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Two orientations to sin proposed in Valerie Saiving's feminine view of the human situation (1960) are analyzed and developed, suggesting different ways they can be manifested in the lives of both men and women. These ways (of trusting the world) are paired and contrasted with ways of trusting God in order to aid pastors in counseling and teaching about the human predicament.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es war das Ziel der Untersuchung, ein System der Gefühlsqualitäten zu finden, das im Unterschied zu früheren Klassifikationsversuchen nicht auf der Anwendung formaler Kategorien oder anderer, gewissermaßen von außen an den Gegenstand herangetragener Gesichtspunkte beruhte, sondern aus den Erlebnisinhalten selbst hervorging.Nach verschiedenen Methoden wurden drei Versuche unternommen, in denen die Versuchspersonen auf Grund der Vergegenwärtigung des Erlebnisses Urteile über die Ähnlichkeit und über bestimmte Eigenschaften von Gefühlsqualitäten abzugeben hatten.Aus den Ergebnissen aller drei Versuche konnten Ordnungssysteme der verwendeten Gefühlsqualitäten gebildet werden. Trotz der Verschiedenheit der angewendeten Methoden besteht zwischen den drei Systemen in den vergleichbaren Punkten eine nahezu vollkommene Übereinstimmung.Die Gesamtheit der Gefühlsqualitäten ordnet sich nach dem Resultat dieser Untersuchung in drei Dimensionen an, denen die Bezeichnungen Angenehm—Unangenehm, Unterwerfung—Überhebung und Grad der Motivierung gegeben wurden.Nach einigen Betrachtungen über die der Beurteilung von Gefühlsqualitäten zugrunde liegenden subjektiven Prozesse werden methodische Folgerungen gezogen, die besagen, daß die Voraussetzungen für die Untersuchung der Gefühle weit günstiger sind, als dies nach der vorherrschenden Meinung der Fall ist. Schließlich wird die Anwendungsmöglichkeit der Resultate auf einige Fragestellungen der Gefühlsforschung an Hand von Beispielen erörtert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe eines 2×2×2-Designs wurde die Wirkung der Anzahl der Signalflächen, Anzahl der irrelevanten Reize und Art der Motivation auf die Vigilanzleistung untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, daß die Wahrscheinlichkeiten von verpaßten Signalen und falschen Alarmen mit der Anzahl der Signalquellen zunehmen. Die Menge der Nicht-Signale gleicher Modalität wie die Signalreize beeinflußt weder die Signalentdeckungen noch die falschen Alarme.Weiterhin wurde versucht, eine Systematisierung von Motivationswirkungen in Vigilanzaufgaben im Rahmen des detection-Modells vorzunehmen. Bei großen Gewinnen für richtige Signalentdeckungen und geringen Verlusten für falsche Alarme (Risiko-Motivation) ergab sich eine wesentlich höhere Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit und eine geringfügig höhere Rate von falschen Alarmen als bei geringen Gewinnen für richtige Signalentdeckungen und hohen Kosten für falsche Alarme (Vorsichts-Motivation). Weiterhin zeigte sich unter Risiko-Motivation ein Abfall der Entdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit und bei Vorsichts-Motivation ein Anstieg, während sich die entsprechenden Raten der falschen Alarme im Verlauf der Aufgabe nicht signifikant veränderten.
Experimental application of detection theory to vigilance behaviour
Summary In a 2×2×2-design the effects of number of dials, number of irrelevant stimuli and kind of motivation were combined. It was found out, that probabilities of missed signals and false alarms increased with spatial uncertainty. The number of irrelevant stimuli, which were of equal sensory modality as the relevant stimuli, had no influence either on detection probability or on false alarms rate.Further attempt was made to systematize effects of motivation on vigilance performance in the detection model. With great values for hits and small costs for false alarms (risky motivation) there was an essentially higher detection pobability and a slightly higher false alarms rate than with small values for hits and high costs for false detections (cautious motivation). The probabilities of detections decreased under risky motivation and increased under cautious motivation as the watch prolonged, whereas the corresponding probabilities of false alarms showed no significant changes.

