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Organizational and validation researchers often work with data that has been subjected to selection on the predictor and attrition on the criterion. These researchers often use the data observed under these conditions to estimate either the predictor or criterion's restricted population means. We show that the restricted means due to direct or indirect selection are a function of the population means plus the selection ratios. Thus, any difference between selected mean groups reflects the population difference plus the selection ratio difference. When there is also attrition on the criterion, the estimation of group differences becomes even more complicated. The effect of selection and attrition induces measurement bias when estimating the restricted population mean of either the predictor or criterion. A sample mean observed under selection and attrition does not estimate either the population mean or the restricted population mean. We propose several procedures under normality that yield unbiased estimates of the mean. The procedures focus on correcting the effects of selection and attrition. Each procedure was evaluated with a Monte Carlo simulation to ascertain its strengths and weaknesses. Given appropriate sample size and conditions, we show that these procedures yield unbiased estimators of the restricted and unrestricted population means for both predictor and criterion. We also show how our findings have implications for replicating selected group differences.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at investigating the processing stage underlying stimulus–stimulus (S–S) congruency effects by examining the relation of a particular type of congruency effect (i.e., the flanker effect) with a stimulus–response (S–R) spatial correspondence effect (i.e., the Simon effect). Experiment 1 used a unilateral flanker task in which the flanker also acted as a Simon-like accessory stimulus. Results showed a significant S–S Congruency × S–R Correspondence interaction: An advantage for flanker–response spatially corresponding trials was observed in target–flanker congruent conditions, whereas, in incongruent conditions, there was a noncorresponding trials' advantage. The analysis of the temporal trend of the correspondence effects ruled out a temporal-overlap account for the observed interaction. Moreover, results of Experiment 2, in which the flanker did not belong to the target set, demonstrated that this interaction cannot be attributed to perceptual grouping of the target–flanker pairs and referential coding of the target with respect to the flanker in the congruent and incongruent conditions, respectively. Taken together, these findings are consistent with a response selection account of congruency effects: Both the position and the task-related attribute of the flanker would activate the associated responses. In noncorresponding-congruent trials and corresponding-incongruent trials, this would cause a conflict at the response selection stage.  相似文献   

Though scholars have explored the impact of familial work experience (FWE) posthire, research has yet to determine the role of such experience during the selection process. Drawing from Attribution Theory and research on nepotism and family business dynamics, we suggest that the presence of FWE on an applicant's selection materials will lead to reduced perceptions of qualifications and hireability. Through two online experiments (N1 = 170, N2 = 251), we found mixed support for this proposition. In our first study focused on cover letters, we found that applicants who reported FWE were not appraised differently than those who did not. In our second study focused on letters of recommendation, however, we found that applicants who reported FWE were perceived as less qualified and less hireable. Moreover, we found that the level of job (i.e., service vs. managerial) moderates these relations, such that managerial applicants with FWE on their letter of recommendation were perceived as less hireable than those who did not. Implications for research and practice are discussed, and future research directions are offered.  相似文献   

群际接触研究中存在的“积极偏向”阻碍了对群际接触的全面认知, 因而, 近年来消极接触开始被纳入研究之列。当前的积极接触和消极接触研究以问卷法为主, 另外还涉及内容分析、社会网络分析以及实验法。积极接触和消极接触分别会提升和恶化群际关系, 群际情绪、群际信任在其中起中介作用, 权威主义、亲密性起调节作用。在积极接触效应和消极接触效应的关系上, 存在不对称性检验和交互作用检验两种研究思路, 并均得到了实证研究证据的支持。未来研究需要进一步考察不同效价接触, 尤其是消极接触的泛化效应, 拓展积极接触和消极接触的效应范围, 完善积极接触和消极接触的作用机制, 并进一步探索影响积极接触和消极接触不对称性效应的因素。  相似文献   

Recently, shorter assessments have emerged as potential alternatives for more resourceful traditional selection approaches. Multiple, speeded assessments (MSAs) represent such an alternative. In MSAs, candidates participate in a large number of short (a maximum of 5 min), behavioral simulations in which they face a variety of job situations. Initial psychometric evidence on the validity of MSAs is promising. Yet, validity represents only one piece of evidence. It is not known whether MSAs disadvantage specific subgroups, which may inhibit diversity. There is also no information on candidates' experience of going through an MSA, which is pivotal for the attractiveness of the organization's selection process. Therefore, this study investigates an MSA in terms of subgroup differences (gender and nationality) and applicant perceptions. Master of Business Administration (MBA) students (N = 96) proceeded through 18 short role-plays sampling junior management situations. Score differences between men and women were negligible. Yet, there were large score differences between national citizens and foreigners. There was no evidence for predictive bias for nationality, though. Of the applicant reaction measures, interpersonal treatment perceptions contributed most to overall fairness perceptions. These findings add to the evidence in support of MSAs, while also stressing to remain vigilant for potential score differences among subgroups.  相似文献   

Although ethnic minorities are overrepresented in pedestrian-vehicle collisions, previous driving studies did not examine racial attitudes in such collisions. Our objective was to determine whether the speed of a driver’s response to a pedestrian was affected by the driver’s racial attitudes and the contrast between the pedestrian’s skin colour and background. Participants viewed simulated driving scenes of a pedestrian on a road and pressed a button as soon as they saw an obstacle. Visual information, but not racial attitudes, affected the time it took observers to respond to pedestrian and non-pedestrian stimuli in driving scenes. Results indicated that contrast affected response time even when the stimulus was subliminal. We believe this is the first demonstration of contrast effects with subliminal stimuli in a driving context. Results have implications for traffic safety and for methodology used to study racial attitudes.  相似文献   

We investigate halo effects from agency behaviors and communion behaviors in different social contexts. According to the salient dimension model, attributes elicit halo effects on the ratings of other, unrelated attributes when they are relevant in a situation. Given that communion behaviors are more relevant in social and care‐related jobs, they should elicit stronger halo effects than agency behaviors in this context. In the context of scientific and technical jobs, this difference should be weakened or even reversed. Three experiments support the predicted interaction of context and behavior on halo effects. This interaction was stronger for negative than for positive behaviors. These results have implications for understanding the basic processes of halo effects as well as their real‐world effects in job‐related contexts.  相似文献   

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