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Nineteen of 27 patients suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) who had completed a multicomponent treatment involving progressive muscle relaxation, thermal biofeedback, cognitive therapy and IBS education were located and evaluated 4 yr posttreatment. Seventeen of 19 (89.5, or 63% of the total original sample) rated themselves as more than 50% improved. Six of the 12 patients (50%) who submitted symptom monitoring diaries met our criteria for clinical improvement, i.e. achieving at least a 50% reduction in primary IBS symptom scores. The means on all measures at long-term follow-up were lower than those obtained prior to treatment. When follow-up symptom means were compared with pretreatment means, significant (P less than 0.05) reductions were obtained on abdominal pain/tenderness, diarrhea, nausea, and flatulence.  相似文献   

Cognitive behaviour therapy of acute stress disorder: a four-year follow-up   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The aim of this study was to index the long-term benefits of early provision of cognitive behavior therapy to trauma survivors with acute stress disorder. Civilian trauma survivors (n = 80) with acute stress disorder were randomly allocated to either cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or supportive counseling (SC) - 69 completed treatment, and 41 were assessed four years post-treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale. Two CBT patients (8%) and four SC patients (25%) met PTSD criteria at four-year follow-up. Patients who received CBT reported less intense PTSD symptoms, and particularly less frequent and less avoidance symptoms, than patients who received SC. These findings suggest that early provision of CBT in the initial month after trauma has long-term benefits for people who are at risk of developing PTSD.  相似文献   

Although delusional statements in people with intellectual disabilities and traumatic brain injury can be treated using behavioral interventions, none have demonstrated long‐term treatment effects. In the current study, a functional analysis demonstrated that delusional statements were maintained by attention. Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior and extinction of delusional statements resulted in near elimination of delusional statements and an increase in nondelusional statements. Follow‐up at 6 months, 1, 2, and 4 years indicated that treatment gains were maintained with continued staff training.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that the preparation of an action can interfere with the concurrent detection and identification of objects that share features with this action, a phenomenon termed blindness to response-compatible stimuli. In order to account for the blindness effect, an integration mechanism for response features similar to the one suggested for object features has been proposed. In the present article, we propose an alternative explanation, namely an action-effect inhibition mechanism. This mechanism was demonstrated in two versions of a dual-task experiment using a primary stop-signal task. The results showed that when the primary response was withheld (signal-inhibit trials), this resulted in lower identification rates for compatible secondary task stimuli. On the other hand, we did not find any evidence for a blindness effect when the primary response was executed (no-signal trials). Additionally we found that identification rates depended on the time course of the inhibition process as estimated from our data. Consequently, the blindness effect seems to result from the requirement to inhibit the response, perhaps even if only temporary.  相似文献   

A young woman, blinded by the development of corneal opacity at the age of 3 years, was given a corneal graft at the age of 27. Though the image-forming powers of the eye were largely restored, the patient showed little recovery of functional vision. Six months after operation she could detect and locate conspicuous objects and had some degree of ambient spatial vision but she could not learn to recognize simple visual patterns. Eventually she reverted to the life of a blind person. Her failure to recover is discussed in terms of the known deleterious effects of restricted early visual experience on the development of the visual cortex in animals.  相似文献   

Sixty-two children were evaluated 4 years after their initial referral for symptoms of hyperactivity. Behavioral measures included parent and teacher judgments of behavior and social adjustment. Academic achievement was assessed by teachers' reports, number of failed grades, special education services, and two individually administered achievement tests. Data were analyzed for the total group to determine both the extent to which presenting problems diminished over time and the major problems still present. The effects of stimulant drug therapy on outcome were assessed by dividing the children into groups according to the duration of time they had taken stimulants. Total duration of time on stimulants ranged from less than 6 months (group 1) to 4 years (group 5). Results indicated that the symptoms of hyperactivity significantly lessened, but remained higher in these children than in normal peers. Behavioral and social problems were less pervasive than academic underachievement. There were no group differences, indicating that the duration of stimulant intervention did not have a significant effect on outcome. The clinical implication of this study is that the beneficial effects of stimulant drug intervention occur within the first months after initiation of therapy. Long-term treatment does not appear to be of value in producing better outcome.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of 177 adults examined the stability of adult attachment styles and of romantic relationships over a 4-year period. Findings included the following: (a) attachment styles were highly stable over time; (b) Time 1 attachment style was a significant predictor of Time 2 relationship status, but (c) this effect was mediated by concurrent attachment style at Time 2; (d) secure respondents were less likely than insecure respondents to report one or more breakups during the 4-year interval, but (e) paradoxically, ambivalent respondents were just as likely as secure respondents to be in a relationship with the same partner they had identified 4 years earlier; and (f) attachment stability was moderated to some extent by the experience of breakup or initiation of new relationships during the interim. Respondents' ability to recall their previous attachment style was also examined. Methodological and theoretical implications are discussed, particularly with respect to the conceptualization of attachment styles as traits versus reflections of current relationship status.  相似文献   

