranks from best to worst or from worst to best, rankings that express the same preference order will occur with the same probability.  相似文献   

Summary: The current conceptualization of the locus of control construct as unidimensional was challenged. The Rotter I-E scale, James I-E scale, and Adult Nowicki-Strickland I-E scale were examined with regard to their reported psychometric properties. The three scales were factor analyzed using a principal components method with varimax rotation. Results indicated a multifactor makeup for the three scales. It was suggested that attempts to measure a generalized expectancy for control be abandoned and that, instead, measurement attempts focus on the development of instruments specific to the behavioral and situational domains for which behavioral understanding, prediction, and control are sought.  相似文献   

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