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非球面人工晶状体是波前像差技术与现代白内障手术完美结合的产物,也是多学科联合发展的结果.非球面人工晶状体较传统球面人工晶状体可明显改善白内障患者的视功能.倘若能实现个体化设计,非球面人工晶状体有望取代球面人工晶状体成为人工晶状体的主流.  相似文献   

自内障手术治疗的发展与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白内障是常见的致盲眼病之一,目前治疗白内障唯一有效的方法是通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体并植入人工晶状体。随着白内障摘除手术技术的提高和仪器设备的不断更新,手术理念已由原来的白内障复明手术逐渐向白内障屈光手术转变,手术目的已不单纯局限在复明,而是旨在恢复更合乎生理状况的视觉功能。随着科学技术的发展,白内障手术技术的日趋成熟,人们关注的重点也逐渐从手术效果、术后视力的恢复,过渡到手术过程中患者的舒适程度、满意程度上来。使得白内障的手术治疗过程更具有人性化的特点,体现了当代医疗对患者的人文关怀。  相似文献   

白内障是常见的致盲眼病之一,目前治疗白内障唯一有效的方法是通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体并植入人工晶状体.随着白内障摘除手术技术的提高和仪器设备的不断更新,手术理念已由原来的白内障复明手术逐渐向白内障屈光手术转变,手术目的已不单纯局限在复明,而是旨在恢复更合乎生理状况的视觉功能.随着科学技术的发展,白内障手术技术的日趋成熟,人们关注的重点也逐渐从手术效果、术后视力的恢复,过渡到手术过程中患者的舒适程度、满意程度上来.使得白内障的手术治疗过程更具有人性化的特点,体现了当代医疗对患者的人文关怀.  相似文献   

白内障是常见的致盲眼病之一,目前治疗白内障唯一有效的方法是通过手术摘除混浊的晶状体并植入人工晶状体。随着白内障摘除手术技术的提高和仪器设备的不断更新,手术理念已由原来的白内障复明手术逐渐向白内障屈光手术转变,手术目的已不单纯局限在复明,而是旨在恢复更合乎生理状况的视觉功能。随着科学技术的发展,白内障手术技术的日趋成熟,人们关注的重点也逐渐从手术效果、术后视力的恢复,过渡到手术过程中患者的舒适程度、满意程度上来。使得白内障的手术治疗过程更具有人性化的特点,体现了当代医疗对患者的人文关怀。  相似文献   

通过光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)技术来早期明确白内障超声乳化术后视网膜黄斑区病变。采集我院白内障超声乳化术及人工晶状体植入术后视力改善不良的老年性白内障患者,进行OCT检查,观察其图象特征。结果提示术眼黄斑区OCT图像表现为:黄斑区视网膜水肿,视网膜厚度增加;黄斑区增生膜形成,部分伴有黄斑区视网膜水肿;黄斑区神经上皮层变薄;黄斑裂孔形成;老年黄斑变性(萎缩性),表现为视网膜色素上皮层断裂、厚薄不均;部分病例视网膜色素上皮层增殖、断裂,表现为色素上皮损害。OCT由于其独特的横截面成像技术,通过精确测量视网膜厚度及观察视网膜反射性的改变,可以在白内障超声乳化术后早期发现黄斑区视网膜的病变,定量地了解病情的变化,是一种比较理想的检测手段。  相似文献   

光学相干断层扫描观察白内障术后黄斑区病变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)技术来早期明确白内障超声乳化术后视网膜黄斑区病变.采集我院白内障超声乳化术及人工晶状体植入术后视力改善不良的老年性白内障患者,进行OCT检查,观察其图象特征.结果提示术眼黄斑区OCT图像表现为:黄斑区视网膜水肿,视网膜厚度增加;黄斑区增生膜形成,部分伴有黄斑区视网膜水肿;黄斑区神经上皮层变薄;黄斑裂孔形成;老年黄斑变性(萎缩性),表现为视网膜色素上皮层断裂、厚薄不均;部分病例视网膜色素上皮层增殖、断裂,表现为色素上皮损害.OCT由于其独特的横截面成像技术,通过精确测量视网膜厚度及观察视网膜反射性的改变,可以在白内障超声乳化术后早期发现黄斑区视网膜的病变,定量地了解病情的变化,是一种比较理想的检测手段.  相似文献   

论人工晶体手术的发展暨南大学医学院附属医院(广州510632)钟敬祥徐锦堂施月欢白内障是一种致盲的常见病,而目前临床上采用白内障摘除联合人工晶体植入使病人重见光明。人工晶体手术的发明给眼科领域带来了一次飞跃,它以良好的手术效果而确定其在医学领域的地位...  相似文献   

人工晶体研究中的创造性思维第一军医大学珠江医院眼科(广州510282)徐小平人工晶体的发明与临床应用的成功,确实给白内障患者带来了巨大福音。当今,它已成为白内障复明卓有成效的先进手段。回顾从人工晶体(intraocularlens,IOL)的发明到现...  相似文献   

为了评估有晶状体眼后房型人工晶状体植入术矫治高度近视的有效性、预测性及安全性,选择高度近视患者27例50眼,观察术前及术后的裸眼视力、最佳矫正视力、屈光度、内皮细胞计数、眼内压及并发症。7年随访结果发现,裸眼视力明显优于术前裸眼视力,12%最佳矫正视力比术前最佳矫正视力多看1行或多行。术后1个月角膜内皮计数较术前丢失4.12%,但术后3年、7年随访角膜内皮计数同术后1个月无统计学差异。随访中所有患者均未出现严重并发症。因此,该手术方法在高度近视的矫治中安全、有效、可预测。  相似文献   

