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Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for perceptual alterations during binocular rivalry, including neural adaptation and neural noise. However, the importance of neural adaptation for producing perceptual alterations has been challenged in several articles (Y.-J. Kim, Grabowecky, & Suzuki, 2006; Moreno-Bote, Rinzel, & Rubin, 2007). We devised an “online” adaptation procedure to reexamine the role of adaptation in binocular rivalry. Periods of adaptation inserted into rivalry observation periods parametrically alter the dynamics of rivalry such that increased adaptation duration decreases dominance duration, which cannot be accounted for by neural noise. Analysis of the average dominance durations and their variance (coefficient of variation) provides evidence for an increasingly important role of noise in rivalry alternations as a given dominance period continues in time, consistent with recent computational models.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the introduction of an interocular delay in presentation to the two eyes of a briefly viewed, haploscopically presented object resulted in a rearward shift in the depth position of this object. The present study investigated the magnitude of this depth shift as a function of flash duration and determined the relationship of this magnitude to two-flash and simultaneity thresholds. It was found that depth shift magnitude decreased as flash duration increased, and that large depth shifts were associated with large two-flash thresholds. The hypothesis that depth shifts can occur within the temporal limits of binocular fusion was supported.  相似文献   

Five experiments examined whether recognizable stimuli predominate in binocular rivalry. It was found that a face predominated more than did a pattern equated for spatial frequency, luminance, and contrast; an objective reaction time procedure confirmed predominance of the face. The face was still liable to fragmentation as stimulus size increased. Observers tracked exclusive dominance of a picture of a camouflaged figure (a Dalmatian dog) prior to and then following discovery of the figure's presence; control observers received the same protocol with a scrambled version of the dog stimulus. Compared with control results, predominance of the dog picture was higher even before observers knew of the camouflaged figure. Inversion of the dog figure reduced its predominance. Binocular rivalry is sensitive to object-related, configural properties of a stimulus.  相似文献   

What affects speakers' production of ambiguous utterances in dialogue? They might consider ease of production for themselves, or ease of comprehension for their addressees. Previous research has demonstrated that ease of production plays a role in speakers' syntactic choices, but that ease of comprehension does not. However, such studies have not employed dialogues that involve role swapping on a turn-by-turn basis. In our experiment, participants alternated in giving and following instructions to move objects around on a grid. They tended to repeat the syntactic form just used by their interlocutor, reflecting sensitivity to ease of production. More interestingly, they were more likely to disambiguate their utterances when the visual context was potentially ambiguous than when it was not, reflecting sensitivity to ease of comprehension. We conclude that speakers pay attention to their beliefs about their addressees' ease of comprehension, in addition to considering ease of production for themselves.  相似文献   

Do parent-child relationships change during puberty?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This article reviews changes in parent-child relationships during puberty, emphasizing the developmental processes that might be implicated in these changes. Evidence suggests increases in conflict and less warm interactions in relationships between parents and children during puberty. Changes are assumed to be short term, although little longitudinal research has directly addressed the issue of long-lasting effects. Other developmental changes occurring for the adolescent, the parent, or both (such as social cognitive or self-definitional change), as well as other relationship changes, personality characteristics, and the sheer number of life events or transitions have all been posited as potential contributors to changes in the parent-child relationship for young adolescents. These possible contributors, however, have seldom been studied in conjunction with pubertal changes. Such integrative research is necessary to test various models through which puberty, social relationships, social cognitive, self-definitional, and other processes influence one another and are influenced by one another during the transition to adolescence.  相似文献   

Current models of visual perception suggest that, during scene categorization, low spatial frequencies (LSF) are rapidly processed and activate plausible interpretations of visual input. This coarse analysis would be used to guide subsequent processing of high spatial frequencies (HSF). The present study aimed to further examine how information from LSF and HSF interact and influence each other during scene categorization. In a first experimental session, participants had to categorize LSF and HSF filtered scenes belonging to two different semantic categories (artificial vs. natural). In a second experimental session, we used hybrid scenes as stimuli made by combining LSF and HSF from two different scenes which were semantically similar or dissimilar. Half of the participants categorized LSF scenes in hybrids, and the other half categorized HSF scenes in hybrids. Stimuli were presented for 30 or 100?ms. Session 1 results showed better performance for LSF than HSF scene categorization. Session 2 scene categorization was faster when participants attended and categorized LSF than HSF scene in hybrids. The semantic interference of a semantically dissimilar HSF scene on LSF scene categorization was greater than the semantic interference of a semantically dissimilar LSF scene on HSF scene categorization, irrespective of exposure duration. These results suggest a LSF advantage for scene categorization, and highlight the prominent role of HSF information when there is uncertainty about the visual stimulus, in order to disentangle between alternative interpretations.  相似文献   

