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工作中心度的作用及其与领导行为的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究在理论分析的基础上,探讨了工作中心度对职业生涯规划的作用,并进一步分析了以工作中心度为因变变量(contingent variable)的领导行为的有效性。通过问卷调查法对233位企业员工进行测量。结果发现:工作中心度高的员工对于他们的职业生涯会有更好的规划;应根据员工不同程度的工作中心度采取不同的领导行为,后者有利于员工更好地规划自己的职业生涯。  相似文献   

张勇  龙立荣  贺伟 《心理学报》2014,46(12):1880-1896
研究分别从认知评价理论和习得性努力理论视角考察了绩效薪酬对员工突破性创造力和渐进性创造力的影响及其作用机制, 并检验了变革型领导和交易型领导对上述两条路径的调节效应。基于24家企业的364对上下级匹配数据的研究结果表明:绩效薪酬对内在动机和突破性创造力没有显著的影响, 对外在动机和渐进性创造力有显著的正向影响。变革型领导调节绩效薪酬与突破性创造力的关系:高变革领导情境下, 绩效薪酬通过正向影响内在动机间接对突破性创造力产生正向影响; 低变革领导情境下, 绩效薪酬通过负向影响内在动机间接对突破性创造力产生负向影响。交易型领导调节绩效薪酬与渐进性创造力的关系:交易型领导通过强化绩效薪酬对外在动机的影响进而放大了绩效薪酬对渐进性创造力的正向效应。针对上述结果, 讨论了本文的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

基于文化自我表征理论并立足于中国文化情境,本研究探讨了教练型领导对员工创新行为的影响以及个体传统性和创造力自我效能感在其中的作用。跨层次结构方程模型数据分析结果发现:(1)教练型领导可以有效预测员工的创新行为;(2)创造力自我效能感在教练型领导行为与员工创新行为的关系中起着完全中介作用;(3)个体传统性不仅正向调节教练型领导影响创造力自我效能感的关系,还进一步调节教练型领导通过创造力自我效能感影响创新行为的间接效应。本研究结果有助于打开教练型领导影响员工创新行为的"黑箱"并能够有效指导企业的变革与创新管理实践。  相似文献   

基于情绪社会建构理论,运用问卷调查法,通过分析708组配对数据,探讨情绪创造力对员工创新行为的影响机制。结果表明:情绪创造力对员工创新行为有显著的正向影响,创造性角色认同在其中具有部分中介作用;员工情绪创造力与领导激励创造性的交互作用通过员工创造性角色认同为中介,影响员工的创新行为,从而表现出有中介的调节作用。  相似文献   

关于领导消极反馈对员工创造力的影响,现有文献存在相互矛盾的观点。基于反馈干预理论,采用经验取样法探讨不同目标导向个体对领导每日消极反馈的差异性反应,以及由此导致的不同创造力水平。对来自95名被试716个观察值的多层次路径分析发现:对高证明目标导向的员工而言,领导每日消极反馈通过促进当晚问题解决反思,提升了第二天的创造力。对高回避目标导向的员工而言,领导每日消极反馈通过引发当晚情感反刍,抑制了第二天的创造力。以上研究发现有助于全面揭示领导消极反馈对员工创造力的影响效应,为领导力发展与组织创新管理提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

领导情感信任会促进员工表现创新行为,但员工个体的风险倾向与组织行为授权可能对其具有调节作用。结果显示(1)领导情感信任能正向预测员工创新行为;(2)领导情感信任、组织行为授权与风险倾向对员工创新行为预测存在三维交互作用,相对于其他条件,组织行为授权和风险倾向均处于高水平条件下,领导情感信任与员工创新行为的正相关程度更为明显。探讨领导情感信任、组织行为授权、风险倾向与员工创新行为的关系可以为甄别影响员工创新行为的个体和环境因素提供理论指导,此外,也可为企业和直接领导如何增加员工创新行为提供借鉴。  相似文献   

以91项实证研究(92个独立样本, 33517名员工)为对象, 综合使用元分析、相对权重分析和结构方程技术, 考察了中国组织情境下领导方式的有效性问题。研究者从导向(行为-关系)和性质(积极-消极)两个方面, 选择了变革型、领导-部属交换和破坏型3种领导方式; 从产出类型(态度-行为)方面, 选择了下属工作满意度、情感承诺、留职意愿、任务绩效和组织公民行为5种有效性指标。结果表明:(1)变革型领导和领导-部属交换与员工积极性态度和行为正相关, 破坏型领导与员工积极性态度和行为负相关。(2)三种领导方式的有效性有所不同:在对下属态度的影响上, 领导-部属交换作用最强, 变革型领导次之, 破坏型领导最弱; 在对下属行为的影响上, 破坏型领导作用最强, 领导-部属交换次之, 变革型领导最弱。(3)关系导向领导方式在行为导向领导方式与下属反应关系中起部分中介作用, 即除了直接影响, 变革型和破坏型领导还通过提高和降低领导-部属交换质量影响下属态度和行为。  相似文献   

