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Information processing difficulties are common in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It has been shown that the time it takes to process a complex cognitive task, rather than error rate, may be the critical variable underlying CFS patients' cognitive complaints. The Attention Network Task (ANT) developed by Fan and colleagues may be of clinical utility to assess cognitive function in CFS, because it allows for simultaneous assessment of mental response speed, also called information processing speed, and error rate under three conditions challenging the attention system. Comparison of data from two groups of CFS patients (those with and without comorbid major depressive disorder; n = 19 and 22, respectively) to controls (n = 29) consistently showed that error rates did not differ among groups across conditions, but speed of information processing did. Processing time was prolonged in both CFS groups and most significantly affected in response to the most complex task conditions. For simpler tasks, processing time was only prolonged in CFS participants with depression. The data suggest that the ANT may be a task that could be used clinically to assess information processing deficits in individuals with CFS.  相似文献   

The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis plays a major role in the regulation of responses to stress. Human stress-related disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), chronic pelvic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder are characterized by alterations in HPA axis activity. However, the role of the HPA axis alterations in these stress-related disorders is not clear. Most studies have shown that the HPA axis is underactive in the stress-related disorders, but contradictory results have also been reported, which may be due to the patients selected for the study, the methods used for the investigation of the HPA axis, the stage of the syndrome when the tests have been done and the interpretation of the results. There is no structural abnormality in the endocrine organs which comprise the HPA axis, thus it seems that hypocortisolemia found in the patients with stress-related disorder is functional. It may be also an adaptive response of the body to chronic stress. In this review, tests used in the assessment of HPA axis function and the HPA axis alterations found in CFS and FMS are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Although substantial research has been conducted on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) over the past decade, the syndrome remains poorly understood. The most recent case definition describes CFS as being characterized both by disabling fatigue and by subjective reports of difficulty with concentration and short-term memory. However, research into the neurocognitive and psychological functioning of individuals with CFS has provided mixed objective results. The current paper reviews studies that have examined the neurocognitive and/or psychological functioning of individuals with CFS. Changes in research design and instruments employed to study individuals with CFS are suggested.  相似文献   

Three years of analytical psychotherapy with a professional woman in mid-life, suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), is described. Gradual recovery merged into mid-life changes; marriage, along with a new balance of maternal and paternal imagos, enabled her to trust enough to become pregnant— coniunctio in the most primal bodily and psychic modes.
Her life-long, schizoid type pattern, 'the pendulum of closeness and isolation', with its extreme of psycho-physical collapse and devitalization, was replayed in therapy. The analyst's symbolic attitude is emphasized, containing the patient's initial affective explosion and validating the physicality of her condition. Mirroring and steady rhythmic attunement became a new, pre-verbal, source of trust—vitalization; differentiation and separation replaced defensive splitting and dissociation. Then the overwhelmingly powerful bodily/maternal could be counterbalanced by the masculine, and a transitional space emerged for symbolic work.
Both the regressive and the dynamic aspects of CFS are located in the earliest undifferentiated, archetypal, bodily/psychic modes, when the frustration of primary needs evokes the defences of the self. It is argued that our psychodynamic understanding can contribute to the stalemate in seeing chronic fatigue syndrome as either an organic illness or depression, and that a new linking of the somatic and psychic calls for a new professional collaboration.  相似文献   

Most of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) epidemiological studies have relied on physicians who refer patients having at least 6 months of chronic fatigue and other symptoms. However, there are a number of potential problems when using this method to derive prevalence statistics. For example, some individuals with CFS might not have the economic resources to access medical care. Other individuals with CFS might be reluctant to use medical personnel, particularly if they have encountered physicians skeptical of the authenticity of their illness. In addition, physicians that are skeptical of the existence of CFS might not identify cases. In the present pilot study, a random community sample (N=1,031) was interviewed by telephone in order to identify and comprehensively evaluate individuals with symptoms of CFS and those who self-report having CFS. Different definitions of CFS were employed, and higher rates (0.2%) of CFS were found than in previous studies. Methodological benefits in using more rigorous epidemiological methods when estimating CFS prevalence rates are discussed. The authors appreciate the generous financial support of the CFIDS Association and Minnan, Inc. We also are grateful for many helpful suggestions provided by Judith A. Richman, William McCready, Wendell Richmond, and Stephen E. Goldston. Finally, we are very thankful to the many undergraduate volunteers who helped us complete this study, and they include Cheryl Stenzel, Georgina DeLa Torre, Vickie Chrisos, Don Banik, Hillary Loeb, Leslie Ramesack, Ellen Diamond, Rob Bleeker, Gib Garza III, Mindy Silverstein, Kadip Sen, Meredith Lombrazo, Brian Miller, Caroline Marsden, Lorraine Whitmore, Stan Gayot, Karen Costakis, and Dave Sobotka.  相似文献   