On each trial of this experiment, a subject was visually stimulated by one or two shadows on a translucent background in a Telebinocular. For each subject, there were 40 trials of monocular stimulation by one shadow, 40 trials of monocular stimulation by two shadows (one in each hemifield), and 40 trials of binocular stimulation by two shadows (one in the left hemifield of one eye and another in the right hemifield of the other eye). Across these randomly ordered trials, 52 subjects were unable to discriminate two right-eye shadows from two left-eye shadows and were unable to discriminate two monocularly perceived shadows from two binocularly perceived shadows. Generally, subjects tended to misidentify right-hemifield shadows as right-eye shadows and tended to misidentify two-hemifield shadows as two-eye shadows.  相似文献   

Emotions can be generated in response to inherently emotional perceptual properties of a stimulus (‘bottom up’) and in response to cognitive interpretations of an event (‘top down’). Similarly, emotion regulation (ER) strategies may deploy bottom-up or top-down processes, however the specific nature of these processes remains unclear. In this study we sought to replicate and extend previous studies that have investigated the interaction between ER and emotion generation. Specifically, we examined the relationship between both methods of emotion generation and ER in a sample of 75 undergraduate students who completed self-report questionnaires and a behavioral task of ER. We attempted to extend previous research by testing whether the positive effect of cognitive reappraisal on top-down generated emotions was specific to reappraisal or true of multiple ER strategies. Overall there was a main effect of generation such that top-down generated emotion was better regulated by cognitive reappraisal, expressive suppression, and appraisal strategies. We also found a main effect of ER such that cognitive reappraisal was perceived as the most successful ER strategy. We argue that ER is a state-dependent process that includes dynamic cycles between emotion generation and regulation processes. We further discuss expressive suppression as a top-down emotion regulation strategy in the context of our study despite debated literature.  相似文献   

We examined the reactions of Spanish participants to three negative historic events: a corruption scandal involving the Royal Family and two separatist efforts by a prosperous region of Spain. Although average fusion scores declined following these events, these declines were limited to sentiments toward the group category – collective ties-; they did not tarnish sentiments toward individual group members – relational ties. Moreover, strongly fused persons continued committed to remain in the group and act agentically by fighting and dying for it. Finally, rank orderings of fusion scores remained stable. These findings demonstrate that negative events weaken some aspects of alignment with the group, including collective ties and fusion, but not other aspects, such as relational ties and endorsement of pro-group behaviors.  相似文献   

We present the case that language comprehension involves making simultaneous predictions at different linguistic levels and that these predictions are generated by the language production system. Recent research suggests that ease of comprehending predictable elements is due to prediction rather than facilitated integration, and that comprehension is accompanied by covert imitation. We argue that comprehenders use prediction and imitation to construct an "emulator", using the production system, and combine predictions with the input dynamically. Such a process helps to explain the rapidity of comprehension and the robust interpretation of ambiguous or noisy input. This framework is in line with a general trend in cognitive science to incorporate action systems into perceptual systems and has broad implications for understanding the links between language production and comprehension.  相似文献   

Emotional and behavioural self-regulation emerges during infancy and toddlerhood and is heavily influenced by parenting. Parents facilitate toddlers' behavioural regulation (e.g., compliance) by using appropriate control with warmth and managing children's emotional reactivity during situational demands. In contrast, power assertive discipline may strain children's regulatory skills, for example by evoking toddlers' negative affect. However, we have more to learn about how discipline relates to toddlers' self-regulation in the moment and whether concurrent displays of parental warmth may moderate these relations. Mother–toddler dyads (N = 74, Mage = 13.30 months) from low-to-middle income Turkish families participated in a 3-min laboratory task, in which toddlers needed to delay playing with an attractive toy. Maternal discipline, warmth, toddler's emotional reactivity, and noncompliance were coded from observations. Results showed that higher power assertive discipline was associated with more frequent emotional reactivity in toddlers whose mothers' showed warmth during the <84% of the task duration. Maternal warmth was negatively associated with child noncompliance, but warmth did not interact with power assertive discipline in relation to noncompliance. Results suggest that observed power assertive discipline is meaningfully related to toddlers' emotional reactivity and higher levels of expressed maternal warmth attenuates these relations.  相似文献   

In both healthy participants and various patient populations, performance on attentional set-shifting tasks has been found to be affected by learned irrelevance and/or perseveration. The present study examined whether or not these processes also play a role during the initial discrimination learning phase of those tasks. To this end, participants first solved a multidimensional discrimination learning task. Thereafter, they underwent three types of shift of relevant and/or irrelevant stimulus attributes, which enabled the assessment of the separate contribution of perseveration and learned irrelevance to post-shift task performance. Subsequent correlational analyses revealed that the number of errors during initial discrimination learning was significantly correlated with the number of errors in the learned irrelevance-shift but not the perseveration-shift. This suggests that processes underlying learned irrelevance in post-shift task performance also play a significant role during initial discrimination learning. The implications of these results for interpreting deficits in shifting are discussed.  相似文献   