变革型领导与交易型领导的权变分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
变革型领导与交易型领导是当前领导研究的热点。一般认为,变革型领导是比交易型领导更为有效的领导方式。然而从权变的观点出发,变革型领导与交易型领导的有效性还要受到情境因素、被领导者因素的影响。该文分析了替代领导、领导与下属的关系以及组织文化对变革型领导和交易型领导与领导效能关系的调节作用,并讨论了今后的领导行为研究中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

张辉华 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1175-1184
以中国样本为例,运用元分析方法对个体和团队层面情绪智力与工作相关变量的关系进行了探讨。来源于46项研究的59个独立样本满足了元分析标准(N=11578)。元分析结果发现,个体情绪智力与领导行为有高度正相关,与任务绩效、背景绩效、自我效能感有中高度正相关,与工作满意、组织承诺、创新行为有中低度正相关,与工作倦怠有中高度负相关,与工作压力有中低度负相关,与员工离职和凝聚力的相关不显著。团队情绪智力与团队绩效高度正相关。结果表明,情绪智力是工作场所有价值的变量,它对有效的工作变量有不同程度的预测性。  相似文献   

文章在文献梳理的基础上,以CEO领导风格、TMT行为整合和企业创新绩效理论为依据提出研究假设,构建结构方程模型,利用有效样本数据展开实证分析,探究CEO领导风格、TMT行为整合与企业创新绩效的关系。研究结果表明,CEO放任型领导风格对企业技术创新绩效具有显著负向影响,CEO交易型领导风格和CEO变革型领导风格对企业创新绩效具有显著的正向影响;TMT行为整合对企业创新绩效具有显著的正向影响;CEO放任型领导风格对TMT行为整合中的决策参与和团队合作具有显著负向影响,CEO交易型领导风格和CEO变革型领导风格对TMT行为整合具有显著的正向影响。此外,TMT行为整合在CEO领导风格与企业创新绩效间具有部分中介作用。  相似文献   

In a test of hypotheses derived from the integration of principles of path‐goal theory ( House, 1996 ) and transformational leadership theory ( Bass, 1985 ), data collected from 179 high school teachers and their principals were examined with hierarchical regression analysis. Augmentation analysis indicated that transactional leadership had a stronger role in explaining unique criterion variance beyond the contribution of transformational leadership, than did transformational leadership relative to transactional leadership. In addition, both the transactional and transformational leadership had a negative interactive relationship for predicting the outcome of performance, such that leader vision and leader intellectual stimulation were more positively correlated with employee performance when leader use of contingent reward was low. These augmentation effects, in conjunction with the findings of negative moderation, suggest that transactional leadership may have greater potential predictive value than previously assumed.  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of creative self-efficacy in predictions of employees’ creativity through transformational leadership. Data from a dyadic sample of 424 employees and their immediate supervisors were collected and analyzed. The results signify that transformational leaders promote creativity among their subordinates. Further, a significant moderating role of creative self-efficacy was found in the relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity. The findings reveal that employees working under transformational leaders more likely to resort creative behavior when they perceive high creative-self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Hypotheses addressing the relationships between bases of power and transformational and transactional leadership, and propositions concerning the extent to which perceptions of leader power and behavior were shared by a leader's followers, were addressed in this study. Two hundred eighty employees reporting to 118 supervisors in 45 organizations provided data for the investigation. Results provided support for hypothesized relationships between personal power and transformational leadership as well as between positional power and transactional leadership. In addition, ratings of both leader power and leader behavior were found to be individually-based phenomena; that is, followers of a focal leader did not share perceptions about that leader's power or behavior. Implications for managerial practice and future research are discussed.We thank Bruce Avolio, Bernard Bass, and Gary Yukl for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership is supposed to enhance employees' creativity. However, results of meta-analytic research on the relationships between transformational leadership and creativity fell short of expectations. In addition, the coefficients showed a huge variability. In this study, it was argued that relevant task and employee characteristics have been neglected in previous research. The benefit of transformational leadership may be limited in a context with routine tasks. Therefore, the moderating effects of task novelty and personal initiative on the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and creativity were examined. In an experimental setting, 241 undergraduate students were instructed to act like a trainee of a management consulting company and to generate ideas. The results largely supported the hypotheses. Transformational leadership led to higher creativity than transactional leadership, and high task novelty produced higher creativity than low task novelty. As predicted, the effect of transformational leadership on creativity was stronger when task novelty was high than when task novelty was low. Moreover, the effect of transformational leadership was higher when persons were high in personal initiative than when they were low in personal initiative, indicating that the influence of transformational leadership depends on task and follower characteristics. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have recognised the importance of transformational leadership style for encouraging employees’ creativity. Self‐regulation studies have highlighted the influence of a promotion focus on employees’ creative behaviours. Yet both leadership and self‐regulation theories have paid less attention to the role transactional leadership style and situational prevention regulatory focus may play in affecting employees’ creativity. In this article we present a theoretical model which examines transformational and transactional leadership styles and both promotion and prevention situational self‐regulatory focus (SRF). The model suggests that while transformational leadership promotes creativity, at least partially by enhancing follower's situational promotion SRF, transactional leadership style (transactional active) is aligned with followers’ prevention situational SRF, which is associated with leaders’ hindering of followers’ creativity. Findings from two studies, an experimental study (N = 189) and a field study (N = 343 employees and 75 managers), support this model, showing that the relationship between different types of leadership and creativity are more complex than previously regarded. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

