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This article is a response to Alex North's ( 2016 ) critique of radical social constructivism (RSC). North claimed that RSC was a movement in counseling that would be monumentally problematic in its future application to counseling theory. In this article, the author defends RSC and posits that RSC is closely aligned with the values of counseling. RSC encourages counselors to look at the social understanding of clients' experiences as paramount to the behaviors they exhibit.  相似文献   

生成认知与具身机能主义的比较——表征的取舍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王希华 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1520-1525
在具身认知不同的思潮中,生成认知以其激进的观点反对表征和计算主义,可以称之为是具身认知思潮中的最为激进的一部分。另一方面,由于标准认知中表征和计算的解释力和影响力,具身认知诞生出各种不同程度上的“妥协”性理论,其中,以克拉克为代表的具身的“机能主义”为目前具身认知的主流观点。表征尽管在当前阶段中表现出强大的生命力,但依然无法在所有领域中都得到运用。随着表征的改造与发展,未来的激进具身认知工作者应该将更多的精力投入到具身认知与更多学科的融合研究中。  相似文献   

Experimental philosophers have challenged friends of the expertise defense to show that (a) the intuitive judgments of professional philosophers are different from the intuitive judgments of nonphilosophers, and (b) the intuitive judgments of professional philosophers are better than the intuitive judgments of nonphilosophers, in ways that are relevant to the truth or falsity of such judgments. Friends of the expertise defense have responded by arguing that the burden of proof lies with experimental philosophers. This article sketches three arguments which show that both (a) and (b) are probably false. If its arguments are cogent, then shifting the burden of proof is a futile move, since philosophical training makes no difference so far as making intuitive judgments in response to hypothetical cases is concerned.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a powerful tool used in cognitive neuroscientific research. fMRI is noninvasive, safe, and relatively accessible, making it an ideal method to draw inferences about the brain–behavior relationship. When conducting fMRI research, scientists must consider risks associated with brain imaging. In particular, the risk of potentially identifying an abnormal brain finding in an fMRI research scan poses a complex problem that researchers should be prepared to address. This article illustrates how a social constructivism decision-making model can be used as a framework to guide researchers as they develop protocols to address this issue.  相似文献   

纪海英  郭本禹 《心理科学》2006,29(1):225-227
班杜拉的社会认知理论是一种关于人类学习和发展的社会建构主义的观点,标志着其研究范式的转变:从新行为主义到社会建构主义。本文根据社会建构主义的五条基本原则,对他的社会认知理论进行了分析,分析的结果表明其主要的理论原则、论点,以及心理学构想不仅与社会建构主义思想一致,还与关于人类活动的行为主义的观点相对立。因此,对班杜拉研究成果的准确解释于教学、科研和学术成就都具有决定性的意义。  相似文献   

第二次认知革命与社会建构论的产生   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
第二次认知革命是后现代主义的革命。它的直接结果是促进了社会建构论的产生。社会建构论主张(1)知识是建构的,建构是社会的建构,而不是个体的建构。(2)人格、态度、情绪等心理现象并不存在于人的的内部,而是存在于人与人之间,是文化历史的产物。(3)语言并非是具有确定意义的透明的媒介,语言是先在的,规定了思维的方式。(4)没有超越历史和文化的普遍性知识,我们对于心理现象的理解是受时间、地域、历史、文化和社会风俗等制约的。(5)心理学家应该关注话语的作用,话语分析是心理学的基本研究方法。  相似文献   

Multiculturalism encourages the inclusion of the broad range of cultural differences that exist in society into our therapeutic dialogues. This paper examines multicultural group therapy through the perspective of social constructionism. Emphasis is given to the unacknowledged and unspoken imbalance of power that exists in psychotherapeutic contexts. The concepts of multiple individual identity and cultural representation are discussed and illustrated with case examples. Clinical considerations for the multicultural group therapist are provided.  相似文献   

This article describes how social constructionist theory can be applied to the processes of data collection and analysis in qualitative research. In doing so, we borrow from previous discussions of social constructionism within the psychotherapeutic literature. Social constructionist theory, particularly the idea of a not-knowing stance, addresses the methodological concern of validity. Furthermore, because a not-knowing stance entails a leveling of the hierarchy and minimizing of the power differential between researcher and participant, there is also the potential for turning the research process into an freeing experience for both the researcher and participant.  相似文献   

