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医学是一门实践性和应用性很强的学科,实验教学是高等医学教育中的重要组成部分,它不仅是对理论教学的补充,更是培养学生动手能力、综合分析问题、解决问题能力的重要教学环节,是培养学生的科研思维和创新精神的重要手段,具有其他教学环节不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

人际心理治疗(interpersonal psychotherapy,IPT)是世界卫生组织推荐的一线抑郁症治疗方法,它建立在实证研究基础上,通过改善人际关系来减轻病人的抑郁症状。因其成本低、易实施,近年来倍受关注。文章介绍了人际心理治疗在青少年群体中的应用过程,对比分析发现该方法治疗效果优于常规治疗,人际心理治疗对青少年自我概念及社会适应有显著改善作用。人际心理治疗与认知行为疗法一样能有效减轻患者抑郁症状,两者疗效相当。另外,人际心理治疗在青少年中还有很多形式和拓展,疗效也获得证实,值得未来做更多推广和应用性研究。  相似文献   

针对抑郁症治疗完全缓解率低,运用临床思维方法,依靠循证医学证据,首先分析了抗抑郁药物的选择、优化、更换和联合用药的治疗效益。然后辩证分析并比较了药物与心理治疗,以及药物与心理治疗的单独与联合应用对重性抑郁急性和长期治疗的疗效,以及严重重性抑郁、严重慢性抑郁的短期和长期疗效以及费用效益,为确定治则、选择治法提供帮助。  相似文献   

针对抑郁症治疗完全缓解率低,运用临床思维方法,依靠循证医学证据,首先分析了抗抑郁药物的选择、优化、更换和联合用药的治疗效益.然后辩证分析并比较了药物与心理治疗,以及药物与心理治疗的单独与联合应用对重性抑郁急性和长期治疗的疗效,以及严重重性抑郁、严重慢性抑郁的短期和长期疗效以及费用效益,为确定治则、选择治法提供帮助.  相似文献   

林虹萍 《社会心理科学》2004,19(6):42-44,56
简述抑郁症的心理治疗的不同学派的观点,心理治疗把个人关系失常当作抑郁的成因,强调感情联系在心理治疗中的重要作用;治疗师应从6个方面支持及辅导患者;具体阐述了认知疗法这一心理疗法中较新的方法用于抑郁症治疗的理论基础、目的以及实际治疗中要注意的三个方面。  相似文献   

青少年抑郁症患者的团体人际心理治疗是建立在人际心理理论基础之上,具有循证医学理论依据的心理治疗方法.它是将原本应用于治疗成人抑郁症的人际心理治疗理论和程序经过修正后应用于青少年抑郁症的治疗.实践表明,青少年抑郁症的团体治疗目标明确,实施领城广泛,具有校为明显的疗效和多方面的积极作用.但是该疗法仍然有许多未解决的问题,需要更进一步的理论突破和实务研究.  相似文献   

为了探索基于"自我"与感受、需要、能力和角色交互相整合的认知分析心理治疗模式及其在抑郁症患者治疗中的效果,对7例门诊和8例住院抑郁症患者进行心理治疗,采用HAMD和CGI-GI评估治疗的效果,并追踪治疗1年后患者的社会功能及健康状况.所有患者治疗前后HAMD分值差异显著,配对t=8.08(P<0.01),门诊与住院治疗患者HAMD分值和CGI-G1分值均无明显差异(P>0.05),但产生治疗有效的平均时间差异显著,住院者(11.6±3.6)天,门诊者(60.6±25.0)天(P<0.01).该心理治疗模型能够整合到抑郁症患者的药物治疗中,产生整体治疗效果.  相似文献   

为了探索基于"自我"与感受、需要、能力和角色交互相整合的认知分析心理治疗模式及其在抑郁症患者治疗中的效果,对7例门诊和8例住院抑郁症患者进行心理治疗,采用HAMD和CGI-GI评估治疗的效果,并追踪治疗1年后患者的社会功能及健康状况。所有患者治疗前后HAMD分值差异显著,配对t=8.08(P0.01),门诊与住院治疗患者HAMD分值和CGI-GI分值均无明显差异(P0.05),但产生治疗有效的平均时间差异显著,住院者(11.6±3.6)天,门诊者(60.6±25.0)天(P0.01)。该心理治疗模型能够整合到抑郁症患者的药物治疗中,产生整体治疗效果。  相似文献   

