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一切医学实践活动都是从决策问题开始.由于我们的决策面对的是需要治疗的患者,而患者的价值观是不一样的;同时,医学知识和技术是在不断发展和进步的,所以医生需要改变传统的决策方式,重视医学证据、可用资源和患者的价值取向.医患之间的相互信任是合理决策的前提.这种信任需在充分沟通的基础上达到互相认可.促进医患共同决策,将成为21世纪医疗服务的努力方向.  相似文献   

医生在行医的过程中总是不断地在做临床决策,而在当今面临复杂的医患关系背景下,如果医生只是"为学术而学术","为医学而医学",那么就有可能降低在患者心中的地位,使医患之间面临紧张的局面。这就需要医生顺应时代的趋势,结合当前的社会现实,在医患沟通的过程中,理解患者在就诊环节中伴有的焦虑、抑郁等情绪,有利于消除患者的不良情绪。在临床决策过程中融入医学人文素养,营造良好的人文氛围,制定满意的临床决策,让医患关系能够更加和谐。  相似文献   

《侵权责任法》背景下临床决策新路径与方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国新颁布实施的《侵权责任法》对临床决策产生了重大影响,需要我们医务人员高度认识新法律的地位与作用,需要认识临床决策的真正内涵。通过深化医患沟通职能建设、患方参与医疗小组、健全医患权益协议书、加强患者医学与健康教育等,探索临床决策的新路径和方法。  相似文献   

医患共同决策在国外《医学决策》杂志已经讨论了近10年的时间,并且涉及医患共同决策的各个方面,包括医生、患者方面的研究,社会反应,共同决策发生的条件等等。本文综述了近3年来,美国《医学决策》杂志及相关文献关于医患共同决策探讨的内容,尤其近年对医患共同决策的医患双方参与人群特点的研究,医患共同决策的社会规范制定研究和医患共同决策发生条件及经验总结。通过对国内外的共同决策研究的分析,以期能对缓解我国日益恶化的医患关系起到促进作用,并能够最大限度地让患者参与到对自己疾病的决策中。  相似文献   

我国新颁布实施的<侵权责任法>对临床决策产生了重大影响,需要我们医务人员高度认识新法律的地位与作用,需要认识临床决策的真正内涵.通过深化医患沟通职能建设、患方参与医疗小组、健全医患权益协议书、加强患者医学与健康教育等,探索临床决策的新路径和方法.  相似文献   

医患共同决策诊疗模式已经践行了许多年。系统检测,卓有成效。但是,在实践过程中仍然有很多问题存在。尽管许多医生认为自己已经使用了共同决策,但是研究显示出现实与感知的差异。由于我们的决策面对的是需要治疗的患者,而患者是存在个体差异的;同时,医学知识和技术是在不断发展和进步的,所以医生需要改变传统的决策方式,重视医学证据、可...  相似文献   

医患共同决策是理想的临床决策模式。它强调医患之间是一种合作伙伴关系,医生与患方之间应彼此交流,相互分享信息,双方同为决策主体,共同选择诊疗方案。但在现实环境下,医患面临诸多的决策困境。叙事医学让医生重视叙事的价值,并要求医生通过关注病人叙事来关注全人、见证病人的痛苦,与病人同在,最终与他们建立归属关系。叙事医学的临床实践有助于化解决策困境,对顺利实现医患共同决策有重要的作用,但需要不断在地化发展。  相似文献   

医患共同决策诊疗模式已经践行了许多年.系统检测,卓有成效.但是,在实践过程中仍然有很多问题存在.尽管许多医生认为自己已经使用了共同决策,但是研究显示出现实与感知的差异.由于我们的决策面对的是需要治疗的患者,而患者是存在个体差异的;同时,医学知识和技术是在不断发展和进步的,所以医生需要改变传统的决策方式,重视医学证据、可用资源和患者的价值取向.  相似文献   

