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《Psychologie Fran?aise》2022,67(1):49-59
The objective of this research was to determine to what extent the effect of higher-frequency orthographic neighbourhood in a word colour-categorization task is changed during aging when processing speed is taken into account. In addition, the effect of the lexicality of the stimuli on colour categorization was examined, as well as its variation according to age and processing speed. Fifty-two young adults (Mage = 21.62) and 52 older adults (Mage = 66.04) participated in this study. For each age group, two sub-groups were created according to the processing speed of the participants as measured by the WAIS Coding subtest. Two conditions of words (written in red, yellow, green or blue) were presented in a colour-categorization task. Half of the words did not have any orthographic neighbours (e.g., pistil [pistil]), while the other half had a higher-frequency neighbour (e.g., tirade [tirade]/TIRAGE [draw]). A control condition with a series of Xs was added to test the influence of the effect of the lexicality of words on the colour-categorization times. As a whole, the results showed slower colour-categorization times for words compared to a series of Xs, which did not vary with age and processing speed. Importantly, the results showed that orthographic neighbourhood frequency interacted with age and processing speed, on colour categorization response times. More precisely, the neighbourhood frequency effect was found to vary differently according to processing speed in each age group. For the fastest young adults, the facilitatory effect of higher-frequency orthographic neighbourhood was obtained, whereas no such effect was found for the slowest young adults. The fastest older adults did not exhibit any effect of higher-frequency orthographic neighbourhood whereas a facilitatory effect was observed for the slowest older adults. Therefore, these data suggest that both aging and the processing speed of the participants influence the interference effect of reading on colour categorization. These findings are discussed in the context of cognitive aging theories and models of written word recognition.  相似文献   

Many international scientific studies underline the advantage of bilingual children in oral language. This is especially evident in their meta-linguistic skills, as well as their writing, reading and written expression. Bilingualism could facilitate meta-linguistic development by allowing the child to differentiate early formal and semantic aspects of the code, perceive the arbitrary relationship between “ signified ” and “ significant ” and develop greater cognitive flexibility. This study, conducted in French Polynesia, had examined the specific effect of bilingual program on the morphological awareness and the cross-lingual effects of Tahitian-French transfers via the written word. A group of 128 Polynesian students were followed longitudinally from the end of First Grade to the end of Fifth Grade. Of these 128 students, 59 were part of an experimental group involved beginning in the First Grade, in two successive educational programs with five hours per week of Polynesian language and culture, which included systematic learning of reading and writing in Tahitian. A selection of 69 other students, who had never participated in these programs, constituted the control group. All students were tested each year on their oral language skills in French and Tahitian. At the end of Third Grade, a morphological awareness assessment in French was introduced (Reder et al., 2013), as well as a task of word recognition (TIME3 of Ecalle, 2006), a reading-comprehension (Lobrot, 1980) and spelling tasks (ECS3, Khomsi, 1998). These standardized assessments have been adapted in Tahitian. The first results acknowledged a positive effect of the bilingual education curriculum on Tahitian oral skills and on cross-lingual links between written skills and morphological awareness. In addition, the Tahitian word recognition greatly helped to explain the French written skills, after controlling the level of French morphological awareness.  相似文献   

IntroductionVocational identity construction is a core developmental task from adolescence to emerging adulthood. It is based on six processes assessed by a self-report scale, the “Vocational Identity Status Assessment” (VISA) designed in English by Porfeli et al. (2011).ObjectiveThe aim of the current study was to validate a French version of the VISA both for research considerations and applications to help in adapting individual assistance and counseling to adolescent and emerging adult students.MethodParticipants were 1655 French adolescent and emerging adult students. The identity processes were assessed by three scales: the VISA, the DIDS and the U-MICS.ResultsThe statistical analyses we performed allowed to test the psychometric properties of the VISA and to identify six vocational identity statuses previously defined in the literature. Moreover, the presentation of two individual profiles illustrated the opportunities for application.ConclusionThe VISA is a self-report questionnaire with good psychometric properties, and useful for the identification of the processes involved in the vocational identity construction.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(4):319-332
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the affective self-regulatory efficacy scale (EARAS) in a French sample. The instrument was developed from an adaptation to the sport context of a scale measuring this construct in everyday life (Bandura et al., 1996, 2001, 2003). A series of four complementary studies was carried out with a total sample of 669 students to: (a) develop a preliminary version of EARAS (study 1), (b) confirm the factorial structure of the instrument and examine its invariance (study 2), (c) evaluate the stability of the instrument (study 3), and (d) examine the construct validity of the scale (study 4). The bifactor model of affective self-regulatory efficacy provided the best fit. The EARAS presents satisfactory psychometric properties and constitutes a reliable and valid instrument for developing future research on the role of affective self-regulatory efficacy with in the sports activities of French people.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Exercise Dependence Questionnaire (EDQ) conceptualises exercise dependence (ED) within both traditional biomedical and psychosocial perspectives. This tool is a valid and reliable multidimensional measure of ED.ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to examine the internal consistency, test-retest reliability and factorial validity of the EDQ, in a French language version. In comparison to other existing scales like the EDS (Exercise Dependance Scale), the EDQ emphases not only the symptoms of addiction but also the motivations to exercise.MethodThe French language version of the EDQ was completed by 160 participants (60% male, students and practitioners leisures of sports activities). Participants completed the EDS and measures of exercise behavior.ResultsAdequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the scale were obtained. Confirmatory analysis (SPSS 16) supported a correlated eight-factor model, as suggested by Ogden, Veale and Summers (1997). The model fit indices were satisfying, RMSEA = 0.048; CFI = 0.90; IFI = 0.91; Chi2/dll = 1.38. This study provides evidence for the reliability and validity of the French language version of the EDQ. The convergent validity of this scale with the Exercise Dependence Scale was r = 0.52. These two scales appear more complementary than redundant. The EDS focuses more on the strict definition of the dependence whereas the EDQ adds a motivational perspective often link to eating disorders.ConclusionThe EDQ can be thus used in the clinical and studies framework on the exercise dependence.  相似文献   

