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学派是一批科学家因师承关系和持相同学术观点而形成的派别。在中国心理学发展史上,朱智贤教授在发展心理学领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,形成了朱智贤学派。该学派的主要贡献是:(1)构建起完整的中国发展心理学基本理论体系;(2)系统建设了中国发展心理学专业教材,为培养发展心理学专业人才奠定了基础;(3)开展中国儿童青少年心理发展特点的研究,改变了中国发展心理学言必称欧美的局面;(4)主编《心理发展与教育》,搭建起中国发展心理学科的学术交流平台;(5)主编《心理学大词典》,全面总结了中国心理学的成果;(6)培养出中国发展心理学界的一批领军人才。  相似文献   

心理学研究的中国化:过程和道路   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
心理学研究的中国化过程和道路是相互联系的。通过对心理学发展历史的简略考察,提出心理学研究的中国化须经历验证对比国内外研究成果,研究中国人心理发展中特有的和重要的心理现象,建立适合中国国情的心理学概念、理论及研究方法等,其基本途径是学习、选择、中国化。在此基础上,探索心理学中国化的发展道路,即面向社会、在社会实践中研究心理学,加强心理学的现代化建设,使心理学为社会主义建设事业服务。  相似文献   

中国本土心理学理论追求能够体现价值规定与行为策略之统一性的实践智慧,其核心在于如何在自然与社会、他人与自己的整体关系场域中,通过自身的心理建设成为一个理想的人,与外界达成理想的和谐关系,即如何在具体的社会情境中如何用心去做人和做事的学问,并可建立对应的本土认知心理学、本土积极心理学和本土社会心理学三大中层理论体系。判断实践智慧是否产生,可使用是否能够转识成智和是否能够知行合一这两个标准。中国本土心理学理论提倡建构一种面向生活世界的常识心理学,以贴近日常生活的方式进行理论术语的提炼和理论体系的建立,并在社会生活中检验理论的有效性。  相似文献   

杨文登  叶浩生 《心理学报》2009,41(9):902-910
荆其诚先生是当代中国著名的心理学家, 是改革开放后中国心理学界在国际上的代言人。他视野开阔, 是颇具造诣的实验心理学家, 也是功底深厚的理论心理学家。文章没有涉及他在认知与发展心理学方面所做的贡献, 只从理论方面分析他的国际心理学思想及实践, 找寻他对心理学研究所持的基本态度与价值追求。文章认为荆其诚在宏观把握心理学的发展逻辑后, 以“两个阵营的心理学”来界定心理学的现状, 坚信心理学的未来是一种国际的心理学。为了达成这一学术理想, 荆其诚不仅撰文将国外心理学介绍到中国、将中国心理学推介到国外, 还积极投身于国际心理学组织与实践, 长期担任国际心联的领导职务, 组织并主持召开了2004年第28届国际心理学大会。荆其诚的一生为彰显心理学的国际维度、促进国际心理学交流、将中国心理学推上世界舞台作出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

国外人口老化理论的心理学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乐国安  王恩界 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1418-1421
进入20世纪以后,老龄化趋势在世界范围内加快了步伐。老年人口的快速增长给许多国家尤其是欧美发达国家带来了一系列的社会问题,同时也引发了大量关于老龄化趋势以及人口老化现象的科学研究。自然科学和社会科学的有关学科都对人类老化现象进行了较为深入的研究。心理学也提出了特定内涵的老化定义以及一些老化理论,并且形成了几种用以解释老化现象的发展模式。  相似文献   

连榕 《心理学探新》2006,26(2):96-96
经过近20多年的努力,我国心理学事业进入了欣欣向荣的高速发展时期。1999年心理学被国家科技部列为中国18个优先发展的学科之一,2000年国务院学位委员会将心理学确定为一级学科;2004年第28届国际心理学大会在北京隆重举行。随着我国开办心理学专业的院校越来越多,急需要一批有中国特色的、高质量的心理学著作为科研和教学服务。我国知名的心理学家沈德立教授和自学军教授积多年学术研究之大成,完成了《实验儿童心理学》这部大著,该书不仅在结构体系上有新的突破,而且在理论方法内容上有新进展,是一部极具中国特色的、高质量的学术著作。阅读该书,有以下几点特点:  相似文献   

<正> 1991年6月24日25日,本刊编委会邀请在京的部分心理学家座谈心理学为社会主义建设服务的问题,并请京外的部分同志作了书面发言。会议由主编徐联仓同志主持,表示召开这次座谈会的目的是促进我国心理学为社会主义做贡献,为大家提供一个发表意见  相似文献   

