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肥胖的成因、相关疾病及减肥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肥胖严重威胁人们的健康和生活质量,受多种因素的影响,与多种疾病有密切联系。辩证地分析和研究肥胖与其相关因素的关系,有助于肥胖的预防和治疗。  相似文献   

在引起肥胖的诸多因素中,遗传因素(内因)与环境因素(外因)两者的综合作用,影响人体能量摄入和消耗的平衡,是单纯性肥胖产生的主要原因。人类在进化过程中形成了一种自觉储备剩余能量的适应性——节俭基因型。我们虽不能对已经具有的“节俭”基因进行改造,但可以对摄食过多及运动不足这两个引起肥胖的主要外因进行干预,在临床实际施治中,可能找到一定的预防和治疗肥胖的对策。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解吉林省城市中小学生的超重和肥胖现状及其影响因素,选取吉林省20所学校的17 893名中小学生(8岁~15岁)进行体格测量与问卷调查.调查结果显示,中小学生超重和肥胖总体检出率为30.5%,并且有39.9%的中小学生对体重的自我认知情况与实际检测结果不相符,存在体重认知的偏移.可见,控制儿童青少年超重与肥胖的工作已刻不容缓,应引起全社会高度重视,从低年级儿童入手,做到早期预防.  相似文献   

肿瘤专业工作者不仅要关注患者的抗癌治疗,同时也要关注他们的康复与姑息治疗,骨转移是肿瘤患者的常见转移病灶。《恶性肿瘤骨转移及骨相关疾病临床诊疗专家共识》(2007年版)适时地对恶性肿瘤骨转移及骨相关疾病提出了指导性意见,体现了肿瘤的综合治疗原则,其特点为:(1)多学科合作的结晶;(2)以高级别循证医学证据为基础;(3)突出了实践性和可操作性。和一切“诊断规范”一样,《共识》一方面对指导肿瘤科及其他相关科室医师们的临床实践发挥积极作用,同时又需要在实践中继续得到检验。  相似文献   

从扁鹊见蔡桓公的故事思考疾病预防与早期诊断治疗的意义,分析存在的主要问题,其中很大一部分源于对疾病预防和疾病的早期诊疗的重视程度不够,进而从患者、社会、医院三方面探求其解决方法。通过提高大众的防患意识,充分发挥医院在此的优势,进一步完善医保制度等方式来解决。  相似文献   

从扁鹤见蔡桓公的故事思考疾病预防与早期诊断治疗的意义,分析存在的主要问题,其中很大一部分源于对疾病预防和疾病的早期诊疗的重视程度不够,进而从患者、社会、医院三方面探求其解决方法.通过提高大众的防患意识,充分发挥医院在此的优势,进一步完善医保制度等方式来解决.  相似文献   

肥胖的形成和发展受生物、心理和社会因素的共同作用,其中食物奖赏对肥胖的产生有重要的作用。食物是一种自然奖赏,它指机体天生对食物的渴望和依赖。食物奖赏包括"wanting"、"liking"以及"learningreinforcement"三个成分,每个成分由相应的神经通路表征。食物奖赏调控机体的摄食行为并以此调控体重变化。目前,关于肥胖与食物奖赏关系的理论模型主要有刺激—敏感化理论、奖赏过度理论以及奖赏不足理论。采用横断面设计、前瞻研究设计和纵向被试内重复测量设计,使用食物图片线索和直接给予美味奶昔的技术方法,人类脑成像研究从不同侧面为以上三个理论模型提供了证据。除此之外,食物奖赏还受基因的调控。目前,研究者关注较多的是多巴胺D2受体基因Taq IA rs1800497的多态性和FTO基因rs9939609的多态性对食物奖赏及体重改变的调控。  相似文献   