在生命医学伦理学范式下,医疗决策的核心与关键在其道德正当性。具有道德正当性的医疗决策即使不能将道德陌生人性的医患关系升华为道德朋友,也不会将其恶化为道德敌人。在防止医患关系被异化为道德敌人的价值上,生命医学伦理学的公平和尊重原则优于有利和不伤害原则。对于促成道德朋友而言,医生的人文医疗决策能力要比科学决策能力更重要。只有不伤害或能增进医患信任的医疗决策才是好的和具有道德正当性的医疗决策。医务人员的人文能力是决定医患关系和谐与否的关键所在。为防止医患关系恶化为道德敌人应该建立医生回避制度。  相似文献   

研究证明医患共同决策能够促进患者参与治疗,增强依从性,从而提高医疗效果。但是上述效果的取得并非仅仅与患者讨论选择治疗方案。部分骨科疾病面临保留修复病患部位或者切除置换病患部位的艰难选择,上述两种方案都涉及各种伦理问题,因而共同决策并不容易。本文认为医患共同决策的有效实施需要医生、患者、医院的共同参与。医生需要意识到技术上最优并不总是对患者最合适,要在了解患者价值观、经济状况等基础上开展知情同意,帮助患者进行决策。而患者也需要具备一定的知识才能更好地决策。因此,医院在其中的角色非常重要,例如对医务人员和患者提供教育培训,从制度上提供支持,如合理的工作负荷、流程、场地等,以促进医患共同决策的有效实施。  相似文献   

The announcement of the cancer diagnosis and his treatment is an important moment in the set up of the doctor–patient relationship. The law of contracts has long governed the relationship between the doctor and the patient. But the legislature clearly demonstrated its will to consider the patient as full actor of his health, leaving the regime of medical decision, the shared decision. This shared decision is based on an obligation to inform the patient on his health and knows many exceptions (minor patients or adults under guardianship, emergency). In Oncology, the medical decision is a decision coordinated between doctors in the multidisciplinary consultation meetings. This decision is considered as a guarantee of the quality of the medical care. It does not preclude the time of the doctor–patient relationship.  相似文献   

医学的原理应该是决策的依据,但亦应视病人的具体情况而定。医生的兴趣如果只在新技术上、医院的立场如放在经济利益上,必将损害病人的利益。病人希望治愈疾病、安全、节省和希望参与决策是合理的,医生应该站在病人的立场上并帮助病人合理决策。  相似文献   

This article reviews evidence indicating that, in most circumstances, positive affect enhances problem solving and decision making, leading to cognitive processing that is not only flexible, innovative, and creative, but also thorough and efficient. These results have implications regarding consumers’ potential reactions to affect generated by ads, products, consumption situations, and service encounters. These cognitive effects of positive affect are considered in the context of effects on social interaction that show that positive affect leads to helping, generosity, and interpersonal understanding. Together, these findings suggest implications especially for customer satisfaction, and particularly for a role for employee positive affect, or employee satisfaction, in generating customer satisfaction. Moreover, studies specifically in the domain of medical decision making and problem solving indicate that these implications would apply to the specific areas of doctor–patient interaction, medical decision making, and medical consumer satisfaction. Finally, it is suggested that the benefits of positive affect be considered when formulating healthcare policy and be included in economic models and policy decisions more generally as well.  相似文献   

为了解癌症患者对医生、自己和家属意见的临床决策倾向性,采取问卷调查和半结构访谈相结合的方法,调查120例住院癌症患者的临床决策倾向性。结果显示,(1)生活习惯相关决策,实际和理想的患者自己倾向性构成比值最高,为40%和33%;求医行为方面家属最高,实际和理想均为50%;常规检查、总体治疗方案、手术、化疗和放疗相关决策方面均为医生最高,分别为100%、90%、100%、90%和100%;(2)癌症患者理想和实际的临床决策倾向性构成比值均无差异(P0.05),但访谈显示29.17%的患者认为目前决策状态不理想。提示:(1)癌症患者在不同方面的临床决策倾向性有所不同。(2)癌症患者对临床决策状态基本满意,但有患者希望医生参与沟通更多或自己参与更多。  相似文献   

