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We report the results of a technique designed to measure interactions between different visual search processes. We interrupted pop-out search before it produced a detection response, by adding extra distractors to the display so that a target initially defined by a single feature difference (e.g., a yellow horizontal line among yellow vertical lines) could then only be found on the basis of the conjunction of two features (a yellow horizontal line among yellow vertical lines and pink horizontal lines; difficult search). This technique has been used to measure the duration of the perceptual components of pop-out search, independent of over-all response time, for targets presented among different sets of distractors. In addition, when pop-out failed because it was interrupted, past work has shown that it nevertheless provided useful information to the processes responsible for difficult search. That is, partial pop-out assisted difficult search, when extra distractors made search difficult because the target was between the two types of distractors in the relevant feature space (Olds, Cowan, & Jolicoeur, 2000a,b,c). The present results demonstrate that partial pop-out also assists difficult search when difficult search is a conjunction search, and therefore these interactions may occur at a stage where information from different feature dimensions is combined.  相似文献   

Visually, a red item is easily detected among green items, whereas a mirrored S among normal Ss is not. In visual search, the former is known as the pop-out effect. In daily life, people often also conduct haptic (tactual) searches, for instance, when trying to find keys in their pocket. The aim of the present research was to determine whether there is a haptic version of the pop-out effect. Blindfolded subjects had to search for a target item which differed in roughness from the surrounding distractor items. We report reaction time slopes as low as 20 ms/item. When target and distractor identities were interchanged the slopes increased indicating a search asymmetry. Furthermore, we show that differences in search slope were accompanied by search strategy differences. In some conditions a single-hand sweep over the display was sufficient, while in others a more detailed search strategy was used. By relating haptic search slopes to parallel and serial search strategies we show, for the first time, that pop-out effects occur under free manual exploration.  相似文献   

In a haptic search task, one has to determine the presence of a target among distractors. It has been shown that if the target differs from the distractors in two properties, shape and texture, performance is better than in both single-property conditions (Van Polanen, Bergmann Tiest, & Kappers, 2013). The search for a smooth sphere among rough cubical distractors was faster than both the searches for a rough sphere (shape information only) and for a smooth cube (texture information only). This effect was replicated in this study as a baseline. The main focus here was to further investigate the nature of this integration. It was shown that performance is better when the two properties are combined in a single target (smooth sphere), than when located in two separate targets (rough sphere and smooth cube) that are simultaneously present. A race model that assumes independent parallel processing of the two properties could explain the enhanced performance with two properties, but this could only take place effectively when the two properties were located in a single target.  相似文献   

After the classic serial/parallel dichotomy of visual search mechanisms has been increasingly doubted, we investigated what search mechanisms are used between the two poles termed "pop-out" and "strictly serial search" in an overt feature search paradigm. Since reaction time slopes do not contain sufficient information for this purpose, we developed a novel technique for analyzing reaction times. Individual reaction times are modeled as sums of the durations of successive search steps. Model parameters are task characteristics (similarity, number and arrangement of target and distractors) and processing characteristics of the participant (e.g., attention dwell and shift durations). In Experiment 1, several model variants were fitted numerically to empirical reaction times. The best fitting model suggested that more than one item can be processed in a single fixation, movement of attention is abrupt and not continuous, and even in pop out search, attention is often explicitly moved to the target. In Experiment 2, we measured the central model parameter, the so-called range of attention, more directly and thereby validated the model. The model provides an explanation for the strong variation in the slope of reaction time functions, which is not based on an explicit distinction between parallel and serial search processes.  相似文献   

Recent research on grapheme-colour synesthesia has focused on whether visual attention is necessary to induce a synesthetic percept. The current study investigated the influence of synesthesia on overt visual attention during an oculomotor target selection task. Chromatic and achromatic stimuli were presented with one target among distractors (e.g. a ‘2’ (target) among multiple ‘5’s (distractors)). Participants executed an eye movement to the target. Synesthetes and controls showed a comparable target selection performance across conditions and a ‘pop-out effect’ was only seen in the chromatic condition. As a pop-out effect was absent for the synesthetes in the achromatic condition, a synesthetic element appears not to elicit a synesthetic colour, even when it is the target. The synesthetic percepts are not pre-attentively available to distinguish the synesthetic target from synesthetic distractors when elements are presented in the periphery. Synesthesia appears to require full recognition to bind form and colour.  相似文献   

