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我们必须用人道主义价值观来确立我们的态度,从而尊重变性人在完全知情条件下的理性的自主选择.必须坚持包容与和谐的价值观,从而对变性人的性别价值观予以容纳和理解.要正确认识变性人及变性手术,积极推进健康教育,预防易性癖发生.我们要通过法律、道德、文化、科学技术等综合措施帮助病人适应社会,获得健康和幸福.  相似文献   

变性人的出现对社会秩序及法律制度提出了挑战。自然人生而具有的人作为社会主体定在的自由和健康权利,为变性人享有性别选择的权利提供了法理支撑。在权利确认后,很有必要在变性手术的对象、施行者及程序上作出规范的应对,而变性人术后的社会角色及权利保护也应该得到法律的适时回应,以实现法的秩序、公正等价值。  相似文献   

变性人这一因变性手术而产生的新的社会群体正在走进公众的视野,然而法律对变性手术及对变性人这一特殊人群的保护却并不完善.2009年,我国出台了<变性手术技术管理规范(试行)>,对变性手术引发的社会、法律、伦理等问题进行具体规定.随着变性手术的新进展与新变化,加强变性手术的管理,保障变性人的权益等问题均需进一步深入的研究与探索.对变性手术面临的困境和对策加以研究必将有利于各国人权保障的完善和社会生产生活的稳定,从而在此基础上谋求更长久的发展.  相似文献   

全球首位“代孕爸爸”托马斯·比提的高调出现,带来了一场激烈的关于生命伦理与法律的大讨论。变性人的婚姻、生育及代孕问题让我们不得不对变性手术、人工辅助生殖技术以及代孕技术这些新兴生命技术进行再思考。我们不仅要肯定新兴生命技术的合理性,也要防止其所产生的潜在负面影响。合理利用新兴生命技术,客观地分析该事件并制定相应的法规是避免出现伦理道德和社会混乱的有效途径。  相似文献   

生态文明建设的价值观基础指的是引领我们进行生态文明建设的核心价值观,它是生态文明建设价值观体系的内核和道德体系的基本原则。生态文明建设价值观基础的构建,从理论上说就是要解决"生态文明建设为了什么"这个带有全局性的根本问题。它的构建必须超越人类中心主义环境伦理学与非人类中心主义环境伦理学的对立。生态文明建设的价值观基础包括人与自然和谐相处、生态幸福和环境正义三个方面。  相似文献   

“自我中心论”评析李勇价值观是人生观的核心内容,要树立科学的价值观,就必须抵制错误的价值观。在改革开放的时代,特别要深刻剖析和反对“自我中心论”的价值观。“自我中心论”的基本内容是:人的价值就是人本身,“自我”最有价值,个人是目的、他人是手段,要实现...  相似文献   

当前的价值观研究存在一个突出问题,就是过多注重人们"应该"拥有什么样价值观的研究,而相对忽视对人们"可能"拥有什么样价值观的研究,即对在高度复杂的社会历史背景下人们认同、践行价值观的主体条件的研究。通过分析康德的人类学思想,尤其通过梳理马克思从哲学人类学走向社会文化人类学的学理过程,我们可以得出一条重要启示,那就是价值观研究必须有自觉的人类学视野。在自觉的人类学特别是社会文化人类学视野中,价值观研究将获得诸多重要的方法论借鉴,真正聚焦于现实的人和人的现实,激活众多以往被遮蔽的"接地气"的现实问题,从而使价值观研究获得日益全面的合理性、合法性和有效性。  相似文献   

消费主义价值观批判   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消费主义价值观是把消费看成是人生追求的唯一目标的价值观,消费主义价值观提倡超前消费、炫耀性消费.消费主义的价值观对于经济发展以及人的价值的实现都有负面影响.我们需要在经济条件许可的前提下,提倡健康适度的消费价值观.  相似文献   

正习近平总书记指出,培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观必须立足于中华优秀传统文化。在全球化背景和建设中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的征程中,如何理解中国传统文化价值观与培育社会主义核心价值观的关系,是我们必须深入思考和认真对待的重大课题。在此背景下,2014年6月27日至29日,来自国内部分高校、期刊社的二十多位专家学者在河北大学召开了"筑牢社会主义核心价值观根基"学术研讨会。与会人员  相似文献   