采用追踪设计对438名学前儿童母亲进行问卷调查研究,主要探讨了母亲元情绪理念与学前儿童社会适应的相互作用关系。交叉滞后分析结果表明:(1)相邻两次测量的母亲各元情绪理念之间,社会适应各指标之间均具有中等程度的稳定性;(2)同一时间点的母亲各元情绪理念与儿童社会适应各指标之间均显著相关;(3)母亲元情绪理念与儿童社会适应之间部分存在着相互作用关系:控制了变量自身的连续性后,前测的母亲情绪教导显著正向预测后测的儿童敏感合作;前测的母亲情绪不干涉显著正向预测后测的儿童愤怒攻击、焦虑退缩行为;反过来,前测的儿童敏感合作能正向预测后测的母亲情绪教导,显著负向预测情绪不干涉、情绪摒除和情绪紊乱;前测的焦虑退缩能显著正向预测后测的母亲情绪摒除和情绪紊乱。  相似文献   

This research examines how social trust translates into dynamics of mobilisation for inclusion or exclusion in Swiss cantons by studying how social trust is linked to equality‐directed protest intention versus radical right support, comparing individual‐level and contextual‐level relationships. The study is based on data from the Swiss Household Panel collected between 2002 and 2008. The impact of individual‐level and contextual‐level social trust is analysed in three‐level regression models of repeated observations, nested in individuals who are nested in cantons. The results indicate complex patterns that depend on the level at which social trust is assessed and confirm the need for a contextualised view of social trust and social capital. For individuals, higher social trust is associated with higher protest intention and lower radical right support. However, in cantons characterised by higher rates of social trust, individuals are less likely to engage in protest actions and more likely to support the radical right. Further analyses show that canton‐level social trust is intertwined with other contextual factors, suggesting that in certain configurations, that is, combined with low levels of cultural and social diversity, climates of social trust may be linked to more restricted forms of solidarity and the persistence of inequality. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers an explanation of the link between grandiose narcissism and support for radical right parties. Drawing on representative data of the GESIS Panel (N = 2827), focusing on support for the German radical right populist party Alternative for Germany in 2016 and treating grandiose narcissism as a two-dimensional concept, it is shown that the effects of grandiose narcissism are indirect rather than direct. The paper also reveals that it is mainly narcissistic rivalry that accounts for radical right party support, whereas narcissistic admiration has a protecting relationship. Finally, our results indicate that the indirect effects of narcissistic rivalry on radical right party support via right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation, respectively, are mediated by anti-immigrant sentiment. All in all, our results suggest that in studies on ideological orientations and voting behaviour, both dimensions of grandiose narcissism should be considered due to their contradictory relationship. Moreover, our findings indicate that the success of radical right parties might be the expression of personality dispositions of some parts of the electorate. © 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

在社会建构论和分布式认知等相关理论的基础上,结合隐性知识的特点提出了交互式认知理论,目的在于揭示隐性知识的认知机制。交互式认知是指不同知识主体认知的相互影响和相互作用的过程,其中师傅带徒弟和实践社区这是企业管理实践中最为常见的两种隐性知识传播形式,  相似文献   

本研究选取了832名中学生,采用问卷的方法探讨了人格、认知风格及社会适应性的关系。结果发现:(1)中学生人格在不同的人口学变量上的差异状况不同。(2)年龄是中学生认知风格的重要影响因素。(3)中学生社会适应性总体发展具有年级差异而不具有性别差异。(4)中学生人格可以直接与影响社会适应性,认知风格可以影响社会适应性的部分因子,人格中部分因素可以通过认知风格对社会适应性的部分因子产生显著影响。  相似文献   

