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大学生生活满意度与主观幸福感关系的文化效应检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严标宾  郑雪 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1337-1341
采用《国际大学调查》对48个国家和地区的10018名大学生进行施测,文章考察了生活满意度和主观幸福感的关系,并分析了文化因素在其中的影响。结果发现:(1)不同国家大学生的主观幸福感、一般和具体领域生活满意度水平均存在差异;(2)大学生具体领域生活满意度与主观幸福感和一般生活满意度在个体水平上的相关比在国家水平上的相关低;(3)在个体和国家水平上,大学生主观幸福感的影响因素不同。结论:文化因素影响了大学生生活满意度与主观幸福感的关系。  相似文献   

大学生问题发现过程的表征层次研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在矛盾式与潜藏式两类情境中, 用出声思维的方法考察大学生问题发现过程的表征层次特点。40名大学生参与实验, 高低分组被试各20名。研究结果显示:(1)高分组大学生在问题总数量和核心问题数量上高于低分组, 矛盾式情境中发现的问题数量和质量均高于潜藏式情境。(2)充分的表征是发现高质量问题的基础;联系性表征对问题发现有积极影响, 但目的性表征对问题发现有负面作用;潜藏式情境的问题发现更需要借助内部信息表征。(3)各类表征层次出现的先后顺序存在差异, 高低分组大学生遵循同样的表征次序。  相似文献   

本研究采用自编《大学生自信心水平评价问卷》,随机选取辽宁师范大学等高校的在校大学生进行调研,结果发现:(1)不同性别大学生的自信心水平差异不显著;(2)不同年级大学生的自信心水平无显著差异;(3)不同地区大学生自信心水平无差异。结论:(1)进行大学生自信心水平调查是很有必要的,虽已取得一定效果,但还存在许多问题;(2)学校、社会、家庭应共同以及大学生自身都应该正是大学生自信心的培养,并为促进大学生自信心水平的提高提供有效帮助。  相似文献   

研究旨在考察个体在选择职业时是否会为了更好的环境条件(组织、城市)而降低对兴趣的要求。对63名大学生被试开展了两个实验,采用在环境条件和兴趣水平上有不同程度差异的职位配对来模拟两难决策。结果发现:(1)对不同组织声望和兴趣水平的职位的选择无性别差异;(2)组织声望差距、组织声望差距与兴趣差距的交互作用能显著预测职位的选择;(3)对不同城市级别和兴趣水平的职位的选择有性别差异,男生比女生更少放弃兴趣;(4)兴趣差距、城市级别差距与兴趣差距的交互作用能预测男生的选择,只有兴趣差距能预测女生的选择。结论:个体会为了更好的环境而或多或少在兴趣方面妥协。  相似文献   

学科领域知识由学理内容知识、认知过程知识和问题条件知识组成。本研究以529名七年级学生为被试,测查学生在数学学习中的学科领域知识表征特点,结果发现:(1)三种类型知识表征存在显著差异,学理内容知识表征水平最高,问题条件知识表征水平最低;(2)学优生的学科领域知识表征水平显著高于中等生和学困生;(3)认知过程知识表征、问题条件知识表征水平与数学学业成绩显著相关;(4)学生对学理内容知识重要性评价最高,问题条件知识最低。  相似文献   

基于积极心理学的视角,以自杀的认知模型为依据考察反刍思维与自杀意念的关系,并在此基础上建立一个有调节的中介模型,探讨绝望的中介作用以及感恩的调节作用。采取问卷法对1191名大学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)反刍思维对自杀意念有显著正向预测作用;(2)绝望在反刍思维与自杀意念之间具有中介作用;(3)感恩对反刍思维与自杀意念的中介过程存在调节作用,相对于感恩水平较高的大学生,中介效应仅在感恩水平低的大学生中显著。  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷法筛选出创造性思维水平高、低两组大学生作为被试,利用负启动实验范式考察创造性思维水平不同大学生分心抑制能力的差异,探讨其分心抑制能力与创造性思维的关系.结果表明,创造性思维水平高、低两组大学生均表现出明显的位置抑制能力.低水平组大学生表现出明显的特性抑制能力,但高水平组大学生没有表现出明显的特性抑制能力.因此,个体的特性抑制能力随创造性思维水平的不同而产生明显的变化.  相似文献   