抑郁症的诊断与治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
抑郁症已成为全球第四大致残疾病,我国北京、上海的抑郁障碍患病率分别为2.5%和1.7%。本文阐明抑郁症发病危险因素、临床表现、自我识别、抑郁症的识别率及诊断率低的原因,并提出了抑郁症的新型抗抑郁剂治疗、物理治疗、心理治疗方法。  相似文献   

抑郁症已成为全球第四大致残疾病,我国北京、上海的抑郁障碍患病率分别为2.5%和1.7%.本文阐明抑郁症发病危险因素、临床表现、自我识别、抑郁症的识别率及诊断率低的原因,并提出了抑郁症的新型抗抑郁荆治疗、物理治疗、心理治疗方法.  相似文献   

Our present age is characterized by rapid processes of social transformation due to the rise of the systems sciences, computers and information technology. Part I of this paper distinguishes two perspectives for an interpretation of the ongoing evolution of our society as influenced by these newer developments in science and technology. From a structural perspective we argue that they have not created a society with entirely new structures, but just an expansion and intensification of the organizational‐technical systems which have typified the technological society since the Industrial Revolution. From a worldview perspective on our society we conclude that “systems rationalism” reinforces the prevailing technical worldview which fosters a progressive technical control and streamlining of society and human adaptation to its framework.  相似文献   

陈图农  武欣  王志庆 《心理科学》2007,30(4):990-993
认知模型认为抑郁个体存在认知加工的偏向,但是,相对于外显认知,抑郁的内隐认知研究较少。现有研究表明:抑郁个体沉迷于特定的内隐认知偏向:抑郁个体倾向于注意环境中的负性刺激;在概念驱动内隐记忆测验中表现出偏向;更可能呈现出无望感的内隐态度。内隐认知可能是抑郁个体维持抑郁的重要因素,在治疗中,可采用知觉内隐认知、扩展功能失调思维记录、记忆日志和增进注意控制等认知技术改变抑郁患者的内隐认知偏向。  相似文献   

According to psychotherapy outcome literature, treatments for major depressive disorder (MDD) yield impressive results. Study after study demonstrates the efficacy of brief, evidence-based interventions for depressed individuals. Nevertheless, MDD continues to exact a devastating toll on modern society. The World Health Organization has identified it as the leading cause of disability worldwide. This reality is surprising given the implications from the academic literature. A historical analysis of MDD treatment suggests that most people with MDD experienced complete remission and enhanced outcomes when long-term, psychodynamically influenced treatments prevailed. An analysis of the system that perpetuates the brief intervention model for MDD, managed care, is discussed. This analysis is followed by a case study that illustrates the harm managed care can do to patients with MDD who are not permitted treatment of longer duration. Implications and recommendations for psychologists to intervene at the micro and macro levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Adolescent depression is a serious and common disorder. Though adolescent males are less likely to report depression than females, they have serious risks associated with the disorder, like suicide, future substance abuse, and illegal activity. Several gender differences have been observed among depressed adolescents and should be considered in assessment and treatment. Little efficacy research exists for family treatments of depression in adolescent males, though several approaches have been proposed. These approaches include Structural Family Therapy, Interpersonal Family Therapy, and Attachment-Based Family Therapy. These treatments have been found useful in clinical settings, but much more efficacy research is necessary.  相似文献   

With depression estimated to exist in as much as 10% of the population, it may be the most prevalent problem facing counselors today. S. D. Hollon, M. E. Thase, and J. C. Markowitz (2002) reviewed the extensive research comparing various psychotherapeutic and pharmaceutical approaches to treating depression. They concluded that certain psychotherapy approaches are as effective as medications, but much remains uncertain about effective treatment. This article reviews the authors' analyses and presents implications for the counseling profession.  相似文献   

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