乳腺癌患者常常被各种心理问题所困扰,特别是乳腺癌根治术对女性性特征所带来的严重影响,各种心理问题更为突出。这些心理问题不但影响患者的生活质量,而且影响疾病的发生、发展及转归。本文回顾了患者的个人因素、疾病本身和治疗因素及其他社会心理因素与心理状况的关系,对乳腺癌患者进行心理干预、临床的综合诊治和防治过程提供新思路。  相似文献   

产后抑郁症相关因素及防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产后抑郁症是产妇常见的心理行为异常,严重危害产妇的身心健康,其病因复杂。用系统论方法分析产后抑郁症相关因素,论述产后抑郁症发生是由多方面因素引起,而各因素之间是相互制约、相互作用的。因此,防治产后抑郁症应从整体考虑,多种方法综合应用,以期达到最佳防治效果。  相似文献   

产后抑郁症是产妇常见的心理行为异常,严重危害产妇的身心健康,其病因复杂.用系统论方法分析产后抑郁症相关因素,论述产后抑郁症发生是由多方面因素引起,而各因素之间是相互制约、相互作用的.因此,防治产后抑郁症应从整体考虑,多种方法综合应用,以期达到最佳防治效果.  相似文献   

减肥瘦身保持苗条是很多女性热衷的话题,各种减肥药、减肥秘诀层出不穷。前不久,在湖南长沙出现了一个“气功大师”,声称只要喝“神水”发“神功”就能终身减肥,这是怎么回事呢?  相似文献   


The role of aging and culture in the attainment of wisdom is examined m this chapter. The concept of wisdom m industrialised societies is briefly explored. It is argued that both biology and culture can be positive or negative factors m the capacity of a person to be “wise.” It is concluded that, for many, the negative impact of biological factors of aging are overwhelming, but, for a few, aging enriches their insight.  相似文献   

Jens Harbecke 《Philosophia》2014,42(2):363-385
Counterfactual conditionals have been appealed to in various ways to show how the mind can be causally efficacious. However, it has often been overestimated what the truth of certain counterfactuals actually indicates about causation. The paper first identifies four approaches that seem to commit precisely this mistake. The arguments discussed involve erroneous assumptions about the connection of counterfactual dependence and genuine causation, as well as a disregard of the requisite evaluation conditions of counterfactuals. In a second step, the paper uses the insights of the foregoing analyses to formulate a set of counterfactuals-based conditions that are characterized as sufficient to establish singular causal claims. The paper concludes that there are ample reasons to believe that some mental events satisfy all these conditions with respect to certain further events and, hence, that mental events sometimes are causes.  相似文献   

Michael Esfeld 《Erkenntnis》2007,67(2):207-220
The paper argues for four claims: (1) The problem of mental causation and the argument for its solution in terms of the identity of mental with physical causes are independent of the theory of causation one favours. (2) If one considers our experience of agency as described by folk psychology to be veridical, one is committed to an anti-Humean metaphysics of causation in terms of powers that establish necessary connections. The same goes for functional properties in general. (3) A metaphysics of causation in terms of powers is compatible with physics. (4) If combined with the argument for mental causes being identical with physical causes, that metaphysics leads to a conservative reductionism.  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies - Setting off from a familiar distinction in the philosophy of properties, this paper introduces a tripartite distinction between sparse causation, abundant causation and mere...  相似文献   

The Properties of Mental Causation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent discussions of mental causation have focused on three principles: (1) Mental properties are (sometimes) causally relevant to physical effects; (2) mental properties are not physical properties; (3) every physical event has in its causal history only physical events and physical properties. Since these principles seem to be inconsistent, solutions have focused on rejecting one or more of them. But I argue that, in spite of appearances, (1)–(3) are not inconsistent. The reason is that 'properties' is used in different senses in the principles. In (1) and (3), 'properties' should be read as 'tropes' (properties here are particulars), while in (2) 'properties' should read as 'types' (properties here are universals or classes). Although mental types are distinct from physical types, every mental trope is a physical trope. This allows mental properties to be causally relevant to physical effects without violating the closed character of the physical world.  相似文献   

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