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Female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) which have actively terminated mating with one male will respond in succession to two or more novel males. However, mating with the first male results in a reduction in receptivity shown toward a second male, with the size of the decrease being proportional to the amount of copulatory stimuli provided by the first male. Furthermore, the decreased receptivity shown toward the second male results in his achieving fewer ejaculations. These effects are more pronounced when the second mating occurs 5 min or 8 h after the first mating than when it occurs 1 or 4 h later, suggesting both short-term and long-term inhibitory effects. Copulation with a single male also effects a 40% shortening of behavioral receptivity. In a promiscuous species such as the hamster, prolonged copulation by the male may enhance the short-term inhibition of female receptivity, thereby reducing the risk of subsequent sperm displacement. The long-term effect occurs too late to affect sperm competition and may, instead, function to reduce the risk of predation as a result of unnecessary further mating.  相似文献   

The role of conspecific chemical cues in the activation of sexual behavior was investigated in the female musk shrew (Suncus murinus). In Experiment 1, virgin female musk shrews were exposed to either clean cages or cages recently vacated by an adult male. Regardless of whether the male used for the sexual behavior test was "familiar" to the female (having spent the 24 h exposure in his vacant cage) or "unfamiliar," females exposed to male-related cues received mounts from males significantly sooner than females exposed to clean cages. In Experiment 2, females housed for 24 h in a cage soiled by an adult male allowed males to mount significantly sooner than females housed in a cage soiled by a castrated male, another female, or a clean cage. These results demonstrate that chemical cues, produced exclusively by adult males, promote sexual receptivity in female musk shrews.  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of the female golden hamster to a sexually experienced male were analyzed as a function of the stage of the female's estrous cycle. Exogenous estradiol or estradiol followed by progesterone was given to ovariectomized females to determine the role of these hormones in the regulation of cyclic changes in the female's response to the male. Females were paired on a daily basis with sexually active males for 10 min, and behavioral interactions were recorded. Significantly more fighting occurred during early diestrus than later in the cycle. During the 24 hr preceding sexual receptivity, fighting was infrequent. BY 8 HR PRIOR TO THE ONSET OF SEXUAL RECEPTIVITY, 86% OF THE POPULATION EXHIBITED A BEHAVIOR RESEMBLING THE ONSET OF LORDOSIS WITHOUT IMMOBILIZATION (PRELORDOSIS). Following ovariectomy fighting was at a high level (80%--90%). Estradiol replacement, over a 28-day test period, resulted in a significant decrease in aggression and a significant increase in the display of the prelordotic response without inducing lordosis. Initially, the treatment with progesterone following 7 days of estradiol treatment caused the female to display lordosis. After 24 hr a significant increase in aggression, which continued as long as progesterone was present, was observed. After removal of progesterone a significant decrease in aggression occurred. Thus, estradiol causes the female to become tolerant of the male's approach, the female exhibiting prelordosis in response to the male's investigation. Estradiol and progesterone are necessary for normal sexual receptivity; however, after 24 hr, estrogen-progesterone-treated females become agonistic to the male.  相似文献   

In many non-human primate species, female red displays are a signal of sexual receptivity and this signal attracts male conspecifics. In the present research, we proposed and tested a human analog whereby perceived sexual receptivity mediates the relation between red and sexual attraction in men viewing women. Two experiments were conducted, each of which provided support for the hypothesized mediational model. Experiment 1 documented the mediational role of perceived sexual receptivity using the experimental–causal-chain approach, and Experiment 2 did so using the measurement-of-mediation approach. Alternative mediator variable candidates were ruled out, and participants showed no evidence of awareness of the red effect. These findings document red as a subtle, but surprisingly powerful environmental stimulus that can serve parallel functions in the mating game for human and non-human primates.  相似文献   