IntroductionExacerbated rejection sensitivity is a psychological process strongly present in certain personality disorders. Berenson et al. (2013) developed the Adult Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (A-RSQ), which evaluates the anxious expectation of perceived rejection by people close to them.ObjectiveThe purpose of our study was to investigate the psychometric qualities of a French version of the A-RSQ.MethodThis study was conducted with 140 French participants. The participants completed online our French translation of the A-RSQ and the Borderline Symptoms List (BSL-23), the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised Questionnaire (ECR-R) and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Self-reported (LSAS-SR).ResultsThe internal validity of the A-RSQ is acceptable. The A-RSQ is positively and significantly correlated with the three reference scales: BSL-23, LSAS-SR and ECR-R. Factor analysis suggests a three-factor structure.ConclusionThis French version of the A-RSQ presents psychometric qualities comparable to its original version. This tool may be useful to researchers and clinicians interested in relationship problems, particularly in the context of borderline personality disorder where rejection sensitivity is a central process.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2020,2020(164):111-128
Medical doctors are often asked by patients victim of harassment, or even by the authorities, to establish medical certificate. Harassment is a complex phenomenon, covering a wide range of behaviours occurring in multiple situations. The writing of such a certificate can prove to be difficult, can be a cause of legal proceedings for clinicians, especially at a disciplinary level. Moreover, the evaluation is all the more complex since the qualification of harassment by the judge sometimes requires an evaluation of the impact on the victims under the form of a Total Work Incapacity (TWI) duration, but not under all the circumstances existing in French law. In this article, we first propose to address general consideration towards the writing of the certificate, before doing a systematic review of the successive evolutions of French penal and labour law regarding harassment in its most frequent forms. Finally, we propose to address the matter of victims evaluation, especially towards TWI duration evaluation, which does not seem to us an adapted tool regarding the fact that harassment is usually a chronical and durable phenomenon.  相似文献   

This study proposes to apply the paradigm of Churchill in the case of the adaptation in french and validation of the Maignan and Ferrell scale (1999) based on the model developed by Carroll (1979). This model proposes to distinguish four principles of social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. Four factors were highlighted in a first exploratory study conducted among 320 workers. This structure was confirmed during a second confirmatory investigation among 287others workers. If the four identified factors do not match exactly to the theoretical chosen model, they bring value to support the differences in social responsibility between the internal actors and external actors.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(3):273-288
IntroductionThese last years have been marked by an evolution as to how people feed themselves, highlighting a growing interest for vegetarian food. Vegetarianism at large refers to several types of food that are characterized by the partial or total exclusion of animal foods. This study aims at relating various elements associated to vegetarianism, such as eating motives, behaviors, self-perception and others’ perception, in relation with the notion of identity.MethodParticipants were recruited via vegetarian and vegan (for food and for lifestyle) groups on Facebook, once their agreement was obtained. Six interviews were conducted by a clinical psychologist around the notion of being and identity related to food, as well as the food history of the individual and his/her family. The use of retrospective investigation makes possible to establish a continuity between the past and the current eating behavior. These interviews, once manually transcribed, were the subject of a complex semantic analysis via TROPES software (version 8.4).ResultsThe results showed a major use of state's and identity's verbs (being, becoming, “I”) and the personal pronoun “we”, referring to a construction of both individual and collective identity around the diet. The commitment to vegetarian/vegan diet has been primarily motivated by ethical concern. And, positive feelings have emerged following the adoption of this type of diet, such as pride, inner purity and a sense of being healthy and holy. Despite the fact that their diet is ethically focused, participants spontaneously addressed the issue of weight and body image.Discussion/conclusionWhatever the food's history of participants, identifications to disorders related to body image or identifications to weight categories have preceded the identification to a specific diet. And the following of a vegetarian/vegan diet appears at the base of positive feelings toward oneself and a better self-esteem. So, we can assume that adopting a vegetarian/vegan diet could improve self-perception. Otherwise, the ethical choice mentioned by the participants, may be an acceptable sociable justification to control more or less the fate of their body (inside and outside). More research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of vegetarian/vegan diet, to explore the personality profiles of individuals and their relation to the body.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is (1) to test the hypothesis of the primacy of subjective factors (professional representations) compared to objective factors of activity (ratio of police to population and ratio of police to reported offences) and sociobiographic factors (age and seniority), in the determination of the professional exhaustion expressed by French policemen in the current context of administrative reforms. A determination of professional representations and professional exhaustion by the status of the policemen are also advanced (2). The empirical study (N=143) confirmed these expectations and allowed to engage a psychosocial analysis concerning identity issues connected to professional representations within the framework of politics of prevention of the police professional exhaustion.  相似文献   

