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上大学前、后生活事件与大学生心理健康的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨莉  胡竹菁 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1223-1226
本研究分析了大学生的心理健康特点以及生活事件对其的影响,结果表明:(1)SCL-90量表得分在心理健康的总体状况、焦虑、敌对、精神病性上存在年级与经济收入的交互作用,月均经济来源在200元以下的大学生,随着年级的升高,心理症状愈加严重;(2)影响大学生心理健康的生活事件均为负性生活事件,生活事件能解释大学生的心理健康总体水平变异量的30.1%;(3)上大学前后的生活事件在性质上的差异具有个体发展的阶段特点;(4)上大学后的生活事件对大学生的心理健康总体水平的影响约占27.4%,上大学前的生活事件的影响约占2.6%。  相似文献   

The recommended treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) incorporating exposure and response prevention (ERP), which is effective for approximately 50% of patients. However, there has been little advance in treatment outcomes since the introduction of ERP in 1979. It has been suggested that some progress can be made in treating contamination obsessions and washing compulsions by addressing feelings of dirtiness and contamination that arise without physical contact with a tangible contaminant. To date, the treatment of these “mental contamination” fears in OCD has not been systematically explored. This paper reports on a case series of 12 participants with OCD who received 10 to 20 sessions of a CBT-based treatment for mental contamination. At the end of treatment, 7 participants no longer met the diagnostic criteria for OCD and mental contamination and these gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of five factors on respondents' judgments of whether two hypothetical actors, Tom and Lucy, would consider each other to be "sexual partners." The factors were: respondent's gender, actor's gender, type of act (vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse), frequency of act (once, several times), and actors' dating status (not dating, dated once, dated for three months). 223 undergraduates (mean age 22.2 - 2.2 years; 65% female) read 16 hypothetical heterosexual behavior scenarios featuring Tom and Lucy and judged whether Tom (Lucy) would consider Lucy (Tom) to be a "sexual partner." Respondents thought the actors would be more likely to consider each other sexual partners if they had engaged in vaginal or anal intercourse as opposed to oral sex; if they had more frequent sex; or if they were in a steady dating relationship. Researchers and health care professionals should take contextual/situational factors into account when they ask respondents about their sexual partners.  相似文献   

This study of concept attainment investigated the hypothesis that different forms of hypothesis (conjunctive/disjunctive) presented by the S would meet different arrays of contingencies. Sixty Ss, aged between 16 and 50, of both sexes, of various occupations, but all in the top 2% to 3% of the United Kingdom population in terms of intelligence, each attempted two concept-attainment problems, in the reception mode, with both attributes and form of concept unknown. The experimental material was that developed by Neisser and Weene, with concepts taken from their Level II. Instances were presented one by one on a typewritten sheet, on which the S was required to write an hypothesis after the presentation of each instance. Different types of contingency (positive and negative; confirming and infirming) differed in difficulty; different forms of hypothesis met characteristically different arrays of the four types of contingency. The results support the hypothesis above and call in question Bruner, Goodnow, and Austin's conclusion that the most important type of contingency is always the positive infirming.  相似文献   

Collaborative assessment utilizes psychological testing to help people make positive changes in their lives. Limited research has evaluated the utility of collaborative assessment for persons with serious mental illness. This case example uses the Personality Assessment Inventory to illustrate the usefulness of collaborative assessment with a person with serious mental illness. This approach informed not only diagnostic considerations but also revealed the client's current level of distress, contributed to enhanced therapeutic alliance, and directly pointed to psychiatric rehabilitation strategies.  相似文献   

Eva H. Shinar 《Sex roles》1978,4(5):679-693
The purpose of this study was to assess perception of stimulus persons in sex-appropriate, sex-inappropriate, and neutral occupations, using the sexual dimension of the occupations, the sex of the person-in-occupation, and the sex of the perceiver as independent variables. Male and female Ss rated two stimulus persons (one female and one male) in each of 12 selected occupations (4 masculine, 4 feminine, and 4 neutral occupations) on 20 bipolar rating scales. The scales represented the following factors: Leadership, Interpersonal Adjustment and Likability, Professional and Intellectual Competence, Personal Adjustment, Social Sensitivity, Activity, Happiness in Home Life, Physical Attractiveness, and Liberalism and Individualism. Results indicated that sexual dimension of the occupation and the sex-appropriateness/inappropriateness of the occupation have strong effects on person perception.This study is based on part of a doctoral dissertation in psychology at the Ohio State University, under the direction of Samuel H. Osipow. Partial results were presented at the Western Psychological Association convention, April 1976. Thanks are extended to David Shinar for consultation and statistical analysis of the data.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应激性生活事件对森林公安民警心理健康的影响。方法:对160名森林公安民警采用症状自评量表和生活事件量表进行心理状态评定和生活事件调查分析,并分析应激性生活事件对森林公安民警心理健康的影响。结果:共发放问卷160份,收回有效问卷124份。森林公安民警的心理健康水平及各因子得分均高于国内常模,除强迫因子和精神病性因子外,差异不显著;应激性生活事件中家庭有关问题强度频度偏重,工作学习中的问题强度频度次之,社交及其它问题强度频度最轻;森林公安民警的应激性生活事件与心理健康水平成正相关,应激性生活事件能有效预测森林公安民警的心理健康状况。结论:森林公安民警的心理问题比较突出,应激性生活事件能有效预测森林公安民警的心理健康状况。  相似文献   

Knobe J 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2010,33(4):315-29; discussion 329-65
It has often been suggested that people's ordinary capacities for understanding the world make use of much the same methods one might find in a formal scientific investigation. A series of recent experimental results offer a challenge to this widely-held view, suggesting that people's moral judgments can actually influence the intuitions they hold both in folk psychology and in causal cognition. The present target article distinguishes two basic approaches to explaining such effects. One approach would be to say that the relevant competencies are entirely non-moral but that some additional factor (conversational pragmatics, performance error, etc.) then interferes and allows people's moral judgments to affect their intuitions. Another approach would be to say that moral considerations truly do figure in workings of the competencies themselves. I argue that the data available now favor the second of these approaches over the first.  相似文献   

I argue that perceptual consciousness is constituted by a mental activity. The mental activity in question is the activity of employing perceptual capacities, such as discriminatory, selective capacities. This is a radical view, but I hope to make it plausible. In arguing for this mental activist view, I reject orthodox views on which perceptual consciousness is analyzed in terms of (sensory awareness relations to) peculiar entities, such as, phenomenal properties, external mind‐independent properties, propositions, sense‐data, qualia, or intentional objects.  相似文献   

Gabriel Segal  Mark Textor 《Ratio》2015,28(2):207-222
We criticize attempts to define hope in terms of other psychological states and argue that hope is a primitive mental state whose nature can be illuminated by specifying key aspects of its functional profile. 1  相似文献   

We present a theory of actions based on a theory of events in branching time, in which “particular” or “token” actions are taken to be sets of transitions from their initial states to the outcomes. We also present a simple theory of composition of events by which composite events can be formed out of other events. Various kinds of actions, including instantaneous group actions and sequential group actions, are introduced by way of composition, and an extended stit theory of agency is proposed, in which the stit operators are combined or equipped with reified group actions.  相似文献   

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