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Are people intuitively generous or stingy? Does reflection make people more willing to give generous amounts to charity? Findings across the literature are mixed, with many studies finding no clear relationship between reflection and charitable giving (e.g., Hauge, Brekke, Johansson, Johansson‐Stenman, & Svedsäter, 2016 ; Tinghög et al., 2016 ), while others find that reflection negatively affects giving (e.g., Small, Loewenstein, & Slovic, 2007 ), and still others find that reflection is positively associated with giving (e.g., Lohse, Goeschl, & Diederich, 2014 ). I demonstrate that reflection consistently increases costly giving to charity. In Study 1, people were initially reluctant to give costly amounts of money to charity, but those who reflected about the decision were more willing to give. In Studies 2–3, I isolated the role of costly stakes by randomly assigning people to either an uncostly donation (Are people intuitively generous or stingy? Does reflection make people more willing to give generous amounts to charity? Findings across the literature are mixed, with many studies finding no clear relationship between reflection and charitable giving (e.g., Hauge, Brekke, Johansson, Johansson‐Stenman, & Svedsäter, 2016 ; Tinghög et al., 2016 ), while others find that reflection negatively affects giving (e.g., Small, Loewenstein, & Slovic, 2007 ), and still others find that reflection is positively associated with giving (e.g., Lohse, Goeschl, & Diederich, 2014 ). I demonstrate that reflection consistently increases costly giving to charity. In Study 1, people were initially reluctant to give costly amounts of money to charity, but those who reflected about the decision were more willing to give. In Studies 2–3, I isolated the role of costly stakes by randomly assigning people to either an uncostly donation ($0.40) or costly donation condition (e.g., $100), and randomly assigning them to decide under time pressure or after reflecting. Reflection increased their willingness to give costly amounts, but did not influence their willingness to give uncostly amounts. Similarly, the relationship between decision time and giving was positive when the stakes were costly but was relatively flat when the stakes were uncostly (Study 4). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research on helping behavior distinguishes between giving recipients the tools to solve problems for themselves (autonomy‐oriented help) and direct solutions not requiring recipients' involvement (dependency‐oriented help). Across three studies, we examined whether individuals can be characterized by dispositional propensities toward offering autonomy‐oriented and/or dependency‐oriented help. In initial studies, factor analyses revealed the two hypothesized Helping Orientations Inventory scales along with an additional scale capturing opposition to helping, all acceptable in internal consistency and test–retest reliability (Studies 1a–1c). Next, we found that the three scales related in distinct ways to constructs from the intergroup (e.g., social dominance orientation) and interpersonal (e.g., empathic concern) helping literatures (Studies 1d and 1e). Additionally, these orientations predicted satisfaction with volunteer behavior (Study 2) and interest in future volunteering (Study 3). Overall, people vary in their helping orientations, and these orientations implicate a range of variables relevant to intergroup and interpersonal helping.  相似文献   

本文通过两个研究探讨社会比较对亲社会行为的影响及其内在机制。研究一中,被试被随机要求与学习成绩排名第一或者最后的人相比,然后测量其助人倾向。结果发现,与向上比较组和控制组相比,向下社会比较会提高个体的助人倾向。研究二通过虚构的智力测验排名反馈操纵社会比较,然后测量被试的捐款意愿。结果发现,得知测验成绩比大多数人好的时候,人们更愿意捐款。两个实验共同表明,社会比较对亲社会行为的影响由个体对弱势群体的同理心所中介。  相似文献   

Five experiments examined the role of resource evaluability on giving. We systematically varied participants' resources they and another potential donor received and whether they could donate to a recipient either by themselves or with the other donor. Participants in the relative advantage condition received more resources than the other donor, and those in the relative disadvantage condition received fewer resources than the other donor. The presence of the other donor made participants' resources evaluable and shaped giving: Relatively disadvantaged participants were proportionally more generous than advantaged participants but only when they could evaluate their resources. Neither the mere presence of others nor reputational concerns could explain the results. Exploratory mediation and moderation analyses further showed that relatively disadvantaged participants give proportionally more the higher and the more equal they perceive their status to the advantaged donor. This shows that the generosity of those who have less does depend on how they evaluate their status compared to other donors. Our results provide insights into the question of why and when resource asymmetries between donors result in prosocial giving and can influence fundraising strategies of charitable organizations.  相似文献   