The cost of attending to a visual event can be the failure to consciously detect other events. This processing limitation is well illustrated by the attentional blink paradigm, in which searching for and attending to a target presented in a rapid serial visual presentation stream of distractors can impair one's ability to detect a second target presented soon thereafter. The attentional blink critically depends on 'top-down' attentional settings, for it does not occur if participants are asked to ignore the first target. Here we show that 'bottom-up' attention can also lead to a profound but ephemeral deficit in conscious perception: Presentation of a novel, unexpected, and task-irrelevant stimulus virtually abolishes conscious detection of a target presented within half a second after the 'Surprise' stimulus, but only for its earliest occurrences (generally 1 to 2 presentations). This powerful but short-lived deficit contrasts with a milder but more enduring form of attentional capture that accompanies singleton presentations in rapid serial visual presentations. We conclude that the capture of stimulus-driven attention alone can limit explicit perception.  相似文献   

This study examined the fairness reactions to 10 personnel selection methods in a sample of Italian students. University students (N=137) were asked to rate the favorability of these selection procedures and then to evaluate them on eight procedural justice dimensions. Work‐sample tests were the most favorably rated of the selection methods, followed by résumés, written ability tests, interviews and personal references. Graphology was perceived negatively. Opportunity to perform and the perceived face validity of selection procedures were the strongest procedural justice dimensions for predicting the process favorability ratings. The results of this study are compared with those from similar studies conducted in other countries. Similar results have been found in the various countries where such research has been conducted to date.  相似文献   

This study examined fairness reactions to 10 selection methods in a sample of 240 Romanian employees. The results showed that Romanian employees rated work samples, interviews, written ability tests, and resumes as favorable, but graphology, ethnicity, and personal contacts as unfavorable. Perceived predictive validity was identified as the strongest predictor of process favorability ratings. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In a replication and extension of Grice (2004), participants in the current study rated themselves and other known individuals on scales constructed from their own personal constructs and on marker items for the Big Five model personality traits. Confirmatory components analyses revealed excellent fit for the Big Five Model when applied to aggregate trait ratings but highly variable fit when applied to participants' individual ratings. Comparisons of the personal construct and trait ratings indicated an approximate average overlap of only 51%, and additional analyses revealed several factors that contributed to the uniqueness of the personal constructs. These findings were discussed in the context of the idiographic-nomothetic distinction drawn in personality psychology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the relative predictive accuracy of a number of measures employed in a 4-year longitudinal study of the neuropsychological abilities of normal and retarded readers. The results indicated that there were some very accurate predictive measures of reading and spelling achievement levels over the 4-year age span studied, and that the relative accuracy of these measures differed markedly for normal and retarded readers. Especially in the case of retarded readers, performance on the Underlining Test was a much more accurate predictor of eventual achievement levels in reading and spelling than were tests of reading, spelling, or psychometric intelligence.This investigation was supported in part under Grant #195 of the Ontario Mental Health Foundation, funds provided by the Research Division, Windsor Western Hospital Centre, and funds from the Ontario Department of Education Grants-in-Aid of Educational Research and Development program. Dr. M. W. Starr offered advice regarding the statistical design.  相似文献   

From 2001 to 2005, students showed an increase in the range of purchases made online, and their attitudes toward online shopping became more positive.  相似文献   

Targets are identified more accurately when they are presented during an incongruent response (e.g., a left-pointing arrowhead presented during a right key press) than during a congruent response (e.g., a left-pointing arrowhead presented during a left key press). This effect, referred to here as congruency-induced blindness, has been hypothesised to result from the occupation of feature codes. According to the code occupation hypothesis (Behav. Brain Sci.; J. Experim. Psychol.: Human Percept. Perform.; Vis. Cogn., in press), only costs of congruency between features of a planned or executed action and a to-be-perceived target should be observed; neither costs nor benefits of incongruency are predicted by this account. In the present study, we investigated costs and benefits in identifying left and right targets directly by manipulating neutral response type and the symbols used to cue the neutral response, which produced four neutral conditions. Three important results emerged: (1). a significant main effect of RSI (suggesting that increasing temporal overlap between a planned action and target presentation interferes with perceptual reports of the target), (2). a significant main effect of congruency (showing that impairment is code-specific), and (3). clear-cut costs with little evidence for benefits. Other complex patterns of results provided additional information relevant for extant theories of perception-action interactions.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between hassles and internalizing and externalizing symptoms across 4 years in adolescents who varied with regard to their risk for psychopathology. The sample comprised 240 adolescents assessed in 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades regarding their level of peer and academic hassles and internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Structural equation modeling was used to construct latent variables of hassles and internalizing and externalizing syndromes. Results varied by informant about the teens' symptoms. For adolescent report, the stress exposure model fit the data best for internalizing syndromes; that is, higher levels of stressors predicted significantly higher levels of self-reported symptoms 1 year later. For mother report of adolescents' symptoms, the stress generation model fit the data best for both internalizing and externalizing syndromes; that is, higher levels of adolescents' internalizing and externalizing symptoms, as reported by their mothers, significantly predicted higher levels of hassles 1 year later.  相似文献   

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