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Reported cases of mother-son incest are very rare in the psychoanalytic literature; the fact of such incest, however, may not be so rare as has generally been believed. A detailed case report of the analysis of an adult with a history of severe physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, including consummated incest with his mother during latency, is considered in the context of other reported studies. The author raises some issues of resistance and countertransference that may influence the reporting, treatment, and perhaps even recognition of cases of mother-son incest.  相似文献   


This paper uses a long-term case to illustrate, from a psychodynamic perspective, a number of issues arising in working with an adult survivor of early childhood trauma. The paper takes an overview of the case study, identifying issues which are inextricably interwoven in the client's experience of trauma, and which impact on the working alliance. The therapeutic relationship forged with the client is discussed in terms of its intrinsic successes and failures together with the implications of early traumatic experiences for the termination of counselling.  相似文献   

Childhood incest has been experienced by a minimum of one million American women. Because of the dynamic of secrecy in these families and society's discomfort with the issue, disclosure frequently does not take place until adulthood. A treatment modality for adult women following disclosure of a childhood incest experience has been devised. A short-term semi-structured group model has been chosen which creates an atmosphere of rapid cohesion and helps participants broaden their identity beyond that of victim. This paper reports participants' demographic and historical data as well as thematic content and group evaluative data from the first nine such groups conducted in a major health maintenance organization in the Boston area. Findings suggest that childhood incest has widespread and long-lasting effects on women's functioning, including ability to trust and form relationships, emotional functioning and self-esteem, and the ability to protect self and children from victimization. The group was felt to be extremely valuable by the majority of participants and was experienced by many as the first place they ever found safety, unconditional nurturance, and a sense of belonging. Other findings include the repetition of incest over generations, the nonresponsiveness of adults in cases where disclosure had taken place in childhood, and the importance of an empathic yet well-bounded therapist.  相似文献   

This article reports in detail an ethics case consultation involving a decision to forgo life-sustaining treatment for a middle-aged man following a “massive” cerebral bleed resulting in profound brain damage, but not unconsciousness. An unusual feature of this case is that, despite normal intelligence, caring family relationships and a history of life-threatening cardiac disease, vigorous and sustained inquiry could not elicitany indications of this patient's values, perceptions or preferences regarding end of life care. Other than a deliberately autobiographical methodological prologue and a few brief comments at the end, the case is presented straightforwardly and without intercurrent analysis.  相似文献   

The interpersonal style of male partners of adult female incest survivors was investigated. Two groups of men (partners of incest survivors, n=30; and a control group, n=30) completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory and the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire. A multivariate analysis of variance failed to support clinically-based hypotheses (a) that partners of incest survivors would exhibit a greater sense of entitlement in interpersonal relationships and (b) that a larger number of men abused in childhood would be in relationship with incest survivors than those not abused. Results point to a need for further controlled quantitative studies of the characteristics of male partners of female incest survivors. This article is based on the Master's Thesis of the first author submitted to the Graduate School of Texas Woman's University.  相似文献   

P Dalton 《Family process》1983,22(1):99-108
This paper presents a family therapy approach to the treatment of an obsessive-compulsive child. Psychodynamic, behavioral and family therapy approaches to the etiology and treatment of this dysfunction are described briefly, and a detailed case report of a 15-session treatment utilizing behavioral interventions designed to change the family context is presented. Various procedures for dealing with the obsessive-compulsive behavior have been reported in the literature, including eliminating it directly by interruption or ordeal and modifying it. In this case, the author proceeded by ignoring the compulsive behaviors and concentrating on more functional ones using a paradoxical charting intervention. At one-year follow-up, the child was symptom free. Relationship factors, technical interventions, and stylistic aspects of the therapy are discussed, and the importance of rapid symptom alleviation in these children is underscored.  相似文献   

Describes the extinction of the demanding behaviors of a nine-year-old boy by placing the responsibility for behavioral reinforcement directly under his own control. The therapist assumed that the behavioral pattern of the paranoid personality is characterized by an overdependence upon environmental reinforcers and therefore used the self-management technique, allowing the student the opportunity to gain independence from his classroom environment while meeting his need for positive feedback.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old male presented with compulsive hoarding along with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizotypal personality disorder. Hoarding has been described as difficult to treat both pharmacologically and behaviorally, and this patient's comorbid conditions also contributed to his overall impairment. The patient's treatment regimen of fluvoxamine, amphetamine salts, and risperidone, along with behavioral therapy, has helped with hoarding behaviors, motivation, procrastination, and increased socialization. Hoarding may be a unique subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder with poorer prognosis and distinct neuroanatomic dysfunction. Augmentation with stimulants may provide benefits in aspects of hoarding such as procrastination, especially in patients with comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.  相似文献   


A case study describing the use of behavior techniques in the treatment of a four—year—old sexual assault victim is presented. The target behaviors included eating, phobic behaviors, self—injurious behaviors, and comments made about the father (the perpetrator) and the paternal grandmother. The child's mother served as both data collector and therapist. The study demonstrates that child victims can experience a sexual assault trauma syndrome similar to that manifested by adult victims. Additionally, the findings illustrate that a simple behavioral intervention implemented by a parent can be effective in treating young sexual assault victims.  相似文献   

We describe a 47-year-old man who referred to the Emergency Department for sudden global amnesia and left mild motor impairment in the setting of increased arterial blood pressure. The acute episode resolved within 24 hours. Despite general recovery and the apparent transitory nature of the event, a persistent selective impairment in recollecting events from some specific topics of his personal life became apparent. Complete neuropsychological tests one week after the acute onset and 2 months later demonstrated a clear retrograde memory deficit contrasting with the preservation of anterograde memory and learning abilities. One year later, the autobiographical memory deficit was unmodified, except for what had been re-learnt. Brain MRI was normal while H20 brain PET scans demonstrated hypometabolism in the right globus pallidus and putamen after 2 weeks from onset, which was no longer present one year later. The absence of a clear pathomechanism underlying focal amnesia lead us to consider this case as an example of functional retrograde amnesia.  相似文献   

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