朱玥  王永跃 《心理科学》2014,37(4):968-972
通过对201名员工及其领导的配对问卷调查,探讨服务型领导对员工工作结果的作用机制。研究发现:(1)服务型领导与下属的工作满意度、帮助行为正相关;(2)亲社会动机在服务型领导与工作满意度及帮助行为关系中起部分中介作用;(3)互动公平调节了服务型领导与亲社会动机之间的关系,即互动公平越高,服务型领导与亲社会动机之间的关系就越强;(4)互动公平调节了亲社会动机对服务型领导-帮助行为和工作满意度的中介作用。  相似文献   

丁如一  周晖  张豹  陈晓 《心理学报》2016,(8):981-988
本文以青少年为研究对象,使用相关研究和实验设计探究自恋与亲社会倾向及与现实情境中亲社会行为的关系。研究1表明,对男性而言,自恋与公开的亲社会倾向之间存在正相关,与匿名的亲社会倾向之间不存在相关;而女性的自恋与公开、匿名的亲社会倾向之间均不存在显著相关。研究2通过行为实验证实,在公开的情境下,男性青少年中高自恋者比低自恋者做出更多的亲社会行为;而在非公开的情境下,高低自恋者的亲社会行为没有差异。研究结果揭示,男性青少年自恋者将亲社会行为作为自我调节的策略之一。  相似文献   

Kumar and Epley (2023) review robust evidence for an intriguing hypothesis: That people fail to appreciate the benefits of everyday social behaviors and thus hesitate to connect with others in ways that would increase well-being. In this commentary, we discuss how consumer research can enrich theory and application in this emerging line of inquiry. We suggest (a) that the hedonic implications of undersociality can be integrated with reputational signaling insights to generate new questions about the wisdom and utility of social behavior, and (b) that undersociality has interesting implications for a consumption domain of particular interest to maximizing welfare: charitable giving.  相似文献   

Disfluencies can affect language comprehension, but to date, most studies have focused on disfluent pauses such as er. We investigated whether disfluent repetitions in speech have discernible effects on listeners during language comprehension, and whether repetitions affect the linguistic processing of subsequent words in speech in ways which have been previously observed with ers. We used event-related potentials (ERPs) to measure participants’ neural responses to disfluent repetitions of words relative to acoustically identical words in fluent contexts, as well as to unpredictable and predictable words that occurred immediately post-disfluency and in fluent utterances. We additionally measured participants’ recognition memories for the predictable and unpredictable words. Repetitions elicited an early onsetting relative positivity (100–400 ms post-stimulus), clearly demonstrating listeners’ sensitivity to the presence of disfluent repetitions. Unpredictable words elicited an N400 effect. Importantly, there was no evidence that this effect, thought to reflect the difficulty of semantically integrating unpredictable compared to predictable words, differed quantitatively between fluent and disfluent utterances. Furthermore there was no evidence that the memorability of words was affected by the presence of a preceding repetition. These findings contrast with previous research which demonstrated an N400 attenuation of, and an increase in memorability for, words that were preceded by an er. However, in a later (600–900 ms) time window, unpredictable words following a repetition elicited a relative positivity. Reanalysis of previous data confirmed the presence of a similar effect following an er. The effect may reflect difficulties in resuming linguistic processing following any disruption to speech.  相似文献   

