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“数字化虚拟人”是通过计算机技术,将人体结构数字化,在电脑屏幕上出现看得见的、能够调控的虚拟人体形态。是在信息科学、系统工程、生物科学、中西医学、计算机与自动化科学技术等学科交叉融合的基础上产生的世界前沿性研究领域。数字化虚拟人的研究有它本身的哲学基础。  相似文献   

试论中医多学科研究的引进战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

佛教史料数字化既加强了资料的保存性和持久性,又创造了数据的可用性与整合性,给文化传承和佛学研究带来了新的发展。一数字化是采用计算机技术,将常见的文字或图形符号转化为数字符号的过程。  相似文献   

在信息与媒介资源极其丰富的社会,信息的来源与传播方式日益呈现出多样化的趋势,单一的语言和文字传达、简单图解式的视觉符号,已经不被传播主体与受众欢迎和接受。在广告设计课程中提高广告信息视觉传达的编译能力,制作和设计出具有视觉冲击力和想象力的广告,不仅能促进经济建设的发展,还能促进社会文化建设,从而有利于和谐社会的形成。  相似文献   

随着互联网飞速发展,数字技术在心理健康领域的应用逐渐增加。作为一种特殊的新兴医疗服务方式,数字化心理健康(digital mental health)的发展需要遵守伦理规范要求。文章从目前心理健康领域数字医疗的应用情况出发,对隐私与数据安全、透明性、公平性、知情同意与问责,以及人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)心理咨询相关伦理问题进行讨论,以期引起关注,确保在该领域合理、合规地应用数字医疗技术。  相似文献   

城市公共艺术指在城市的公共空间中向公众所展示的艺术,是一种装点在城市公共空间中的独特的城市文化的载体。艺术的公共性和公共的艺术性是城市公共艺术的两个重要属性。在时代和科技不断发展的当下,各类新的媒介方式随着时代的发展会不断变革,从而影响人们的生活。数字技术融入城市公共艺术可以给人们带来沉浸式、交互式和全景式的综合体验,因此数字化与城市公共艺术的结合是信息时代背景下艺术与城市、社会和大众关系的新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

走出半人时代--对知识与道德的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来 ,人们在对知识与道德的关系问题的理解上存在着分歧。笔者认为 ,其中一个重要原因就是没能正确地理解知识的概念 ,没能摆正知识与道德的关系。近代以来盛行的科技理性主义进步观 ,片面夸大科技知识的作用 ,忽视道德的作用 ,导致了一系列社会问题的产生 ,也导致了“半个人”的出现。要走出“半人时代”,必须正确认识知识与道德的关系 ,才能促进人的全面发展。  相似文献   

任何关于人的理论都有自己理想的人的价值形象。它既是观察和评价现实生活的标准,也是实践活动所追求的目标。本文旨在将马克思所设计的人的价值形象从他复杂的理论构造中剥离出来。马克思关于人的理论以批判性的建构为鲜明特色,他对理想的人的价值形象的设计跟他对人的实际生活状况的否定是相辅相成的,亦即对“旧人”的否弃和对“新人”的塑形是同时进行的。这个“新人”的主要内涵如下:人应该是民主制度下的人。应该是追求现实幸福的人,应该是自由地自觉地活动的人,应该是全面发展的人。  相似文献   

近年来,社交网络上涌现出大量具有真人特征的虚拟人物,他们以第一人称视角叙事以获得影响力,然而其背后的道德伦理问题也逐渐浮现。当社交媒体虚拟人犯错时,不同文化背景的人们对其道德判断会有何不同?本文基于心智感知理论,通过5个主要实验探索中西方文化差异对虚拟人道德责任判断的影响和机制。研究表明,在被告知虚拟人的不道德行为后,比起西方文化,中国文化影响下的人们认为虚拟人需要承担更大的道德责任;但这种文化差异没有出现在对真人的道德责任判断上(实验1a~1c)。并且不论虚拟人是由真实人类还是人工智能驱动,这种文化差异都会存在(实验1c)。这种文化差异通过感知心智能力来中介(实验2)。具体而言,比起西方文化,中国文化影响下的人们认为虚拟人的心智能力(特别是感知力)更高,因此需要承担更大的道德责任。此外,对虚拟人更大的道德责任判断会导致中国文化(相比西方文化)影响下的人们更倾向于对虚拟人施加道德惩罚(实验3)。本文通过实证研究将道德责任判断和心智感知的对象拓展到虚拟人上,并揭示了中西方文化差异及其后续影响。  相似文献   




This paper compares the (cultural) necessity of death/dying, perceived as a sequence of Imaginary—Real—Symbolic, to Van Gennep’s three-staged rite of passage. If this logic is disrupted, the subject responsible necessitates attribution of special social status and can come to embody the imagery of a life worth living. This philosophical framework, which includes epistemologies borrowed from medical anthropology, demonstrates there is more for humans to lose than biological (Real) life; a far greater loss is to exist without (Symbolic) reason to live. A critique of prevalent quantitative methodology in assessing links between spirituality and the human body is added.  相似文献   

The following is a condensed and edited version of a dialogue that took place in December 1973 in the format of a guest panel discussion for the benefit of a class in “Guidance in the Secondary School.” The panelists were selected as being representative of the various publics served by school counselors; the participants were a junior high school student, a high school student, a teacher, a beginning counselor, an experienced counselor, a superintendent of schools, and a counselor educator. By way of introduction, the dialogue begins with a sketch of the participants. (Pseudonyms are used for the students.)  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(1):15-26
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) has a severe presentation and chronic course when untreated. Although effective BDD treatments exist, most individuals do not have access to them. We therefore developed and pilot tested the first smartphone-delivered individual cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment for adults with BDD. The digital service was developed via user-centered design, integrating input from engineering, design, and psychology experts, plus BDD patient consultants. We conducted a 12-week open pilot trial (N = 10) to describe preliminary results for feasibility, acceptability, and treatment outcome. Attrition rates (0%) and feedback on usability and satisfaction indicated that smartphone-based CBT for BDD may be feasible, acceptable, and satisfactory. Initial results suggest that smartphone-based CBT for BDD may hold promise for improving BDD symptom severity, BDD-related insight, functional impairment, and quality of life, as scores from baseline to posttreatment improved with large-to-very large effects; depression improved with a medium effect. Ninety percent of participants were responders at posttreatment and 3-month follow-up. Smartphone-based CBT for BDD may have strong potential as a standardized, low cost, and accessible treatment for this debilitating illness. A test of efficacy is merited as a next step, using a well-powered, randomized control trial design.  相似文献   

N S Storz 《Adolescence》1982,17(67):667-672
There have been many investigations of body image in cases of anorexia nervosa in adolescent females. However, there has been limited research with normal adolescent girls who happen to be overweight. In this study, 27 girls found to be obese (at least 20 percent above average body weight for age, sex and height) among 203 girls in home economics classes of four suburban high schools were compared to 20 girls seeking help for their obesity on an outpatient basis in hospital-affiliated programs for weight reduction in a nearby city. The two groups were assessed and compared regarding body image factors. The clinical subjects showed a significantly greater difference in their selection of outline drawings of the female figure perceived to represent their actual as compared to ideal body sizes. No significant difference was found in articulation of body concept as revealed in human figure drawings judged according to Witkin's Articulation of Body Concept (ABC) Scale, and in the mean number of uncomplimentary adjectives used to describe present appearance. However, the difference between the mean scores of the two groups in the latter two variables, when submitted to t tests, were shown to approach significance (.017 less than p less than .05).  相似文献   

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