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This article shows how the study of graphic interfacing has great potential for being an important applied domain for testing, evaluating, and implementing basic cognitive theories. It also describes various applications in which the inclusion of computer graphics can be beneficial while being inappropriate for others. Emphasis is placed on the need for future developments to be based on psychological and ergonomic principles in order that the merit of computer graphics is not based purely on cosmetic grounds. Concomitantly, it is argued that academic research needs also to continue refining our understanding of human performance and subsequently to direct these findings into a set of practical guidelines for designers. If this approach is taken, we may indeed find ourselves in an Information Age in which the visual image is seen to be playing a much more prominent role. In particular, the situation may arise in which tasks previously performed only through difficult and tedious programming language will become more accessible through easy-to-use and enjoyable graphic interfaced systems. The ultimate challenge, however, will be to see how the combination of visual and other forms of symbolic communication can be utilized at the interface, in such a way that a variety of computer systems for a diversity of applications can be designed that will be readily accessible to a greater number. Ours is the visual age. We are bombarded with images from morning till night. —Gombrich (1982)  相似文献   

This paper outlines the experiences of five family therapy trainees, relating to seminars which involved visual geneogram analysis and research into their extended families of origin. Changes induced by the seminars and their impact on the trainees' personal lives and clinical performance will be examined. These findings are discussed in the light of some of the literature dealing with the relevance, for the family therapy trainee, of an appropriate family-oriented experiential training.  相似文献   

Mere exposure effect refers to a phenomenon in which repeated stimuli are evaluated more positively than novel stimuli. We investigated whether this effect occurs for internally generated visual representations (i.e., visual images). In an exposure phase, a 5 × 5 dot array was presented, and a pair of dots corresponding to the neighboring vertices of an invisible polygon was sequentially flashed (in red), creating an invisible polygon. In Experiments 1, 2, and 4, participants visualized and memorized the shapes of invisible polygons based on different sequences of flashed dots, whereas in Experiment 3, participants only memorized positions of these dots. In a subsequent rating phase, participants visualized the shape of the invisible polygon from allocations of numerical characters on its vertices, and then rated their preference for invisible polygons (Experiments 1, 2, and 3). In contrast, in Experiment 4, participants rated the preference for visible polygons. Results showed that the mere exposure effect appeared only when participants visualized the shape of invisible polygons in both the exposure and rating phases (Experiments 1 and 2), suggesting that the mere exposure effect occurred for internalized visual images. This implies that the sensory inputs from repeated stimuli play a minor role in the mere exposure effect. Absence of the mere exposure effect in Experiment 4 suggests that the consistency of processing between exposure and rating phases plays an important role in the mere exposure effect.  相似文献   

