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This paper reports features of a distinctly post‐structuralist ‘outcome evaluation’ of a New Zealand stopping violence programme for men who have assaulted their spouses. Through analysis of pre‐ and post‐programme interviews it was found that the men's accounts of their violence shifted as a consequence of their participation in and exposure to the programme's discursive resources. Overall the men's accounts demonstrated movement towards taking greater ownership and responsibility for their actions. However this trend was not universal and was mitigated through other pre‐programme discursive resources. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study reports a group‐randomized trial of a theatre‐based intervention to prevent sexual abuse targeting first and second grade primary school children in Germany. A sample of 148 first and second graders saw a live performance of a play designed to promote skills in dealing with abuse‐prone interactions with adults, watched a recording of the play on DVD or were assigned to a no intervention control group. Both the live performance and the DVD groups showed significant increases in the target variables (distinguishing good/bad touch and secrets, getting help, rejecting unwanted touch) from baseline to post‐intervention and a follow‐up after 2 weeks, while the control group did not show changes. The live performance and DVD groups participated in a further follow‐up 30 weeks post‐intervention, which showed sustained effects of the intervention. The findings indicate that with appropriately culture‐sensitive measures, sexual abuse prevention programmes can have sustainable effects with young primary school children. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Violence against children is prevalent across all countries and cultures, with the burden of child injury and violence heaviest in low‐ and middle‐income (LAMI) settings. There are several types of program to prevent child abuse, with family‐based approaches to prevention being the most comprehensively researched and successful interventions in high‐income settings. In LAMI countries, however, there is very little research evidence for the prevention of child abuse. We conducted a systematic search of relevant databases for studies published between 1995 and 2011 and the search revealed only one relevant study. There is thus a need for research into child maltreatment prevention in LAMI settings, taking account of local resources and contexts. In the light of the lack of evidence, we focus on two case studies that document the use of home visiting by community health workers perinatally to improve maternal and child outcomes. We propose four areas for action moving forward, including increased investment in early intervention and prevention programs, development of a research agenda that prioritizes prevention research, integration of implementation research into efforts to scale up interventions, and improving systematically collected information on child maltreatment.  相似文献   

Adult attachment has been studied as an important predictor of romantic relationship quality in many empirical studies. This meta‐analysis quantitatively summarized the associations between the two insecure adult attachment dimensions, anxiety and avoidance, and cognitive, emotional, and behavioral indicators of romantic relationship quality based on 73 previous studies with 118 independent samples of 21 602 individuals. More importantly, we examined the different effects of anxiety and avoidance on relationship quality. We also tested the potential moderating effects of gender on the strength of these associations. Meta‐analytic results confirmed that both anxiety and avoidance were detrimental to the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of relationship quality. Compared with anxiety, avoidance was more negatively associated with general satisfaction, connectedness, and general support in relationships. In contrast, anxiety was more positively associated with general conflict in relationships. The moderating effect of gender was weak. However, supplementary analyses found that the type of couple interaction measures (self‐report versus observation) significantly moderated the relations between insecure attachments and the behavioral indicators of relationship quality. Our results integrate and extend previous findings about the dynamics of adult attachment and romantic relationship quality. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the urgent need for promoting positive intergroup relations in schools, research on intergroup relations is not systematically translated into prejudice‐reduction interventions. Although prejudice‐reduction interventions in schools based on indirect contact have been conducted for decades, they have all been carried out by researchers themselves. In a field experiment in Finland in autumn 2015, we tested for the first time a vicarious contact prejudice‐reduction intervention for its effectiveness among adolescents (= 639) when implemented independently by school teachers instead of researchers. In addition, we tested the extent to which the intervention's effect depends on initial outgroup attitudes, previous direct outgroup contact experiences, and gender, hypothesizing that the intervention improves outgroup attitudes particularly among adolescents with more negative prior attitudes and less positive prior direct contact, and more among girls than among boys. We found an unanticipated overall deterioration