六中全会公报指出,要“形成扶正祛邪、扬善惩恶的社会风气”。这是社会主义精神文明建设的一项艰巨任务,要做多方面的工作,其中有两点更值得注意: 一、必须深入地开展科学的“三观”教育。所谓科学的“三观”教育,是指科学的世界观、人生观、价值观的教育。世界观、人生观和价值观的不同或对立,对什么是正邪善恶便会有不同的标准和看法。社会主义、共产主义的世界观、人生观和价值观,就是要“以为人民服务为核心,以集体主义为原则,以爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义为基本要求”,才能分得清正邪善恶的是与非。我们的社会风气要根本好转,社会主义精神文明要不断开展,深入地进行“三观”教育是当务之急,也是长远之计、根本之计。  相似文献   


Complete care for transgender adolescents must be considered in the context of a holistic approach that includes comprehensive primary care as well as cultural, economic, psychosocial, sexual, and spiritual influences on health. Not all transgender adolescents have gender dysphoria or wish to undergo sex reassignment. In this article we focus on general care of transgender adolescents by the non-specialist working in primary care, family services, schools, child welfare, mental health, and other community settings.  相似文献   


Background: The social challenges that non-binary people experience, due in part to social intolerance and the lack of validation of non-binary gender identities, may affect the mental health and quality of life of this population. However, studies that have distinguished between non-binary and binary transgender identities are lacking.

Aim: To compare the mental health and quality of life of a community sample of non-binary transgender adults with controls (binary transgender people and cisgender people) matched on sex assigned at birth.

Method: A total of 526 participants were included. Ninety-seven were classified as non-binary and were compared with two control groups: 91 people classified as binary and 338 cisgender people. Only transgender people not on gender affirming hormone treatment or who had not undergone gender affirming surgery were included. Participants were invited to complete an online survey that included mental health and quality of life measures.

Results: Non-binary people reported significantly better mental health than binary transgender people, but worse than cisgender people. Overall, there were no significant differences in quality of life between non-binary and binary transgender participants assigned male at birth and transgender females, but non-binary assigned males at birth had better scores on the psychological and social domains of quality of life than transgender males. Quality of life was better across all domains in cisgender people than transgender groups.

Conclusion: There is an inequality with regard to mental health and quality of life between non-binary (and binary) transgender people and the cisgender population that needs to be addressed. The better mental health scores in non-binary people may reflect lower levels of body dissatisfaction among the non-binary population. Mental health problems and poor quality of life are likely to have social causes and hence legislative measures and broader government-led inclusive directives should be put in place to recognize and to validate non-binary identifying people.  相似文献   

Background: Prevalence estimates of adults identifying as transgender are scarce, particularly in the United States. Method: The current study endeavored to estimate the prevalence of individuals identifying as transgender in a large online sample of adult U.S. residents (n = 6,727) and compare the prevalence of common mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and the age of onset for individuals identifying as men or women versus those identifying as transgender. Results: The prevalence estimate of individuals identifying as transgender was 0.8%. Individuals identifying as transgender were significantly more likely than individuals identifying as men or women to report having had a single diagnosis or co-occurring diagnoses for all three disorders examined. Additionally, transgender individuals were more likely than individuals identifying as men or women to receive a diagnosis of anxiety or depression at a younger age. Conclusion: Given the prevalence of transgender individuals and the associations with common mental health conditions, clinicians must be informed and competent to care for their clinical needs. This study introduces online crowdsourcing resources as a potentially fruitful option for reaching and researching gender diversity.  相似文献   

Transgender individuals face heightened risks for discrimination, harassment, and violence that impact their psychosocial well-being and physical health. However, few studies have thoroughly examined the general physical and mental health of transgender adults or within-group health differences by race/ethnicity and income. To that end, after controlling for health insurance status, age, and engagement in exercise, this study asks: (a) Are transgender people of color more likely than White transgender individuals to experience poor health outcomes? and (b) Is lower annual household income among transgender adults associated with poorer health outcomes? The study analyzes secondary data from a survey of transgender adults (N = 417) in one state in the western United States using multiple linear regression and logistic regression models. Results showed that transgender people of color had significantly greater odds than their White counterparts of having arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis/gout/lupus/fibromyalgia, or asthma but lower odds of being told by a provider that they had depression. Having a lower income was significantly associated with worse general health as well as multiple indicators of poor physical and mental health, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. We discuss implications for health care delivery for transgender people and for future research.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that (1) transgender adolescents should have the legal right to access puberty-blocking treatment (PBT) without parental approval, and (2) the state has a role to play in publicizing information about gender dysphoria. Not only are transgender children harmed psychologically and physically via lack of access to PBT, but PBT is the established standard of care. Given that we generally think that parental authority should not go so far as to (1) severally and permanently harm a child and (2) prevent a child from access to standard physical care, then it follows that parental authority should not encompass denying gender-dysphoric children access to PBT. Moreover, transgender children without supportive parents cannot be helped without access to health care clinics and counseling to facilitate the transition. Hence there is an additional duty of the state to help facilitate sharing this information with vulnerable teens.  相似文献   