阎书昌  陈晶  张红梅 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1554-1562
周先庚在汉字心理学、教育心理学和工业心理学等多个领域做出了重要学术贡献或进行了开创性研究, 但是他在抗日战争时期军事心理学领域的贡献至今未能获得心理学界的深入认识。周先庚自1943年末开始在国民党第五军中筹办军官心理测验所, 从事军官心理测验工作。自1945年4月开始与主题统觉测验创始人默里合作从事伞兵选拔心理测评工作。在开展军事心理学实践的过程中, 周先庚提出了“创造中国本位军事心理学”的主张。周先庚在与默里开展的军事心理学合作中建立了深厚的友谊。周先庚将心理学知识用于抗日军官、伞兵的选拔上, 既体现了他的抗日精神, 也体现了他的实践精神、开创精神和中国本位精神。  相似文献   

心理学研究本土文化取向的理论与实践   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张春兴 《心理科学》2004,27(2):420-422
经由本地化研究建立本土心理学的呼声,自20世纪80年代以来,在两岸三地即已时有所闻.惟对“本土”或“本地化”的概念并不明确。到90年代末期台湾部分心理学家提出三地论的概念^[3],认为港、台、大陆三地因长期隔离,社会形态各异,故而主张三地华人社会的心理学者应各自建立自己的本土心理学(台湾本土心理学、大陆本土心理学、香港本土心理学)。此种纯以地区为前提的心理学研究取向有待商榷.原因是如将心理学视为研究人性特质的科学。并将心理与行为视为人性特质的表徽。显而易见的是,影响心理与行为的文化因素大于地区因素。基于此义.本文提出采用心理学研究本土文化取向的建议.并试从心理学思想的演变中分析探讨此一建议的合理性。一得之愚尚请学界先进批评指教。  相似文献   

关于高校的实验与实践教学:基于教育心理学理论的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于高校教育,运算学习方法多指实验、实践和学生科研活动,学生通过从事的实验、实践和科研活动来实现陈述性知识向程序性知识的转化,学习评价应着重考核学生对知识的理解和运用所学知识去解决问题的能力。本文阐述了突出实验/实践训练的高校教学设计的设想,并强调了应将各种教学实验类型有机地组合,给予学生先进、实用的实验技术的训练,以及在实验/实践教学中运用交互式的教学方法。  相似文献   

It is remarkable to me that my book became a part of the SBL Dissertation Series. For this I thank Walter Wink who brought the work to the attention of, Wayne Rollins. And I am thankful to Wayne Rollins for bringing the book to the attention of the right people at the SBL, most particularly Rex D. Matthews and Mark Allan Powell. I am grateful to Mark Allan Powell for promoting the process of publication so we would have a book in hand at the Psychology and Biblical Studies book review session, now over two years ago. I am very appreciative of Lewis Rambo, editor of this journal, and J. Harold Ellens, special editor of this issue, for making possible the continued discussion of these ideas.  相似文献   

美国宗教心理学研究的历史、现状与问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在回顾美国宗教心理学发展历史的基础上,分析了美国宗教心理学研究的现状,并从中揭示出美国宗教心理学研究存在的问题。美国的宗教心理学经历了兴起、衰落、复兴的曲折发展过程。宗教观念、宗教体验、宗教行为系美国宗教心理学研究的基本维度,宗教同人格和心理健康的关系在美国宗教心理学研究中处于突出地位。两支研究队伍(心理学背景的宗教心理学研究者和宗教学背景的宗教心理学研究者)的分歧及心理学取向的研究者在研究方法方面的分歧,是美国宗教心理学研究值得重视的问题。  相似文献   


The author provides an overview of Heinz Werner's life and contributions to the field of developmental psychology during the first half of the 20th century. She focuses on his early work in Vienna and Munich as well as his tenure at the Psychological Institute in Hamburg, up through the time when he became a named Professor in Psychology at Clark University. Recognized as one of the founders of developmental psychology, Heinz Werner worked in the areas of perceptual development, comparative psychology, and symbol formation. Versatile in rigorous experimental methodologies, and in observational and phenomenological methodologies, Werner's approach to development stood in contrast to other approaches of development, both past and current. For Werner, development was a heuristic, a way of looking at processes in a variety of domains, including ontogeny, phylogeny, microgenesis, biology, developmental psychopathology, neuropsychology, and comparative psychology. Werner viewed development as proceeding from a state of relative globality and lack of differentiation to a state of increasing differentiation, articulation, and hierarchical integration, but he also stressed that individuals can function at different developmental levels under different times and conditions. Werner's holistic, organismic, comparative, and contextual approach to development transcended interdisciplinary boundaries, allowing him to study the interrelatedness between thought, language, feeling, perception, and culture.  相似文献   