IntroductionFatalistic beliefs have a deleterious effect on the adoption of healthy behaviours and well-being of individuals. In health domain, there are tools in the literature to measure those beliefs in several cultures, but none are suitable for an African context, precisely in Cameroon.ObjectiveThis study aimed to validate the French-cultural version of the 20-item health fatalism scale of Shen et al. in a Cameroonian population.MethodIn a sample of 652 participants (331 women and 321 men) aged from 15 to 61 years, this scale was translated, adapted and its psychometric qualities assessed.ResultsExploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that in the Cameroonian context, a four-dimensional model with 18 items was more adjusted. The extracted factors were: luck, ineluctability of disease, pessimism and pre-determination.ConclusionThe health fatalism scale French version can be used effectively to evaluate fatalistic beliefs in the African context precisely in Cameroon, in order to adapt community health interventions aimed at eradicating risky behaviours.  相似文献   

An approach to the evolution of the relations between school and career counselling activities and those of personnel selection during the 20th century in France leads to distinguish between three periods. During the first one, these activities (organised around the notion of aptitudes) were close. The second period was marked by the birth of procedures for selecting and distributing the students within the school organisation: vocational counselling activities grew apart from those in the domains of employment counselling and selection. In the last period (characterized by a high unemployment rate and a growth of very flexible forms of work and employment) these different activities – organised around the notion of competence – came closer. In short, these activities appear to find their meaning only through their reciprocal links, in connection with the kind of work and school organizations where they take place.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2023,68(2):191-207
The purpose of this article is to present the adaptation and the validation of the Positivity Scale (Caprara, Alessandri, Eisenberg, Kupfer, Steca, Caprara, & Abela, 2012) through three studies of 840 adults. Positivity, which is a common latent factor between self-esteem, optimism and life satisfaction (Alessandri, Caprara, & Tisak, 2012; Caprara, Steca, Alessandri, Abela, & McWhinnie, 2010), is “the tendency to view life and experiences with a positive outlook” (Caprara et al., 2012, p. 701). Confirmatory factor analysis supports the unidimensionality of factor G Positivity, coexisting with two specific factors, optimism and self-esteem. The instrument attest very good reliability and the high level of temporal stability indicate a very good fidelity. The validity was demonstrated by a good convergence with self-esteem, optimism, life satisfaction as well as positive affect and good divergence with negative affect. The study of the discriminant validity establishes that it differs from scales measuring self-esteem, optimism and life satisfaction. The study of incremental validity shows that it can contribute significantly, through the effect of three constructs in a single dimension, to the prediction of psychological phenomena. This research provides a valid 7-item scale to measure positivity in French.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Invalidating Childhood Environments Scale (ICES) was developed by Mountford et al. (2007) in order to measure the parental invalidation of the child's emotional needs from the adolescent or young adult perception.ObjectiveThe aim of this study is the validation in French of the ICES based on its factorial structure and psychometric property.MethodParticipants included 585 freshmen university students (186 males, 399 females), aged 18–22.ResultsResults show that the French version had good psychometric validity. Factorial analyses indicate a two dimensions construct structure identical for each parent. These dimensions were labeled “personal distress” and “inability of empathy” in reference of Batson's studies on altruism (Batson, 1991). The convergent validity of the ICES is supported by the relationship between the scores on the different dimensions and the depression symptomatology.ConclusionImplications of the perception of these two dimensions of empathy and the family environment in the psychological health are addressed.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2023,29(2):107-123
There are many studies exploring the link between meaning and learning. However, none of it examines the link between parental educational practices and the meaning of schooling. Based on a review of the literature, the objective of this article is to test the hypothesis of a link between the educational practices that high school students benefit from and the meanings that they attribute to school. Thus, we assume that educational practices play a predictive role in different processes of elaboration of the meaning of education by high school students (GH). The analysis of the results collected with the help of a measurement instrument consisting of two variables: the PEP – measuring parental educational practices – and the meaning of education (MOE) – measuring the meaning of education – questioning 390 French high school students, confirm our general hypotheses. Furthermore, it appears that a flexible educational practice is associated with a high level of meaning attributed to the school; conversely, a rigid educational practice is associated with a low level of meaning attributed to the school; and finally, a weak educational practice is not associated with an absence of meaning attributed to the school.  相似文献   

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