Two studies examined individual and environmental forces that affect engagement in prosocial behavior. Self-determination theory was used to derive a model in which autonomy orientation and autonomy support predicted satisfaction of three core psychological needs, which in turn led to engagement in prosocial activities. In Study 1, college students reported their engagement in various prosocial activities, and completed measures of autonomy orientation, parental autonomy support, and general need satisfaction. In Study 2, volunteer workers completed measures of autonomy orientation, work autonomy support and need satisfaction at work. The number of volunteered hours indicated the amount of prosocial engagement. Results across the studies showed that autonomy orientation was strongly related to engagement in prosocial behavior, while autonomy support was modestly related. Need satisfaction partially mediated the effect of autonomy orientation, and fully mediated the effect of autonomy support. Interestingly, autonomy support predicted lower volunteer turnover. Implications for how prosocial behavior can be motivated are discussed.  相似文献   

The bystander effect refers to the phenomenon that individuals are less likely to help if there are potential other helpers present. For instance, past research revealed that participants were less likely to help computer-controlled characters if there were other computer-controlled characters present. Research has also shown that the bystander effect occurs if the presence of others is merely imagined. The present research examined the idea that the presence of multiple characters within a video game reduces the player's helping behavior even after the video game is over. In fact, participants who played a video game with multiple characters present were less likely to devote time to assisting in a future study than participants who had played the same video game with only a single character present.  相似文献   

Employing a sample of 197 employee-supervisor dyads, we explore whether employees’ attitudes and underlying motivation for engaging in organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) differentially relate to supervisors’ assessments of their individual performance and reward recommendations. We theorized that employees who perform OCBs with self-serving motives would be low on affective commitment and high on equity sensitivity, and that such individuals would receive lower performance ratings and fewer reward recommendations than those who are high on affective commitment, low on equity sensitivity, and more selflessly motivated. Our results suggest that employees with high affective commitment, low equity sensitivity, and high selfless motives were more likely to receive positive supervisor performance ratings and high reward recommendations. We also found that affective commitment moderated the mediating path of prosocial values (a selfless motive) on the relationship between OCBs and reward recommendations. Practical implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

为考察大学生的人际信任对主观幸福感的影响机制以及亲社会行为和攻击行为的中介作用,采用人际信任问卷、亲社会行为问卷、攻击行为问卷、幸福感指数问卷对2256名大学生进行调查。研究结果显示:(1)人际信任正向预测大学生的主观幸福感,人际信任水平越高,主观幸福感越好;(2)人际信任通过亲社会行为与攻击行为的中介作用,间接影响主观幸福感。  相似文献   

Twelve months after Hurricane Hugo, 1,000 disaster victims and nonvictims were asked about social support they exchanged following the hurricane. Victims of disaster received and provided very high levels of tangible, informationa, and emotional support. Disaster exposure (loss and harm) was a strong predictor of help received and a modest predictor of help provided. However, postdisaster help was not distributed equally and disaster exposure was more strongly related to social support in some groups than in others. Race, education, and age most consistently moderated the impact of disaster exposure on receipt of postdisaster support. Blacks and less educated victims received less help than similarly affected victims who were white or more educated. Relative disadvantage of being old in receiving support was not the case for those elderly disaster victims who experienced threats to their lives or health. Some subgroups of victims were relied upon disproportionately for providing assistance. Implications for social support research are addressed. This research was supported by Grant MH45069 from the Violence and Traumatic Stress Research Branch of the National Institute of Mental Health to Fran H. Norris, principal investigator.  相似文献   

近年来关于社会阶层和亲社会行为关系的研究不少,但结论不一致。基于此,本研究假设亲社会行为的社会阶层差异可能与对回报水平的预期有关。实验改编自“独裁者”游戏,通过网络模拟情境进行,采用2(社会阶层:高、低)×2(回报预期:高、低)的混合设计(其中社会阶层为被试间变量),考察了不同社会阶层被试在两种不同回报预期条件下,亲社会行为的差异。实验结果表明:回报预期和社会阶层之间存在交互作用,进一步的简单效应分析表明,当预期目标有较高的回报水平时,高低社会阶层的亲社会行为差异不显著。当预期目标有较低的回报水平时,与高社会阶层相比,低社会阶层的亲社会行为明显减少。说明回报预期对不同社会阶层的亲社会行为起显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