Abstract: To ensure the effectiveness of the mate‐choice behavior of female house mice (Mus domesticus), we observed them in two different situations that involved restriction of the area of movement of the male mice. In Experiment 1, we observed 12 trios consisting of two male mice and an estrous female placed in a chamber in which none of the animals was restricted during the 6‐h test. It was found that the female was more receptive to the male that had ejaculated with it first. Additionally, when the female initiated the mating event by approaching the male, the lordosis quotient was higher than that when the male initiated the mating event. In Experiment 2, a female was able to visit two males that were prevented from getting out of small boxes. As a result of the 3‐h observation of 10 cases, it was found that the females were more receptive to the dominant male. The intromission ratio of the dominant male was also higher than that of the subordinate male. The behavioral roles of female mice in mating interactions and their adaptive validity are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual receptivity to males resulted from stimulation of the vagina with a glass rod in previously unreceptive ovariectomized, estrogen-treated rats. Several minutes of rejection behavior preceded the receptivity. In a second study, manual palpation was used to determine the duration of the lordosis response facilitation. Initially, all females were unresponsive to manual flank-perineum stimulation (palpation). Vaginal stimulation plus palpation, which together elicit lordosis, facilitated subsequent lordosis responses to palpation. This effect persisted for several hours after the vaginal stimulation was applied. Vaginal stimulation alone, which was ineffective in eliciting lordosis, also facilitated lordosis in response to subsequent palpation. Repeated palpation did not facilitate lordosis. These prolonged effects were independent of hormone treatment.  相似文献   

Preference tests in a novel environment (Experiment 1) and unobtrusive observations in a specialized living environment (Experiment 2) examined the attractiveness of various classes of conspecifics for maturing guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). It was found that (a). the young continued to remain near the mother well beyond weaning; (b). there was increased time spent with unrelated adult females, but not males, after weaning; (c). male and female offspring behaved similarly; and (d). littermates spent considerable time with each other. These results provide no evidence that guinea pigs approaching sexual maturity begin to associate preferentially with novel animals or potential breeding partners. Choices were largely predictable from earlier findings of the ability of various classes of conspecifics to reduce hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity of the young.  相似文献   

When tested in a Y-maze olfactometer, male brown and collared lemmings (Lemmus sibiricus = trimucronatus and Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) preferred the odor of unmated receptive females to the odor of females with which they had just copulated. Similarly, sexually satiated males preferred the odor of an unmated receptive female to that of a strange female that had recently copulated with another male. Sexually experienced males without recent copulatory experience also demonstrated this preference, but sexually naive males did not. Sexually satiated collared lemmings preferred the odor of bedding from a novel estrous female to bedding from the female with which they had just copulated even when the bedding was collected before mating occurred. These results suggest that discrimination between prior mates and unmated females may be based on individual recognition as well as recognition of subclasses of females (i.e., mated vs. unmated, familiar vs. unfamiliar).  相似文献   

Male rats (Rattus norvegicus) emit at least two patterns of vocalization during copulation, the mating call and the pre-ejaculatory call. Both calls promote immobility of the female during lordosis, but the pre-ejaculatory calls are more effective. We undertook, through ventral observations of the mating pair, to determine if the female failed to assume or maintain the lordosis posture when mounted by a devocalized male and also to determine if the devocalized male was providing adequate stimulation to induce receptive behavior. Females were more likely to move away from the devocalized males before assuming the full lordosis posture. Furthermore, they were more likely to move away before the males had a chance to engage in intromissive behavior. However, when the females remained immobile long enough for the males to achieve a mount or intromission, there was little difference in the behavior of either animal that resulted from the devocalization of the male.  相似文献   

Male Japanese quail learn to approach and remain near female, but not male, quail if they are allowed to copulate with female quail and receive noncopulatory exposures to males. The generality of the mechanisms involved in this type of discrimination learning was investigated in the present study. In Experiment 1, Ss learned to spend more time near initially unfamiliar blonde quail than familiar brown female or male quail as a result of being allowed to copulate with the blonde, but not the brown, quail. In Experiment 2, Ss learned to respond more to nonreproductive male as compared with female quail as a result of being allowed to copulate with the males, but not with the females. The experiments provided some evidence of a bias favoring responding to females independent of copulatory reinforcement contingencies. However, the results also indicated remarkable plasticity of discrimination learning about species-specific sexual stimuli.  相似文献   

Results of previous studies of courtship and mating in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) suggest that females avoid conspecific males because, while courting and mating, males engage in behaviors that are potentially injurious to females. However, prior experiments provided no direct evidence that females avoided harassing males. Here the authors show that a female quail choosing between a previous sex partner and an unfamiliar male avoids the former if he engaged in relatively many potentially injurious acts while courting and mating, (Experiments 1 and 2) and that males behaving aggressively toward mates are less likely than are gentler males to fertilize the females' eggs (Experiment 3). Male sexual harassment appears to be a tactic both aversive to female quail and relatively ineffective in fertilizing them.  相似文献   