in the outgroup attitudes during intervention in both the experimental and control groups. However, attitudes seemed to deteriorate somewhat less in the experimental than in the control group, and the intervention had a significant positive effect on outgroup attitudes in one experimental subgroup that needed it most: girls who had negative rather than positive outgroup attitudes at the outset. We discuss our results in light of previous research and contextual particularities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the process and merits of a post‐structuralist approach to participant observation and describes the use of this research strategy in evaluating a community based ‘stopping violence’ programme. While the participant observation research strategy is commonly employed as a ‘process evaluation’ method (Rossi and Freeman, 1993 ) it's role within a distinctly post‐structuralist programme is a novel application of a well‐established research strategy. This has significant implications for how social scientists may approach both participant observation and evaluation in the future. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evaluation of alleged sexual abuse at day‐care centres usually has to be based mainly on child statements about their own victimisation. This study points at other possible sources of information. Thus, the child may give contributions to the investigative procedure also as a witness of abuse of other children, as a participator of group interaction related to abuse and as a receiver of a disclosure about abuse from another child. Data are presented from a case where the suspect had confessed. A quarter of the children at the day‐care centre had given information about other children's exposure. For more than half of the children, there were witness statements that reflected what these particular children might have been exposed to. Context and statement characteristics seemed to make an evaluation of some of these statements possible. Information about interaction between children and about disclosures between children was strikingly scarce which was probably due to the lack of questions from parents and investigators in these areas. Witness statements from children about other children's exposure to abuse stand out as an interesting complementary source of information in investigations of abuse at day‐care centres and may also provide a basis for interpretations at a group level. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High levels of teacher–child conflict have repeatedly been found to amplify children's aggressive behaviour. Up to now, however, research on possible mechanisms explaining this link is largely lacking. The current study aimed to test whether children's self‐esteem is an intervening mechanism. Participants were 139 children (70 boys, M age = 6.18 years) and their teachers from 35 classes in 19 schools who were followed longitudinally throughout first grade. Teacher–child conflict was measured during the first trimester (October to December), children's self‐esteem (three child interviews) during the second trimester (January to March) and children's aggressive behaviour during the first and third trimester (April to June). Teacher–child conflict had a significant indirect effect on changes in children's aggressive behaviour across first grade through its effect on children's self‐esteem. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to describe the development and assessment of the Community Awareness Motivation Partnership (CAMP) Teen Theatre intervention. Based on the behavioural ecological model, CAMP addressed the role of contraceptive use in safe sex behaviour through a brief informative, entertaining, and culturally responsive dramatization programme. Adolescents (N = 1613) between the ages of 11 and 18 (M = 13.31, SD = 0.76) received the intervention, and 961 participants completed both pre‐ and post‐tests. The majority of participants were Latino (78.5%, n = 1039), many of whom were first generation immigrants. Results indicated that the intervention increased participants' reported intentions to delay sex and use contraceptives. The intervention produced short‐term changes in safe‐sex behavioural intentions and knowledge. Suggestions for producing long‐term changes were discussed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given the prevalence of children and families who experience disabilities, this study examined how 141 instructors from programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs cover disability‐related content in their curriculum. The study also examined the influence self‐perceived disability‐related competencies have on whether and how instructors infuse disability‐related content into counselor pedagogy. Limitations and implications for counselor educators are presented. Dada la prevalencia de niños y familias que experimentan discapacidades, este estudio examinó cómo 141 docentes de programas acreditados por el Consejo de Acreditación en Consejería y Programas Educativos Relacionados (CACREP, por sus siglas en inglés) presentan los contenidos relacionados con la discapacidad en sus currículums. El estudio también examinó la influencia que tienen las competencias autopercibidas relacionadas con la discapacidad sobre si los docentes incluyen contenidos relacionados con la discapacidad en la pedagogía de consejeros y de qué forma lo hacen. Se presentan las limitaciones e implicaciones para educadores de consejeros.  相似文献   

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