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神经质症发病机理至今尚无公认的解释。森田疗法是当前公认用于神经质症治疗的有效手段,该理论是一种集东方智慧生活哲学的体现。可以尝试从系统科学耗散结构论的角度出发来初步探讨森田疗法及其进展对于神经质发生机理与治疗存在的合理性与积极意义。  相似文献   

森田疗法是日本特有的一种疗法,主要用于神经质的治疗和心理卫生指导。本文简要介绍了森田疗法和神经质症,并在此基础上详细阐述了神经质症的治疗关键。  相似文献   

森田疗法中的认识论问题安徽医科大学(合肥230032)樊嘉禄周和岭森田疗法是日本学者森田正马先生于本世纪20年代创立的。由于它否认了欧美神经衰弱症的治疗方法,长期不被西方接受,就是在当时的日本,支持者也是寥寥无几。经过半个世纪的实践与探索,森田疗法已...  相似文献   

森田疗法被西方学术界誉为禅疗法。森田疗法受佛教之禅宗影响,这一点毋庸置疑。从其治疗模式可知:森田疗法虽与禅宗有所关联,但是与作为古印度佛教之源的原始佛教宗旨完全相悖;森田疗法依托于禅宗,但与禅宗修行的目的有本质区别;森田疗法与禅宗的关联主要体现在"顺应本心"、"参话头"、"守一不移"等观念上。换言之,森田疗法从根本上源于道家之自然,而这恰好与禅宗的形成中吸收了道家理念的事实一脉相承。因此,森田疗法名为禅疗法,非佛教修行法要,实则体现了道家自然之韵味,从根本上符合人类身心修养的旨趣和韵味。  相似文献   

针对神经症的行为疗法与森田疗法进行了多方面的比较,认为两种疗法在临床实践中都是以行为为核心的;但二者所侧重的行为并不相同,在治疗目标上也不相同,行为疗法与森田疗法在神经症治疗中存在优势互补的可能性与必要性.  相似文献   

森田疗法中的辩证法问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
森田疗法创立于 2 0世纪 2 0年代 ,在其后的半个世纪中 ,没有引起人们的重视。直到 1977年 ,世界精神医学大会对森田疗法进行了专题讨论 ,它才作为心理治疗方法的一种 ,在国际上受到关注。森田疗法带有典型的东方文化特征 ,其指导思想与中国哲学有着十分密切的联系 ,符合中国传统思维的习惯 ,因而自 80年代末传入中国以来 ,深受中国学者的亲睐。森田疗法具有丰富的哲学思想 ,我们曾撰文阐述森田疗法的认识论问题 (《医学与哲学》1997年第 6期 ) ,本文着重分析其治疗原则中的辩证法思想。1 不抗拒症状就能消除症状森田疗法认为 ,人们应该正…  相似文献   

内观疗法与森田疗法并列为两种独具特色的心理疗法,具有东方文化色彩.本文从不同方面对集中内观疗法与住院森田疗法进行比较.  相似文献   

内观疗法与森田疗法并列为两种独具特色的心理疗法,具有东方文化色彩。本文从不同方面对集中内观疗法与住院森田疗法进行比较。  相似文献   

心因性失眠是由单纯明显的个人心理因素引起的睡眠不良状况,在一定程度上影响着人们正常的学习和生活。偶然失眠是正常情况,然而,偶然失眠可能会形成长期的必然失眠,如何防止这一过程的转变是值得关注的。森田疗法的理念"顺其自然,为所当为"是治疗强迫症等的关键之所在。"顺其自然,为所当为"不仅是心理治疗的理念,更是一种开放的人生态度。本文尝试从森田疗法角度探讨如何治疗心因性失眠。森田疗法对于治疗心因性失眠有必要作出理论性探讨,以期为以后的实证研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

森田疗法与心理分析是目前我国临床上广泛应用的两种东西方心理疗法。它们都是为治疗神经症而创立的。仔细考察两种疗法 ,我的发现并不像高良武久所说的 ,森田疗法是对心理分析疗法的彻底否定[1] 。两种疗法有相似的人性观 ,因而在病因的诠释、治疗原则上同大于异 ,只是各俱其文化特色的治疗程序和具体操作方法迥然不同。1 人性的假说有关人的科学探索离不开关于人类本性的基本假说。森田和弗洛伊德的治疗模式也反映了他们对人性的理解。从决定论和自由选择这一人性维度看 ,可以说他们都是决定论者。森田认为 ,我们的身心活动是受因果法则…  相似文献   

Constructivism's ontology-based epistemology considers reality an expression of strictly subjective cognitive processes. Taking the conceptpower as an example, theeigen-dynamics of connecting these subjective constructions of reality in the socialization process are compared with this ontological epistemology. The qualities of such dynamics cannot be concluded from ontology. An alternative approach is taken here which proceeds from a sociological orientation, describes the structure and dynamics of power relations in the differentiation process of social systems, and applies to families and family therapy for an example. The conclusion draws attention to the necessity of a critical notion of power to permit discussion of ethical questions in the context of systems theory as well.Originally published as part of a special issue on the power metaphor guestedited by Klaus G. Deissler inZeitschrift fur systemische Therapie (1986),4, 243–252. Translated by S. Awodey.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the efficacy of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy (E) in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees. Sixteen outpatients fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for PTSD were randomized to one of the two treatments. Assessor and self-report measures of PTSD-symptoms, generalized anxiety, depression, quality of life and cognitive schemas were administered before and after treatment, and at a 6-month follow-up. The patients were treated individually for 16-20 weekly sessions. The results showed that both treatments resulted in large improvements on all the measures, which were maintained at the follow-up. There was no difference between E and CBT on any measure. E and CBT led to a 48 and 53% reduction on PTSD-symptoms, respectively, a 49 and 50% reduction on generalized anxiety, and a 54 and 57% reduction on depression. The results were maintained at the 6-month follow-up. The conclusion that can be drawn is that both E and CBT can be effective treatments for PTSD in refugees.  相似文献   

The specialist literature on family therapy naturally tends to focus only on the special features of what is a much larger body of skills and knowledge. To redress the balance this paper outlines the rest of the picture in various ways. About 90 separable component parts of family therapy are described. Some implications of this analysis are identified.  相似文献   

There is good evidence in other areas of therapeutic endeavour that home-based therapy may have advantages over clinic-based work for some patients. There are some families who have real difficulties in attending clinics. Despite these facts little has been written on the topic. This brief article reviews some of the objections to home-based family work and suggests possible solutions for the interested therapist.  相似文献   

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