通过两个研究考察男性大学生体型与社会排斥的关系,以及吸引力与社会认知基本维度在体型与社会排斥间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)肥胖体型男大学生更易遭受社会排斥;(2)男性对肥胖同性表现出了更强的排斥意图,而女性则对男性表现出更强的包容;(3)吸引力与热情在体型与社会排斥间起中介作用,且在中介路径上呈现了性别差异,肥胖体型显著预测女性被试对实验目标的吸引力指标,显著预测男性被试对实验目标的排斥意图。两个研究共同表明:相比于其他体型,肥胖体型男大学生会遭受更多的社会排斥,吸引力与热情因素在体型与社会排斥间起中介作用,结果存在性别差异。  相似文献   

用出声思维法对大学生进行个别实验,考察在矛盾式与潜藏式两类情境中问题发现过程的元认知评价、元认知监控和元认知策略的特点。40名大学生参与实验,高低能力组被试各20名。研究结果显示:(1)大学生自评分数与问题总数量和总评分之间相关显著,高能力组学生的自评分数高于低能力组。(2)大学生倾向于使用价值性判断和原文分析两个标准来选择问题,高能力组学生对选问理由的阐述优于低能力组,大学生在矛盾情境中对选问理由的阐述优于潜藏情境。(3)高能力组学生在修正策略的使用上多于低能力组。  相似文献   

将高中生化学问题解决思维过程口语报告分为相应的10个行为指标进行人工编码和定量分析。被试是56名高中生,材料为6个中等难度的化学问题,通过“出声思考”实验,记录口语报告,并对口语报告进行编码和数据统计分析,结果发现:(1)高中优生的重复、解释、推理、归纳、总结等行为指标上明显优于中等生;(2)在解决不同类型的化学问题时,重复、设问、推理、归纳和反思等指标存在明显差异;(3)学生能力层次与问题类别在重复、推理、归纳和试误等行为指标上存在明显交互作用。  相似文献   

陈丽君  张庆林  蔡治 《心理科学》2006,29(2):297-300
在概述国内外有关问题发现研究的四种研究模式的基础上,从问题发现的影响因素方面对以往研究进行扩展,探讨了在不同领域里不同的材料呈现方式对儿童问题发现的影响。对262名小学三年级和五年级儿童的研究表明:儿童的问题发现有显著的领域差异,言语呈现可能比实物呈现更能促进儿童发现高质量问题,五年级儿童在问题质量的新颖性方面好于三年级儿童。  相似文献   

问题发现过程认知阶段划分的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用建构认知模型法探索问题发现过程认知阶段的存在性及顺序性问题。基于已有研究,提出问题发现过程可划分为信息搜寻、现状表征、寻求目标、建立联系、提出问题、评价和修正问题等六个阶段的基本假设。用出声思维和秩次聚类分析的方法对高低能力组共40名大学生问题发现过程的阶段性进行考察,结果显示:六个阶段中有两对阶段出现位置非常接近,可将其进行整合,构成现状搜寻与表征、目标探索、提出问题、评价和修正问题等四个阶段。在不同问题领域与不同能力被试群体中,各认知阶段的顺序性没有差异。  相似文献   

Educators who agree that critical thinking and intellectual development are appropriate aims of higher education do not always agree on what constitutes good thinking. This study examined the relationship between two constructs that attempt to describe that aim: critical thinking as defined by the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal and a stage model of adolescent and adult intellectual development described as reflective judgment. In a 2 × 4 design, 119 women students at four educational levels were matched on high and low extremes of critical thinking scores and were compared on the basis of their scores on the Reflective Judgment Interview.The results indicate: (a) a significant main effect for educational level: students at higher educational levels achieved higher scores on the reflective judgment measure; (b) a main effect for critical thinking: high critical thinking subjects out-performed low critical thinking subjects on the Reflective Judgment Interview; and (c) while low critical thinking subjects were homogeneously low in reflective judgment levels, high critical thinking subjects had significantly greater variability of Reflective Judgment Interview scores.  相似文献   

从北京市一所普通中学四个年级随机选取学生169名为被试,采用开放式问卷法研究了学生在阅读理解背景下提问能力的发展特点,结果发现:(1)学生提问的频次变化范围较广,随着提问频次的增加,人数呈现波浪式下降趋势;(2)学生所提问题被分为三种水平:事实性问题,推论性问题和评价性问题;(3)随着年级的上升,学生提问水平逐渐增高;(4)学生提问性别差异显著,尤其是在高水平问题上,女生提问数量多于男生。  相似文献   