We explored the concurrent and subsequent cognitive consequences of the experience of gender counter-stereotypic emotions. Participants experiencing gender counter-stereotypic emotions were expected to display less emotional expression and demonstrate poorer cognitive performance when in the public condition than when in the private condition. Seventy-one women and 66 men completed an anger- or sadness-inducing task privately or publicly. Participants completed two cognitive tasks: one during and one after the emotion-induction task. Participants exhibited poorer performance during and following gender counter-stereotypic emotions only in the public condition. Direct evidence for greater suppression of gender counter-stereotypic emotions in the public conditions was not obtained. These results suggest that the same public emotional events may be differentially cognitively depleting depending on one’s gender, potentially contributing to the perpetuation of stereotypes.  相似文献   

Social network analysis: A methodological introduction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Social network analysis is a large and growing body of research on the measurement and analysis of relational structure. Here, we review the fundamental concepts of network analysis, as well as a range of methods currently used in the field. Issues pertaining to data collection, analysis of single networks, network comparison, and analysis of individual-level covariates are discussed, and a number of suggestions are made for avoiding common pitfalls in the application of network methods to substantive questions.  相似文献   

Richard Rorty's Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth: Philosophical Papers, Volume 1 is a collection of papers that explores the implications of philosophical pragmatism in several areas, including natural science, mind—body issues in philosophy, and perspectives on liberal democracy and social change. Similarities between Rorty's pragmatism and Skinner's radical behaviorism are explored in each of these three areas. Although some important and interesting differences are found regarding the role of science in social change, most areas show remarkable similarities between the two systematic perspectives.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current status of research on the phenomenology, etiology, maintenance, assessment, and treatment of childhood and adolescent social anxiety disorder (SAD). Despite being one of the most prevalent disorders of childhood and adolescence, SAD paradoxically stands as one of the least recognized, researched, and treated pediatric disorders. The small treatment outcome literature provides preliminary support to the effectiveness of various forms of cognitive behavior therapy. The majority of studies to date, however, are limited by inadequate control conditions. Other findings include some support for the utility of parental involvement in treatment, significant advancements in outcome measures (e.g., normative comparisons, indices of naturalistic social functioning), and impressive durability of gains for the majority of treatments. Future directions are suggested, including experimental and naturalistic studies of developmental pathways and maintenance factors, the incorporation of positive psychology constructs (e.g., positive emotions, hope, self-control) in treatment and prevention, and the continued delineation of differences between child, adolescent, and adult manifestations of SAD.  相似文献   

Contemporary cognitive models suggest that social anxiety disorder arises from a number of cognitive factors, including tendencies to form pessimistic (rather than optimistic) attributions and expectations for socially-related events. These models also assume that the strengths of such attributions and expectations are more closely linked with social anxiety than with general anxiety or depression. To test these assumptions, a battery of self-report measures was completed by participants with a primary diagnosis of generalized social anxiety disorder (n?=?75), panic disorder with agoraphobia (n?=?44), or post-traumatic stress disorder (n?=?59). To examine differences on these cognitive variables, group comparisons were performed controlling for general anxiety, depression and medication status. Social anxiety disorder, compared with panic disorder with agoraphobia and post-traumatic stress disorder, was characterized by lower expectations for positive social events and higher expectations for negative social events. There was no difference among the groups on expectations for non-social positive or negative events. Stable and global attributions for social negative events were more closely associated with social anxiety disorder than with panic disorder with agoraphobia and post-traumatic stress disorder. Correlational analyses also revealed specific relationships among social-cognitive measures and social anxiety, even after controlling for general anxiety and depression. The results are consistent with cognitive models of social anxiety disorder.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of 76 studies (N = 31,016) examined the relationship between social identification and depression. Overall, individuals who identify highly with a group tend to report less depression (average rz = −.15). However, a large amount of variability between studies was observed. The 95% prediction interval, which indicates the true effect size that can be expected in future research, ranged from rz = −.50 to .19. The relationship between depression and social identification is more complex than previously assumed. Some variability is related to the social identification measure used. Studies that focused on identification with interactive groups (rz = −.28) had larger effect sizes than studies that focused on social categories (rz = −.11). Moreover, studies of non-stigmatized groups (rz = −.24) had larger effect sizes than studies of stigmatized groups (rz = −.10). In conclusion, the structure and social identity content of groups appear to play an important role in the relationship between depression and social identification.  相似文献   

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