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness characterised by fatigue and other symptoms. Both psychological and biological aetiological factors have been proposed, but the disorder is of uncertain origin. The aetiology of the symptoms is therefore ambiguous. It has been suggested (a) that patients with CFS tend to interpret their symptoms as indicating physical illness and (b) they tend not to interpret these symptoms in terms of negative emotion. In order to test these hypotheses we developed a self-report questionnaire to assess the interpretation of symptoms in patients with CFS. It was administered to patients with CFS, patients with depression, patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), and normal controls. Preliminary results suggest that the measure has acceptable psychometric properties. Patients with CFS were more likely than either depressed patients or normal controls to interpret symptoms (characteristic of CFS) in terms of physical illness, but did not differ in this from the MS patients. When compared with all three other groups (including the MS patients), the patients with CFS were least likely to interpret symptoms in terms of negative emotional states. The theoretical and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate perfectionism and beliefs about emotions in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and their parents.

Design: Case-control comparing adolescents (age 11–18) with CFS (N?=?121), asthma (N?=?27) and healthy controls (N?=?78) with a 3-month follow up for CFS participants.

Main outcome measures: Adolescents: Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire, physical functioning, Beliefs about Emotions scale (BES), Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale, Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS). Parents: BES, FMPS, Self—sacrificing scale, Affective styles questionnaire.

Results: Adolescents with CFS did not consistently report higher levels of perfectionism and unhelpful beliefs about emotions than adolescents with asthma or healthy adolescents. Mothers’ and adolescents’ beliefs about emotions and unhelpful perfectionism were significantly associated (p = .007). Linear regression found that neither adolescent perfectionism nor beliefs about emotions accounted for variance in subsequent fatigue or physical functioning.

Conclusion: Parental perfectionism and emotion regulation style may contribute to perfectionism in adolescents with CFS. Parental representations could contribute to fatigue maintenance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to gain preliminary evidence about the efficacy of a new telephone-based guided self-help intervention, based on cognitive-behavioural principles, which aimed to reduce fatigue and improve school attendance in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A non-randomised cohort design was used, with a two-month baseline period. Sixty-three 11–18 year-old participants recruited from a specialist CFS unit received the intervention. Participants received six half-hour fortnightly telephone sessions and two follow-up sessions. Fatigue and school attendance were the main outcomes and the main time point for assessing outcome was 6 months post-treatment. Using multi-level modelling, a significant decrease in fatigue was found between pre-treatment and 6 month follow-up, treatment effect estimate = – 5.68 (?7.63, ?3.72), a large effect size (Cohen's d = 0.79). The decrease in fatigue between pre and post-treatment was significantly larger than between baseline and pre-treatment. A significant increase in school attendance was found between pre-treatment and 6 month follow-up, effect estimate = 1.38 (0.76, 2.00), a medium effect size (d = ?0.48). Univariate logistic regression found baseline perfectionism to be associated with poorer school attendance at six-month follow-up. In conclusion, telephone-based guided self-help is an acceptable minimal intervention which is efficacious in reducing fatigue in adolescents with CFS.  相似文献   


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder of uncertain aetiology which attracts increasing research interest. This paper describes the development of a multidimensional measure incorporating the diverse symptoms associated with the illness. The Profile of Fatigue-Related Symptoms (PFRS) has four scales: emotional distress, cognitive difficulty, fatigue and somatic symptoms. These showed good convergence with comparison measures, high reliability and high internal consistency. CFS patients had markedly elevated scores compared with a student comparison group, and these scores correlated with indices of illness severity. The PFRS is a short and easily administered measure which, it is suggested, may be used to assess patients in terms of the severity and pattern of their disorder, to relate subjective symptoms to immunological and other findings, to evaluate the effects of treatments, and to compare the symptomatology of CFS with that in other fatiguing illnesses.  相似文献   