Variables similar to those affecting feeding behavior also modulate sexual behavior in Aplysia fasciata, indicating that mating is under motivational control. Motivated behaviors are often patterned into appetitive and consummatory components. Courtship, the appetitive phase of male sexual behavior, was temporally related to subsequent mating. Although many bouts of courtship failed to lead to mating, most incidents of mating were preceded by courtship. Motivation is also characterized by satiation after the goal of the behavior is achieved. We found an increase in likelihood to mate following a period of sexual isolation. Motivated behaviors are also modulated by environmental stimuli that induce arousal. Time spent mating was found to be a function of the number of potential mates accessible for mating. Number of A. fascinata participating in a mating group was also found to be a function of number of potential mates available.  相似文献   

The influence of sexual experience on preference behavior was investigated in adult female rats. In the first experiment, preference behavior for sexually active males versus estrous females was investigated in female rats who were experienced with mounting behavior. Preference of these mount experienced females was compared to preference of females who were naive in this respect. Mount experience with estrous females induced a female-directed preference in ovariectomized female rats, irrespective of whether the females were treated with OIL or with testosterone-propionate (500 micrograms TP, injected once 48 h prior to testing). Sexually naive, OIL-treated females did not show a preference for males or females, but TP induced a preference for a male. Individual differences in mount frequency were not correlated with preference behavior. In the second experiment, the influence of experience with feminine sexual responses on preference behavior was investigated. OIL-treated and TP-treated females oriented equally toward males and females when they had been given the opportunity to copulate with males prior to the preference tests. The results strongly suggest that prior sexual experience is an important determinant of preference behavior. The female's behavior during sexual interactions was, however, not predictive of later preference.  相似文献   

Novel male house mice (Mus musculus) can disrupt early pregnancy in females. Previous research focused on pheromonal rather than behavioral mediation of this phenomenon. In Experiment 1, novel males were housed with females shortly after insemination. Litter production was negatively correlated with the males' sexual activity. Experiment 2 replicated this finding with a larger sample. In Experiment 3, females were exposed to castrated males. Testosterone-treated males completely blocked pregnancy, whereas untreated males did not. In Experiment 4, castrated testosterone-treated males were presented at intervals after insemination. Pregnancy was totally blocked at Days 3 and 4 and mostly blocked at Days 1 and 2 but was less affected at Days 5 and 6. In Experiment 5, females were exposed through a wire-mesh grid to castrated males. Pregnancies occurred in all conditions, even with testosterone-treated males. These data suggest a role for sexual activity in male-induced pregnancy blocks.  相似文献   

Intrahypothalamic effects of gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), and luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone (LRH) on lordotic behavior were evaluated in ovariectomized (OVX) rats maintained at different receptivity levels. Under conditions of low receptivity in which LRH has been shown to enchance mating behavior, medial preoptic area (MPOA) infusions of luteinizing hormone (LH) caused significant depressions in the lordotic response, whereas LH infusions into the arcuate ventromedial area (ARC-VM) had no sigificant effect. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) infusions into either area did not alter the behavioral response. In the second experiment, in which OVX rats were primed with higher doses of estrone to maintain high ptrinfusion receptivity, MPOA or ARC-VM infusions of either LH or TRH were shown to depress lordotic behavior significantly, whereas neither LRH nor FSH was observed to inhibit the behavioral response. A third experiment evaluated the effects of LH, FSH, and TRH on LRH-facilitated mating behavior. Infusions of LRH into either the MPOA or the ARC-VM significantly enhanced mating behavior, whereas the addition of either TRH or LH to the LRH infusates abolished this response. The addition of FSH to LRH infusates neither enhanced nor depressed the behavioral response to MPOA or ARC-VM infusions of LRH. The antagonistic effects of LH and TRH on LRH-facilitated mating behavior were correlated with previous observations of antagonistic effects on hypothalamic unit activity and monoamine metabolism. The antagonistic interrelation between LRH and LH may represent a mechanism for the activation and coordination of sexual receptivity with ovulation.  相似文献   