When searching for a "pop-out" target, interference from a salient but irrelevant distractor can be reduced or even prevented under certain circumstances. Here, five experiments were conducted to further our understanding of three different aspects of top-down interference reduction: first, whether or not qualitatively different search modes can account for different reduction patterns; second, whether distractor practice plays a causal role in reduction; and third, how specific reduction is, that is, whether interference by intradimensional distractors can be reduced as effectively as interference by cross-dimensional distractors. The results provide evidence that interference reduction does not critically depend on the implementation of a feature search mode, but rather on practice with the distractor, that is, the acquisition of an effective suppression strategy. In addition, they suggest that interference reduction is based on hierarchically organized feature weighting ("dimension weighting"), rather than on completely independent feature weighting.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that repetition of a task-relevant attention-capturing feature facilitates popout search. This priming of pop-out effect is due to some residual memory from recent trials. We explore two possible mechanisms of priming of pop-out: a top-down attentional benefit from a memory of the previous target representation that is stored in visual short-term memory (VSTM) and a bottom-up change of attentional gains from perceptual features of the previously attended target. We manipulated participants’ ability to form a memory trace in VSTM by occupying it with a distractor task and found that occupying VSTM did not interfere with priming of pop-out. We next manipulated attentional gains associated with feature values by inserting an irrelevant task between pop-out searches. We found that the color of the target from the intervening perceptual task influenced pop-out search: The current pop-out search was facilitated when the intervening task’s target matched the target color of the pop-out search. These results suggest that priming of pop-out might not be due to a memory trace of the previous targets in VSTM but, rather, might be due to changes in attentional control based on priming from relatively low-level feature representations of previously attended objects.  相似文献   

An extinction-like effect in normal subjects was previously elicited when a low-salience target in the left was simultaneously presented with a highly salient distractor in the right visual hemifield, but not vice versa (Pollmann, 1996). We investigated in four experiments whether this extinction-like effect depends on (a) explicit localization and (b) response competition. It was found that the extinction-like effect could be replicated in the absence of both. In contradistinction to our previous results, low-salience distractors had no effect on pop-out target search. This showed that explicit spatial localization demands lead to low-salience distractor interference on pop-out search.  相似文献   

Wang, Cavanagh, and Green (1994) demonstrated a pop-out effect in searching for an unfamiliar target among familiar distractors (U-F search) and argued for the importance of a familiarity difference between the target and the distractors in determining search efficiency. In four experiments, we explored the generality of that finding. Experiment 1 compared search efficiency across a variety of target-distractor pairs. In Experiments 2, 3, and 4, we used Chinese characters and their transforms as targets and distractors and compared search performance between Chinese and non-Chinese participants. We demonstrated that search asymmetry and search efficiency in the U-F condition are influenced by the presence of low-level feature differences between the familiar and the unfamiliar stimuli. Our findings suggest that the familiarity of the distractors, rather than the familiarity difference between the target and the distractors, determines search efficiency. We also documented a counterintuitive familiarity-inferiority effect, suggesting that knowledge of search stimuli may, sometimes, be detrimental to search performance.  相似文献   

Visual pop-out occurs when a unique visual target (e.g., a feature singleton) is present in a set of homogeneous distractors. However, the role of visual awareness in this process remains unclear. In the experiments reported here, we showed that even though subjects were not aware of a suppressed pop-out display, their subsequent performance on an orientation-discrimination task was significantly better at the pop-out location than at a control location. These results indicate that conscious visual awareness of a feature singleton is not necessary for it to attract attention. Furthermore, the subliminal pop-out effect disappeared when subjects diverted their attention toward a rapid sequential visual presentation task while presented with the same subliminal pop-out display. These results suggest that top-down attention is necessary for the subliminal pop-out effect and that the cognitive processes underlying attention and awareness are somewhat independent.  相似文献   