全球因白内障致失明者大约2000万人,导致低视力者3倍于此数字,即6000万。手术可使白内障失明者视力恢复正常或有用视力。每年每百万人口接受白内障手术的人数(白内障手术率)是在不同环境中衡量眼保健工作的有用尺度。白内障手术率在各国之间以及一个国家的不同地区都存在极大差异,最高者比利时16000例/百万,2004年统计我...  相似文献   

This essay offers cautionary considerations on what has come to be called “public philosophy.” A conception of philosophy is set forth using Socrates as the paradigm of relentless philosophical questioning. The essay then outlines three types of public philosophy: a philosophy situated in a public setting, a philosophy whose content is modified for a varied public, and a philosophy that functions as normative consensus. The most important of these three is the philosophy modified for the public. The discussion notes examples of public philosophy from the history of philosophy, and examines the contribution of eighteenth‐century philosophers (such as David Hume) to a version of public philosophy. The risks of public philosophy are noted—in particular, that a modified philosophy may substitute the inculcation of belief over the modeling of philosophy. The essay concludes by noting that the university classroom remains an important but forgotten venue of public philosophy.  相似文献   

Julia Driver has argued that there is a special set of actions, lodged between neutral actions and wrongful actions called suberogatory actions. These actions are not impermissible, according to Driver, but still strike us as troubling or bad, and are therefore worse than morally neutral (1992). Since this paper was written 20 years ago, many philosophers have utilized or alluded to this moral territory. The existence of some action-types that are not wrong but still carry some dis-value has become a staple in the realm of moral evaluation. However, Driver's argument for the existence of this moral territory amounts to three types of moral cases that, according to Driver, can only be explained by the existence of the suberogatory. In this short paper, I will respond by saying that we can account for these cases using our traditional notions of moral neutrality and moral wrongness. The temptation of invoking the suberogatory is that it can be used as a substitute for answering a variety of hard ethical questions. However appealing this substitute may be, we should resist it so long as the problem cases put forward to motivate the new evaluative realm can be handled, and handled well, by our traditional apparatus.  相似文献   

Rapid changes in family life have created enormous challenges and pressures on developing families - divorce, two working parents, disappearance of the extended family, unclear cultural values for our children's future, poorly defined support systems for stressed families, inadequate substitute care when both parents work-all contribute to an anxious atmosphere for young families. Parents who must return to work „too early”︁ (and we have no established standards yet for what this means to either child or adult development) seem to grieve about the loss of the relationship with the developing child. They may even set up defenses against making a strong and painful attachment. They may not become involved in the child's development in a way that will foster their own development as nurturing adults. The grieving and the necessary defenses against it are predictable and must be mitigated in order to foster nurturing adults within the family. Children must be provided with caring, intensely involved adults in order to assure their optimal future development. We must provide them and their parents with adequate substitute care. This paper suggests adjustments at the industrial level that must be made to foster parental involvement and to assure positive outcomes for future generations.  相似文献   

We reanalyzed the behavioral and fMRI data from seven previously published studies of working memory in order to assess the behavioral and neural effects of item-nonspecific proactive interference (PI; attributable to the accrual of antecedent information independent of the repetition of particular items). We hypothesized that item-nonspecific PI, implicated in age-related declines in working memory performance, is mediated by the same mechanism(s) that mediate item-specific PI (occurring when an invalid memory probe matches a memorandum from the previous trial). Reaction time increased across trials as a function of position within the block, a trend that reversed across the duration of each multiblock experiment. The fMRI analyses revealed sensitivity to item-nonspecific PI during the probe epoch in the left anterior inferior frontal gyrus and the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). They also revealed a negative trend, across trials, in the transient probe-evoked component of the global signal. A common PFC-based mechanism may mediate many forms of PI.  相似文献   

Religion with its rituals can become an object of addiction, especially when a child while growing up experiences neglect and abuse. It is also very common that such individuals transfer their feelings of anger, rage and sometimes even true hatred to God. Then God becomes the substitute for their displaced vengeance (upon those who abused them as children).  相似文献   

通过实际调查对当代大学生的职业兴趣结构特征进行了分析研究。用主成分分析方法以及多维尺度方法探索出当代在学生的职业兴趣有三个潜在维度,可以分为18类。利用RANDALL和18RQNd96程序检验职业兴趣结构,构建了职业兴趣的球形模型。  相似文献   

Substitute object pretense is one of the earliest-developing forms of pretense, and yet it changes considerably across the preschool years. By 3.5 years of age, children can pretend with substitutes that are highly dissimilar from their intended referents (Elder & Pederson, 1978), but even older children have difficulty understanding such pretense in others (Bigham & Bourchier-Sutton, 2007). The present studies had 3 aims: 1) to examine the relative influence of the form and function of substitute objects; 2) to replicate the age gap between pretense production and comprehension using a tightly controlled procedure; and 3) to investigate whether preschoolers’ comprehension of substitute object pretense is predicted by a) theory of mind (ToM), because it involves reading pretender intent, and (b) executive function (EF), because it involves inhibiting the substitute object’s identity. In Study 1, 3- to 5-year-old children performed at ceiling on a test of substitute object pretense production, whereas pretense comprehension improved considerably across this age range. Study 2 provided evidence that the function of a substitute object is more influential than its form in determining whether a child can comprehend pretense actions with the object. The results of Study 2 also provided support for the role of ToM in comprehending another’s pretense. Finally, Study 3 replicated the results regarding form, function, and ToM in a sample drawn from a different community. The effects of EF on pretense comprehension were inconsistent across conditions and studies, suggesting that EF may not play a major role in the comprehension of pretense with substitute objects.  相似文献   

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