Narcissistic males do not make good romantic partners. Narcissistic males lack commitment, engage in manipulative game-playing and are unfaithful. Despite this, they are still desired by females. Females value different traits in short-term and long-term partners. Previous mate sampling experience is also important to facilitate mate assessment. This study aimed to determine whether amongst young adult heterosexual females; their mate sampling experience and desire for marriage influenced their attraction to narcissistic personality traits in a potential mate. British females aged 18–28 provided information on past mating experience, future desire for marriage and rated their agreement with 20 statements relating to the extent that they found narcissistic personality traits attractive in a potential mate. Females with greater mating experience and those desiring marriage were more attracted to the narcissistic male personality. The narcissistic personality, whilst having many negative qualities, possesses qualities associated with status and resource provision. These traits are desirable in short and long-term mating contexts. Despite future long-term mating desires which are unlikely to be achieved with a narcissistic male and possession of substantial mate sampling experience, females view the narcissistic male as a suitable partner: a testament to the success of the narcissistic personality in facilitating short-term mating.  相似文献   

Daily administration of estradiol benzoate stimulated significantly less lordotic behavior in rats during the second half of pregnancy than in ovariectomized females that received subcutaneous progesterone implants, pituitary grafts that raised plasma prolactin, or both treatments combined. Following an initial facilitation of receptivity, females with progesterone implants showed only moderate reductions in lordosis quotients over 3 test days. The capacity of plasma from pregnant rats to bind estradiol was found to increase significantly during the second half of pregnancy. However, daily administration to pregnant rats of a synthetic estrogen, R 2858, which is not bound by plasma protein, was no more effective than estradiol benzoate in stimulating receptive behavior. Administration of estradiol benzoate also stimulated significantly lower levels of sexual behavior in pregnant females than in females in which pseudopregnancy had been prolonged by previous hysterectomy or induction of uterine decidualization. These findings suggest that some endocrine factor other than progesterone, prolactin, or estradiol-binding protein is primarily responsible for the potent suppression of behavioral responsiveness to estrogen which occurs in pregnant rats. It is suggested that 5 alpha-reduced androgens may cause these behavioral effects.  相似文献   

考察择偶动机启动下男女的择偶复制发生情况,及目标面孔吸引力对男性择偶复制的调节作用。结果:(1)女性易发生择偶复制;(2)男性的择偶复制会受择偶动机启动的影响,但这种影响仅限于目标面孔吸引力处于中、低水平时。结论:男性在特定情景中可发生择偶复制,这是更为复杂的、经多种信息评估的结果。  相似文献   

Both male and female rats vocalize ultrasonically during mating. Whereas male calls are known to facilitate female proceptive behavior, the female mating call has not been studied beyond spectrographic analysis. In this article, a series of experiments were done to examine the effects of the female's mating call on rat mating behavior. In the first experiment, females copulated with intact males before and after surgical devocalization. In the second experiment, intact females copulated twice with a male: once when they were able to hear and once when they were temporarily deafened with a medical ear mold. In the third experiment, tape recorded ultrasounds were placed in the presence of devocalized females while they were copulating with intact males. In the control condition, tape hiss was presented. In each experiment, it was observed that the female darted more if communication were disrupted (i.e., female devocalized or male deafened). Playback partially reduced darting to control levels. No other behavior was affected consistently across all experiments. Female calls might facilitate self-regulation of mating behavior, or they might focus the male's attention on her proceptive behaviors. It is also possible that the female calls could alter the stimulus properties of the male's behavior, indirectly affecting her own behavior.  相似文献   

After 12-15 ejaculatory series, each consisting of several short intromissions (2- to 3-s vaginal penetration) and an ejaculation, male golden hamsters adopt an altered copulatory pattern consisting of long intromissions (5- to 25-s penetration with intravaginal thrusting). Receptivity declines and the tendency for the female to attack the male increases at about the time of this shift in copulatory pattern. Because the mean interintromission interval (III) between short intromissions is about 8 s compared to 100 s between long intromissions, it is possible that females detect this difference and adjust their mating accordingly. When the III between short intromissions from a rested male was experimentally increased to 100 s by use of a halter and lead device, the duration of lordosis was significantly less than that displayed by females paired with control males (8-s III) and virtually the same as that displayed by females paired with males that produced only long intromissions. This suggests that the female uses the temporal patterning of intravaginal stimulation as one criterion for terminating mating with a particular male.  相似文献   

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