Visual geneogram work with an individual and the subsequent changes are described. These include changes in self-perspective, family relationships and the visual features of a sequence of geneograms drawn by the individual. The paper is a single case study. Theoretical and clinical issues relevant to the nature of visual geneogram work are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the empirical evidence bearing on the localization of the image-generation process in cerebral structures and examines several issues related to the study of functional hemispheric asymmetry. In spite of recent claims that the left hemisphere is specialized for the generation of mental visual images, an examination of the relevant data and experimental procedures provides little support for this view and suggests that both hemispheres simultaneously and conjointly contribute to this process. Methodological and theoretical issues related to the localization of functions in the brain, some assumptions guiding laterality research, and computational models of cerebral lateralization are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Imagery is a multi-componential process involving different mental operations. This paper addresses whether separate processes underlie the generation, maintenance and transformation of mental images or whether these cognitive processes rely on the same mental functions. We also examine the influence of age on these mental operations for independence of components. In Experiment 1, younger (22 years) and older (69 years) adults generated and maintained general, specific, contextual and autobiographical visual mental images evoked in response to concrete nouns. The older adults had longer generation times, but there was no difference between the two groups on maintenance. Both groups had shortest generation and maintenance times for general images, whereas only the older adults took longest in generating autobiographical images. In Experiment 2, the total maintenance time and number of transformations for each type of image were compared in another group of younger and older adults. General images were less transformed and more subject to decay for both groups. The older people maintained the autobiographical mental images for longest compared to other image types. In conclusion, image generation, maintenance and transformation seem to be differently affected by type of image and aging, supporting a model of their cognitive segregation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether sensitivity to object violations in perception as well as in action would vary with age. Five-, 6-, and 11-yr.-old children and adults solved tasks which involved perception only, motoric indication of parts, actual assembly of parts, and drawing of a violated figure. In perception, object violation was the only factor showing change across age groups, with violations being increasingly noticed. In composition tasks involving motor components, object violation was just one factor besides quantity of parts and type of segmentation contributing to task difficulty and showing increase in performance across age groups. Analysis of object violations in visual structure required abilities similar to those needed when analysing shape interference. Improved visual detection and graphic construction of object violation seemed not to occur because segmentation increased quantitatively but more likely because fast perceptual processes came under scrutiny.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the differential representation of the figure and ground of a picture in visual short-term and long-term memory. It is known (Hitch, Brandimonte, & Walker, 1995) that subjects find it more difficult to combine mental images of two separately presented pictures in order to identify a novel form when the two pictures are incongruent in color (i.e., when a black-on-white line drawing has to be combined with a white-on-black drawing). In the present experiments, thefigures were depicted in solid form to allow color congruity to be varied independently for figure and ground. Results showed a clear impairment in image combination when the to-be-combined figures were incongruent in color (black-on-gray and white-on-gray) but not when theirgrounds were incongruently colored (gray-on-black and gray-on-white). In this way, image combination was seen to be supported by a representation of the object depicted in the picture rather than by a literal representation of the picture itself (i.e., a pictorial code). In line with previous findings, the same representation was seen to support image combination based on short-term memory (Experiment 1) and long-term memory (Experiment 2), provided that in the latter case verbal recoding was precluded. When verbal recoding was allowed, image combination based on long-term memory was insensitive to color congruity, implying the involvement of a more abstract structural representation.  相似文献   

Leek EC 《Perception》1998,27(7):803-816
How does the visual system recognise stimuli presented at different orientations? According to the multiple-views hypothesis, misoriented objects are matched to one of several orientation-specific representations of the same objects stored in long-term memory. Much of the evidence for this hypothesis comes from the observation of group mean orientation effects in recognition memory tasks showing that the time taken to identify objects increases as a function of the angular distance between the orientation of the stimulus and its nearest familiar orientation The aim in this paper is to examine the validity of this interpretation of group mean orientation effects. In particular, it is argued that analyses based on group performance averages that appear consistent with the multiple-views hypothesis may, under certain circumstances, obscure a different theoretically relevant underlying pattern of results. This problem is examined by using hypothetical data and through the detailed analysis of the results from an experiment based on a recognition memory task used in several previous studies. Although a pattern of results that is consistent with the multiple-views hypothesis was observed in both the group mean performance and the underlying data, it is argued that the potential limitations of analyses based solely on group performance averages must be considered in future studies that use orientation effects to make inferences about the kinds of shape representations that mediate visual recognition.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, orthographic and phonetic information were separated by using artificial letters to represent English pseudowords and random letter strings. Subjects could learn to distinguish combinations of artificial letters on the basis of (1) orthographic, but not phonetic, information, (2) orthographic and phonetic information, (3) paired-associate verbal labels without orthographic information, and (4) neither orthographic nor phonetic information. By imposing a variety of response deadlines it appeared that subjects quickly exploited orthographic information without any contribution from phonetic correspondences. The only suggestion of a phonetic effect occurred in the absence of orthographic information and at longer latencies. Experiment 3 (using English letters) also suggested that phonetic information influenced the analysis of letter string pairs at only longer latencies, after visual analysis. Experiment 2 provided a demonstration that orthographic rules similar to those exploited in Experiment 1 were useful in visual discriminations regardless of the particular letter position affected by those rules. The results strain phonetic mediation models of performance in word-related tasks (e. g., Spoehr & Smith, 1975)and support models that emphasize visual analysis(Barron & Baron, 1977; Massaro, 1975; Pollatsek, Well, & Schindler, 1975).  相似文献   