Hibbard PB  Bradshaw MF 《Perception》1999,28(2):183-191
Recent physiological studies have established that cortical cells that are tuned for the direction of motion may also exhibit tuning for binocular disparity. This tuning does not appear to provide any advantage in discriminating the direction of global motion in random-dot kinematograms. Here we investigated the possibility that this tuning may be important in the perception of transparent motion. Random-dot kinematograms were presented which contained coherent motion in a single direction or in two opposing directions. A greater proportion of signal dots was required for the detection of transparent motion than of motion in a single direction. This difference vanished when the two opposite directions of motion were presented with different disparities. These results suggest that the direction of global motion can be computed separately for surfaces which are clearly segregated in depth.  相似文献   

This research on the binocular fusion of phenomenal yellow, given red-filtered flashes of light in one eye and green-filtered flashes of light in the other, directly compared the effects of wider-bandwidth and narrow-bandwidth filtering. 20 male college students with normal stereopsis, Mage = 19.3 yr., SD = 2.2, were tested for the binocular perception of flashing yellow sensations given wider-bandwidth versus narrow-bandwidth filtering of light flashes which, monocularly, were experienced as red sensations in one eye and as green sensations in the other. When 3 wide-bandwidth tests for binocular yellow fusion were alternated with 3 narrow-bandwidth tests, simultaneous flashes of red-filtered light in one eye and green-filtered light in the other were binocularly perceived as yellowish on 25% of the wide-bandwidth tests (SD = 40%)--as yellow on 8% of the tests, orange on 12% of the tests, yellow-green on 5% of the tests-and were binocularly perceived as yellowish on 0% of the narrow-bandwidth tests. When wider-bandwidth and narrow-bandwidth testing were separated spatially and conducted contemporaneously, the red-filtered flashes in one eye and green-filtered flashes in the other were binocularly experienced as yellowish sensations by 80% of all participants under wider-bandwidth conditions--as yellow by 55%, orange by 10%, yellow-green by 15%--and as yellowish sensations by 0% of the participants under narrow-bandwidth conditions.  相似文献   

Do refixations serve a rehearsal function in visual working memory (VWM)? We analyzed refixations from observers freely viewing multiobject scenes. An eyetracker was used to limit the viewing of a scene to a specified number of objects fixated after the target (intervening objects), followed by a four-alternative forced choice recognition test. Results showed that the probability of target refixation increased with the number of fixated intervening objects, and these refixations produced a 16% accuracy benefit over the first five intervening-object conditions. Additionally, refixations most frequently occurred after fixations on only one to two other objects, regardless of the intervening-object condition. These behaviors could not be explained by random or minimally constrained computational models; a VWM component was required to completely describe these data. We explain these findings in terms of a monitor–refixate rehearsal system: The activations of object representations in VWM are monitored, with refixations occurring when these activations decrease suddenly.  相似文献   

Securing appropriate driver responses to conflicts is essential in automation that is not perfect (because the driver is needed as a fall-back for system limitations and failures). However, this is recognized as a major challenge in the human factors literature. Moreover, in-depth knowledge is lacking regarding mechanisms affecting the driver response process. The first aim of this study was to investigate how driver conflict response while using highly reliable (but not perfect) supervised automation differ for drivers that (a) crash or avoid a conflict object and (b) report high trust or low trust in automation to avoid the conflict object. The second aim was to understand the influence on the driver conflict response of two specific factors: a hands-on-wheel requirement (with vs. without), and the conflict object type (garbage bag vs. stationary vehicle). Seventy-six participants drove with highly reliable but supervised automation for 30 min on a test track. Thereafter they needed to avoid a static object that was revealed by a lead-vehicle cut-out. The driver conflict response was assessed through the response process: timepoints for driver surprise reaction, hands-on-wheel, driver steering, and driver braking. Crashers generally responded later in all actions of the response process compared to non-crashers. In fact, some crashers collided with the conflict object without even putting their hands on the wheel. Driver conflict response was independent of the hands-on-wheel requirement. High-trust drivers generally responded later than the low-trust drivers or not at all, and only high trust drivers crashed. The larger stationary vehicle triggered an earlier surprise reaction compared to the garbage bag, while hands-on-wheel and steering response were similar for the two conflict object types. To conclude, crashing is associated with a delay in all actions of the response process. In addition, driver conflict response does not change with a hands-on-wheel requirement but changes with trust-level and conflict object type. Simply holding the hands on the wheel is not sufficient to prevent collisions or elicit earlier responses. High trust in automation is associated with late response and crashing, whereas low trust is associated with appropriate driver response. A larger conflict object trigger earlier surprise reactions.  相似文献   

In this reply, we endorse Chartrand's (2005) taxonomy of conscious awareness for different stages of consumer decisions affected by environmental cues. In addition, we attempt to broaden the scope of this taxonomy by discussing its usefulness for consumer decisions in general. We generally support Simonson's (2005) claim that research based on consumers as conscious decision makers is indeed predictive of a wide variety of behavior. However, we also argue that the importance of consciousness should not be overstated. Conscious processes observed in a research laboratory are not representative of conscious processes in real life. The alternative model to describe effects of the environment on behavior by Janiszewski and van Osselaer (2005) may be useful to explain automaticity in goal‐directed behavior, but it poorly describes other automatic behaviors.  相似文献   

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