Objective: To test the hypothesis that people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) would differ significantly from a healthy control group on measures of general personality and perfectionism, specifically on measures of neuroticism and unhealthy perfectionism. Method: A total of 27 female CFS outpatients and 30 female healthy controls completed questionnaires, including the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised, the Multi-dimensional Perfectionism Scale and measures of anxiety and depression. Results: The CFS group was significantly more fatigued, anxious and depressed than healthy controls. They scored significantly higher on neuroticism and unhealthy perfectionism. Healthy and unhealthy perfectionism were positively correlated in the CFS group, but not in the control group. Conclusion: The present study confirms the link between neuroticism and fatigue and finds a link between unhealthy perfectionism and fatigue. A ‘healthy trait’, such as healthy perfectionism, when coupled with evaluative concerns is not necessarily healthy in a fatigued population. Researchers and clinicians should note the context in which apparently benign traits are expressed, and how they interact with other traits.  相似文献   

This case study explores the experience of one client participating in a project evaluating the use of dreams in short‐term counselling within the National Health Service. The client received 24 sessions of counselling and completed a post‐counselling semi‐structured questionnaire. This was followed by a semi‐structured interview, which confirmed the internal coherence within the participant's narrative and allowed a more detailed exploration of her experiences, supported by process notes. Supervision challenged the therapist's preconceptions and held her in her uncertainty until the work was aided by a dream that the therapist had of the client.  相似文献   


The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is controversial: psychological, hypothalamic and immune mechanisms have been proposed as well as the possibility of some form of interaction between these mechanisms. Patients' own conceptual models vary and sometimes adversely affect self-management. This paper suggests an interactional way of conceptualising CFS using developments in complexity theory (networks, parallel processing or connectionism). I propose that the neurological, immune and endocrine systems are pan of a single, self-regulatory, extended brain-body network. Furthermore, that CFS is caused by self-organisational change in this extended network created by normally adaptive error-sensitive learning rules that malfunction when physiological and psychological challenges coincide. This psychoneuroimniunoendocrinological model shows how previously proposed mechanisms could interact to cause CFS. explains the heterogeneity of the presentation of the disease, and provides a conceptual model that may be acceptable to patients but is also consistent with effective self-management.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a within-subject design. Fifty subjects with a physician diagnosis of fibromyalgia (FM) and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were interviewed using a structured interview form. Each subject was interviewed initially, and again nine months later (follow-up). Subjects had, on their own, consumed nutritional supplements including freeze-dried aloe vera gel extract; a combination of freeze-dried aloe vera gel extract and additional plant-derived saccharides; freeze-dried fruits and vegetables in combination with the saccharides; and a formulation of dioscorea complex containing the saccharides and a vitamin/mineral complex. With medical treatments, approximately 25 percent of FM patients improved, but the beneficial effects of medical treatment rarely persist more than a few months. All subjects in this study had received some form of medical treatment prior to taking the nutritional supplements, but none with enduring success. Nutritional supplements resulted in a remarkable reduction in initial symptom severity, with continued improvement in the period between initial assessment and the follow-up. Further research is needed to verify these results, specifically crossover designs in well-defined populations.  相似文献   

In this paper I ask whether there might be any one particular psychopathology likely to be linked specifically with the physical illness known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), and whether CFS/ME aids and abets and 'fits' an original mental state. I think the question cannot yet be answered. However it is my hypothesis that in some personality structures the onset of CFS/ME following a physical illness exacerbates negativity and is an aspect of ordinary depression where there is a lowering of energy levels and a loss of zest for life, or it may reveal the pathological aspect of unresolved rage.
Depending on the degree of pathological disturbance, working with and through the rage may or may not result in a resolution of the symptoms of ME. In this paper I consider some of the problems in the transference and countertransference relationship, which make it extremely difficult to separate out reality from phantasy. There is then the further problem of the denial of the psyche by the patient as part of the violence inherent in the illness.
One case is presented, an example of ME in a borderline male patient in whom resolution could not be achieved.  相似文献   

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