Teil I der Dissertation, die im Januar 1969 der Philosophischen Fakultät der Freien Universität Berlin vorgelegt wurde.  相似文献   

Summary Three dependent variables were derived from an extended Signal-Detection paradigm: memory performance, confidence level, and response-bias. In the assessment of memory items, S and 2 confederates were exposed periodically to fictitious results which implied inferiority or superiority of S. Memory performance was generally better in group situations than when the subject was alone. Within groups, inferiority motivated S to improve. Significant confidence differences between correct and false judgments and, if S judged falsely, a high susceptibility to cognitions about S's relative performance, led theoretically to a distinction between internal and external cues and to the assumption that S wished to avoid uncertainty. Response-bias was found to be independent of motivation and very close to expected stimulus occurrence. The reward/cost theory of Thibaut and Kelley accounts for the motivation engendered and is linked to some theoretical considerations about processing objectively classifiable stimuli in social context.
Zusammenfassung Aus einem erweiterten Signal-Detection-Paradigma wurden 3 abhängige Variablen abgeleitet: Gedächtnisleistung, Sicherheitsniveau und Response-bias. Bei der Beurteilung von Gedächtnisaufgaben wurden einer Vp und 2 Mitwissern des Vl von Zeit zu Zeit fiktive Ergebnisse gezeigt, die entweder Unterlegenheit oder Überlegenheit der Vp induzierten. Verglichen mit einer Alleinsituation stieg die Gedächtnisleistung allgemein in Gruppensituationen. Innerhalb von Gruppensituationen wurde die Vp durch Unterlegenheit motiviert, sich zu verbessern. Signifikante Unterschiede in der Sicherheit zwischen richtigen und falschen Urteilen und hohe Beeinflußbarkeit durch Kognitionen über den relativen Leistungsstand der Vp bei Fehlerurteilen führte theoretisch zu einer Unterscheidung zwischen innerem und äußerem Aufschluß und zu der Annahme, daß die Vp Unsicherheit vermeiden will. Der gefundene Response-bias war unabhängig von Motivation und sehr nahe bei der Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens der Reize. Die reward/cost Theorie von Thibaut und Kelley kann die erzeugte Motivation erklären und wird mit einigen theoretischen Überlegungen über die Verarbeitung objektiv definierbarer Reize im sozialen Kontext verknüpft.

This research was supported by research grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft allotted to the Sonderforschungsbereich 24 at the University of Mannheim, West Germany. We are grateful to Mary Madden, Pauline Sadler, and Jennifer S. Sentance for their cooperation on the English translation.

This article is partly based on a Diplom-thesis by the second author entitled Effekte von Überlegenheit und Unterlegenheit in Gruppen auf Gedächtnisleistung und Skalengebrauch.  相似文献   

The aim of this note is to show (Theorem 1.6) that in each of the cases: = {, }, or {, , }, or {, , } there are uncountably many -intermediate logics which are not finitely approximable. This result together with the results known in literature allow us to conclude (Theorem 2.2) that for each : either all -intermediate logics are finitely approximate or there are uncountably many of them which lack the property.  相似文献   

This study investigated managerial stress in Taiwan and UK using the Occupational Stress Indicator-2 (OSI-2) and the Work Locus of Control (WLCS) scale. Results showed that the reliability and validity of the measures used were acceptable and comparable in the two samples. There were similarities as well as differences in managerial stress in the two countries. Recognition and Managerial role were important predictors of strain for the Chinese managers, whereas Relationships, Organizational climate, and Personal responsibility were important predictors of strain for UK managers. There were consistent moderating (vulnerability) effects of internal control for the Taiwanese managers. Results corroborated some previous studies conducted in the West. However, caution was also suggested for generalizing Western-originated concepts and theories across cultural boundaries.  相似文献   

Past attempts to define mature religion have been rooted in a modernist theological anthropology which assumes an atomistic, universal, rational, and stable human self. Yet postmodernists resist universal statements about humanity and understand the self as an ever-changing social construct. This paper suggests a theological anthropology more adequate to the postmodern world, examines maturing religious experience from this perspective, and considers ways pastoral care/counseling can nurture healthy, integrative, and maturing Christian faith in postmodern culture.  相似文献   

Rudolf P. Botha 《Synthese》1982,53(1):123-141
Conclusion Introducing his paper, Slezak (p. 428) proposes to examine Botha's criticisms in detail with a view to demonstrating that they are without foundation and are based on the most fundamental misunderstandings. Concluding his paper, Slezak (p. 439) expresses the hope that he has shown that the conceptions on which these criticisms rest are so seriously flawed as to make it unprofitable to attempt to unravel the rest of his analysis. These formulations, by all standards, represent rather strong rhetoric. But, as the preceding paragraphs have shown, Slezak's discussion sadly lacks the relevant and accurate analyses needed to give substance to his rhetoric.I would like to thank Marina Savini and Thereza Botha for suggestions which led to improvements in the formulation of this paper.  相似文献   