The European Journal of Social Psychology (EJSP), as the voice of the European Association of Social Psychology, aims to promote diversity and a distinctively ‘European’, more ‘social’, social psychology (SP). However, whether and how these objectives have been accomplished over time remains controversial. This article enters this debate, tracing the history of SP as depicted by EJSP publications, via two types of lexicometric analyses of all abstracts of the Journal (1971–2016). Themes, processes, methods, and their organisation in cycles and clusters over time, were identified and analysed. Regarding diversity, findings indicate that the publications reflect several of the new theoretical proposals that emerged over the years, but do not fully reflect the variety of perspectives and methods of the discipline. It further indicates that lately the ‘social’ is predominantly present in attention to pressing social issues, albeit the processes involved in them are mostly theorised at an individualistic level. This pattern suggests the importance of keeping open the quest for epistemological and methodological diversity, and of re-problematising what the ‘social’ in SP means. By contributing to mapping the history of SP, offering a more comprehensive and reflexive view for it, the present analyses also help in forging a stronger discipline.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to illustrate the value of educational psychology theory in developing an age-appropriate programme to prevent tooth decay. A theory-based approach was adopted for the programme development, and a questionnaire was used to ascertain the knowledge gaps in 52 children aged five to six years in two preschools in an urban town. The results showed that most of the children had no awareness and only a moderate knowledge of proper dental care. Piaget's cognitive development theory was applied in the planning and implementation of the activities in the programme. The developed programme was presented to educational psychologists and dentists, and their feedback was used to refine the programme. The importance of educational psychology theory was illustrated in the development of an age-appropriate preventative programme as well as in using an accessible pedagogical approach. The value of multidisciplinary colloboration was also illustrated.  相似文献   

Using a mixed‐method analysis, we propose and test a framework for predicting the international development of community psychology (CP) and community development (CD) as two examples of applied community‐based research (CBR) disciplines aiming to link local knowledge generation with social change. Multiple regressions on an international sample of 91 countries were used to determine the relative influences of preexisting grassroots activism, population size, social and economic development, and civil liberties on estimates of the current strength of CP and CD based on Internet search and review of training courses and programs, published articles and journals, and professional organizations and conferences in these countries. Our results provide support for the proposed model and suggest that grassroots activism positively accounts for the development of CP and CD, above and beyond the influences of the other predictors. Brief qualitative case‐study analyses of Chile (high CP, low CD) and Ghana (high CD, low CP) explore the limitations of our quantitative model and the importance of considering other historical, sociopolitical, cultural, and geographic factors for explaining the development of CP, CD, and other applied community studies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a series of five studies conducted between the year 1994 and the year 2000. A common goal shared by all five studies is to validate the Perry scheme as measured by the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory. Involved in the studies were 2,269 (937 males, 1321 females, and 11 did not indicate gender) students from 12 universities in three cultures. All research participants responded to the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory. Participants from one of the studies also responded to the Study Process Questionnaire. Still, participants from another one of the studies also responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory. Three of the major findings are: (1) the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory has reasonably good reliability and good internal and external validity, (2) the cognitive-developmental pattern of the mainland Chinese students was opposite to that described by Perry, and (3) the cognitive-developmental pattern described by Perry was not identified in either of the two U.S. samples. Recommendations were made as they relate to future studies using the Zhang Cognitive Development Inventory.  相似文献   

Empathy has great effect on human well‐being, promoting healthy relationships and social competence. Although it is increasingly acknowledged that infants show empathy toward others, individual differences in infants’ empathy from the first year of life have rarely been investigated longitudinally. Here we examined how negative reactivity and regulation, two temperament traits that predict empathic responses in older children and adults, relate to infants’ empathy. Infants were studied at the ages of nine (= 275) and 18 (N = 301) months (194 infants were studied at both ages). Empathic responses were assessed by infants’ observed reactions to an experimenter's simulated distress. Negative reactivity (fear, sadness, and distress to limitations) and regulation (soothability and effortful control) were assessed by parental reports. Negative reactivity was also examined by infants’ observed reactions to an adult stranger (fear) and during interaction with their mothers (displays of sadness/distress). When examined cross‐sectionally, infants’ fear and distress to limitations associated with self‐distress in response to others’ distress. In contrast, when examined longitudinally, early sadness and distress to limitations, but not fear, associated with later empathic concern and inquisitiveness. Moreover, this longitudinal relation was moderated by infants’ soothability and was evident only for children that had high soothability by the later time‐point. Our findings suggest that infants who at an earlier age show negative reactivity, react later in development with more empathy if they achieve sufficient regulation abilities. By that, the findings stress the developmental nature of temperament–empathy relations during infancy.  相似文献   

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