Visual analysis is the primary method for detecting the presence of treatment effects in graphically displayed single-case data and it is often referred to as the “gold standard.” Although researchers have developed standards for the application of visual analysis (e.g., Horner et al., 2005), over- and underestimation of effect size magnitude is not uncommon among analysts. Several characteristics have been identified as potential contributors to these errors; however, researchers have largely focused on characteristics of the data itself (e.g., autocorrelation), paying less attention to characteristics of the graphic display which are largely in control of the analyst (e.g., ordinate scaling). The current study investigated the impact that differences in ordinate scaling, a graphic display characteristic, had on experts' accuracy in judgments regarding the magnitude of effect present in single-case percentage data. 32 participants were asked to evaluate eight ABAB data sets (2 each presenting null, small, moderate, and large effects) along with three iterations of each (32 graphs in total) in which only the ordinate scale was manipulated. Results suggest that raters are less accurate in their detection of treatment effects as the ordinate scale is constricted. Additionally, raters were more likely to overestimate the size of a treatment effect when the ordinate scale was constricted.  相似文献   

It was proposed that the human visual system analyzes images into square wavelets. To test this view, comparisons were made between the perceived similarity-dissimilarity of alphabet letters and the wavelet analyses of those same letters. For the proposal to be considered tenable, the coefficients of the wavelet analysis of similar letters must be similar, and the coefficients of the wavelet analysis of dissimilar letters must be dissimilar. From a selection of 12 letters, four pairs of letters had been reported by Van der Heijden, Mathas, and Van den Roovaart as very similar, and four other pairs of letters dissimilar. Each of the 12 letters was separately depicted in 8 x 8 matrices, and the signal represented by each of the matrices was analyzed into square wavelets using a new and original procedure which yielded a single set of coefficients for each matrix. Correlations between sets of coefficients were high (r ranged from .88 to .58) for those letter pairs judged high in similarity; correlations were low (r ranged from -.02 to .29) for those letter pairs judged low in similarity. When the correlations between the coefficients of wavelets of all eight-letter pairs were compared with the judged similarity-dissimilarity of all eight-letter pairs, the linear agreement was statistically significant. Agreement was found between the neurophysiological mapping of receptive fields of visual cortical neurons and the vectors or the pattern of pluses and minuses which characterized the wavelet analysis. Furthermore, regeneration of the visual image, or the pattern of neural activity representing the image, could be described by a tree-like flow of information among visual cortical neurons which received response data from visual receptive fields, the response data being wavelet coefficients. Results indicate the analysis accurately produces reliable transformations of visual patterns and may be a process used by the visual system.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which observers had to utilize information from one of two structural levels of visual stimulus patterns (large letters composed of smaller ones). They could utilize information more rapidly form one level only at the cost of slower utilization from the other. This trade off defines an empirical attention operating characteristic (AOC) which is consistent with a simple mathematical model of the perceptual process: when viewing a stimulus, the observer selects one of two alternative “attentional” strategies, where each strategy is optimal for utilizing information from one structural level, but less than optimal for the other.  相似文献   

Three experiments showed that phonological recording of visual stimuli in short-term memory (STM) affects coding in long-term memory (LTM) and therefore performance on tasks involving generation and manipulation of visual images of the stimuli. An image transformation task was devised. It consists of mentally subtracting a part of an image to discover in the remainder another object. In Experiment 1, Ss were required to learn a set of easily nameable visual stimuli and then perform the subtraction task on images retrieved from LTM. Performance was significantly better when initial learning was accompanied by articulatory suppression (AS). Experiment 2 confirmed that AS had no effect when the task was performed on an image of a just-presented stimulus. In Experiment 3, the nameability of the stimuli was manipulated. The results replicated the effect of AS for items that were easy to name but showed no effect of AS for stimuli that were difficult to name.  相似文献   

Pigeons searched computer screens for a grating target that varied in spatial frequency and orientation. In Experiment 1, a pretrial cue signaled that a particular target would appear. The cue speeded response to this primed target and to targets of the same orientation and similar spatial frequency to the primed target. However, the cue slowed search for targets differing from the primed target in orientation. In Experiment 2, pecks to a single target were reinforced. Responding generalized somewhat to targets of spatial frequency similar to the primed target and to targets of either orientation. Thus, stimulus aspects that affect detection may differ from those that affect recognition; if a common representation serves both, it functions differently in the 2 cases.  相似文献   

Expertise facilitates change detection performance, but the neural underpinnings of these benefits are unknown. Expert image analysts showed larger change-related ERP effects between about 100–200 msec after stimulus onset than did novices, which correlated with both accuracy and years of analysis experience. These results demonstrate that years of visual experience can induce fundamental changes in early visual processing which are related to change detection abilities.  相似文献   

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