Given a 1-ary sentence operator , we describe L - another 1-ary operator - as as a left inverse of in a given logic if in that logic every formula is provably equivalent to L. Similarly R is a right inverse of if is always provably equivalent to R. We investigate the behaviour of left and right inverses for taken as the operator of various normal modal logics, paying particular attention to the conditions under which these logics are conservatively extended by the addition of such inverses, as well as to the question of when, in such extensions, the inverses behave as normal modal operators in their own right.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of motion-detection by fish reveal two separate processes, which are hypothetically linked to different kinds of behavior. Furthermore, studies of interocular transfer with mirror-image shape discriminations also indicate two distinct mechanisms for the representation of visual directions. From these two kinds of experiment, it seems that visual processes subserving orientation of the fish to a moving object should be clearly distinguished from processes by which the fish evaluates the identity or activity of the object.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen der Bewegungswahrnehmung von Fischen zeigen zwei verschiedene Prozesse auf, die mit zwei verschiedenen Verhaltensweisen in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Eine Analyse des interokularen Transfers mit Unterscheidung spiegelbildlicher Formen läßt außerdem erkennen, daß zwei verschiedene Mechanismen für die Repräsentation visueller Richtungen verantwortlich sind. Aus diesen Experimenten wird geschlossen, daß jene visuellen Prozesse, welche der Orientierung des Fisches in bezug auf ein sich bewegendes Objekt dienen, scharf unterschieden werden sollten von denen, durch welche der Fisch die Identität oder Aktivität des Objektes beurteilt.

Zusammenfassung Durch 5 Lehrprogramme wurden Totenkopfäffchen in einer instrumentellen Verhaltenssituation darauf trainiert, Sequenzen von zwei Lichtern (weiß und blau; A und B) voneinander zu unterscheiden. In Programm 5 wurden alle 4 Permutationen der Elemente A und B, also AB, BA, AA und BB als Lichtreize verwendet. Die Beantwortung von B in AB wurde belohnt.Die Analyse der Strategien der Tiere in Programm 5 ergab verschiedene Strategien für verschiedene Tiere bei der Konfrontation mit den verschiedenen Sequenzen trotz des gleichen Vortrainings der Tiere: Zufallsbeantwortung, Beantwortung des zweiten Lichtes der Sequenzen, Beantwortung von B in 2. Position, Beantwortung nach jedem Stimulus A und jedes Stimulus A in 1. Position.Von 7 Tieren erreichten 4 die für diese Diskriminierung notwendige Strategie Beantwortung von B nach Stimulus A.3 Tiere verbliehen bis zum Schluß in der Strategie Beantwortung nach einem Stimulus A in 1. Position, die eine Vorstufe der Sequenzendiskriminierung darstellt.Durch die durchgeführte Analyse ist auch eine Beurteilung von Beantwortungsschemata möglich, die noch keine Diskriminierung von Sequenzen darstellen und damit eine Beurteilung dessen ermöglicht, was einem Versuchttier von der dargebotenen Information relevant geworden ist. Das Verhaltensmodell ist entwickelt zur Verwendung bei verschiedenen Manipulationen im Zentralnervensystem (Ausschaltungen, Psychopharmaka), bei den Effekten in den zeitlichen Parametern des Lernprozesses zu erwarten sind oder beurteilt werden sollen.
Individual learning strategies for discrimination between visual sequences in squirrel monkeys
Summary Squirrel monkeys were trained to discriminate between the four permutations of a two-element sequence of colored lights (white and blue, A-B). Five teaching programs were developed to direct the animals' activity in an instrumental behavioral situation. In Program 5 the animals were confronted with all possible sequences in randomized order and were only rewarded if they pressed a lever in the B-part of sequence AB.Analysis of the animals' strategies revealed different strategies in different animals when exposed to program 5, although the animals had undergone the same training previously: Random responding, responding to the second part of each sequence, responding to B in the second position of a sequence, responding after each stimulus A, and responding after each stimulus A in the first position of a sequence.Four out of 7 animals reached the necessary strategy for real discrimination of sequences, namely responding to B after a stimulus A.Three animals faited to advance beyond the strategy responding after a stimulus A in the first position of a sequence, which represents the closest strategy before real discrimination of the sequences.The analysis performed makes it possible to find out which cues the animals use in the performance of the task, even if the animal has not yet reached true discrimination between sequences.The experimental model has been developed for use as a sensitive instrument for the detection or assessment of changes in the temporal parameters of the learning process in experiments where manipulations of the central nervous system (lesions, drug) make such changes likely.