Social categorization processes may be initiated by physical appearance, which have the potential to influence how people evaluate others. Categorizations ground what stereotypes and prejudices, if any, become activated. Gender is one of the first features people notice about others. Much less is known about individuals who may transgress gender expectations, including people who are transgender. Using an experiment, this study investigates whether the attitudes that people have about transgender people and rights are influenced by information and facial images. We hypothesize that mere exposure to transgender people, via information and images of faces, should be a source of prejudice reduction. We randomly provide participants with vignettes defining transgender and also randomize whether these vignettes come with facial images, varying the physical features of gendered individuals. We find our treatments have lower levels of discomfort and transphobia but have little effect on transgender rights attitudes. We further find that the impacts are stronger among Democrats than among Republicans. Our findings support the argument that people are in general unfamiliar with transgender people, and the mere exposure to outgroups can be a source of prejudice reduction.  相似文献   


Background: While there is growing awareness of the need to support the physical and mental wellbeing of transgender people, some may be reluctant to seek help from healthcare professionals. Little is understood about the mechanisms that influence help-seeking behavior in this group.

Aims: This study aimed to compare transgender and cisgender participants in their likelihood to seek help for both physical and mental health conditions, and to explore whether this help-seeking behavior is predicted by a range of sociodemographic and psychological variables.

Methods: 123 participants living in Ireland (cisgender= 67; transgender= 56) completed a questionnaire which included demographic questions, as well as measures of optimism (LOT-R), self-esteem (RSES), psychological distress (GHQ-12), attitudes towards seeking psychological help (ATSPPH-SF), and attitudes towards seeking help for a physical health problem (Attitudes Towards Seeking Medical Help Scale- Action/Intervention subscale). Associations between predictor variables and mental and physical health seeking were explored using correlation analysis and stepwise regressions.

Results: Transgender participants were less likely to seek help for a physical health issue than cisgender participants, but did not differ in mental health help-seeking behaviors. Results suggest that this may be due to differences in optimism, self-esteem and psychological distress. Transgender participants had significantly lower optimism and self-esteem, which were two factors linked to poorer physical health seeking behaviors. Optimism also emerged as a significant predictor in mental health seeking behaviors.

Discussion: The lack of a significant difference for mental health help-seeking between the transgender and cisgender participants is encouraging, as it suggests that there is less stigma surrounding mental illness than expected, however findings also contradict previous findings suggesting that physical health is less stigmatized. This could be due to stigma relating to gender-specific healthcare and suggests that healthcare professionals should acknowledge the specific healthcare needs and concerns among transgender individuals.  相似文献   


Recent studies have shown that transgender people are at high risk for HIV. Few studies, however, have directly compared the HIV risks and sexual health of transgender persons with that of other sexual minority populations. This study used baseline data of intervention studies targeting transgender persons, men who have sex with men, and women who have sex with women and men to compare their HIV risk behavior and sexual health. No significant differences were found between transgender persons and nontransgender men or women in consistent condom use or attitudes toward condom use. Transgender persons were less likely to have multiple partners and more likely to be monogamous than men who have sex with men; no differences were found between transgender persons and the women in this respect. When combining data on condom use, monogamy, and multiple partners, transgender persons did not differ from either nontransgender group in their overall risk for HIV. Transgender persons were less likely than the men or the women to have been tested for HIV. With regard to HIV prevalence, 17% of the men compared to only one transgender person and none of the women reported being HIV-positive. Transgender persons were also less likely than men who have sex with men to use drugs; no differences were found in the use of alcohol. However, with regard to mental health, transgender persons were more likely than the men to have experienced depression and more likely than men or women to have considered or attempted suicide. Finally, transgender persons reported the lowest levels of support from family and peers. Thus, in our sample, transgender persons appear to be at lower risk for HIV but at higher risk for mental health concerns than men who have sex with men. Remarkably few differences were found between transgender persons and women who have sex with women and men-a finding which might reflect the impact of social stigma on sexual health and have implications for the design of future HIV/STI prevention efforts.  相似文献   

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