Bauer, Jolicoeur, and Cowan (1996a, 1996b, 1998) have shown that visual search for a target among distractors is apparently serial if the target is nonlinearly separable from the distractors in a particular feature space (e.g., color or size). In contrast, if the target is linearly separable from the distractors, search is relatively easy and seemingly spatially parallel. We examined the contribution of top-down knowledge of the target to the linear separability effect on search. Two visual search experiments were conducted using small, medium, or large circles as targets. In the first experiment, participants could use knowledge of the target to guide search, whereas, in the second, the target was unknown on each trial. Search for a medium (nonlinearly separable) target among small or large distractors benefited least from knowledge of the target as compared with search for a small or large target. Thus, the linear separability effect can be determined in part by use of top-down knowledge to facilitate the detection of targets at the ends of a continuum defining the stimuli.  相似文献   

Wang, Cavanagh, and Green (1994) demonstrated a pop-out effect in searching for an unfamiliar target among familiar distractors (U—F search) and argued for the importance of a familiarity difference between the target and the distractors in determining search efficiency. In four experiments, we explored the generality of that finding. Experiment 1 compared search efficiency across a variety of target-distractor pairs. In Experiments 2, 3, and 4, we used Chinese characters and their transforms as targets and distractors and compared search performance between Chinese and non-Chinese participants. We demonstrated that search asymmetry and search efficiency in the U—F condition are influenced by the presence of low-level feature differences between the familiar and the unfamiliar stimuli. Our findings suggest that the familiarity of the distractors, rather than the familiarity difference between the target and the distractors, determines search efficiency. We also documented a counterintuitive familiarity-inferiority effect, suggesting that knowledge of search stimuli may, sometimes, be detrimental to search performance.  相似文献   

Bauer, Jolicoeur, and Cowan (1996a, 1996b, 1998) have shown that visual search for a target among distractors is apparently serial if the target is nonlinearly separable from the distractors in a particular feature space (e.g., color or size). In contrast, if the target is linearly separable from the distractors, search is relatively easy and seemingly spatially parallel. We examined the contribution of top-down knowledge of the target to the linear separability effect on search. Two visual search experiments were conducted using small, medium, or large circles as targets. In the first experiment, participants could use knowledge of the target to guide search, whereas, in the second, the target was unknown on each trial. Search for a medium (nonlinearly separable) target among small or large distractors benefited least from knowledge of the target as compared with search for a small or large target. Thus, the linear separability effect can be determined in part by use of top-down knowledge to facilitate the detection of targets at the ends of a continuum defining the stimuli.  相似文献   

Top-down inhibition of search distractors in parallel visual search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In three experiments, we examined distractor inhibition in parallel ("pop-out") visual search. Distractor inhibition was measured in terms of reaction time (RT) to a simple luminance increment probe presented, after the search task response, at display locations that either contained a search distractor (on-probe) or were blank (off-probe). When the search stimuli remained in view, the on-probe (relative to off-probe) RT cost was larger than in a baseline condition in which observers had only to passively view, rather than search, the display. This differential on-probe RT cost, which discounts effects of masking, was interpreted as a measure of distractor inhibition associated with target selection in parallel visual search. Taken together, the results argue that the distractor inhibition is an object-based and local phenomenon that affects all distractors (of a particular type) in an equal manner.  相似文献   

Visual search studies with adults have shown that stimuli that contain a unique perceptual feature pop out from dissimilar distractors and are unaffected by the number of distractors. Studies with very young infants have suggested that they too might exhibit pop-out. However, infant studies have used paradigms in which pop-out is measured in seconds or minutes, whereas in adults pop-out occurs in milliseconds. In addition, with the previous infant paradigms the effects from higher cognitive processes such as memory cannot be separated from pop-out and selective attention. Consequently, whether infants exhibit the phenomenon of pop-out and have selective attention mechanisms as found in adults is not clear. This study was an initial attempt to design a paradigm that would provide a comparable measure between infants and adults, thereby allowing a more accurate determination of the developmental course of pop-out and selective attention mechanisms. To this end, we measured 3-month-olds' and adults' saccade latencies to visual arrays that contained either a + among Ls (target-present) or all Ls (target-absent) with set sizes of 1, 3, 5 or 8 items. In Experiment 1, infants' saccade latencies remained unchanged in the target-present conditions as set size increased, whereas their saccade latencies increased linearly in the target-absent conditions as set size increased. In Experiment 2, adults' saccade latencies in the target-present and target-absent conditions showed the same pattern as the infants. The only difference between the infants and adults was that the infants' saccade latencies were slower in every condition. These results indicate that infants do exhibit pop-out on a millisecond scale, that it is unaffected by the number of distractors, and likely have similar functioning selective attention mechanisms. Moreover, the results indicate that eye movement latencies are a more comparable and accurate measure for assessing the phenomenon of pop-out and underlying attentional mechanisms in infants.  相似文献   