Nanon Labrie 《Argumentation》2012,26(2):171-199
Over the past decade, the ideal model of shared decision-making has been increasingly promoted as the preferred standard of doctor-patient communication in medical consultation. The model advocates a treatment decision-making process in which the doctor and his patient are considered coequal partners that carefully negotiate the treatment options available in order to ultimately reach a treatment decision that is mutually shared. Thereby, the model notably leaves room for—and stimulates—argumentative discussions to arise in the context of medical consultation. A paradigm example of a discussion that often emerges between doctors and their patients concerns antibiotics as a method of treatment for what is presumed to be a viral infection. Whereas the doctor will generally not encourage treatment with antibiotics, patients oftentimes prefer the medicine to other methods of treatment. In this paper, two cases of such antibiotic-related discussions in consultation are studied using insights gained in the extended pragma-dialectical theory to argumentation. It is examined how patient and physician maneuver strategically in order to maintain a balance between dialectical reasonableness and rhetorical effectiveness, as well as an equilibrium between patient participation and evidence-based medication, while arguing a case for and against antibiotics respectively.  相似文献   

论述了国家卫生财政政策补助对象的选择问题,公共卫生服务物品提供机构与医疗服务物品提供机构之间的选择、医疗机构与患者之间的选择、公共卫生服务物品提供机构与居民之间的选择以及医疗机构与医生之间的选择,提出了卫生财政政策补助对象的选择顺序,公共卫生服务物品生产和分配机构,医疗保障机构,患者,医生,医疗机构。  相似文献   

医患关系的利益冲突与平衡   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
医患之间存在理想的期待与医疗现实水平的冲突,公益福利性与市场企业性的冲突,医患信息不对称产生的冲突等.医患之间相互需要,有平衡的可能.在法律设定医患之间的权利与义务时,要防止医患冲突,使之趋向平衡.  相似文献   

从概念结构和测量工具角度对相关文献进行系统梳理和剖析发现:既有研究主要集中于患方视角而相对忽视了医方信任测量;测量维度上存在各种不同指标,主要涉及医患双方在就医过程中的态度、能力和行为,以及二者对医患关系亲密程度感知的心理结构。总结不同视角的相关研究,本研究提出了医患信任关系的总体概念框架和医患信任测量的整合模型,旨在构建医患信任测量的总体框架及测量指标,以期为后续研究和实践工作提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

论医患之间建立诚信关系的社会意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
医患诚信是病人权利让渡契约的伦理基础;是社会伦理公平正义的基本表现;是医患经济利益调整的必然要求,也是医学人文精神回归的体现;医患诚信是医学职业道德的重要使命。在医患之间建立诚信关系具有十分重大的社会意义。  相似文献   

Loss of empathy has been reported in medical students as they move through the clinical phases of their training. Several researchers have attempted to address this issue by exploring ways of heightening students’ awareness of the emotional, non-biomedical aspects of illness and the dynamics of the doctor–patient relationship, using a variety of reflective group discussion methods. This pilot project employed the specific group method developed by Michael Balint for general practitioners working in London after the Second World War. The pilot was based on one group of six third-year graduate students, meeting weekly over six weeks. Evaluation includes pre- and post-questionnaires, a 1000-word essay and leaders’ observations. The results suggest that the traditional Balint method needs to be modified for students at a point in their training where they have not yet been exposed to patients for long enough to develop meaningful patient relationships. Nevertheless, there was some evidence of a heightened awareness of the dynamics of doctor–patient relationships and the importance of psychological/emotional factors (including their own prejudices) when interacting with a patient. Balint-style groups could be an effective way of encouraging medical students to reflect on the importance of emotions in the doctor–patient relationship.  相似文献   

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