By drawing new distinctions labelled appeal and response to replace traditional rhetorical modes of written discourse, the essay sketches a new perspective about what philosophers are doing rhetorically in doing philosophy. To think of philosophers as simply engaged in argument is an oversimplification and a distortion of what philosophers do. Crucial to doing philosophy are four activities: (1) definition and redefinition of problems and issues that form both the focus of the canonical historical literature of philosophy and what goes on in contemporary philosophy as a discipline, (2) the development and use of formal languages and technical vocabularies to abbreviate and label complexity and to disambiguate and precise distinctions necessary to deal with problems and issues, (3) the development and exploration of argumentative appeals for acceptance or refutation of answers to questions raised by the philosophical problematic, and (4) the development and exploration of explanatory responses to questions raised by the problematic. In so far as these four activities are driven and sanctioned by the current, self-defining philosophical problematic, contemporary philosophy as a body of knowledge is historical, cumulative, and marked by progress, and the doing of philosophy is fundamentally the making of written appeals and responses about its problematic.  相似文献   

The ω-rule     
Michael Thau 《Studia Logica》1992,51(2):241-248
We prove that all proofs in -logic (a first order logic with -rule added) in which -rule is used finitely many times can be turned into proofs in which the -rule is used at most one time. Next, we prove that the word finitely above cannot be changed by the word infinitely.  相似文献   

Summary Contrary to what was expected, subjects overestimated the volume in heavier objects, when making estimations with no visual cues available (a positive volume illusion). This finding contradicts the result of Usnadze. He found, that the heavier of two spheres, equal in volume, was perceived as the smaller by most subjects, with their eyes closed.The stimuli used were spheres and cylinders of different weights and volumes. In four experiments, the subjects reported their volume ratings with the help of two direct scaling methods, magnitude estimation or ratio estimation. Lifting stimuli with one sphere in each hand gave, as a result, a difference between hands. This difference was interpreted to imply, that the subjects did not just follow a strategy to give higher volume estimates to heavier objects.The positive volume illusion phenomenon, that appeared in all four experiments, was affected by such sources of variation as time (trial number), and size-weight interaction, defined as a stimulus context variable. Neither a strategy which assumes that the subjects judge density instead of volume, nor any other sizeweight interaction model is effective in explaining the volume illusion. The search for such a model was suggested as a line for future research, though.
Zusammenfassung Gegensatz zur Erwartung scheinen schwerere Versuchskörper größeres Volumen zu haben als die leichteren, wenn Vpn die Volumina vergleichen, ohne sie anzusehen (eine positive Volumtäuschung). Dieses Resultat stimmt nicht mit den Ergebnissen von Usnadze. Er fand, daß wenn man zwei verschieden schwere, im übrigen aber ganz gleichartige Körper mit geschlossenen Augen, bloß tastend, auf ihre Größe vergleicht, so erscheint der Schwere kleiner, der Leichtere größer.Die Versuchskörper waren Kugeln und Zylinder verschiedenen Gewichtes und Volumens. In vier Versuchen schätzen die Vpn das Volumen mit Hilfe von zwei direkten Schätzmethoden, Magnitudenschätzung (magnitude estimation) und Verhältnisschätzung (ratio estimation), jedoch ohne die Versuchskörper sehen zu dürfen. Das Heben der Versuchskörper mit einer Kugel in jeder Hand gab als Resultat einen Unterschied zwischen den Händen. Dieser Unterschied schien zu bedeuten, daß die Vpn nicht automatisch schweren Körpern ein größeres Volumen gaben.Die positive Volumtäuschung, die in allen vier Versuchen erschien, war durch solche Faktoren wie Zeit (Nummer der Vergleichsfälle), und Größe-Gewichtwechselwirkung, definiert in der Verschiedenheit der vorhandenen Versuchskörper, beeinflußt. Die Versuchsdaten stützen nicht die Hypothese, daß die Vpn versuchten die Dichte der Versuchskörper zu schätzen. Auch wurde kein brauchbares Modell für die Wechselwirkung gefunden um die Volumtäuschung zu illustrieren. Ein solches Modell wurde doch für zukünftige Forschung vorgeschlagen.

The paper offers a solution to the semantic paradoxes, one in which (1) we keep the unrestricted truth schema True(A)A, and (2) the object language can include its own metalanguage. Because of the first feature, classical logic must be restricted, but full classical reasoning applies in ordinary contexts, including standard set theory. The more general logic that replaces classical logic includes a principle of substitutivity of equivalents, which with the truth schema leads to the general intersubstitutivity of True(A) with A within the language.The logic is also shown to have the resources required to represent the way in which sentences (like the Liar sentence and the Curry sentence) that lead to paradox in classical logic are defective. We can in fact define a hierarchy of defectiveness predicates within the language. Contrary to claims that any solution to the paradoxes just breeds further paradoxes (revenge problems) involving defectiveness predicates, there is a general consistency/conservativeness proof that shows that talk of truth and the various levels of defectiveness can all be made coherent together within a single object language.  相似文献   