Parallel and serial search in haptics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose a model that distinguishes between parallel and serial search in haptics. To test this model, participants performed three haptic search experiments in which a target and distractors were presented to their fingertips. The participants indicated a target's presence by lifting the corresponding finger, or its absence by lifting all fingers. In one experiment, the target was a cross and the distractors were circles. In another, the target was a vertical line and the distractors were horizontal lines. In both cases, we found a serial search pattern. In a final experiment, the target was a horizontal line and the distractors were surfaces without any contours. In this case, we found a parallel search pattern. We conclude that the model can describe our data very well.  相似文献   

It has long been debated whether or not a salient stimulus automatically attracts people’s attention in visual search. Recent findings showed that a salient stimulus is likely to capture attention especially when the search process was inefficient due to high levels of competition between the target and distractors. Expanding these studies, the present study proposes that a specific nature of visual search, as well as search efficiency, determines whether or not a salient, task-irrelevant singleton stimulus captures attention. To test this proposition, we conducted three experiments, in which participants performed two visual search tasks whose underlying mechanisms are known to be different: orientation-feature search and Landolt-C search tasks. We found that color singleton distractors captured attention when participants performed the orientation-feature search task. The magnitude of this capture effect increased as search efficiency decreased. On the contrary, the capture by singleton distractors was not observed under the Landolt-C search task. This differential pattern of capture effect was not due to differences in search efficiency across the search tasks; even when search efficiency was controlled for, stimulus-driven capture of attention by a salient distractor was found only under the feature search. Based on these results, the present study suggests that in addition to search efficiency, the nature of search strategy and the extent to which attentional control is strained play crucial roles in observing stimulus-driven attentional capture in visual search.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1998,13(3):369-386
There are two popular frameworks for the study of visual attention. Treisman's Feature Integration Theory focuses on the effortful process of binding together the multiple attributes of an object. Posner's Visual Orienting Theory emphasizes the movement of an attentional spotlight across space. Although both aspects are undoubtedly important in any visual search task, it is not clear how each of these aspects changes with age. We tested observers aged 6, 8, 10, 22, and 72 years on visual search tasks designed to isolate these factors. No age-related differences were found in single- or double-feature discrimination, attention movement to a single item, or search for a single-feature target among distractors. Two age-related changes were found: (1) young children were less able than either young adults or seniors to search for targets defined by a conjunction of features, and (2) both children and seniors were less able than young adults to move attention voluntarily from item to item. This implies that feature integration and voluntary movement of attention have different trajectories over the lifespan.  相似文献   

Partial orientation pop-out helps difficult search for orientation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We interrupted pop-out search before it produced a detection response by adding extra distractors to the search display. We show that when pop-out for an orientation target fails because of this interruption, it nevertheless provides useful information to the processes responsible for difficult search. That is, partial pop-out assists difficult search. This interaction has also been found for color stimuli (Olds, Cowan, & Jolicoeur, 2000a, 2000b). These results indicate that interactions and/or overlap between the mechanisms responsible for pop-out and the mechanisms responsible for difficult search may be quite general in early visual selection.  相似文献   

双任务间隔对特征搜索方式的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RSVP序列,以两个实验探讨了双任务间隔对特征搜索方式的影响。要求试被首先辨认数字序列中包含的字母(任务一,T1),随后完成特征搜索任务(任务二,T2)。在实验一中,T2是检测在同时呈现的多个椭圆中是否有方向不一致的目标出现;在实验二中,T2是检测同时呈现的多个灰色圆点中是否有红色圆点出现。结果发现:随T1-T2间距缩短,T2的正确率显著下降;T2所含刺激数目的增加并未引起其正确率下降,即任务转换只影响特征搜索的绩效而未改变搜索方式,特征搜索仍以并行方式进行。根据动态控制理论,由于在本研究范式中两个任务之间存在任务转换过程,特征搜索应当为系列搜索。可见上述结果与动态控制理论不符。  相似文献   

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