比较运用尝试教学法教学和常规教学法教学对小学五年级独立型和场依存型的学生在解决三种难度的百分数应用题中的效果.结果发现:(1)从整体上看,在高难度题的测试中,以尝试教学法教学的成绩明显高于以常规教学法教学的成绩,两者的差异达到显著水平.对场依存的学生,在低难度题测试时,两种教学方法取得的成绩无显著差异;在中难度题测试时,以常规教学法教学的成绩高于以尝试教学法教学的成绩,差异达到显著水平;在高难度题测试时,以尝试教学法教学的成绩高于以常规教学法教学的成绩,两者的差异达到显著水平.对场独立的学生在低难度题测试时,两种教学方法取得的成绩无显著差异;在中、高难度题测试时,以尝试教学法教学的成绩均高于以常规教学法教学的成绩,差异达到显著水平.(2)从整体来看,在题为高难度时男生的成绩高于女生,差异达到显著水平,而在低、中难度时无显著的性别差异.场依存者在题为低难度时女生的成绩高于男生差异达到显著水平,而中、高难度时无显著的性别差异.场独立者在高难度时男生的成绩高于女生,差异达到显著水平.  相似文献   

The existence of general creative‐thinking skills was investigated. In the first study, 50 eighth‐grade students wrote poems, stories, mathematical equations, and mathematical word problems, all of which were rated for creativity by experts. When the effects of IQ reading achievement, and math achievement were controlled through multiple regression analyses, creativity scores on the four tasks were not correlated. This suggests that general creative‐thinking skills did not contribute to creative performance in these different tasks. Subjects also responded to a brief verbal fluency test. Scores on this test correlated significantly with story‐writing creativity (r = .34) but not with the other three tasks. Three follow‐up studies were conducted with second‐, fourth‐, and fifth‐grade students, and adults. These studies also produced no significant correlations among creativity ratings of various products.  相似文献   

This research investigated the creativity capacity across the levels of education in Ireland, involving 702 participants. Creative capacity was investigated through a comparative analysis of creativity quotient (CQ). A divergent thinking task comprising the how many uses activity was assessed using the criteria for determining CQ; fluency, flexibility, and product. Convergent thinking tasks comprised of graphic problems. A comparative analysis occurred between the divergent and convergent thinking activities. It is necessary that creativity is promoted throughout education systems to ensure that students maintain and develop their creative capacities into adulthood. Education systems need to foster independent thinking, creativity, and innovation. This article investigates students’ creative capacity spanning 3 levels of education. The interdisciplinary and progressive graduate attributes from the levels of education were identified and synthesized toward developing collaborative progressive creativity across the levels of education for future success. Finally, this articles outlines, in the Irish context, the uniqueness with regard to the ability to sustain creative capacity (divergent and convergent thinking) at each level of education, and the degree to which this effort is supported by administration, teachers, and a common cultural interpretation of the nature of education.  相似文献   

Sixty first-year college student in a state university were administered three problems to ascertain their level of logical thinking. Successful solution of the problems required the elaboration of hypotheses and methods of proof. Seventeen percent of the randomly selected Ss scored at the concrete level, 63% at the lower formal level, and 20% at the upper formal level. Logical thinking was found to have almost no relationship to college selection criteria (high school rank and SAT scores) for men and a low relationship for women in this sample whose range of scores on these criteria was restricted. Differences between the sexes were found to be substantial and significant, favoring the men.  相似文献   

Zhongyong thinking is a common approach adopted by Chinese people to solve problems encountered in life and work. Based on the four modes of zhongyong thinking proposed by Pang (Social Sciences in China, 1, 1980, 75), this study chooses the “neither A nor B” form, which represents the “mean” (中) characteristics of zhongyong thinking, called eclectic thinking, and the “both A and B” form, which reflects the “harmony” (和) feature, called integrated thinking. This study primed eclectic thinking and integrated thinking, respectively, through self‐compiled problem situations, and 150 college students and postgraduates students were the participants. Experiment 1 explored the role of the priming of zhongyong thinking in three classic creative thinking tasks: a divergent thinking test, remote association test, and insight problem‐solving test. Experiment 2 further examined the effect of priming of zhongyong thinking on “market investment problems” with higher ecological validity. The findings show that priming integrated thinking can improve remote associates test performance and promote creative solutions to market investment problems, but there is no significant impact on the scores of divergent thinking test and insight problem‐solving; priming eclectic thinking has no significant impact on any of the subsequent creative tasks. This study shows that integrated thinking primes cognitive processing related to information association and information integration, promoting subsequent creative tasks.  相似文献   

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