With the development of the field of positive psychology, new constructs have made their way into the literature. One such construct, elevation, represents a positive moral emotion that is experienced when one witnesses the kind, moral behavior of others (Haidt, 2003 Haidt, J. 2003. “Elevation and the positive psychology of morality”. In Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived, Edited by: Keyes, CL and Haidt, J. 275289. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). To date, few researchers have examined this construct. The current study examined elevation by locating it in the factor space of the Five-Factor Model of Personality, and determined its relation to the constructs of spiritual transcendence and self-reported prosocial behavior. A total of 188 student participants were recruited. Results indicated that Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, spiritual transcendence, and self-reported prosocial behavior were all positively correlated with elevation. Moreover, the results indicated that elevation provided significant incremental validity in predicting self-reports of prosocial behavior over and above the Five-Factor Model of Personality and spiritual transcendence. Clinical implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are considered.  相似文献   

Examined help-seeking comfort and receiving social support among Latinos, African Americans, and European Americans across two contexts: in a communitywide emergency (Hurricane Andrew) and 2 years later in a nonemergency situation. In general, help-seeking comfort was a strong predictor of received support. Notwithstanding many similarities between the groups, the effects of ethnicity differed according to the context. In emergency, all groups reported similarly high levels of help-seeking comfort and received support. In nonemergency, help-seeking comfort declined for blacks and whites but not for Latinos. Although all ethnic groups reported receiving less social support in nonemergency, the decline in received support across contexts was most dramatic for Latinos. Situational, cultural, and differential resource loss explanations are offered to account for the findings.  相似文献   

在北京、广东、河南、辽宁等省市的20所中小学中选取小学五年级、初中二年级和高中二年级学生共2370名,采用父母教养投入问卷(青少年版)、亲子依恋问卷和亲社会行为问卷,通过结构方程模型探讨青少年感知的父母教养投入行为对其亲社会行为的影响及其作用机制。结果表明:(1)青少年感知的父母教养投入显著正向预测青少年的亲社会行为,母亲的影响显著大于父亲;(2)亲子依恋在父母教养投入对青少年亲社会行为的影响中具有中介作用;(3)父亲和母亲教养投入影响青少年亲社会行为的作用机制存在差异,其中父亲教养投入通过父子依恋的完全中介作用对亲社会行为产生正向影响;母亲教养投入对亲社会行为的影响既会通过母子依恋的部分中介作用发挥积极作用,也会通过父子依恋的遮掩效应产生负向削弱作用。  相似文献   

羞愧是一种典型的道德情绪,其对亲社会行为的作用在既往研究中并不一致。本研究首次采用三水平元分析技术整合相关实证研究,检验羞愧对亲社会行为的影响及调节变量在二者关系中的作用。通过文献检索和筛选,共计纳入26篇文献, 85个效应量,总样本量为5823人。主效应检验发现,羞愧组比控制组表现出更多的亲社会行为,羞愧能够促进亲社会行为的产生。调节效应检验发现,暴露情境比掩蔽情境更能诱发羞愧对亲社会行为的促进作用,亲社会行为的产生情境(暴露情境或掩蔽情境)调节作用显著,但年龄、文化背景、羞愧诱发方法、羞愧类型及亲社会行为类型等变量的调节作用不显著。本研究使用三水平元分析方法保证了纳入文献信息的完整性,从而就羞愧对亲社会行为的影响及调节变量在两者关系中的作用得出更为全面可靠的研究结论,有助于拓展人们对于羞愧与亲社会行为关系及调节机制的认识。后续研究可深入探讨认知因素和个体特征在羞愧对亲社会行为影响中的作用,考察羞愧与其他道德情绪对亲社会行为影响的差异。  相似文献   

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