Aristides Baltas 《Synthese》1991,89(2):299-320
Bachelard's concept of the problématique is used in order to classify physical problems and their interrelations. This classification is effectuated along two dimensions. Along the horizontal dimension, physical problems are divided into the kinds that the different modes of physics' development define. These modes are themselves determined by the interplay among the conceptual system, the object and the experimentation transactions specific to physics. Along the vertical dimension, physical problems are classified according to the different stages of maturation they have to undergo before the process of their solution is effectively undertaken. To determine these maturation stages, the Althusserian conception of ideology is used. The interrelations between physical problems are examined through the introduction and elaboration of the notion interdependence network.It is a pleasure to thank Marcello Pera and Kostas Gavroglou for their very helpful comments and criticisms.  相似文献   

The paper presents an argument against a metaphysical conception of logic according to which logic spells out a specific kind of mathematical structure that is somehow inherently related to our factual reasoning. In contrast, it is argued that it is always an empirical question as to whether a given mathematical structure really does captures a principle of reasoning. (More generally, it is argued that it is not meaningful to replace an empirical investigation of a thing by an investigation of its a priori analyzable structure without paying due attention to the question of whether it really is the structure of the thing in question.) It is proposed to elucidate the situation by distinguishing two essentially different realms with which our reason must deal: the realm of the natural, constituted by the things of our empirical world, and the realm of the formal, constituted by the structures that we use as prisms to view, to make sense of, and to reconstruct the world. It is suggested that this vantage point may throw light on many foundational problems of logic.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to account for the varying analysis and formalisations of a same advertisement text, Mir Rose, by Jean Michel Adam. First, we draw the methodological frame of this psycholinguistic approach of composing and understanding-memorizing texts. We refer to the notions of prototypical textual schema, semantic macrostructure and superstructure. Then we point out the differences between argumentative text and argumentative discourse. Last, we try to explain why it has been possible for Adam to analyse and formalise the same text first as a narrative one and a few years later as an argumentative one. We suggest that his narrative approach is not specific and textual narrative means here temporal-causative sequence or problem solving, i.e., deeper and more general psychological devices than those involved in processing narrative text per se. From Toulmin and van Dijk approaches of argumentation, we propose our own analysis and formalisation of Mir Rose, the psychological validity or plausibility of which should be tested in experimental tasks of reading-memorising.

The marriage role expectations of female university students enrolled in an introductory marriage and family course at the University of Kentucky in 1961 (N=72), 1972 (N=58), 1978 (N=115), and 1984 (N=81) were compared. The 1972 group was found to be significantly more egalitarian than the 1961 group in overall marriage role expectations and on all subscales except authority. The 1978 and 1984 groups were significantly more egalitarian than the 1961 group on overall marriage role expectations and on all seven of the subscales: authority, homemaking, child care, personal characteristics, social participation, education, and employment and support. The 1978 group was significantly more egalitarian than the 1972 group only on authority and homemaking, with no significant differences on the other five subscales or on overall role expectation score. The 1984 group was significantly more egalitarian than the 1972 group only on authority, homemaking, and child care, and was slightly (not satistically significant) more traditional on personal characteristics and social participation. There were no significant differences between the 1978 and 1984 groups on overall expectation or on any of the subscales. In fact, the 1984 group was slightly more traditional on homemaking, personal characteristics, social participation, employment and support, and overall expectations. The data from this study showed the greatest gain in egalitarian trends to be between 1961 and 1972, with a continuation of the trends at a somewhat slower rate of change between 1972 and 1978, and a discontinuation of the trend toward more egalitarian expectations between 1978 and 1984.The data were collected in February 1961, January 1972, September 1978, and September 1984. Special acknowledgement and appreciation are expressed to Jessie Ringo (retired), University of Kentucky, for making the 1961 data available for this study.  相似文献   

Tre: Wstp. I. Definicje arbitralne. II. Syntetyczne konsekwencje definicji arbitralnych III. Analityczne i rzeczowe komponenty definicji arbitralnych. IV. Zdania analityczne.Artyku ten w nieznacznym tylko stopniu róni si od pracy doktorskiej, któr przedstawiem w 1962 r. Jak najuprzejmiej dzikuj Prof. Dr M. Kokoszyskiej-Lutman, Prof. Dr J. Supeckiemu oraz Doc. Dr M. Przeckiemu za szereg uwag i wskazówek, z których tak wiele skorzystaem przygotowujc ostateczn redakcj pracy.  相似文献   

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