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就肿瘤患者输血相关的几个问题进行探讨,提出如何权衡输血对肿瘤患者的有益作用与危害,在肿瘤患者输血中如何进行自体输血及血液替代品的应用,从而推进我国输血医学的发展。  相似文献   

对肾移植输血问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就肾移植受者输血的几个问题进行了回顾和探讨。提出肾移植受者输血应该考虑的问题有:如何权衡输血对肾移植受者的有益作用与输血风险,输血医学的发展如何为肾移植提供更有力的保障,应该深入探讨输血有益于肾移植的机制,推进供者特异性输血在我国的应用。  相似文献   

一名宗教信仰者输血引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
输血挽救了无数危重患者的生命,但少数宗教信仰者在自己或其家属急需输血时却拒绝输血治疗,而目前我国的法律法规在这一方面尚无明确规定,在此种情况下是否输血,医师处于两难的选择,也较易引起医患纠纷,为此建议我国卫生及其司法部门尽快制定相关法律法规,使医务工作者,在遇到此类问题时有章可循,有法可依。  相似文献   

输血挽救了无数危重患者的生命,但少数宗教信仰者在自己或其家属急需输血时却拒绝输血治疗,而目前我国的法律法规在这一方面尚无明确规定,在此种情况下是否输血,医师处于两难的选择,也较易引起医患纠纷,为此建议我国卫生及其司法部门尽快制定相关法律法规,使医务工作者,在遇到此类问题时有章可循,有法可依.  相似文献   

本文介绍了输血技术研究的历史过程和最新发展。通过对输血技术发展历史的分析,总结了前段的研究成果和思维方式。并从马克思主义认识论的高度加以分析,验证了马克思认识论的科学性,为促进输血技术的发展提供了有力的理论指导和依据。  相似文献   

现行法律、法规规定,无过错输血感染的法律责任采取过错责任归责原则,意味着当医患双方均无过错而又造成输血感染的损害后果时,完全由患者承担损害后果,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神.无过错输血感染法律责任应当规定为公平责任,这样才能更好地既保护医方利益又保护患方利益.  相似文献   

现行法律、法规规定,无过错输血感染的法律责任采取过错责任归责原则,意味着当医患双方均无过错而又造成输血感染的损害后果时,完全由患者承担损害后果,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神。无过错输血感染法律责任应当规定为公平责任,这样才能更好地既保护医方利益又保护患方利益。  相似文献   

肿瘤与肿瘤标志物研究中证据的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着对肿瘤研究的深入,人类发现的肿瘤标志物越来越多。目前有一定临床价值的肿瘤标志物已达100多种,但经过10多年的临床实践发现,肿瘤与其标志物之间的关系错综复杂。现有的许多研究中实验设计以及对结果的分析都存在着一些问题,得出的结论缺乏直接或确凿的证据,甚至出现偏差的结论,以致于影响到临床的准确应用。所以,有必要对此进行总结和探讨,以期有效发挥肿瘤标志物的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

随着对肿瘤研究的深入,人类发现的肿瘤标志物越来越多.目前有一定临床价值的肿瘤标志物已达100多种,但经过10多年的临床实践发现,肿瘤与其标志物之间的关系错综复杂.现有的许多研究中实验设计以及对结果的分析都存在着一些问题.得出的结论缺乏直接或确凿的证据,甚至出现偏差的结论,以致于影响到临床的准确应用.所以,有必要对此进行总结和探讨,以期有效发挥肿瘤标志物的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

部分细胞因子对肿瘤双向作用思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Several critical neuroanatomical structures and pathways for memory performance are located in the third ventricle region. This led us to predict that verbal memory abilities would be more impaired in children treated for third ventricle tumors compared to those treated for cerebellar tumors. Archival data was obtained from 24 pediatric patients with third ventricle region tumors and 18 pediatric patients with cerebellar tumors. Neuroradiological verifications of tumor involvement and hydrocephalus severity (i.e., Evans Index) on preoperative scans and MRIs proximal to the time of the neuropsychological evaluation were conducted. The potential confounds of hydrocephalus severity, seizure medication, age, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy were addressed. Verbal IQ was comparable between tumor groups and in the Average range. The third ventricle region group performed significantly worse on list learning and delayed list recall compared to the cerebellar group. Their mean performance was in the clinically impaired range on both trials. The third ventricle region tumor group performed better than the cerebellar tumor group on Digit Span, a basic repetition, attention span task. These findings support the hypothesis that pediatric patients with third ventricle region brain tumors are more likely to be impaired on verbal recall tasks compared to pediatric patients with cerebellar brain tumors. In contrast, patients who were treated for cerebellar tumors were more impaired on the basic repetition, attention span task compared to patients who were treated for third ventricle tumors. Future studies should examine the specific neuroanatomical structures and pathways that are damaged and may influence differential cognitive impairments in children.  相似文献   

生存质量在晚期肿瘤疗效评价中的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
传统的肿瘤疗效评价方法多采用治愈率、生存率等指标来衡量。随着传统医学模式向生物一心理一社会医学模式转变,生存质量越来越受到重视。生存质量从一个新的角度评价治疗效果,更重视患者的主观感受,而不是仅将临床客观指标作为评价标准,能更客观地指导治疗方案的选择。  相似文献   

The author used a rationalistic cognitive approach to identify typical thought content among female college students with bulimia. The study compared overall depression scores on the Beck Depression Inventoy between women with bulimia and women in a control group and examined differences in specific depression items. Results indicated that women with bulimia are more depressed than are controls and have distorted thoughts regarding body image, self-blame, somatic preoccupation, guilt, and suicidal ideation. By emphasizing competition, perfection, motivation, and attractiveness, the college environment may exacerbate distorted thinking, thus indirectly contributing to the development and maintenance of bulimia. A treatment approach focusing on cognition is proposed.  相似文献   

This study examined a model for brief psychological assessment for providing primary psychological care to patients within a surgical, specialty outpatient clinic to provide early and accurate detection of psychological distress in patients to increase compassionate care. Questionnaires were completed by 351 outpatients and 227 of these outpatients were provided a model of primary care (brief psychological intervention). Patients were assessed and provided coping strategies, patient education, and a brief evaluation of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Psychologists, in a brief interview (mean = 12 min) identified individuals experiencing significant psychological distress. The ratings of emotional status also predicted health quality of life and anxiety. Younger individuals presenting for medical care appear to be more vulnerable to psychological distress. Brief psychological interventions provide accurate, efficient assessment of psychological distress and can be an effective way of increasing compassionate care. The results support the use of primary care psychology and brief psychological interventions in the management of medical patient care.  相似文献   

Medically ill patients face unique physical and emotional challenges that place them at increased risk for symptoms of depression and anxiety. Despite high prevalence and significant impact, depression and anxiety are infrequently treated in the medically ill because of a variety of patient, provider, and system factors. The current article describes the development of an innovative, modular-based cognitive-behavioral intervention (Adjusting to Chronic Conditions Using Education Support and Skills [ACCESS]) that integrates treatment for symptoms of anxiety and depression with medical disease self-management in patients with heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Data from 3 patients who participated in an ongoing open clinical trial are reviewed to illustrate the feasibility, acceptability, and potential strengths and limitations of this intervention.  相似文献   

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