An underlying premise of the transformational–transactional leadership theory is that different forms of leadership can reside simultaneously within the same individual. This fundamental hypothesis has received scarce attention in the empirical literature. The objectives of this study are thus to examine whether leader profiles combining these leadership forms do exist and to evaluate how these profiles are associated with specific employee attitudes and behaviors. Results obtained from two different samples using cluster analyses revealed six different leader profiles (i.e., superleaders, transactors, moderate leaders, distant-visionary, distant-rewarding, and distant-punitive leaders). Our results showed that these types of leaders differ in terms of employees’ perceptions of trust, justice, and commitment, as well as supervisor-rated in-role and contextual performance. Results and implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the job characteristic model and the “management of meaning” perspective, this study examines the process and conditions through which transformational leadership fosters employee creativity. Our results reveal that the effect of transformational leadership on creativity is mediated by employees’ perceptions of core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, feedback). This mediation effect is further moderated by employees’ uncertainty avoidance orientation. Specifically, transformational leaders foster creativity through followers’ perceptions of core job characteristics only among employees low on uncertainty avoidance. The association between enhanced job characteristics and creativity is more positive for employees with low uncertainty avoidance orientation than those with high uncertainty avoidance orientation. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   



Achievement goals, or the standards of competence employees pursue in their work, have far-reaching consequences for employee and organizational functioning. In the current research, we investigated whether employees’ achievement goals can be predicted from their supervisor’s leadership style.


A multilevel study was conducted in which followers of 120 organizational leaders completed measures of their leader’s transformational leadership (focusing on individual needs and abilities, on intellectual development, and on a common team mission), transactional leadership (focusing on monitoring and achievement-related rewards), and their own mastery goals (aimed at learning, developing, and mastering job-relevant skills), and performance goals (aimed at doing better than others).


Group-level transformational leadership predicted followers’ mastery goals, whereas group-level transactional leadership predicted followers’ performance goals. Within-group differences in transformational leadership also predicted mastery goals.


These findings suggest that leadership style plays an important role in the achievement goals followers adopt. Organizations may promote transactional leadership in contexts requiring that employees outperform others. In contrast, in contexts requiring learning and development, organizations may promote transformational leadership.


This research is the first to examine the relationships between leadership styles and specific follower goals, and the first to highlight the role of leadership as a social variable involved in employees’ adoption of achievement goals.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between leadership style as operationalized by trans-formational/transactional leadership (Bass, 1985) and feedback-seeking behavior. Participants ( n = 132) were presented with a vignette describing either a transformational or a transactional leader. Leadership style (transformational leader) was significantly related to higher feedback-seeking intentions. Further, controlling for manipulated leadership style, participants' perceptions of leader consideration behaviors resulted in higher feedback-seeking intentions. These findings suggest that not only does exposure to a certain leader affect feedback-seeking behavior, but also perceptions of certain characteristics of a leader's behavior are important. These findings explain one potential mechanism through which transformational leaders might affect the development of their subordinates and raises interesting implications for leadership coaching.  相似文献   

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